MTL - The Target Always Thinks That I Like Him!-Chapter 91 The landlord's silly son 27-28

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When Xu Yanze received Xue Qinglin’s military order, he smiled a little.

Before leaving the country, he left Jinzhou with the help of the system, and soon found a mine, and then hurried back.

At this time, he was coming to Guanwai in the name of grazing grain. After Xu Yanze sent the soldiers, he couldn’t help but say: "Xue Qinglin has always been cautious. This is not like his style. The situation is still unclear, let alone Whether the prince can climb the throne, even if he is on board, Jin Wu and Yu Feng now have 260,000 troops stationed. If he wants to be shameful, should he consider the actual situation?"

Xu Yanze smiled and said: "It is not Xue Qinglin who is cautious, but the person around him. Besides, if people are in a hurry, they will inevitably make irrational decisions. This is normal."

"What do you mean, when he calms down, he may change his mind?" asked Cold.

"That won't." Xu Yanze is still laughing, don't have a deep meaning: "He won't have a chance to regret, this battle will be his graveyard."

When I heard from the cold, I knew that this matter was in his calculations. I couldn’t help but wonder: “What have you done?”

Xu Yanze pulled him into his arms and kissed the prostagonist and said, "It’s not me, it’s Mee. I’ve told you long ago, don’t underestimate the power of the pillow wind.”

Knocking at the cold, asked: "So you are going to fight with the Turks soon?"

"Almost." Xu Yanze pulled him into the account. After pouring a bowl of hot tea, he turned and went out to ask someone to give some food. Then he sat down at the table and said, "Go to the festival and discuss the battle plan tomorrow. , fast for three or five days, slow for seven or eight days."

After that, I asked Xiang Han: "Yes, how come you come back so fast?"

Thinking of the cold to the cold, the eyes could not help but brighten, saying: "I came to find you to borrow people."

Xu Yanze said directly: "How much?"

A little stupid to the cold, could not help but ask: "You do not ask the reason?"

"Is the man in the Escort not enough?" Xu Yanze asked, he didn't care what he wanted to do, but he was only worried about his safety. It’s not enough for people, just give it.

Can't help but help the cold, Xu Yanze forgot, he himself needs someone to fight?

" thousand is enough. I found a mine at the junction of Wucheng and Yunxian."

"Or two thousand, you often go out with the caravan, there are more people around, I also put ... mine?" Xu Yanze suddenly reacted, looking at him with amazement.

"Yeah." He nodded to the cold, and some enjoyed his gaze.

"How did you find out? What mine?" Xu Yanze is incredible. Is this a cabbage? Say you are stunned.

"This is also a coincidence." When it comes to the discovery process, he can't help but get up, just make a reason to fool the past, and then say: "Iron ore and copper mines have."

Xu Yanze thought for a long time and suddenly said: "There are too few two thousand people. I will wait for Diping to order 5,000 people..."

"No, no, no, no, there are still some people in the Escort." Chang Han quickly interrupted.

"No, if the mine is known, you are all dangerous."

Xu Yanze did not agree, and there was some stalemate at the moment. In the end, the two took a step back and changed to 3,000.

In the evening, the two were lying on the couch, but there was nothing to sleep on. Xu Yanze will whisper to the cold circle and say, "From tomorrow, I will send you to the station of General Zhang, and then you will return to Jinzhou. I will go to the Shuai Shuai with him. I will fight immediately, you will go back to me. Can rest assured.

"But..." I don't trust you.

Although I understand that the other party is good for myself, the mood towards the cold is still somewhat low.

Xu Yanze saw what he was worried about and shouted: "Don't worry, I am commanding and not charging. Besides, this war is in the expectation of me and the emperor. We are now strong and strong, and there is no iron. of."

Silence to the cold for a moment, then gently ‘um’. If you think about it, he can't help much with Xu Yanze here. It's better to go back and do the logistics work. It is said that Liu Bang can get the world. An important reason is that Xiao He has done a good job in logistics.

After thinking about it, the cold mood rose again. After returning to Jinzhou, he immediately took people to Yunxian County and began mining, smelting iron and forging weapons. As for the grain and caravans, they are completely handed over to Jin’s father.

When Xu Yanze and Zhang Yong went to the festival, the other generals had already waited for a long time. However, Xue Qinglin has not yet started. He has had a good night's sleep. After waking up, he and Wen's warmth.

The counselor rushed all night, and when he saw him coming out of the backyard, he hurried forward and asked: "Shoujie, I heard you want to use the troops for the Turks?"

Probably too eager, the counselor's tone is somewhat urgent. Xue Qinglin was very uncomfortable and felt that he was questioning himself.

Just at this time, the guards on the side went forward and reported: "The handsome generals, the generals have been waiting outside for a long time."

The counselor was busy and said: "The handsome man, this is a must-have..."

Xue Qinglin directly raised his hand and stopped. His tone was faint: "I will talk about it in the past."

When he got to the meeting, Xue Qinglin sat up to the top and swept his eyes. Then he suddenly asked the guards: "Why didn't Chen General come?"

"This... General Chen is unwell and has a holiday." The guardian expression was awkward.

Xue Qinglin remembered that the little sister-in-law was shackled. When he remembered this, he was a fire.

On that day, he was only polite with Xu Yanze. He did not expect that he would take the chicken feathers as an arrow and give Chen Tinghong a slap. Although he usually does not like Chen Tinghong, but in the end is his little nephew, Xu Yanze's move is simply shaking his face.

I think that I have been careful to operate for so many years, and I have lost less than 200,000 troops. Xu Yanze used to be a farmer, but now he is easily a general and commander of 60,000 soldiers and horses. At this time, I stood at the bottom left and became the head of the public. I accepted the compliments of everyone.

Xue Qinglin's heart was suffocating, and the more he saw Xu Yanze, the more glaring he felt, the more he couldn't help but think about it. This time he decided to smash his sharpness and fold his wings.

Thinking of this, he directly spoke out the main plan for attacking Turkic, and then asked: "There will be opinions from the public and more talk."

Zhang Yong was the first to be, and the other generals met, and they also offered advice and suggestions. The adviser is dumbfounded, isn’t it a discussion? How is this fixed?

Soon, almost everyone supported the fight. In particular, the Turks recently attacked Golden State, and they were too embarrassed to give them some color.

Under the high sentiment, the advisers did not dare to pour cold water, so they had to wait for the crowd to disperse, and sighed with sorrow: "The handsome man, attacking the Turkic is a big move, it is impossible."

Xue Qinglin had just been accepted by the public, and he was somewhat unhappy. However, the counselor has given a lot of strategies and they are quite effective, so he is willing to listen to him despite his dissatisfaction.

"Festival, the prince has not yet reached a conclusion, rushing to send troops, will only provoke the enemy's upper body, big unwise. And Jinwu, Yufeng around, there are other 藩 虎 虎 眈眈 ” ” ”

"This is a commonplace." Xue Qinglin waved his hand and said: "This time let Yan Xiaoze and Zhang Yong play the striker, and we will recharge our batteries. It is a double-edged sword. The military division should not persuade."

The adviser was a little anxious and busy saying: "The handsome man, you want to double-edged, and you can get rid of the generals of Dingyuan by the Turk. This is really wonderful. But if he is like you, he wants to kill by knife. This war is big. He is his majesty. The people, the great prince is also supported by His Majesty. Who knows if they have collusion? When the case was justified, the combat plan was obviously not good for him. He accepted it easily, and there must be fraud."

The counselor knew the nature of Xue Qinglin. Before the analysis, he did not forget to praise him.

After Xue Qinglin listened, she thought about it.

When the adviser saw it, he sighed with relief. Unexpectedly, Xue Qinglin said: "The military order has already been made, and the dynasty has changed. Where is the face of the handsome man?"

"The handsome man, this time is not the time to consider the face." The counselor was bitter, he almost forgot, Xue Qinglin this person is very good face.

Xue Qinglin hesitated for a long while, and finally said: "You let the coach think about it again."

This thought, I thought of Mei's, Mei's soft language laughed: "The military teacher is really powerful, thinking more than others, I can't think of these curved roads."

Xue Qinglin smiled and said: "You are a woman, the brain is so a little, how can you have the knowledge of the military division."

Mei’s dissatisfaction said: “Dingyuan’s generals are still from the farmer’s birth, and they don’t know much?”

Xue Qinglin looked at his face and said, "How? Look at the little white face?"

After a while, he squinted and suddenly thought: Yes, Yan Zeze is just a farmer, and his men are also a rabble. Can you have so many eyes? I am afraid that it is not the military teacher’s own mind, and it is complicated to think of others.

Moreover, the great prince was defeated and captured, and returned to Wang Ting alone. Will the Turkic king let him lead the army so soon?

He carefully pondered a pass, and with Meh's blowing a few more pillows, he felt that the situation was not as serious as the adviser said. Anyway, Yan Xiaoze and Zhang Yong are playing forwards. What is wrong with him?

Three days later, the army was strong and ready to go.

After Xue Qinglin respected the wine, he faked the shoulder of Xu Yanze and said, "There are Lao Xiandi, and I and other generals will block the reinforcements for you."

At this point, Xue Qinglin's ambition to remunerate, how could not think of it, this war will make his half-life management vanish.

The campaign lasted for more than three months, from the end of the autumn to the beginning of the year.

Under the cold, the grain and weapons were continuously transported to the outside. Because there was no worries, Xu Yanze led the army and easily helped the great prince sweep away political opponents and board the throne.

Just as Xue Qinglin thought that the great prince had died in the king's indoor fight, Xu Yanze was short of water and food, and when they were on the verge of extinction, the two sides were holding a feast in the court. Subsequently, the two men were divided into two ways, and they attacked Xue Qinglin, who was sent to rescue.

Because Xue Qinglin was too confident, he only took 30,000 people to go out, and soon he collapsed like a landslide, eager to turn Jinwu. However, Xu Yanze had already prepared. After the war in Yanhui, the three thousand remnants of Xue Qinglin had only a few hundred left, and finally fled to Fufeng.

Just when everyone wanted to chase after victory, Xu Yanze suddenly ordered the retreat.

"Why?" Jin Er was somewhat dissatisfied. He asked him to ask questions. He is now a school graduate.

Xu Yanze said faintly: "Yufeng has 100,000 defenders. We have only 40,000 people, and we have been fighting for a long time. We are already tired and not good for them."

"Xue Qinglin, they are not hurt, we can completely annihilate them before they send troops."

Xu Yanze asked: "After annihilation? The Fengfeng army has arrived. Do you want to play another game with them?"

Jin 2: "Hey..."

Xu Yanze looked at him and said: "Further, if Xue Qinglin is dead, his Majesty is very likely to take advantage of the situation and then shoot at us. The Turkic king is now unclear. If he and his majesty stand on a line, remove Xue Qinglin. We are in trouble."

"Remember at all times, the situation is changeable, don't look good at it at this time, carelessly..."

"I understand, Xue Qinglin is not like this." Jin Er suddenly realized.

"The scorpion can teach." Xu Yanze snorted and then ran wildly. In fact, the most important point he hasn't said yet is that it is a few months of fighting, and I really want to marry a wife.

At the time of the cold, it happened to be in the station and studied weapons with Jinda. After Xu Yanze heard about it, he dropped the whip and went to the weapons research and development department. In the anti-return account, Hu Tianhai’s kiss was a pass, and he said: “I finally hugged it.”

After I squeezed it, I suddenly frowned: "How is it thin? Not soft before."

He raised his hand directly to the cold and smacked his face. He dismissed: "A dusty smell, and your beard, how long has it not been scraped? It has been scraped and tasted."

Xu Yanze: "..."

He deliberately held his eyes and said, "I miss you every day when I fight, you don't want me?"

"I don't want to, go to wash."

"I really don't want to?" Xu Yanze did not believe, holding his chin and asking.

I stared at him for a long time, and finally admitted honestly: "Okay, there is a little bit."

“Only a little bit?” Xu Yanze was somewhat dissatisfied and said, “I think about sleeping every night, especially when you are under me, especially...”

"You are still finished? Go and take a shower!" He opened his foot to the cold, and his face was red.

However, when Xu Yanze asked him to help wash his hair, he promised to the cold. It’s just that he can’t do it, and he almost poured water into his ear.

Xu Yanze immediately stood up from the tub and took a picture of his head and said, "Come on the towel."

Standing in front of him, and seeing a hateful guy swaying with his movements, his face could not help but burn, he turned and took the cloth towel, and turned his back to the past.

Xu Yanze grabbed it twice and didn't catch it. He asked, "Where?"

"Here." Shaking his hand to the cold, his voice was a little stuffy.

Xu Yanze saw this. After receiving it, he asked strangely: "What happened?"

"Nothing, wash it yourself." After handing over the cloth towel, turn to the cold and leave.

Xu Yanze saw his two ears red, and looked down at himself, instantly.

At night, there was a sensation in the main account.

Xu Yanze pressed his hand to the cold, pressed his hand under his body and gasped: "I don't think about it during the day, how can I meet and be ashamed? Come and say hello."

"Who thought?" The face was cold and flushed, and the hand was forced to press it, and suddenly squeezed it hard.

Xu Yanze suddenly yelled, and almost confessed to go out, squatting to the cold ear: "Slightly, you have to pinch out a good, oh..."

Soon, the sound of the sound was remembered, and the gasping was heavy. Until both of them made a sigh, the account gradually calmed down.

But not long after, Xu Yanze moved again and refused to say to the cold: "This is the account, it will be heard..."

"Hey, you endure it, you can't bite me... Hey, let's talk about it, or bite it."

The next day, I warmed my back to Jinzhou. Xu Yanze handled the military affairs and was busy chasing the past.

Back to the Golden House, the two did not care for a few days, Zhang Yong came to visit, proposed to leave Xue Qinglin in the 40,000 side of Jinwu.

Xu Yanze readily agreed, but how to divide is a problem. Zhang Yong’s self-consciousness is not as good as people’s, and he volunteered: “First, only the younger one picks, leave me a little.”

"This can't be done. This time, the big brother also lost a lot, or half and half." Xu Yanze refused. Anyway, he did not lack the weapons and grain, and he gave Zhang Yong 20,000 yuan. He was not afraid of anything.

Zhang Yongwen was overjoyed and said: "Brother, you really have an atmosphere, not the same as Xue Qinglin."

After that, he slammed his hand and said: "That... I’m welcome to be a brother? You know, my half of the 30,000 people are only half..."

"Of course, the big brother picks first, and the rest I pull directly to the station."

"Hey, what is it, or you want the younger brother to pick it first."

After the two people discussed it, they were very satisfied. Zhang Yong feels that he is taking advantage of it. This strict brother is a real person.

Xu Yanze felt that the 20,000 people were not his own. By giving flowers to the Buddha, it was worthwhile for Zhang Yong to follow him with him. After all, Jin Wu is his world, and he does not want to be like Xue Qinglin.

After the two men reorganized the side of Jinwu, the sacred sect also quickly went to Jinfu. It was said that Xu Yanze was in a mess, and he served as the governor of Jinwu and Yufeng, and attacked the thief Xue Qinglin.

"Shu Qinglin, this is a thief?" After accepting the purpose, I couldn't help but sigh.

"Yeah." Xu Yanze nodded and said: "He said that he colluded with Turk and rebelled."

I went to the cold and looked at it again, then grinned: "After sealing a knot, it will be finished, nothing will be given, and you will be asked to fight Yufeng. This emperor's abacus is really good."

Xu Yanze smiled and said: "I couldn't get rid of me and Xue Qinglin in one fell swoop. He was afraid of hating his teeth."

Wen Hanyan, suddenly remembered the original text, the emperor later wanted to kill Xu Yanze, busy reminding: "I see the family in Beijing is not a good person, you must not be fooled, do not be soft, the benefits must be taken. ”

Xu Yanze did not speak, only hugged him and kissed him.

After accepting the purpose, Xu Yanze did not take the army to fight Yufeng as soon as the emperor wished, but continued to train, and occasionally engaged in an exercise with Zhang Yong.

It was not until the emperor urged him that he sent a few cavalry to go to Fengfeng for a circle. When he finished, he would return to the emperor and Xue Qinglin.

Half a year later, when the army once again raised a strong army, and the grain and weapons were sufficient, Xu Yanze finally set off.

Xue Qinglin probably had no sense of security. After fleeing to Fufeng, he began to desperately expand his army and grabbed the strong people everywhere. Less than half a year, the Fengfeng defenders increased from 100,000 to 150,000. Because the grain is far from enough to feed these soldiers, he can only search for the people's fat and anointing, and the people who complained will complain.

Xu Yanze only took 80,000 soldiers, and Jin Wu was completely defensive by Zhang Yong. It was expected that there would be not enough food in Fufeng. After winning one of the cities, Xu Yanze began to fight only.

Xue Qinglin quickly guessed his intentions and had to take the initiative. However, since 50,000 of them were arrested by the Zhuang Ding, the combat power was affected. After playing a few rounds with Xu Yanze, it was actually a lose-win situation, and morale was inevitably affected.

Xue Qinglin didn't dare to make a desperate attempt. It took a few days to collect the troops and wait for the morale to fight again.

However, Xu Yanze has ample food and good weapons, and the soldiers are also elite. On several occasions, Xue Qinglin was greatly injured. After a long period of half a month, Xu Yanze finally couldn’t wait, and ordered: "Siege."

Jin Erhesitated: "The city is estimated to have squandered the food, and wait a few days, they will not defeat themselves. At this time, we have to lose more money."

"It’s still a siege." Xu Yanze sighed. If he waited for a few more days, the city was only afraid of going to Yizi and eating.

Although Kim II did not understand it, he still obeyed the order. The siege equipment of Jinda Research was quickly moved in, and the two sides fought fiercely again. From noon to late night, there was no gap.

Jin Er could not help but swear: "Mother's, this Xue Qinglin bones are quite hard."

Seeing that he couldn’t attack for a long time, he couldn’t help but suggest: “School handsome, is it time to suspend the offensive, rest...”

When the words were not finished, the city gate suddenly came to cheer.

"Broken, the city gate is broken..."


"The city is broken?" Jin Er listened to the busy horse and rushed up.

The army quickly flooded into the city like a tide, and the last city of Fufeng was finally won.

When cleaning up the battlefield, Xu Yanze learned that in the end, the people in the city swarmed to the gate, killed the guards and opened the gate.

Xu Yanze sighed and said to Jin Er: "Call the letter to Jinwu, and transport more grain and grass." Then he asked: "Is it Xue Qinglin?"

Jin Er said: "No, there is a secret road leading to the outside of the city. It is estimated that it is running."

Xu Yanze frowned and finally said: "Do not leave him alone, go to settle down the people, don't make trouble."

The two cities in Fufeng have been cutting grain for many days. At this time, people are unsteady, and they are afraid that the emperor or other towns will be demon. The next day, he sent someone to Jinwu to promote food.

After Jinwu received the letter, the action was very fast. The first batch of food was delivered three days later, and the **** was still cold.

When he saw him, Xu Yanze stunned and subconsciously said, "How is it?"

I smiled at the face of Hanwon. After listening to this, I suddenly said, "Why? You don't want to see me?"

"How come? Think of it!" Xu Yanze took him into his arms and hugged him.