MTL - The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML-Chapter 71 Holy Sorcerer 34

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The elders saw this situation next to him. He immediately staggered and blocked in the middle of Elvis and the patriarch.

Some turbid old eyes stared at Elvis, and the elders thought for a while before they said, "Elvis, is there anything you have to return to the family?" The words of the elders, no El Weiss is good at this point in the main house, and directly attribute Elvis to the family of the Rossis family. The skill of speaking is not high.

When he heard the elders say, Elvis looked colder and glanced at the elders in front of him. Li Luo also confessed his head from Elvis's shoulders with his enemies. In his amber eyes, there was a golden light. Standing tall and tailed, facing the big elders in front of him and the patriarchs licking their teeth, revealing a sharp sharp tooth, posing a gesture of attack.

"You may have forgotten how my grandmother died, but I will never forget what she was when she died."

Elvis did not go forward, but stood in the same place. His mouth raised a sneer in the arc of the elders and the patriarchs. Then he said to the elders and the patriarchs from the last time to the present. The longest paragraph they said later, "I haven’t remembered what I said last time. I am not a member of your Rossis family, nor do I want to waste my time on things that have no meaning. ""

The elders felt that Elvis was getting more and more dangerous at this time, his cuffs shook, and he used his magic wand for decades to appear in his hands.

Just as the elders had just placed their defensive postures, the next moment, a python made up of green vines, with a big mouth, bite toward him and the place where the patriarch stood.

The elders immediately waved their magic wands and summoned another rattan to block Elvis’s attack. The two rattans suddenly fought together, and the huge body rolled in the room. There was a loud noise, and the tables and chairs next to them were vigorously swayed out, and they fell in the distance.

But Elvis' attack was far more than that. In the next moment, the elders obviously felt their legs slowly sinking down. The elders discovered that the floor under their feet had now turned into a thick layer of quicksand, and they were greedily devouring the legs of him and the patriarch.

When the patriarch saw it, he picked up his magic wand and began to use his magic to help himself and the elders to devour their quicksand.

But when he began to use magic, he found that he had no way to lift the magic of Elvis. The patriarch suddenly felt amazed that this situation would only occur when the opponent's level was higher than himself. He looked incredibly in the direction of Elvis, clearly that he gave him the feeling of being a four-star junior magician, but now he has no way to lift the magic that Elvis has applied.

What the **** does this happen?

When the elders saw this, they quickly showed a magic to save themselves and the patriarch from the current predicament.

But at the same time, he did not notice Elvis's next move.

The dark green rattan that had been summoned by the great elders and the rattan snakes had suddenly split into three, one big still fighting with the one in front of him, and the other two moving quickly. The great elders and patriarchs.

Unprepared, the elders and the patriarchs were bound by the two rattan snakes, and they were quickly wrapped into two dark-colored cocoon-like objects, tightly wrapped in two dark green silkworm cocoons. The man was immediately unable to move at all.

This time, not only the patriarch, but even the elders of the people are unbelievably looking at Elvis, clearly that his rank is two levels higher than Elvis, and he is a great magician. However, he found his ability to cope, but even one-half of Elvis could not match it. After a few hands, he accidentally let Elvis calculate.

Fortunately, Elvis did not want to kill their thoughts, so the elders and the patriarchs were only trapped there and could not move. Except for being uncomfortable, there was no other danger.

Elvis’s bleak look at the body was tied, and the patriarch who had his mouth blocked and the great elders said, “If you can guarantee, I will not use me to fight for your family in the future. I’m letting you lose your name, and I’m not talking about what happened today.”

Having said that, Elviston was in a hurry, and then his eyes showed an obvious murderousness toward the elders and the patriarchs. "If you promise me now, let me hear what the wind is," Well, I don't mind taking the trouble to deal with you any more."

The elders’ murky eyes stared at Elvis and they saw that Elvis’s words were all true. His threat is not a joke at all. Now he can actually kill both of them, but he has let them go. Obviously he is not worried about them, but does not want to get into trouble.

This child, now has no feelings about the family he grew up with. For him, they are now worse than strangers.

The look of the great elders was awkward. For the dead, everyone else is afraid, including him. He couldn't speak, only nodded at Elvis and said that he had promised him.

Elvis did not let them go immediately, but turned his gaze to the patriarch who had not responded to the elders.

The patriarch touched Elvis's icy eyes, and the great elders nodded and agreed, and he immediately pointed his head at Elvis.

Elvis released the two of them. He finally glanced at the elders and the patriarchs. "Remember your words." After that, Elvis used a transfer reel and quickly disappeared. In the room, I sent myself out of Mika Town.

These changes seem to have gone through a long period of time, in fact, it took less than five minutes before and after.

Shortly after Elvis left, another six-star magician who felt wrong, and several elders rushed over. After they came here, they found that only the elders and patriarchs stood in the room, there was no other person, and although the room seemed to have experienced a battle, the patriarch and the elders looked like they were No injury.

Another six-star magician with white hair looked at the patriarch and the elders. He asked: "Who just broke our protective magic mask? You have nothing to do?"

The patriarch flashed and wanted to say something, but the elders rushed in front of him. "We have nothing. As for the problem of the protective cover, there may be something unexpected. Just now I am from the patriarch. I am interested in learning in the room, so the scene will be so chaotic, so that people will come and pack it up."

After the other people all left doubts, the patriarch couldn’t help but ask the elders. "Why didn't you just let me tell Elvis?"

The elder elder sighed. "You haven't seen it yet? Even I can only fall to the bottom of the beggar under his hand. Although he seems to be only a junior magician of the fourth grade, his strength is immeasurable. And he really has no attachment to the family." It can even be said that because of that time, he still has hatred for them.

"For him, since we can't retain him, we can't offend him. Just like this, just do what he said. In those days, we were too ruthless to him, and now I don't blame him for treating the family so coldly. The elders sighed again, shook their heads, and carried their hands. The originally straight back looked awkward now, and slowly walked out of the room.


Elvis took the transfer scroll from Lero to the town of Mika. The reason why he left the elders and the patriarchs is naturally that there is no backhand.

On the way from the St. Helier School of Magic to Mica Town, he was practicing summoning aliens.

Before rushing to Mika Town, he has summoned two small eavesdropping beasts, which are as large as the mosquitoes of their world and are very easy to hide. Before he left, he had already placed these two eavesdroppers on the big elders and the patriarchs, and there was a hidden magic.

As long as the two people have to say his signs, the result is only to die on the spot.

After dealing with this matter, Elvis returned to the St. Helier Academy of Magic with Lilo.

Before heading to Mika Town, Elvis had already finished reading one-half of the remaining magic scrolls on the second floor of the library.

It is estimated that it will take another half a month, and he will be able to finish the rest.

After that, the St. Helier Academy of Magic for him, there is no difference between waiting and not waiting. And compared to staying here, in fact, in the World of Warcraft can better exercise his ability. Moreover, in the Warcraft Forest, he does not have to hide his strength, it is more conducive to his practice skills.

After Elvis said his plan and Li Luo, he thought that he liked the human world more, and Li Luo, who didn't like the wind and food, would show his disappointing expression.

However, Elvis did not think that Li Luo seemed to have already known that he would have this plan. He just opened the matter and Li Luo accepted the proposal immediately.

So, after two weeks, one person and one cat disappeared silently from the St. Helier Academy of Magic, and no one knew where they went.

When Elvis and Lelo appeared again, the entire continent had already undergone earth-shaking changes.


After leaving the St. Helier Academy of Magic, Li Luo became a human figure, accompanied by Elvis. Only when fighting in the Warcraft Forest will it be restored to a more convenient combat type.

In the case of months of constantly searching for the right battle of Warcraft, not only Elvis is more consolidated in the realm of the six-star magician, even Li Luo feels that he can change in Elvis. The protective cover is also a big circle.

Every time after hunting for Warcraft, Elvis took the crystal nucleus of Warcraft without any surprise, and every month he chose to get a town to change into a magic spar.

Because after getting the two items, Elvis had no clue about the third item. In order not to miss any possibility, Elvis pays close attention to the auctions of all towns. As long as there is an auction in a certain town, he will take Li Luo to see if he can find the last item. .

But it is a pity that in the past three or four months, neither of them has gained anything.