MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 85

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the second day.

Lin Ling began to make rapeseed oil.

First clean up the sundries and debris in the remaining 260 catties of rapeseed, and then move out the all-in-one roasting and oil-pressing machine she found from X City. Oil.

After setting up the oil press, Lin Ling took out two clean buckets, one connected to the oil outlet, and the other connected to the place where the oil residue came out.

After the preparations were ready, Lin Ling asked Brother Chou to generate electricity. After the machine heated up, she put a small amount of cleaned rapeseed into the feeding port at a uniform speed. With the harsh noise, the oil outlet also slowly Slowly, clear oil flowed out slowly.

Starling looked excitedly at the rapeseed oil flowing out of the machine, "The oil is coming out! I can finally eat chicken!"

Chun Mian also flapped her wings happily: Dad is right!

"Don't fan it here, don't let some dirt get into the oil." Lin Ling drove Chun Mian and mynah away, and then continued to put rapeseed into the feed port, one catty at a time, and two hundred and sixty catties for two One hundred and sixty times.

From early morning to noon, all the 260 catties of rapeseeds were squeezed into oil. The oil yield of rapeseed oil is generally about 38%. A total of 98 catties of rapeseed oil was obtained from 260 catties of rapeseed oil. , fully filled two large barrels.

At the end of the summer, I didn't expect that there would be so much oil: "There is so much oil, we can eat it for a long time."

"These oils should be enough for us to eat when the rapeseeds are harvested." Lin Ling didn't expect the oil output to be so high. She originally wanted to squeeze some peanut oil for storage when the soybeans and peanuts were harvested, but now it seems that It should be unnecessary.

The chicken ancestors clucked around two large barrels of rapeseed oil: Can we fry a lot of big chicken legs in the future?

Lin Ling looked sympathetically at the flock of chickens moving in the direction of the bamboo forest, wondering how many more chickens would suffer.

As soon as her thought flashed through, Little Green, Starling, and Chou Ge all looked at her: Can we catch chickens now?

Are you in such a hurry? Lin Ling waved his hands rascally: "I can only catch one rooster."

Chouge and Xiaolu, who got the right words, rushed out at lightning speed, starlings, Chunmian and Jizuzu followed closely behind, and Jizuzu kept reminding Chouge to catch the chicken with the fattest meat and the most meat However, they do not know that the fattest and most meaty chicken is the ancestor chicken itself.

After the mutant beast ran away, the yard suddenly became quiet, and Lin Ling began to clean the oil press in peace.

There is oil everywhere in the oil press, and it is very troublesome to clean it. First take out the parts, then soak them in hot water to clean them, and then clean the screws and press chambers that cannot be removed.

After cleaning, wipe it clean and reinstall it, put it in the box, and take it out when you use it next time.

After the oil press was cleaned, Lin Ling packed up the oil residue, which can be sprinkled into the soil, which can be used as fertilizer or insecticide. In addition, it can also be used to feed pigs and fish. The oil residue is rich in protein, and pigs and fish will grow quickly after eating it.

Considering the actual situation now, Lin Ling felt that it was a pity to use the oil residue as fertilizer, and it would be more cost-effective to use it to feed pigs.

After she cleaned up the yard, Brother Chou came back with a big fat rooster in his mouth. The rooster was still struggling hard, trying to break its wings and escape from Brother Chou's mouth.

"Give me the chicken." Lin Ling took the big **** from Brother Chou's mouth, and then began to bleed and remove the hair and cut it open.

Xia Mo was busy on the side: "Shall I go pick potatoes?"

"This time we use vermicelli to stew it." Lin Ling asked Xia Mo to go to the cabinet to soak the vermicelli, and she began to chop the chicken.

This chicken was quite big, Lin Ling wanted to keep half of it for later, so he only chopped half of it.

After chopping, put it in the pot under cold water, blanch the water to remove the blood, remove it, and wash the blood foam on the surface with cold water.

Then pour the freshly squeezed rapeseed oil into the pot. After the oil is cooked, add onion, ginger, garlic, and pepper, and then add the blanched chicken pieces in turn, stir fry for one minute, then add salt, Stir fry the sauce a few times, and then pour in an appropriate amount of water.

After the water is boiled on high heat, add the soaked vermicelli, and then add some celery after the juice is collected, stir fry a few times and it will be out of the pan.

This is Lin Ling's first time cooking chicken stewed vermicelli.

When this dish was cooked, Xia Mo, Chouge, Xiaolu, Dahei, and Ji Zuzong were so fragrant that they couldn't move their feet. They had eaten chicken several times, but every time Lin Ling cooked it, they couldn't move. Always swallow subconsciously.

"It's time to eat." Lin Ling still divided the meat evenly first, and then divided up a few more pieces according to the test results. Although there was only half a piece of meat, it was still the same amount when it was chopped into smaller pieces.

After the division was over, everyone went to the side to eat with their own rice bowls.

The starling approached Xiaolu quietly, and gave Xiaolu a look, reminding it of the reward for writing the review last time.

Xiaolu counted the chicken in her bowl, there were nine yuan in total, and two pieces were given to the starling, and there were still seven pieces left, why didn't seven pieces feel enough?

The starling questioned Xiaolu aggressively: "Want to renege on the debt?" If you want to renege on your debt, I will tell the boss that I wrote the review for you.

Xiaolu bared her teeth: Obviously I wrote half of it myself.

Starling: Then will you give it?

Xiaolu glanced at Lin Ling who was eating, and quickly pulled out two pieces of chicken for the starling: It's clear.

The starling nodded and made a gesture of 'I'll shut up from now on'.

Dahei at the side saw that Xiaolu gave two pieces of meat to myna, and silently handed the rice bowl to Xiaolu: Brother, don't you want to eat meat? I can help you eat.

Who said I don't want to eat meat? Little Green turned her back to Dahei, protecting the remaining seven pieces of meat in her bowl, and secretly swore: Wait for me, bald bird, I will get the meat back sooner or later.

Lin Ling ate the chicken with peace of mind. After eating the chicken, she started to **** the vermicelli again. The vermicelli was already soft and smooth, and after absorbing the chicken and seasoning, it tasted very delicious and refreshing. She ate three bowls of vermicelli in a row before stopping.

At the end of Xia, he also loved the taste of vermicelli very much. He ate the vermicelli with big mouthfuls. After he finished eating, he asked worriedly: "Will you keep swallowing after eating this time?"

If you eat too much vermicelli, it will become oily.

After making vermicelli last time, I ate a meal of vermicelli at the end of summer. At night, my mouth kept drooling and I kept vomiting. I still have lingering fears when I think about it.

"It probably won't happen this time." Lin Ling wasn't sure, "If you drool again at night, I'll make you a fried egg."

Brother Chou barked: I want one too.

Xiaolu and Dahei said not to be outdone: I want it too.

Lin Ling said, "Let's talk about it later."

At night, Lin Ling was afraid that everyone couldn't help but want to eat eggs, so she didn't go to bed too early. She lay on the bed and played with her mobile phone.

Ever since she posted clarifications, no one dared to directly send her the words "dating?" Some of them also came to seek relationship with her, wanting to buy hens at a low price.

"Ten catties of potatoes just want to buy a hen? I'm not a philanthropist." Lin Ling directly deleted these private messages, and then sent a message to 1200, complaining that there is no such thing as a forum where you must be a friend to chat privately Regulation.

1200 seconds back: "Haven't slept yet?"

Lin Ling didn't expect that 1200 hadn't rested so late: "No."

1200: "Can't sleep?"

Lin Ling: "Not really."

She recounted the side effects of vermicelli, "The last time I felt uncomfortable all night, I made preparations early tonight, and if I can't bear it, go to the kitchen and make some oily food to eat."

Seeing Lin Ling's reply, 1200 smiled a little more on his indifferent brows, "Why don't you just make delicious food and put it in your stomach?"

"Wouldn't it be a waste if I ate it straight away and didn't slander it at night?" Lin Ling was used to frugality, and would never add another meal for only three meals.

1200: "You don't need anything now, so you don't have to be so frugal."

Lin Ling hummed, "I'm afraid, but I'm used to it."

1200 understood: "I won't come again."

"I hope so." Lin Ling also didn't want the last days to happen again. She missed the bustling city, the acquaintances she met when she went out, and the tenderness of smiling at each other.

Lin Ling sighed softly in her heart, every time she thought about these things, she felt very uncomfortable, so she should stop thinking about it.

"It's getting late, go to bed."

1200 back a good one.

After turning off the phone, Lin Ling heard the snoring from the next door, knowing that everyone should not have any aftereffects from eating vermicelli tonight, so she went to bed with peace of mind.

Xu Shi recalled the things before the end of the world before going to bed, she was dreaming.

Dreaming that she was back before the end of the world, she hurried home to find her family, but the family still disappeared.

As soon as the dream changed, she fled with the fleeing team back then, but was abandoned on the way.

He knew it was a dream, but he couldn't wake up.

It's fine if you don't wake up, just to take revenge.

So Lin Ling forcefully reversed the dream of abandonment again. After changing the dream, she kept hiding it, and did not let her physical strength run out. Avenged in the tide of zombies.

After taking revenge, Lin Ling inexplicably entered a big house, and seemed to have entered a mysterious house. The inside was like a maze, and she was trapped inside and couldn't get out.

It was clearly a dream, but Lin Ling just couldn't wake up. She didn't wake up from the dream until Xia Mo knocked on the door after dawn.

Lin Ling, who had been looking for a way out all night, opened her eyes wearily, and looked at the light coming in from the window, she was secretly relieved, she didn't like dreaming at all.

At the end of Xia, Lin Ling looked sleepy: "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay." Lin Ling washed his face with cold well water, and after regaining consciousness, he said, "You continue to dig the ground today. I'll go outside and bring back some wood, which can be used as a viewing platform."

When I was watching TV two days ago, I saw a gazebo on the TV. At the end of Xia Xia, I thought there should be one in their village. You only need to stand on the high gazebo, so you don’t need to go around the fence every day. .

Lin Ling thinks it makes sense. They usually have too many things to do and don't have time to patrol around the fence all the time. If there is an observation deck, it can save manpower, and it is easy to see the movements around the fence.

So Lin Ling drove the pickup truck to the land that was occupied by the woman at the beginning, and loaded all the unfinished wood into the truck, filling a whole compartment.

On a rare trip, Lin Ling went to the mountain to cut some dry firewood. When she went to chop firewood, she passed the potato and vegetable fields that she helped to grow. The vegetable seedlings grew poorly because no one took care of them. The leaves are also withered and yellow because they were not watered in time.

Lin Ling pulled a few potatoes, and the potatoes below were not growing well. The biggest one was only as big as an egg, and the smallest one was only as big as a thumb.

Although they were a little smaller in size, she was the one who gave birth to them, so she dug them all back without dislike.

When Lin Ling drove back to the city wall, she saw an off-road vehicle driving towards her at a very fast speed.

The author has something to say: mentality collapsed~~

Last night when I finished coding and was about to leave work,

Code word software crashed...

The only fortunate thing is that fortunately there is no manuscript~~

Luckily I only exported the written content ahead of time...