MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 19

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If the scene was just frozen just now, it should be caught off guard now, and everyone can't believe their ears.

Who is he?

What did the suzerain call him?

Did my ears hear me right?

The buzzing sound passed through the crowd quickly, and even the elders and real people involuntarily widened their eyes, but no one was as frightened as Gong Wei:

"That... Sovereign..."

Xu Shuangce stopped with his hand in the air and repeated: "Come here."

Everyone's dumbfounded eyes fell on Gong Wei, and Gong Wei's whole spine was whizzing with chills, and he walked up bravely, and then his shoulders were heavy.

Xu Shuangce's hand landed on his shoulder, and he pressed it heavily, as if he didn't pay attention to anyone's expression at all, and turned to Master Jingxu: "Go back to Xuanji Palace."


"Who is the boy brought back by the suzerain?" "Xiang Xiaoyuan? Who is Xiang Xiaoyuan?" "What did the suzerain call him? Can you say it again?"

The uproarious whispers were like being blown by the wind, and they spread throughout the entire Cangyang Sect in half a day.

But the focus of everyone's discussions—the Xuanji Hall is empty and quiet at the moment, the building is deep and magnificent, and the curtains are shining brightly. Xu Shuangce lifted his robe and sat behind the desk, speaking succinctly:

"Take off."

Gong Wei's movements froze in mid-air, and after a while he said euphemistically: "Sovereign, this is not appropriate."

Xu Shuangce asked, "Why?"

"In broad daylight, the universe is clear, the disciples are afraid that the suzerain's reputation will be damaged, and personal reputation is not so important..."

"Cough—" The two guarding disciples behind the stone pillar in the distance choked on their own saliva at the same time, and then shivered and stood up straight, with throat spasms but forcibly held back, not daring to make a sound.

Xu Shuangce stared at him with dark eyes, but to Gong Wei's surprise, he didn't get angry and told him to get lost, and said calmly for a while:

"You and I are close relatives, master and apprentice, it doesn't matter."

Gong Wei immediately said, "I'm terrified, I dare not! I'm just an outsider—"

"This patriarch has transformed the side, and the Cangyang Sect is all disciples of the suzerain. Isn't the master better than the master? Is there such a thing?"

Gong Wei: "..."

Gong Wei was speechless, forced himself to look directly at Xu Shuangce, cupped his hands and praised sincerely: "What Master said is very true!"

Under the extremely oppressive gaze on the other side, he slowly reached out his hand to untie his belt, took off his outer robe even more slowly, and took off his inner jacket slowly as if peeling grape skins; After tea time, until his upper body was completely exposed to the air, he finally found that the other side had no intention of stopping.

Are you going to tell me to strip?

If it weren't for Gong Wei's deep understanding of how strict and abstinent Xu Shuangce is, and how indestructible his ruthless way of practicing for hundreds of years is, maybe he would really have to speculate in some dirty directions at this moment.


It doesn't matter, anyway, he doesn't know who I am, and it's hard to say who will take advantage of who if I strip in front of Xu Shuangce.

Gong Wei closed her eyes, gritted her teeth and raised her hand to untie her trouser belt. Suddenly, she heard a word from the opposite side: "Stop."

I saw a bottle of ointment appeared in Xu Shuangce's hand at some point, and said indifferently: "I just want to give you the medicine, so don't worry about taking off your pants."


There was no sound behind the stone pillar not far away, probably because the disciples guarding the palace were frightened and fainted.

Gong Wei exhausted all his acting skills to hold his expression, and stretched out his hand gratefully: "Master is so kind and virtuous, this disciple can't repay you. How dare you bother Master with a mere injury? The disciple is still himself..."

Xu Shuangce slightly lifted the hand holding the ointment, and said, "Come here."

...Okay, Xu Bai has a sudden interest today, and wants to play the role of master-student love.

Gong Wei took a deep breath, his greatest advantage was that he could take on any scene, and his face immediately changed: "Thank you, Master!" Then he respectfully stepped forward and knelt down.

The wound on his left shoulder pierced by Ghost Cultivator's sword has begun to heal, probably because half a barrel of the thousand-gold holy medicine was wiped on by the disciples of the Medical Sect in Linjiangdu. The real gold Xiang Xiaoyuan.

But the bottle of medicine in Xu Shuangce's hand should be even more precious and rare. I don't know what the pearly luster of the medicine is made of. As soon as it touched the skin, it felt cold for a while, and then the wound pain disappeared completely, at a speed visible to the naked eye. Dry, scab, inner muscles and bones growth brings indescribable itching.

"—Don't move." Xu Shuangce suddenly grabbed Gong Wei's right hand that couldn't help scratching the wound.

Xu Shuangce's hands looked cold, but they were actually cold. His knuckle meridians contained an unimaginably strong energy, Gong Wei's right hand was grasped at once, he was stuck in the air, unable to advance or retreat.

He just uttered two words flatly: "The medicine is expensive."

The previous generation, Gongwei, once stripped naked in front of Xu Shuangce and played in the water, but that happened when he was young, at least he never happened again after he was appointed as the chief dean of the Criminal and Punishment Institute. Although he only took off his shirt right now, Gong Wei was still very embarrassed for some reason, so he sneaked a glance at Xu Shuangce from the corner of his eye.

Xu Shuangce's eyes are very sharp in shape, so when he looks down, his tail lashes are like a sharp and curved blade. It may be the reason why he always has no expression. The first impression of that face is often not handsome, but the coercion that cannot be ignored.

A chill suddenly rose from the bottom of Gong Wei's heart.

"You...can't...treat me like this..." He heard his choked breathing suddenly rang in his ears in the illusion.

"You can't treat me like this, Xu Shuangce...I...I like you..."

Why is there such an illusion?

When did it happen?

Gong Wei knelt and sat motionless on the spot, but her pupils contracted soundlessly, her eyes fell on Xu Shuangce unconsciously, followed his arm all the way up, and fixed on the throat that was close at hand like a demon.

He has treated me like that—that clear, sad and hopeless voice slowly emerged from the depths of the subconscious again.

Such a close distance, as long as you stretch out your hand...

Just reach out...

"How did you get hurt?"

Gong Wei suddenly came back to his senses, trembling like lightning: "What?"

Xu Shuangce glanced at him, and said calmly, "I'm asking how you got hurt."

Gong Wei wakes up as if from a dream, and a flood of fear spreads from the back to the top of his head, realizing that he has walked back and forth on the line of life and death just now.

But he didn't have time to calm down the panic, and he showed a face of shame in an instant, bowed his head and said: "Reporting to the suzerain, the disciple encountered a ghost cultivator outside the Linjiang palace, and I am really ashamed that my cultivation is low, so I..."

"Isn't there Yu Chixiao?"

"Young Master Yuchi is really helpless, so..."

"I can't defeat you in battle," Xu Shuangce repeated with a hint of sarcasm, and finally finished taking the medicine, let go of Gong Wei's hand, and sat back to the original place.

The distance between the two finally widened.

Gong Wei breathed out imperceptibly, and immediately put on his coat, the strong emotions mixed with killing intent, regret and fear hit his eardrums and bombarded his calm surface.

"Yu Chixiao is nominally the nephew of the patriarch, but because of the special circumstances of the Yuchi family, the Jianzong dare not have an offspring in this life. Yuchixiao is destined to be the heir of the Yejinmen, and was raised and taught by the Jianzong himself since he was young." Xu Shuangce pointed his finger Slowly wiped the ointment on the silk scarf, and said: "If even he is 'invincible', then the entire Jianzong family is probably useless."

—Your attack surface is really wide enough.

Sovereign Master Xu's defiant virtue has not changed for sixteen years. Gong Wei calmed down and bowed his body and mind to be convinced: "What the Master said is very true. How can the Jianzong family be compared with my Cangyang Sect!"

"Oh," Xu Shuangce changed the subject and asked, "Then in the opinion of the disciples, what caused the Jianzong family to be inferior to the Cangyang Sect?"

Gong Wei said loudly: "Master's magic power is the best in the world, but Jianzong himself is far behind, so there is such a world of difference. Please learn from Master!"

Even if Xiang Xiaoyuan's real self is here, he can't flatter him so sincerely, resolutely and sincerely. Gong Wei said sorry to Yu Chirui several times in his heart, and said in his heart that who told you to smash the stone tablet with a sword, you can see that Mr. Xu's posture of trying to force people to scold you is clearly still deeply remembered your hatred

Xu Shuangce said: "Yu Chirui, whose name is Changsheng, had a very good friendship with Fahua Xianzun back then, and they had a close relationship."

Maybe it was Gong Wei's over-heartedness, for an instant he felt a trace of hostility in the last four words.

"Most of the children in Yuchi's family are rebellious and rebellious. They are not worthy of friendship. Stay away from his family."

Gong Weixin said, isn't you the most rebellious person in the world? Xu Shuangce stood up with an indescribable face, but was stopped by Xu Shuangce's wave of his hand. Sect Master Xu threw the wiped white jade medicine bottle to him to indicate to put it away, and suddenly asked: "When you were on the road just now, you said that you and Fahua Immortal Venerable are not in the same breath?"

Gong Wei said sternly: "Fahua Xianzun actually tried to assassinate the suzerain in vain, it is really outrageous, the disciples have been loyal to the Cangyang Sect for life and life, and will never be with them!"

Xu Shuangce said: "You also said that you would rather die than surrender your body to Fahua Immortal Venerable."

"no way!"

"Very good." Xu Shuangce glanced at him, and said leisurely, "But what if Fahua Immortal Venerable's generation of masters forcibly seizes the house and you can't stop it?"


Good question Xu Bai, why don't you ask a girl who was bullied by gangsters how to protect her reputation.

Under Xu Shuangce's gaze, which seemed to be a smile but not a smile, Gong Wei hesitated to speak, opened and closed, opened and closed again, repeated several times and finally exhaled to adjust his mood.

Then he stood up against the table and said awe-inspiringly: "The disciple will kill himself and become a benevolent!"

Crack, crack, crack.

Xu Shuangce clapped his hands slowly, and said, "As expected of a disciple of my Cangyang Sect."

Gong Wei bowed calmly, cursing the Xu man eighteen times in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Shuangce said calmly, "But since you are a teacher and a lover of your apprentice, as a teacher, you are naturally not willing to sacrifice your life to become a benevolent person."

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the whirlwind condensed out of thin air, wrapped in golden light and landed on his palm, and suddenly turned into a black jade slip with a warm luster and a seal tied with a green rope. Opening the Moyu slip, there are countless small bright red characters densely packed inside, and three characters appearing on the top of it—"Dinghun Zhu".

"This is the secret treasure of my Cangyang Sect. As the name suggests, it can completely lock the soul in the body. If you master the Taoism in this book, no one can take your soul out of this body even if you have the ability to reach the sky. drove away."

Gong Wei's heart sank, but there was no abnormal expression on his face. He took the jade slip respectfully and asked: "—Even if the disciple is bewitched by others or forced to sacrifice willingly, it's not okay, right?"

It was obviously a very simple question, but Xu Shuangce paused for some reason, then avoided looking and said:


"From today onwards, you will live in the Xuanji Hall, and you don't need to go back to the residence of the outer disciples. I specialize in the daily soul injection, and I will conduct spot checks from time to time. However, there will be heavy penalties for spot checks." Xu Shuangce waved his hand, not wanting to go back Talk to him more: "Back off."


The ink jade slip was cold to the bone, but it was like a hot potato in Gong Wei's hands. Once the soul is fixed by this thing, how can I exchange the original owner's soul back to this body in the future?

Gong Wei stood in front of the window of the side hall and sighed, when suddenly someone outside the door said coldly: "Why are you acting so pretentious here?"

Gong Weiyi turned around: "Yo, senior brother!"

Xu Shuangce himself confiscated disciples, but there were eight guard disciples in front of the Xuanji Hall, who had been taught by him for many years, and in the eyes of outsiders, they were no different from the descendants of the Cangyang Sect. After coming out of the fantasy world of the thousand-degree mirror world twenty years ago, Gong Wei came to play with Xu Shuangce many times, and was shut out in front of the Xuanji Hall. The disciples guarding the temple stood in front of the mountain gate, standing upright like coffin boards, and then pasted a piece of yellow talisman paper on their foreheads, with four characters written in their own handwriting: coffin flesh.

The person who came was none other than Wen Xiuyang, the head of the eight outer disciples. He put on the food box on the table with a coffin face of rejecting people thousands of miles away as before:

"By order of the suzerain, deliver food."

Gong Wei sighed, eating was his last consolation in this bleak world: "Brother, just send someone to call me, why bother you personally... What is this?!"

In the food box was a silver-painted celadon sea bowl, which was full of boiled cabbage in clear water, with no trace of oil, reflecting Gong Wei's blank expression like a mirror.

Wen Xiuyang said: "The suzerain has an order. Before you can read "Dinghun Zhu", you need to hang the beam and stab your butt. Don't have distracting thoughts. Just cook vegetables with clear water every two or two."

"..." Gong Wei's lips trembled slightly, and he begged in a low voice for a while: "Brother, I want to eat some meat..."

Wen Xiuyang actually doesn't look like a coffin, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, tall stature, and even looks like a handsome young man, but as soon as he opens his mouth, the cold and stiff flesh of the coffin rushes to his face: "No."

"Junior brother, I was seriously injured and lost a lot of blood..."



"I am not like you. I was accepted as a disciple by the suzerain. I don't dare to be called a senior brother."

Gong Wei pretended not to understand what he meant: "Don't be so stubborn, brother. You see, the suzerain is teaching one side, and the whole Cangyang sect is the suzerain's disciples. It is better to be a disciple than a disciple! Therefore, you are my... "

"shut up!"

Wen Xiuyang finally couldn't take it anymore, turned his head and left. Gong Wei hurriedly chased after him two steps: "It's okay to give a bottle of meat sauce, brother—" Immediately after "Bang!", the door was slammed shut.

"Little coffin." Gong Wei rubbed his hands resentfully, "With such a rigid mind, it's no wonder that Wei Chixiao is missing on the ranking list."

Speaking of Yuchi's eldest nephew, Gong Wei couldn't help but miss him for no other reason—at least he could eat whatever he wanted when he was with Yuchixiao, Meng Yunfei and the others. At that time, he thought people were annoying, but once he was reduced to living next door to Xu Shuangce, he suddenly felt that even Yuchi's eldest nephew was extremely generous and lovely.

Gong Wei sat sadly in front of the big sea bowl, picked up two cabbages with chopsticks, sighed and threw them back into the bowl, when suddenly his fingers touched something warm but hard.

jade pendant.

He suddenly regained his energy, stood up and took it out of his sleeve. It was indeed Yu Chixiao's engagement token, the Qilin Blood Jade Pendant!

When he left Linjiangdu, he was slipped and thrown into the car by Xu Shuangce with one hand. The moment he took off, through the fluttering curtain of the car, he saw Mr. Yuchi chasing two steps outside, pointed at him for the jade pendant on his waist, and quickly did One sentence mouth shape: "—Call me if there is danger!"

But everything was too fast at that time, and Gong Wei had no time to respond. After returning to Cangyang Mountain, he was so tired of dealing with Xu Shuangce that he had to weigh his words over and over again before daring to say them, so he didn't think about the jade pendant.

"—Yu Chixiao," he said thoughtfully, rubbing his chin.

All sects and aristocratic families have keepsakes that people wear with them, most of which are jade pendants, gold rings, pendants, etc., with secret body protection spells attached to them, which can automatically burst out magic spells in critical moments to protect the master from disasters. Twenty years ago, before Xu Shuangce transformed into "White General" and entered the fantasy world, he took away a golden ring amulet from the Cangyang Sect. It was densely carved with countless spells and runes, and later presented it to "Madam Xu" as a promise of love. keepsake. That golden ring is such a magic weapon.

But the Qilin Blood Jade Pendant is even better than it, because it has another protection against the sky—

When the wearer is on the verge of life and death, it can automatically shatter the jade to take the place of death.

For this reason, the Qilin Blood Jade Pendant is extremely precious, and having it is equivalent to having an extra life. The previous generation of Jianzong gave this magic weapon to his youngest son Yu Chirui before his death. After Yuchirui succeeded Jianzong, he gave it to his deceased brother's widow and only nephew Yuchixiao. However, the three generations have not encountered the crisis of dying and dying, so they have no chance to make it work, otherwise it would be a piece of debris by now.

"No wonder you've been thinking about getting it back." Gong Wei was so bored that he shook the jade pendant: "It would be a sin if I accidentally used it someday, right nephew?"

As soon as the words fell, the jade pendant suddenly glowed slightly, and then a red light flashed!

Gong Wei was stunned, only to see that the jade pendant automatically exploded a thousand-mile formation formation, the formation criss-crossed in the void, and then a familiar figure appeared——

Yu Chixiao propped his hands on the ground, was sweating profusely, had no clothes on his upper body, and had a nearly perfect body and muscles, looking at him dumbfounded.

Yu Chixiao: "..."

Gong Wei: "..."

Yu Chixiao got up suddenly, and picked up the Gouchen sword in shock: "What's wrong with you?!"

Gong Wei covered his eyes with one hand: "It's nothing, don't panic! Put down the sword and talk!"

"..." Only then did Yu Chixiao see clearly that the background behind him was the Xuanji Hall of the Cangyang Sect, and he breathed a sigh of relief and said angrily, "There is no danger, what did you call me for!"

Gong Wei loosened one of his fingers slightly, revealing half of his eyes from the gap: "Hey, it's okay to talk to you."

Yu Chixiao followed his gaze to look at himself, and immediately threw the sword like an electric shock, grabbed the clothes on the practice room floor and put them in his arms, blushing and asked: "What are you thinking? I'm just practicing! You are You want to spy on me, right?!"

"Young hero thinks too much. It's more convenient to peek at Sect Master Xu taking a bath." Gong Wei smiled and said, "Besides, I didn't know that your token of love is attached with a summoning spell."

"This is not a token of love! It's just me... No, you don't know that there is a summoning spell on this jade pendant?"

Gong Wei spread his hands innocently.

Yu Chixiao blushed even more, but he didn't know whether it was anger or something: "Then when you were alone just now, did you call me something?!"

Gong Wei smiled and said, "Of course it's the 'Wise and Mighty Young Hero Yuchi'."

"Nonsense! To activate the summoning array, you must first say the name of the person being summoned, and then call out the real relationship between the two, and then tell me what you called me just now?!"

"..." Gong Wei looked at his eldest nephew's angry and flushed face, and finally realized.

"It seems that even your token agrees with our true relationship," he replied softly, "I'm so relieved, dear Taoist companion."

The air was dead silent.

Yu Chixiao inhaled, exhaled, inhaled again, exhaled again. After repeating this several times, he finally opened his eyes, and paused word by word between his teeth:

"If you don't return the jade pendant to me the next time we meet, I will kill you!"

Then he waved his hand violently, and with a flash of white light, the Thousand Miles Appearance Formation turned into thousands of light spots and disappeared invisible.

Gong Wei held his forehead with one hand, holding back a smile that made his shoulders tremble.

All the grievances dissipated after molesting Mr. Yuchi, he took a long breath to calm down after a while, put away the jade pendant and turned around, his unfinished smile froze in an instant.

The door of the side hall opened at some point, Xu Shuangce stood against the light, looking down at him without saying a word.