MTL - The Seeing Eye Dog-Chapter 2

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Lu Chengye is very popular in the Zhang family. Zhang Hang himself is a child with a careful and gentle personality. His attention has always been on Lu Chengye. The puppy has a slight wind and grass, and he can immediately discover it. One week after coming to the Zhang family, Lu Chengye did not urinate indoors at one time. Even in the middle of the night, as long as he squeaked a few times, Zhang Hang would get up and hug him for the convenience.

It's just that Zhang Hang's night blindness is very serious, and he almost has to walk when he gets up at night. Lu Chengye is a bit worried about this. However, he has also heard that adolescent children will develop slight night blindness because their development is too fast and their nutrition cannot keep up. Lu Chengye is not a doctor. I don't know if Zhang Hang's situation is serious, but he didn't worry too much to see that his vision was normal during the day.

Because Labrador puppies have been taken care of by Zhang Hang very cleanly, Zhang Qiming is very satisfied. Not only is he proud of his son, but he also likes this dog full of aura and sells adorable. Only his wife, Zhao Xiaolian, did not like hairy animals very much. Every time I saw Lu Chengye, he complained that it would be troublesome to clean up the house when the puppy fell out. In fact, the house was called by an janitor to clean the room. On the contrary, Auntie who works at work does not dislike Lu Chengye and always secretly eats meat for him. However, Auntie doesn't take care of dogs very much. The meat that he eats is too oily and salty. Lu Chengye diarrhea that evening It is very shameful that he did not control his body and pulled it into his clean kennel.

Lu Chengye was so ashamed that he secretly crawled out of the kennel in the middle of the night and tried to pull the kennel with his petite body in an attempt to throw the kennel into the yard to destroy the remains. Helpless as a puppy, his ability was really limited, and Zhang Hang was awakened by the movements he made before he climbed to the windowsill.

"Big black?" Zhang Hang sat up from the bed. Lu Chengye felt that there was a slight pause when he got up, probably he couldn't see anything.

The teenager groped and went to the window. As soon as his hand touched the kennel, Lu Chengye whispered excitedly: "Wang!"

Zhang Hang touched his head along the voice and asked, "What's wrong? Is it peeing in the kennel?"

"Wang ..." Lu Chengye bowed his head in shame, shameful than urine, and diarrhea.

Lu Chengye is relatively loose and lazy in nature. He is not a serious person. When he went to work before, he would not be trimmed if it was not a formal occasion. But if I do n’t trim it any more, I have n’t encountered this kind of incident. People in their twenties are about to run to three. This is definitely black history. He winced and avoided Zhang Hang's hand.

"It's okay," the boy smiled gently at Lu Chengye. "Big black is so small, the bed wetting is normal, and I used to urinate when I was a kid. I'm not ashamed."

"Wang ..." But I'm twenty-seven now, Lu Chengye whispered.

"Relax," Zhang Hangdao said, "I hid my dog's kennel quietly and didn't let my mother know."

Zhang Qiming is okay, he is a more tolerant father. If Zhao Xiaolian saw the dog defecate indoors, Lu Chengye doubted that he would never see the sun of tomorrow.

Zhang Hang felt Hei secretly hid the kennel in the corner of the yard, and groped for Lu Chengye to rub his claws and buttocks. The process was quite ashamed for Lu Chengye, but he just put up with it for sanitation.

At this time, Zhang Hang also found that Dahei was not a wetting bed, but a diarrhea. He rubbed the **** head questioningly: "Why do you have a stomachache? It should be no problem eating. Is it sleeping on the floor at night and getting cold?"

Lu Chengye didn't say a word, firmly refused to admit that he was greedy and ate the fat from his aunt.

"Sleep in bed today, anyway, parents won't know that they get up early in the morning anyway." Zhang Hang picked up the big black, contentedly pupped the puppies' soft hair, and carried the dog to the bed.

Humans sleep on a bed that is more comfortable than a kennel. Lu Chengye is silent. He never reminds Zhang Hang that he may still be having diarrhea, and indulge himself to sleep next to Zhang Hang's pillow. However, he was very alert to sleep, and often woke up to see if he accidentally pulled his belly. Fortunately, this time his body was fighting enough, and nothing happened again.

The next day Zhang Hang secretly washed the kennel while his parents were not there. Lu Chengye refused to watch the good things he did when washing the doghouse. This is proper black history!

However, because of the common secret, he felt that he was close to Zhang Hang. The most embarrassing things have been seen. What else can I care about.

Originally, I felt that it was very uncomfortable for a child to become his own master. After this secret, Lu Chengye felt that he could accept this fact. Although Zhang Hang was a child, he was really responsible for taking care of small animals. When he grows up in the future, Will definitely become a very responsible person. Coupled with his careful work, reliable and able to keep secrets, Lu Chengye, from an adult's perspective, Zhang Hang will definitely grow up very well in the future.

Although he is no longer a human, he still wants to recruit Zhang Hang when he grows up to work in his own company. It must be pleasing to the eye.

Lu Chengye extended his paw as a reward and put it on Zhang Hang's palm in exchange for a molar bone biscuit.

"Dad, mom, you are so smart to see Dahei, you can shake hands and teach once!" Zhang Hang showed off Zhang Qiming and Zhao Xiaolian excitedly, Zhang Qiming nodded with satisfaction, Zhao Xiaolian raised her eyelids and stared at Lu Chengye, lazily said "Did you get a vaccine? Don't get rabies."

Zhang Hang's enthusiasm was somewhat broken, and he said obediently: "It has been two shots, and the next shot will take a week."

"Um. Right," Zhao Xiaolian said suddenly, "I think it seems like you brought your dog to the room to sleep at night? How unhygienic, put it in the yard tonight."

Lu Chengye felt that he felt the hostility of the hostess at home. He raised his head and looked at Zhang Hang with a pair of watery black eyes. His tail shook unconsciously, and he stretched out his pink tongue and licked Zhang Hang's palm.

The sense of crisis allowed him to light up the necessary skills as a pet dog without a teacher, and used it without any sense of disobedience, taking a big step on the road to physical and mental unity!

Seeing Dahei, Zhang Hang was also very reluctant. He looked at Zhang Qiming with his puppy. One person and one dog had similar black eyes, similar watery eyes, and a similarly pitiful expression that instantly struck Zhang Qiming's heart. He raised his hand and touched the puppy's head, feeling the lovely little head in his palm. My heart softened as a result.

"Ahem, the dog is still too young to be kept in the house for the time being. Your mother's side ... let me say it." Zhang Qiming said.

"Dad you are so good!" Zhang Hang pinched Zhang Qiming's neck and pinched his chest, and Lu Chengye, who was squatting on his shoulder, tried to grab Zhang Hang's clothes, followed by leaning on Zhang Qiming's chest, with a furry face He took his father's chest.

Zhang Qiming was hit twice in succession, holding his son and the dog, only to feel that his heart was sprouting.

Lu Chengye shook his tail happily. Suddenly ... Is there something wrong?

Although he has become a dog, yes, but will he be so cute? Will he let his dogs and sisters one day be like this?

Thinking of the half-year-old in the community, his character is relatively lively. Every time I see the Samoyed girl who wants to bear, he can't help shaking. The white-haired girl is indeed very cute, but he is really asexual!

Sure enough, I can no longer let myself run away on the road of "how to be an excellent pet dog", Lu Chengye firmly raised his head, and threw Zhang Hang something far away: "Dark, pick it up."

Almost at the same time, Lu Chengye sprang out reflectively, biting the tennis ball before it landed, running back with his tail shaking, putting the tennis ball in Zhang Hang's heart.

"Dahei is really smart. No wonder Labrador dogs will be trained as guide dogs. IQ is different from other dogs." Zhang Qiming nodded with satisfaction. When he bought it back, he was afraid that his body would be too poor to raise him. It looks like it's making money now.

Lu Chengye: "..."

He will grow thick hair in the future and cover his face completely!

In addition to being like a dog every day, Lu Chengye's life is quite happy, and he fully realized his dream of eating and waiting. Zhao Xiaolian dismissed him throughout the home, but the most authoritative in this family was Zhang Qiming. He is the pillar of the family. Zhao Xiaolian is a full-time wife. She is doing makeup shopping and playing mahjong every day. Zhang Hang is a student without income. The economic foundation determines the superstructure, so no matter how Zhao Xiaolian is dissatisfied with Lu Chengye, as long as Zhang Qiming said "Hanghang can take care of it, Dahei is very smart", Zhao Xiaolian will not say anything, but she rarely approaches Lu Chengye.

In fact, Lu Chengye also hated her. The dog's nose was very sensitive. Zhao Xiaolian always sprayed strong perfume on her body. Every time she was far away, Lu Chengye couldn't help sneezing. I wish she hated herself and saw her around. Go on.

In the past, Lu Chengye, who was quite fond of spraying colognes, decided that if he could change back to one day, he would throw away all the perfumes in the house, which is not masculine, and it is a harm to the nose.

Compared to Zhao Xiaolian, Zhang Hang had a very good smell on his body. It was a youthful and energetic flavor. Lu Chengye liked it very much. Every time he was picked up by him, he would take a deep breath, shaking like a idiot / han. Head, very enjoyable look.

His little master smelled so beautiful ... Why wait and smell it, eyes?

Looking up at Zhang Hang's energetic face, Lu Chengye found sadly that he didn't look handsome ... 2k novel reading network