MTL - The Supporting Female Character Is Not Behaving Again-Chapter 126 Pain in the head 12

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The more than 20 direct disciples rioted again, and this time the riot was wider.

These people can become direct disciples, but they are full of self-confidence and think that they are the favored sons of heaven.

The Great Elder said that they are half and half of being high-grade, which means that among their twenty or so, maybe only ten people can become high-grade.

How does this convince them?

Bian Yu did not immediately stop everyone from discussing in a low voice, but waited quietly for a while, and after the crowd calmed down, she slowly said: "Do you think you must not be so useless?

Do you think it's amazing that you have passed it down from one's own hands?

Do you think this elder is deliberately attacking you? "

Bian Yu asked three times in a row, and more than 20 people did not say a word, but most of them agreed with the expression.

"Haha." Bian Yu chuckled lightly.

The fourth and fifth elders, who had not made a sound, also laughed lightly.

Once upon a time, they thought the same way.

The heart is higher than the sky, and it is great to think that they are handed down by themselves. After all, others are only disciples of the inner sect, the disciples of the outer sect, and even the disciples of the handyman, and they are handed down by themselves.

Just an ordinary disciple among the disciples.

It is incomparable.

Bian Yu said with a serious expression.

The arena was quiet for a moment, and soon, a disciple blushed and said: "Elder, since we are so bad, you praised and praised the personal biography of other sects, is it a little long for others? Ambition destroys his prestige."

Bian Yu raised her eyes and glanced at the disciple, who was Cen Rong's disciple.

"No, you think too much, I say this, just to let you know that you are the top group in Wanhuangzong, but when you go outside, you have a lot of them , there are many who are stronger than you." Bian Yu said calmly.

Everyone stopped talking, these disciples are not very old, the youngest is twelve or thirteen years old, and the oldest is only in his early twenties. It's a real little new tender.

They entered the Wanhuang Sect at a young age, and most of them have not cultivated enough to be allowed to go down the mountain.

So I can't blame them for their lack of knowledge.

For example, Yao Bingyu, and another example of Udon.

Wu Shaoqi is neither a young man who doesn't know anything, but also a young man who doesn't know much about the world. He seems out of place among these people, and his face is blank.

In a daze, he suddenly heard himself being called.

Looking at the voice, the first elder called his name: "Is there anything you don't understand, or a question?"

Wu Shaoqi heard the question from the first elder, raised his hand and scratched his face, and said naively: "Then what, aren't we talking about the inner demon?"

Wu Shaoqi was a little puzzled, if he remembered correctly, didn't he say something about the devil? Why did you suddenly talk about the difference between the direct disciples of Wanhuang Sect and the direct disciples of other sects?

There are gaps, that's for sure.

Wu Shaoqi understands that Wanhuang Sect is only an upper-middle sect, and there are many sects on it.

He still understands the truth that there are people outside people, and there are heavens outside.

No matter how bad it is, as long as other sects are imagined as famous schools, and Wanhuangzong is imagined as ordinary schools, they are also the school tyrants of the school. Are the tyrants of ordinary schools and the tyrants of famous schools comparable?

He understands the truth and understands the meaning of the elder.

But Wu Shaoqi thinks this is off-topic, isn't he talking about the devil's oath? Is this different from saying that apple flour is delicious or crunchy at first, and then it becomes a discussion about whether cherries are expensive or cherries?

As soon as Wu Shaoqi's words came out, the three elders and more than 20 direct disciples looked at Wu Shaoqi at the same time, looking strange.

Wu Shaoqi was a little embarrassed to be watched by so many people, and continued to scratch his face, wondering if he had said something wrong.

The elder coughed lightly and nodded: "You are right, let's continue to say the oath."

While speaking, she glanced at Wu Shaoqi in surprise.

She was too impatient, she always wanted to tell everyone how strong everyone's opponent was, but she forgot the principle of step by step.

It's all up to you." The Great Elder stopped talking nonsense and went straight to the topic.

As for how many people choose to swear, and how many choose not to do so, that is personal creation.

The three elders did not speak, waiting for the direct disciples to choose.

Soon, a person came out.

Others looked over and recognized who this person was.

At this time, it was Yao Bingyu of Wan Chunfeng.

When Yao Bingyu went out, Wu Shaoqi was stunned for a moment, didn't he say that the demon oath would affect the promotion of high grades? Yao Bingyu didn't even think about it?

It is not certain that others can be of high quality, but with Yao Bingyu's aptitude, it is almost absolutely possible to be of high quality.

There are even rumors that Yao Bingyu is likely to become the next head of Wanhuangzong.

Yao Bingyu has almost no problems with high grades. In this way, after reaching high grades in the future, wouldn’t it be a disadvantage to be promoted?

While Wu Shaoqi was thinking about this, the Udon on the other side of him also walked out and walked to Yao Bingyu's side.

"Our Ten Thousand Phoenix Sect's Ice and Fire Double Heaven did not make us swear by our hearts, but this practice requires a swearing of hearts, so it must be a good thing, I Udon would like to see ." Udon smiled, but his words were true.

When standing beside Yao Bingyu, Udon glanced at the others and sneered in his heart.

Whether it can become a high-quality product is a question, but I am considering promotion after high-quality product.

Her classmates have no achievements, but they have a lot of concerns.

As for the issue that affects promotion after high grade, hey, wait until she is high grade.