MTL - The System is One Year Ahead of Schedule, But It’s Not the End of the World Yet!-Chapter 159 Powerful medicinal effect!

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 Chapter 159 Powerful medicinal effect!

These unique blood is no longer limited to flowing in the blood vessels, but truly penetrates into every inch of her skin and penetrates into every cell of her body.

 They are not only the fluid of life, but also the key to the normal functioning of all parts of her body.

 Her body’s energy supply, the toughness of her skin, the strength of her muscles, and even the hardness of her bones all depend on the nourishment and support of these special blood.

 At this moment, the relationship between her body and blood is like a balloon and the gas in it.

 Blood is like the gas that fills a balloon, and all other tissues in her body are like balloons that need to be filled with gas to inflate.

It is with the nourishment of this blood that her bones can be strong, the skin and flesh can be plump, and the whole body can function normally.

 This is also the reason why her body has become light, because her whole body has been filled with special blood.

 At the same time, the female experimental subject in the recovery room also began to slowly wake up.

She felt as if her body had been reborn, becoming extremely light and full of strength. She no longer had the morbid feeling before. However, when she recalled the pain and struggle during the experiment, her heart was also full of fear and uneasiness.

Seeing her wake up, the scientific researchers around her immediately asked with concern how she was feeling.

“How are you feeling?” a researcher asked softly, with a trace of nervousness and expectation in his eyes.

The female subject looked around blankly. Her eyes were a little blurry as if she were in another world, but she quickly focused on the face of the scientific researcher in front of her. She nodded lightly and said with a smile: "I feel much better."

Another researcher handed her a glass of warm water and said with concern: "Drink some water first, your body may need to replenish water."

After the experiment of those experimental subjects who had been injected with ordinary A medicine before, the institute summarized some information on the needs of enhancers. For example, enhancers can easily survive by just adding water, and there will be no malnutrition or decrease in combat effectiveness. status.

This means that the warriors cultivated by this drug can not only have super combat power, but are also easier to maintain than ordinary human soldiers.

 Because whether it is salt water or fresh water, even things containing water such as urine and blood, after being eaten by them, it can provide them with energy, allowing them to stay healthy and maintain their combat effectiveness.

 This low need for food is extremely important.

If this was placed in ancient times, it would be an invincible division!

  After all, the importance of food and grass in ancient wars is self-evident, and after being strengthened by drug A, human beings' needs for food have become as simple as water. This battle supply is also very easy to replenish.

  It can even be continuously replenished by killing and eating the enemy's blood, which becomes another form of supporting war with war.

  Even in a modern environment, being able to eat well to replenish energy will also improve the combat effectiveness of soldiers.

 So the research on drug A is still very important for raising the upper limit of human beings.

However, the female experimental subject is now injected with an enhanced version of Drug A. It still needs to be observed whether her energy needs only require water replenishment.

 That’s why the researchers directly handed over a glass of water.

 The female subject gratefully took the water glass and took a careful sip. As the warm water flowed down her throat, it instantly gave her an unprecedented sense of comfort.

 “Can you get me another drink?”

 After a glass of water, she seemed not to be satisfied yet, so she said to the scientific researcher who had just handed over the water. At this time, Chen Mo observed that when the water entered the woman's body, the woman's body immediately transported all the water to her heart, where it was converted into special blood and continued to be transmitted throughout the body.

 With the replenishment of water, this woman's physical strength has been further improved.

Chen Mo saw through the X-ray glasses that the bones and skin all over this woman's body, which were supported by special blood, had become tougher, firmer, and tighter than before after being replenished with water.

Both the bone strength and skin and flesh strength, there have been obvious changes.

"It turns out that just now she was not at her final strength after being injected with the enhanced version of drug A. She can actually become stronger after being replenished with water. This enhanced version of drug A is incredible! I'm afraid it's not even better than the rebirth elixir I got from the system. , the only flaw is that there is no source core awakening ability in the head.

 This thing's strengthening effect on the physical body should be even more powerful than the Rebirth Pill. "

 Chen Mo checked the woman's current body values ​​through the system.


  【Race】: human

  【equal order】:zero order

  【ancestry】: human


 【Basic Attributes】: Constitution 『3/5』, Strength 『3/5』, Agility 『3/5』, Mental Strength 『3/5』

  【Special Energy】: 60 points

Just before this woman participated in the experiment, Chen Mo saw that the woman's physical attributes were basically around 1 point, and the upper limit of the attributes was only 1.5 points. As a result, after the experiment, all her attributes became 2 points, and the upper limit directly became 5 points high.

And now after drinking a glass of water, her attributes have all become 3 points.

Judging from the fact that she continued to drink water, Chen Mo estimated that if she was given enough water, this woman's attributes could all reach the upper limit of 5 points.

“System, if a person’s physical quality has allowed his own supernatural energy to reach the level of a first-level superpower, can he directly activate the superpower?”

[System prompt: Reaching the standard of superpower and turning on the superpower to become a superpower are two different things, such as evolvers and blood warriors. The host can stably activate the superpower when the superpower reaches the standard because of the blessing of the system. Other units need some External factors help.

Of course, there are a small number of humans with special talents who can directly condense the source core, obtain superpowers, and enter the first level by themselves when the supernormal energy in their bodies reaches the target. 】

"I see."

When Chen Mo was asking about the system, the scientific researcher had already poured the woman a large glass of water again.

Although she had already drank a glass of warm water just now, this time she still drank the whole cup in a slurping manner.

 At this time, Chen Mo also saw again that the physical attributes of the woman named Monica had improved again. Due to the absorption of water, her attributes had been increased from 3 points to 4 points.

 After the attribute reached 4 points, Monica felt even more powerful.

"Can you tell us how you feel now?" Seeing Monica downing two glasses of water, the scientific researcher next to her asked immediately. At the same time, he held a pen and notebook in his hand, ready to record her. Every reaction.

 (End of this chapter)