MTL - The Silver Hamster’s Daily Life-Chapter 43 (two in one)

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Jiang Xingyuan came over with breakfast for one person and one mouse. He bent down slightly and glanced at the phone.

Some time ago, I took over a big project, and the company's people will handle the specific details. He didn't have much to do next. Then in the past two weeks, he can take Ruan Yingyin to school to promote the harmonious relationship between the two.

"Okay." Jiang Xingyuan nodded and put Ruan Yingyin's breakfast in front of her.

Breakfast is toast and milk, Jiang Xingyuan is, and Ruan Yingyin is in front of him.

It's just that Jiang Xingyuan's own bread was in pieces, and Ruan Yingyin's was cut into small strips by him for her convenience.

And the milk was poured into a shallow dish.

Ruan Yingyin was indeed hungry. She looked at the bread sticks in front of her and looked up at Jiang Xingyuan.

Jiang Xingyuan had already taken his seat, took a piece of bread and bit it, his expression was natural, he noticed her gaze, and smiled at her.

It had been a night since she changed back to a hamster, and Ruan Yingyin clearly felt the change in Jiang Xingyuan's attitude towards her.

Before her identity was exposed, what he did to her was actually too much. But after she turned back into a hamster last night, she clearly felt the kindness and friendliness emanating from Jiang Xingyuan.

Take her home, get her a new phone, help her set up a nest, and make her breakfast

If it wasn't for what he saw with his own eyes, Ruan Yingyin would hardly be sure that Jiang Xingyuan before and after was the same person.

But think about it and understand. Before knowing her identity, she was his previous enemy, so naturally he would not have a good attitude. After knowing her identity, he may feel guilty for what happened before, and think she is irrelevant, so he should apologize for taking care of her for half a month

Although his kindness and friendship still gave Ruan Yingyin an indescribable vigilance and vigilance.

Animal instinct, she always felt that Jiang Xingyuan must have something like this.

But now that as a hamster, she is under the fence of others.

Mainly, the bread is really delicious.

Ruan Yingyin stretched out her paws and grabbed one, holding the bread stick with her two front paws, and took a tentative bite.

It is generally soft, and a little crispy, with a touch of sweetness in the fragrance, and the taste is quite good.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xingyuan could actually bake bread. Ruan Yingyin ate silently while thinking so.

Ruan Yingyin, who turned back into a hamster, had a small mouth and could only bite a little, but she was not slow, and she quickly ate half of a small loaf of bread.

Then she felt a little dry mouth, subconsciously looked at the saucer of milk next to her, and then raised her head and glanced at Jiang Xingyuan opposite.

Jiang Xingyuan had already finished eating, and was leaning on his chair to play with his mobile phone, and didn't seem to notice her.

Ruan Yingyin breathed a sigh of relief, dropped the bread stick, walked quietly to the side of the plate, stuck out her head, stuck out her pink and tender tongue, and licked the milk.

She was afraid of getting milk on her body, so she drank it with extra care and seriousness.

Jiang Xingyuan's eyes fell on her, and the hand holding the phone trembled slightly.

really want to take her

He deeply suppressed his inner desire, and before Ruan Yingyin glanced over, he played with his mobile phone as if nothing was wrong.

After Ruan Yingyin finished eating, she looked at the tissue paper in the middle of the dining table, crawled over, took one, and wiped her paws and mouth carefully on it.

When Jiang Xingyuan stood up to clean up the tableware, he couldn't hold back, and reached out and stroked the back of Ruan Yingyin's head.

Ruan Yingyin, who was wiping her mouth, stiffened, raised her head, and stared at him with those two black eyes.

Jiang Xingyuan hooked his lips, retracted his hand slowly and methodically, and said lightly, "The hair is messed up, I'll help you smooth it out."

Jiang Xingyuan prepared the textbook, English dictionary, and even snacks and water that Ruan Yingyin asked for, and then went out.

Before going out, he locked the door and looked at the crack of the door subconsciously.

The crack in the door was so thin that Ruan Yingyin couldn't climb out.

Jiang Xingyuan felt relieved and went to the company.

His real estate company is located in a relatively remote start-up park.

There are only a few companies in the Pioneer Park, and they were just sold a few years ago.

The legal representative and the boss of the company are both Xu Hao, and Jiang Xingyuan's identity has been concealed from the outside world.

This Sunday, most of the people in the company were off, and Jiang Xingyuan went directly to Xu Hao's office.

In the office, Xu Hao, Cheng Yang, and Wei Xiangsong were already there.

Seeing Jiang Xingyuan walking in, the three exchanged glances that you know I know he knows.

Today's original intention was to have a meeting together, although Cheng Yang and Wei Xiangsong are only high school students now, and they have no memories of their previous lives. But their ability is strong, if he points a few words, they can quickly understand what he means.

Because of what happened in his previous life, Jiang Xingyuan only dared to believe the three people in front of him.

Only halfway through the explanation, Jiang Xingyuan's phone on the conference table vibrated.

Afraid that there was something wrong with Ruan Yingyin, he picked up the phone immediately, but it turned out to be an unfamiliar phone number, and the place of ownership was also from City S.

This mobile phone is Jiang Xingyuan's private number, and all he knows is the people in front of him, plus Ruan Yingyin.

He glanced at everyone, and everyone fell silent. Then Jiang Xingyuan answered the phone, he didn't say anything, waiting for the other party to clarify his intentions first.

"Hello, is this Ruan Yingyin's father?" was a familiar female voice, head teacher Liu Qin.

Jiang Xingyuan placed his right leg on his slender left leg, remembering that he once asked Xu Hao to change the contact information of Ruan Yingyin's father in the school system to his own, and smiled playfully.

He pressed the speakerphone, pushed the phone in front of Xu Hao, and gestured for Xu Hao to pick it up.

Xu Hao coughed, he not only looked old, but also sounded old "Yes, you are"

The more Liu Qin thought about it, the more wrong she felt. She felt that Ruan Yingyin's father had to get in touch with Ruan Yingyin's 15-day leave, so she checked the phone number in the system today and called, "I'm Ruan Yingyin's class teacher Liu Qin, so that's it. Yes, Ruan Yingyin said she was going to take half a month's leave, do you know?"

Jiang Xingyuan nodded.

Xu Hao said, "Oh, I know about this."

Liu Qin frowned, and on the one hand he was relieved, because it seemed that Ruan Yingyin's father also knew about the leave. On the one hand, I do not agree with it, because this answer seems a bit perfunctory, "It's good if you know this. By the way, I heard from Ruan, your relationship with her."

Jiang Xingyuan signaled that he could hang up.

Xu Hao probably knew the relationship between Ruan Xudong and Ruan Yingyin, so he deliberately said, "Mr. Liu, I'm busy with the meeting. I'll see you next time if I have something to do." After that, he hung up the phone neatly.

Listening to the beeping sound from the other end of the phone, Liu Qin threw the phone aside in anger. What the **** is this parent?

On the other side, after Xu Hao cut off the call, he couldn't help being curious and asked, "Young Master Jiang, Ruan Yingyin wants to take half a month's leave"

Cheng Yang and Wei Xiangsong are both a few months younger than Jiang Xingyuan, so they are both called Jiang Xingyuan brother. But Xu Hao was several years older than Jiang Xingyuan, so he couldn't even call him brother, so he just called Jiang Shao.

"Yeah." Jiang Xingyuan responded perfunctorily, took back the phone, thinking that he was really wise to change the phone number at the beginning.

Cheng Yang remembered what Jiang Xingyuan asked him to do last night, and followed Xu Hao and asked, "Where is Ruan Yingyin going this half month?"

Jiang Xingyuan's eyes flew over, his eyes were a little cold, and his tone sounded a little cold "secret." But the breath on his body was somewhat calm, even joyful

Just like a man who has not been satisfied for a long time, the feeling after being satisfied.

What the **** happened last night, the battle situation was too intense, so Ruan Yingyin couldn't get out of bed, so he had to take half a month off to recuperate or be locked at home by Jiang Xingyuan and not allowed to go out

But no matter what, Jiang Xingyuan said it was a secret, meaning that he would not ask questions.

They could only hold back their curiosity, and temporarily suppressed their crazy guesses.

They are far away, aren't they so fierce?

Outside the operating room of the hospital, Liang Yuan, Yang Ruorou, and Ruan Xudong were waiting.

Half an hour ago, Yang Qingwei was sent to the operating room. Yang Ruorou looked anxious, but she could only try to suppress it.

Liang Yuan was comforting her, "Auntie, you don't have to worry. The success rate of orthopaedic surgery is still very high. It's only a minor surgery for the minor injury to the leg."

Yang Ruorou sighed, "I know, but when I think of Qingwei suffering inside, I feel sad. And the recovery period after orthopedic surgery is the key. Qingwei will definitely not be able to go to school for the next few months. She studied so hard. My child, it must be very difficult for me."

"It's alright, Auntie. I will often see Qingwei and send her notes." Liang Yuan reassured.

"Good boy, thank you very much." Yang Ruorou looked at Liang Yuan like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, and the more she looked, the more she liked it.

Liang Yuan also likes Yang Ruorou very much. The Liang family has a great career, and its strength is comparable to that of the Jiang family. This means that Liang's father and Liang's mother are very busy, busy with company affairs all day long, flying everywhere. From childhood to adulthood, Liang Yuan rarely felt the company of his parents.

But he is lucky because his parents love him sincerely. Even if he didn't give him enough company, he never hesitated to express his love for Liang Yuan.

It's just that Liang Yuan still looks forward to the company of his mother.

He felt that Yang Ruorou was very warm. Yang Qingwei really has a very good mother, he thought with some envy.

Although Ruan Xudong was also waiting outside, his mind was full of Ruan Yingyin's affairs.

The calls he made to Ruan Yingyin yesterday were all rejected. But the partner is expected to call him soon to make an appointment for dinner. At that time, if he doesn't bring Ruan Yingyin to attend, I'm afraid that Li Da's sister will think too much and force his husband to break off the cooperative relationship with Ruan.

Although Nguyen is also up now, the sales volume of Liuli Shui is even higher, and the reputation is also good. But this partner is too important. If it is lost, there will be a lot of losses, and it will take some time to recover.

In this era, everything is developing very fast, and the market is changing rapidly. Where can I give you a few months to recover?

There are already many brands imitating Liuli water on the market, among which the silver fox water, the Sanwu product, is the most popular.

This silver fox water is like a fly, buzzing and disgusting. After the report was closed, a new one was opened immediately, and many netizens were firm.

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, and was thinking about something when Ruan Xudong's cell phone rang.

When he saw the call on his mobile phone, he was startled, stood up, and found a convenient place to answer the call.

"Mr. Ruan, it's me." A strong male voice came out, "My wife and I are going back to the city tonight, and you can bring Yinyin to my house tomorrow night. It's been a long time since everyone was together, so it's time to get together. I Madam has not seen that child Yinyin for a long time."

When the other party spoke with a smile, it sounded a bit cordial, but it had a bit of non-rejection.

Ruan Xudong rubbed his forehead, naturally he could only promise, "Okay, no problem."

Lin Zixiong looked at Li Yi, who was listening to the phone with his toes on his toes, and continued on the other end of the phone, "Is that boy Yinyin okay recently?"

"Of course it's good." Ruan Xudong forced a smile, "The child has become a lot more sensible recently, and he has won the first place in the monthly test."

"Really?" Lin Zixiong vaguely remembered that Ruan Yingyin's grades seemed to be the last, and Li Da complained to his wife a few times, "That's good. My wife and I were abroad some time ago, and I heard someone say that Yinyin leaves the country. away from home."

"Children all have a period of rebellion." Ruan Xudong smiled stiffly, "No one's child ever ran away from home. I also had trouble when I was a child, but there is no overnight feud between my family."

"Yes, then see you tomorrow night." Lin Zixiong hung up the phone.

Li Yi looked at him with a bit of anger, "Didn't I ask you to ask Ruan Xudong about Yang's mother and daughter?"

Lin Zixiong was strong and strong, and he put his arms around his little Yiren's wife, "It's hard to ask, Yiyi, Ruan Xudong is married, what can we outsiders do, and we have no position to let Ruan Xudong stay single for the rest of his life."

Li Yi stared at him, "Look, look, you men's true colors are revealed, are you waiting for your wife to die, you can't wait to marry a new wife?"

Lin Zixiong immediately swore, "That's Ruan Xudong, not me. Yiyi, you can't wrong me."

Li Yi glared at him and said indignantly, "I really think Li Da is worthless and Ruan Xudong is a scumbag. I really can't intervene when he gets a new wife, but if he really treats Yinyin badly, don't talk to him. cooperated"

"Okay, okay," Lin Zixiong quickly comforted.

Before Jiang Xingyuan went home, he went to the pet store and bought everything the hamster needed.

Bought them in the middle of the night last night, some of them haven't shipped yet, it's too slow.

Then he went to a good restaurant and packed two meals.

Now Ruan Yingyin is very small, and her figure can't eat any big dishes. So he ordered some dishes that are more convenient for hamsters to eat, such as corn kernels, sausages and so on.

Packed with small bags, he went home.

At home, Ruan Yingyin had just finished previewing the next chapter of mathematics.

After changing back to a hamster, I can no longer read a book at a glance, and I have to crawl around on the book to read word by word, which not only consumes brainpower, but also consumes physical energy.

She struggled to close the math book, pushed it aside, and fell down on the sofa to rest.

After resting for a while, she grabbed a melon seed kernel from the plastic bag that had torn a corner and ate it.

After recuperating, Ruan Yingyin came to the English dictionary that was higher than hers.

Before Jiang Xingyuan left in the morning, she asked him to help her turn to page 30.

Ruan Yingyin climbed up and started to memorize the words one by one.

When Jiang Xingyuan came back, he saw this scene.

A silver fox hamster, crawling on the dictionary, made a soft creaking sound in its small mouth, reciting English words.

This scene is a little cute, a little funny, and a little bit inspirational.

Jiang Xingyuan didn't know what expression to face, he paused for a moment at the door, closed the door and walked in.

Hearing the voice, Ruan Yingyin raised her head and glanced at him.

Jiang Xingyuan carried a large bag and a large cloth bag in his hand. The cloth bag had patterns of dogs and cats on it, and it said Duoduo Pet Shop.

Ruan Yingyin looked at the vividly printed cat pattern, and her first reaction was to scream and froze on the dictionary. The words she had just memorized were instantly forgotten.

Jiang Xingyuan followed her line of sight to look at the bag, with a bit of fun and playfulness in his eyes.

He stepped aside, took out the hamster utensils and food in the cloth bag one by one, folded the cloth bag, and threw it in the trash can.

Ruan Yingyin breathed a sigh of relief and slumped on the dictionary.

"Are you so afraid of cats?" Jiang Xingyuan looked at Ruan Yingyin while taking out the lunch, "Cats are actually very gentle."

Ruan Yingyin glanced at the word she was memorizing just now, recited it a few times, then turned her back to Jiang Xingyuan, jumped out of the dictionary, turned on her phone, and seriously refuted Jiang Xingyuan.

Ruan Ying Yin cat is not gentle at all

Ruan Yingyin, you feel gentle because you are human

Ruan Yingyin, if you are a hamster like me, you will be afraid too

Jiang Xingyuan listened to the prompt tone of the mobile phone, took it out and smiled, "Okay." Anyway, it is enough for him to raise hamsters.

He walked towards Ruan Yingyin, "Come on, I'll take you to lunch."

Saying that, he stretched out his palm towards Ruan Yingyin, motioning Ruan Yingyin to climb into his palm.

He used to catch her directly before, Ruan Yingyin tilted her head and looked at him, a little flattered.

Ruan Yingyin had hardly seen Jiang Xingyuan's considerate side, at least in her memory, he was violent, irritable, and uncertain.

Ruan Yingyin was a little worried because the changes were too fast.

Jiang Xingyuan is cold even to other unrelated people. I had never seen him show such an attitude.

See Ruan Yingyin pestle in place, no movement. Jiang Xingyuan frowned slightly, exhausted his patience, and simply grabbed it with his hands.

Ruan Yingyin struggled.

He had already put her in the palm of his hand, dragged her towards the dining table, and put her on the table.

Ruan Yingyin shook her hair and glanced at her lunch.

Corn, sausage, potatoes, full of color and flavor.

She swallowed subconsciously, but she looked at her paws and then at the greasy food, feeling a little worried.

At least the morning bread was dry and she could use her claws. But these foods are all oily, even if they are very fragrant, Ruan Yingyin, who is obsessed with cleanliness, can't bear to grab them directly.

Jiang Xingyuan saw her hesitation, and a thought naturally popped into his mind. He got up, took a corn with his chopsticks, put it in front of Ruan Yingyin's mouth, lowered his head slightly, and said softly, "I'll feed you."

There was a dim light in his eyes.

Ruan Yingyin immediately took a few steps back, she felt that Jiang Xingyuan at the moment was gentle and creepy.

Jiang Xingyuan also realized that he had gone too far, and he restrained his expression, "Isn't it too dirty, don't you want to eat it yourself?"

Ruan Yingyin looked around and saw the toothpick next to her, her heart lit up and pointed to the toothpick, "Squeaky."

In the end, Jiang Xingyuan was defeated by Ruan Yingyin's guarded expression. He took a toothpick, inserted a corn kernel, and put the toothpick carefully into Ruan Yingyin's paw.

Ruan Yingyin took a toothpick and happily bit the corn kernels.

Kind of like her eating fried corn at a BBQ stand.

After lunch, Jiang Xingyuan took out the running wheel and placed it in front of Ruan Yingyin.

It's a pink running wheel, it's big, and it looks like the deluxe version in the store.

Ruan Yingyin's eyes couldn't help being attracted for the first time.

This thing has a different kind of attraction to her.

Jiang Xingyuan tempted, "Do you want to try?"

Ruan Yingyin couldn't help but walk a few steps towards the wheel, but stopped again and looked at Jiang Xingyuan with some hesitation.

It's so strange, it's so strange, it's a little unusual for Jiang Xingyuan to be kind to her.

This not only made her uncomfortable, but made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Jiang Xingyuan thought she was being polite. He simply reached out and nudged her soft little hairy buttocks, "Go and try."

With a swipe, Ruan Yingyin quickly bounced away.

She looked at Jiang Xingyuan in disbelief, the whole hamster huddled together, and her body trembled slightly.

Jiang Xingyuan had just touched her

She felt her face burn, and stared at Jiang Xingyuan viciously.

Jiang Xingyuan raised his eyebrows, and it took a long while to realize why she reacted so much.

He lowered his eyebrows calmly, thinking that one day in the future, he will rub her fluffy body, as well as her soft pink belly and claws.

Jiang Xingyuan pretended not to know, "Why don't you try running the wheel"

Ruan Yingyin was still ashamed, she shook her head angrily.

Jiang Xingyuan bought it, so she didn't want to go up. After half a month, she must stay away from Jiang Xingyuan, move and change seats

However, when Ruan Yingyin was thinking about the future, Jiang Xingyuan grabbed Ruan Yingyin and put her on the running wheel.

Driven by the body's instinctive reaction, Ruan Yingyin's four legs subconsciously ran.

A smile instantly appeared on Jiang Xingyuan's face. He took out his mobile phone and planned to shoot a short video.

Ruan Yingyin also reacted, she hurriedly stopped and stared at Jiang Xingyuan without moving.

Jiang Xingyuan saw a little bit of anger from her stunned back.

The hamster still needs to be smooth, and it's not good to blow her hair.

He put away his mobile phone in a good manner and continued to take out other things. When he saw the thing in his hand, he smiled meaningfully, "You bought a mouse toilet for you. You can call me if you need it."

Ruan Yingyin ""

She couldn't wait to find a gap to get in, and was so embarrassed that she thought she could run hundreds of laps.

Ruan Yingyin couldn't be called to kill Ruan Yingyin for this kind of thing.

And she is no longer an ordinary hamster. She can take care of these things by herself, and she must do it secretly without Jiang Xingyuan.

Jiang Xingyuan was not too worried about Ruan Yingyin's situation. After all, there should be no major problems with the body of hamster essence, and she knew it well.

It's just that when she got up to prepare breakfast the next day, Jiang Xingyuan glanced at her bathroom and cleaned it up with a smile.

This matter was tacitly understood, and Jiang Xingyuan did not mention it again.

After all, it's not good to be angry with a mouse. After all, a girl, even a hamster, will be shy, he understands.

After feeding the hamster, Jiang Xingyuan put Ruan Yingyin in his pocket, tidied up his things, and packed all Ruan Yingyin's things before leaving the room.

Ruan Yingyin stayed in the pocket of his clothes, a small fluffy head appeared, two front paws resting on the edge of the pocket, drooling eyes looked forward, some anticipation and some nervousness to go to school.