MTL - The Target Always Thinks That I Like Him!-Chapter 120 President's Women's Secretary 12-13

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After the separation, the two were a little embarrassed, and they were afraid of being found in the small tent of the lower body. They hurriedly scalp and said, "That... I have finished all twice, good night."

Meng Ze’s thoughts were chaotic and he wanted to say something. He could see that he was careful to avoid himself from the cold, as if he was afraid of being discovered, and he was somewhat difficult to talk about.

After hesitating for a long while, he finally sighed and said: "Well, you should rest early."

They only decided the relationship today, or wait another two days, at least let Xiaohan be willing to believe him, no longer suffer from the loss as it is now.

Meng Ze returned to her room with some depression and regretted the remarriage again.

After he left, he let out a sigh of relief and immediately slammed into the bed and rolled two laps. Then he said, "That... you all shield it."

Just after the film, he should also solve the problem of tents.

After returning to the city of A, I suddenly became busy with the cold, because Meng Ze had everything to call him, and he created a chance to be alone by work.

It can be accepted from the beginning of the cold, but it can be overwhelmed by the number of times. In particular, the assistant of the party looked at his eyes more and more resentful, as if he was about to lose his job.

At noon that day, I went to the cold and Mengze to finish the meal together. When I returned to the office, it was less than half an hour, and I received another call from the other party.

I saw half of it in the cold, and suddenly I was interrupted, and my heart could not help but raise a fire.

The system is working hard instead of him. Seeing that control has to be taken back, it is not a quick question: "Wait, there are still a few data left, and it will be dealt with immediately."

To the cold: "..." is really a diligent child, but also addicted to work.

Half a day, Kung Fu was called a dozen times, and I couldn’t stand it until I was cold. I simply watched the film again, and the system was processed before it passed.

Meng Ze was frowning at this moment, waiting for anxiously. After hearing the knocking on the door, he immediately changed his face and pretended to calmly look down at the file. After two seconds, he said, "Come in."

Seeing that he was loaded with cold, he couldn’t help but grin, but immediately after entering the door, he put on a formulaic smile and asked: "Mr. Meng, are you looking for me?"

"Yeah." Meng Ze nodded faintly and said: "Help me make a cup of coffee."

I turned my eyes to the cold, couldn't help but groan in my heart, only half an hour ago to help you through, drinking so much not afraid of frequent urination?

Meng Ze had no idea to look at the documents and had been aiming at him with the light. How could he not notice this little action? When he put the coffee on the table, he suddenly reached out and took it into his arms. He chined his shoulder and asked: "Why did you turn your eyes?"

He was forced to sit on his lap and tried to get up, but he was taken back and couldn’t help but laugh: "Meng Zong, have you been very busy recently?"

"Yes, there is nothing to do." Meng Ze frowned back and then seriously asked: "What is the arrangement for the weekend? Listening to Fang Hao, the city has opened a new one..."

“Stop!” hurried to the cold, then reminded: “Meng Zong, now is working time.”

"There is no formal name in private, it is called ... name." Meng Ze's attention is completely out of focus, and the name he wants to say is actually 'husband'.

Take a deep breath, then smile: "Meng Zong, from the morning to the present, you have called me a dozen times, and there is nothing important. I run around like this, not only affect the quality of work, but also ... very tired."

Meng Ze seriously considered it and said: "That will simply move to work here."

Silly eyes to the cold, Meng Ze said: "If you are tired, you can go to the lounge to sleep for a while. In addition, is the assistant assigned a lot of work to you?"

"No, no, no tired at all." Who is always looking for me, is there really nothing in your heart?

A cold tears, it took a lot of effort to get out.

Meng Ze saw that he was so anxious to leave, and he was not lost in his heart, but then he comforted himself: Maybe he really works a lot.

Thinking of this, he picked up the phone directly and let the assistants come over.

Fang Fang is interviewing Xin Luyao. After hanging up the phone, he said directly: "Meng Zong let me go, you are together, if you have any questions, you can talk to him."

So, when I returned to the office, I saw Xin Luyao passing by, and I was a little surprised.

After the assistant arrived in Mengze’s office, he had not had time to introduce Xin Luyao. He listened to the other party and asked: “Have you recently sent a lot of work to the secretary?”

"No, it's about the same as usual." The assistant was somewhat confused.

"I have a lot of things on the side here. I need to help the secretary. I will give him less work in the future." Meng Ze signed the documents and ordered.

"...OK." The assistant nodded and his heart was more confused. Meng has nothing to do recently, how can he be busy?

Xin Lu Yao instantly guessed the reason, could not help but stand next to grin.

Meng Ze signed the document and looked up to see her, subconsciously frowning: "Miss Xin?"

"Cough." Fang Assistant instantly returned to God and quickly introduced: "This is a new designer, Miss Xin Luyao, Meng should know."

I think that the boss has always wanted to dig this person, and now he has succeeded, and the assistant tone can't help but rise.

Meng Ze listened to his mouth and twitched. He used to dig Xin Lu Yao, but now... forget it, dug it all, and the design department is downstairs. It is difficult to get in touch with the secretary.

Although he comforted himself, Meng Ze still felt a little uneasy. By the time of work, this uneasiness was quickly verified.

Since the relationship with the cold, Meng Ze has not worked overtime. Today, he routinely got off work ten minutes earlier, first booked a couple table in the restaurant, and then called the cold. However, I was apologetic to the cold, and I was going to participate in the welcome banquet of the design department.

Meng Ze’s mood turned cloudy and cloudy, and he said, “You are not the design department.”

"But Xiao Yao came to the company on the first day, specially invited me to go..."

Meng Ze’s face turned from cloudy to cloudy in an instant, but the tone of the cold seemed to be very happy, and he finally endured.

The next day, before leaving work, Meng Ze called Xiang Han 20 minutes in advance. But I didn't expect to say to the cold and apologetically: "That... Xiaoyao asked me to go to Sichuan cuisine, I have already promised..."

"Oh, okay, that... happy to play." Meng Ze hang up the phone with no expression, then call the design department and ask: "Your department is very busy recently? Can you get out of the picture at the end of the month? Can't catch up Just work overtime!"

Design Director:"……"

On the third day, Meng Ze called the phone two hours earlier, but he said to the cold: "That, I am today..."

"Well, I understand, I am happy to play." Meng Ze hung up the phone directly, then calmed down and went downstairs to inspect.

The matter is no more than three, the woman is too much.

After the phone was hung up, the expression was awkward. He still didn't say that his uncle asked him to come back tonight. How did Meng Ze understand? Will not misunderstand Cheng Xin Road?

After a while, Xin Luyuan really spit on WeChat: ah ah, the surname Meng did not know what nerves to send, to the design department to take the picture of the aging mother, now to work overtime, to change, mad!

To the cold: ... pity for a second.

For the female host suddenly jumped to Zeyuan, although the cold did not expect, but there is nothing to worry about. After all, Meng Ze has been with him. Now, the most important thing is to make a few pictures of these days, and then send them to someone's WeChat... cough.

When you get off work, give the task to the system and then go home to eat.

System: "..." It doesn't want to look at it at all.

Xiang Han went back to his uncle after dinner. Before going to sleep, he sent a dozen pictures to Meng Ze, and then took the phone and other parties to react.

Meng Ze did not come to the cold for three consecutive days. The mood was not general depression, and he stayed at the company to work overtime at night. When he saw the news, it was already two hours later.

Seeing so many news to the cold, he couldn’t help but be afraid of what he missed and was busy opening the dialog box. then……

He saw a row of moving pictures, all kinds of cute cartoon cute girls.

When a row of cute girls picked up the skirt, Meng Ze almost fell on the phone.

At the bottom of the dialog box, I still want to cover the cold. I just saw a very interesting anime. Do you want to see it? I will send it to you [smile] [smile]

Meng Zemo squatted on the edge of the phone, subconsciously thinking in his heart: In fact, I want to see you more.

After returning to God, he quickly understood that this might be a temptation to test him. The other party has begun to trust him, he should seize the opportunity.

Thinking of this, Meng Ze was busy opening the contact interface, but when he was about to dial, he suddenly stopped.

No, this thing can't be said on the phone, he should go, explain to the other side.

After thinking about it, Meng Ze hurried down the stairs and drove directly to the cold place.

But in the middle of the journey, he suddenly remembered that he was returning home to the cold tonight, and probably not in the place where he rented. Moreover, it is already more than one in the morning, the other party must have slept, it seems that it is not suitable for talking about this matter.

Meng Ze hesitated for a long while, and finally turned his direction and decided to confess tomorrow morning.

But the next day, he didn't sleep well, and it was a little late. When he arrived at the company, he found out that he was out of the cold.

"Where is the secretary going?" Meng Ze pressed his eyebrows and asked some headaches.

"It seems like going to think with the assistant." Nina thought about it back.

“Sitron?” Meng Ze suddenly raised his voice and looked a little surprised.

"Yes, yes." Nina is not clear.

Think? That is the company of the family!

Meng Ze was not calm at the moment, and the subconscious asked: "Do you know that the secretary is going to think about it?"

"Hey, I shouldn't know when I left, mainly because there are not enough people. Pull her to support the scene. But the assistant will definitely explain to him on the road..."

"When you do, go out first." Meng Ze waved his hand.

Calculating the time, they should have already reached the creation, I hope that Xiaohan's superb makeup technology can pass through Mr. Yu. No, no, how can a son who has been raised for more than 20 years can not recognize it? That can only pray that Mr. Yu still raises his legs at home, not going to the company... Hey.

Meng Zeyue wants to have a headache, the more he wants to be more uneasy, and finally drives to Sitron.

Uncle's company specializes in interior design and often has business dealings with Zeyuan. The two companies are not far apart, and when they know where they are going, the car is already driving to the door of Si Chuang.

His face suddenly suffered a bit. The assistant said that he was nervous and could not help but relieve: "In fact, there is nothing, mainly because we talk, you can listen to it."

To the cold is still a dish, when he got off the bus, he suddenly said: "To help, I am not very comfortable, can't... I will not go."

“This time?” Fang Assistant looked at the office building behind his eyes and hesitated: “Is it serious? Can you persist? If you are serious, you may not be able to go back alone, but we can’t get away from it...”

"It's okay, I can sit in the car and take a break." He waved his hand to the cold and smiled reluctantly.

"That's okay." Fang Fang reluctantly agreed, saying: "You give the information to Xiao Zhou."

"Oh, okay." Xiang Han quickly busy, just as he handed the information, a black car suddenly stopped not far behind them.

One person in the car, take out the folding wheelchair from the trunk and place it at the door. Then, the uncle was taken to a wheelchair.

Before leaving, the assistants did not feel relieved. The uncle's wheelchair just pushed to the side of him. His assistant was familiar and couldn't help but look up, but it was a coincidence that the line of sight was just right.

I was stagnant in the cold, my uncle was a little bit stunned, and then hesitated: "You..."

This girl, looks like Xiaohan really!

After returning to the cold, I hurriedly turned around and shouted: "To help, then I will..."

"Wait." The voice of the uncle suddenly came out, because as he turned to the cold, he suddenly saw two red dragonflies behind his left ear. That position and distance is exactly the same as his son.

The cold sweat on the forehead was coming out quickly, and I heard that I was walking towards the company’s car.

Fang Fang sees the uncle's reaction. For a moment, he was puzzled and said: "Hey, it is the secretary of our company."

“The secretary of your company?” The uncle’s face sank and asked, “What is his name?”

"Oh, she has the same surname as you, called Yu Han."

The assistants of the party became more and more confused. After hearing the cold, they simply wanted to sigh.

“耿涵?” The uncle’s word was a word, and he gnashed his teeth: “That’s a coincidence.”

The assistant had not figured out where it was, and he listened to the security guard of the company and shouted: "Some of you, hold the boy, don't let him run!"

Kid? The security guard is awesome.

Listening to the cold, the conditioned reflex wants to run, but I think again, if I ran, I wouldn’t take it.

So he stopped his scalp and turned and smiled: "Hey, you... know me?"

When he said this, he was very guilty and could only hope that his father’s eyes were not so sharp, and his heart was not so sure.

But what disappointed him was that his uncle was cold and sullen: "I don't know you, but I still smack you with a cane. If you don't recognize it today, you won't recognize it later."

Turned into this ghost look, but also ran to the secretary of Meng Zea, really mad at him!

Wilted to the cold moment, sneaked at him, then whispered: "Recognition."

"I will follow up with me." The uncle looked at his heart and felt that he was infarting.

I was afraid that he would be mad at the cold and be careful to keep up.

When passing by the assistant, the other party suddenly grabbed him and worried: "What happened?"

"Cough, that...he is my dad." Explained to Han Han, then whispered: "First help me keep secret, don't tell Meng Zong for the time being."

He felt that it was up to him to tell Meng Ze himself. After all, rumors are prone to deviations.

The assistant was a little dumbfounded, and I didn’t hear that there was always a daughter.

"Wait, so many people have seen it, I don't think I can't help it." Fang Fang knew about him and Meng Ze, but he didn't think there was anything worth blaming. Zeyuan and Si Chuang have no grudges. What happened to his daughter?

"Also." Something was anxious when he was cold, but he couldn't tell for a moment. He simply said, "Tell, tell him, I will explain it to him, don't listen to rumors."


My uncle saw him and his assistant were there, and said: "Fang Fangzhuo, trouble to talk to you, Meng, and the secretary resigned."

Fang Assistant: "..." He obviously came to talk about the project, but always felt that something was wrong.

When I got to the office, I gently covered the door to the cold and then shouted: "Dad?"

The voice was normal and not soft at all, but compared with the appearance, it seemed to be somewhat illegal.

My father’s heart and liver hurt, I can’t wait to throw him with a cane.

"You give me honesty, why did you make it like this? Also ran to give Meng Ze a secretary?"

The voice of the uncle was just falling, and a ringing tone suddenly sounded in the room.

Busy to take out the mobile phone to the cold, see Meng Ze hit, subconsciously to answer, but the uncle is angry: "hang up!"

Aiming at him, he quickly glanced at him and quickly answered it. He quickly said: "Meng Ze should not listen to the rumors that I will personally explain it to you."

Master: "..."

"Cough." Coughed to the cold and said: "Yes... you see this, we are already together."

"What do I see like this? You like him, why don't you say it early, you have to make it like this, ah? Look at you, you let me say what is good for you?"

The father-in-law’s straight gasping, some of the cold was scared, and he went forward to help him, and when he saw him better, he said, “Dad, don’t worry, I am an adult, and I have a measure.”

"You have a fart."

The father’s direct explosion is thick, and there is no words when he is cold.

On the other hand, after Mengze’s phone was hanged, his heart became more worried and he was busy speeding up the speed.

Fang Fang is still in the downstairs hall, seeing him rushing in, busy to go forward and said: "The secretary is the daughter of the general, she said that she will personally tell you..."

"I know, others?" Meng Ze interrupted.

" the main office."

Meng Ze did not make an appointment and could not go up. But after the retreat, the two companies cooperated to deepen, and the uncle's assistant knew him, and just passed the hall, so he took him with enthusiasm.

"Hey, I’m talking about things, you wait a little longer." Facing Party A, Assistant Zhao is very kind.

Meng Ze said thank you. After he opened him, he immediately went to the uncle's office.

When the cold did not close the door, when Meng Ze approached, he just heard the uncle’s heartache saying: “What about he likes you now? When he knows that you are actually a man, will he still like you? Why are you so stupid? Heterosexual is so easy to be bent..."

Meng Ze heard this heart sinking, directly pushed the door open, and apologized: "Uncle Shu, disturbed, actually... I am not heterosexual, I like Xiaohan, and I know that he is a man."

The two men in the room were shocked to see him at the same time, and the mouth of the mouth could be stuffed into an egg.

he knows? When did he know? To the face of the cold.

"Do you know? You know that Xiaohan is dressed like this. What is your goodness?" Uncle growled.

"This... is a long story." Meng Ze hesitated.

"That's a long story." The uncle's face was dark.

"Cough, Dad, he doesn't know it. Don't be misled. That... I will leave for a while and go back to explain it in detail at night."

Xiang Han did not expect Meng Ze to come, hurriedly confessed a few words, then he took him away, and his uncle's neck was red.

After leaving Sitron, I quickly found a quiet place to prepare for a showdown. To be honest, the two are in a very complicated mood.

I didn’t think that I had already lost my horse. I thought that I was very strict and I was in front of Meng Ze. Now I don’t know what to say.

"You..." The two spoke at the same time, and then Meng Zeqian said: "You first."

Coughing to the cold, ask: "When did you know that?"

"...take the celebration party after the financial center." Meng Ze hesitated.

so early? At the moment, I only want to help the amount of money.

"Then you... don't you be angry?" he asked with a sullen face.

Meng Ze shook his head, pulled down his hand and held it tightly, seriously: "I later realized that I like you."

"Cough." Suddenly, the cold was confessed, some embarrassed, but finally relieved.

It’s not mad, I didn’t expect it to bend so easily. In the end, it’s a bend...not right.

"You are bisexual?" Think of what Meng Ze said before his uncle, and he couldn't help but ask.

Meng Ze immediately tightened his hand, apparently a little nervous, hesitated before saying: "In fact, I did not like women."


Meng Ze’s heart gnawed and bite his teeth: “In fact, I have always known that I am gay.”

"Ah?" He did not know what to do with the cold, and he said: "Why are you getting married?"

"I just knew the marriage contract, I was very upset, and sent someone to investigate your situation..." Meng Ze whispered the reason again, clenching his hand to the cold, fearing that he would run.

After listening to the cold, the five flavors are mixed, so he is so happy to wear women's clothes. In fact, there is no use at all. No, it should be counterproductive?

"How come? I think it is the maverick behavior of dressing up women that attracts the generals." Big A opened the way.

To the cold: "The mud is rolling, and you don't trust your information anymore."

Meng Ze saw that the cold was not talking, and the hands were subconsciously gripped tightly until they snorted to the cold pain, and then carefully let go.

“Are you angry?” Meng Ze asked carefully, and then apologized: “It’s not right for me to retire. I really didn’t think you always liked me, even misled by my words, and dressed as a woman.”

He is always in a hurry, he always likes Meng Ze? No, this is the original Lord?

I remembered the original master, and I couldn’t help but think of the 'chasing and then swearing' vows. I immediately screamed and shook my head and said, "Actually, I am not angry. After all, I also lied to you. Besides, this is not without any effect. At least, you only noticed me because of the behavior of wearing women's clothes, isn't it?"

Big A: "This sentence has to be copyrighted, thank you."

Meng Ze's eyes were slightly moving. After a long while, he suddenly hugged into the cold. He said with a vibrato: "Thank you." Thank you for loving me so much, especially after knowing the truth, I am willing to be with me.

To the cold gently ‘um’, in order to fool the women’s clothing, he can only admit it with a thick face, he is doing this because of secret love.

The author has something to say: to the cold and chest: I want ~ what is the use of this big chest ~ ~ I want ~ how this change ~ ~ all in vain ~ ~ go to the special ~ ~