MTL - The Villain Just Wants To Make Money-Chapter 108 High school campus super school bully (12)

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Shi Haoxing stared at Xie Gu for a long time, and said after a long pause: "Although I don't know Fang Haoting, those who bullied him used to play well with you, right?"

Xie Gu said: "Tao is not the same thing. I have already washed my hands in a golden basin. Besides, I am not forcing them to die."

He bent over to open the shoe cabinet: "Who told them to mess with me too?"

Even if Fang Haoting committed suicide, Xie Gu didn't care about this unknown person, but since he knew that Shi Haoxing would be stimulated, which would then affect his plan to make money - I'm sorry you guys are dead.

Shi Haoxing didn't understand: "Why did they mess with you?"

Xie Gu didn't want to reveal his true purpose, so he found a pair of slippers from the shoe cabinet and smashed them on Shi Haoxing's body: "Wear your shoes, why don't you go to your house tomorrow to pack up the toiletries and continue living? Does your father agree?"

Shi Haoxing put on his shoes, curled his lips and said, "My dad wishes I wouldn't spend his money, but won't you go home tomorrow?"

Xie Gu said: "I originally wanted to go back, but now that this kind of incident has happened in the school, it is estimated that I will have to go back and forth. It is very troublesome to run back and forth."

Glancing at Shi Haoxing, whose face was full of youthful childishness, Xie Gu nodded without a trace, and by the way, he became more determined in his heart to not marry and have children after resurrection.

Guiding Jiangshan and raising cubs is very tiring, and he is willing to dedicate his life to money.

That night, Xie Gu called Xie Feng and Yuan Qing to explain the situation. Neither Xie Feng nor Yuan Qing knew what happened in Yuncheng High School. When he had to live on the school's side now, Yuan Qing also persuaded Xie Gu to go home, but Xie Feng said "um" indifferently and let Xie Gu make his own decision.

Because Xie Gu opened hands-free, Shi Haoxing, who was not far away, also heard it, and there was obviously two points of envy on his face, but he didn't say anything.

However, Xie Gu thought about it for a while, and decided to speed up the investigation of Xie Feng and Yuan Qing.

But before that, let's clean up those people.

On July 22, 2017, the DNA comparison results of the corpse were released, and it was confirmed that it was Fang Haoting.

Fang's mother, who had only recovered a little, fainted from crying again, and Fang's father was a little better, but her eyes were red and swollen to describe haggard.

And because this whole thing is actually Fang Haoting's suicide, there is actually no need for more investigations. Although Fang Haoting's suicide note mentioned that he was bullied by the school that led to his desperate suicide, in the final analysis, it was not homicide, the so-called bullying. Most of Ling's students are underage, so it is very difficult to hold him accountable.

It is more likely that after spending a lot of effort to hold him accountable, the other party will only get some punishments that are neither itchy nor painful, which is simply insignificant compared to a single life.

So at this point, the matter is basically over, and only a few police officers will stay to help investigate some of Fang Haoting's events during his lifetime.

Calling it an investigation, in fact, it means visiting the teachers and classmates to check the relics. Finally, I will say condolences and follow the change. If there is any change, Zhuang Yuenlang, who has bullied Fang Haoting the most this year in high school, is even more proud—some people die. Don't dare to rebel against him, look, didn't something really happen in the end?

Xin Zong was relatively timid, but seeing Zhuang Yuanlang's uncowarded appearance, he let go a lot.

Zhao Zhihao was in class 20, and Wang Yiran was in class 21. Both were relatively timid. After the incident with Fang Haoting, Zhao Zhihao directly cut off contact with all the people in class 21. Wang Yiran could not leave in class 21, so he reflected. For a long time, I had bullied Fang Haoting, and finally I didn't know if I was bullying, so I quickly asked his parents to take him to the temple to give incense to people and pray for blessings.

And Yuncheng High School also wants to try to suppress this matter as much as possible - in any case, it is a fact that some students commit suicide, and it is difficult to say if they are not handled properly. The classmates also lost money and hired a psychology teacher for free counseling, and for Fang Haoting's parents, they tried their best to compensate.

However, Fang Haoting's parents have not compromised, they are not bad money, but they are usually busy with work, and Fang Haoting has always been very good and does not need to worry about it, so they don't understand Fang Haoting's situation at all. It was only because of the piles and pieces of the past that they realized how much wronged their son had suffered.

Those scumbags instigated, beat and scold Fang Haoting wantonly, used countless insulting words to describe Fang Haoting, and forced Fang Haoting to lie on the ground and lick their leftover bread crumbs, because Fang Haoting was unwilling to help them with their homework and directly pressed them down Kneeling down and being beaten to death, all kinds of actions may be just the tip of the iceberg, and it can be seen that human blood is pouring into the sky.

So Fang Haoting's parents didn't want to let Zhuang Yuenlang and others go so easily, but now the school is begging hard, and they themselves know that Fang Haoting is dead, no matter how much they do, they can't save them, and it's even difficult to really punish them." Murderer", thus giving birth to a bit of hesitation.

As a result, a package was sent to their home three days later.

When I opened it, I saw a USB flash drive and a letter inside.

They didn't dare to check the U disk first, so they could only open the letter first.

[Hello, uncles and aunts, I am a sophomore in Yuncheng High School. I am very sympathetic to Fang Haoting's experience, and I understand your current difficulties, but Zhuang Yuenlang and the others have done wrong, shouldn't they be punished? My friends and I quietly found some photos and videos, as well as some audio recordings and text versions of oral narration, all of which are in the USB flash drive. If you want to expose them on the Internet, we are all willing to testify. —from red scarf]

There is also a piece of white paper with hundreds of people's names signed on the back, and a note.

[In order to keep the confidentiality as much as possible, we can only find so many people first, but we believe that for the sake of love and justice, there will be more students who are willing to stand up! 】

My good guy, the joint book of evidence and confession is alive, and even the sanction method is given-although the sentences and methods sound very clumsy, but the trick is not a coincidence, and it works.

The author has something to say: the last chapter is still in the online review. If you look back and see the update, it may be that I am patching, which does not affect the reading of this chapter.

Then today I released a pre-collection with passion. As my junior, it said that it really wants to be in the top position. As a scumbag, I want to give it a chance, so please be healthy, my dears, and it is best to start collecting with your little hands. hee hee hee

The prince of heaven, he only wants salted fish [Quick Cross]

Heaven, the head of the heavens, leads all worlds, the Emperor of Heaven is the leader of the leaders, the boss of the bosses

It's a pity that the previous emperor died early and committed suicide.

And Ji Cheng, as the only son of the Emperor of Heaven, naturally has high hopes.

On looks and temperament? Prince Duck!

Better than spell cultivation? Prince Duck!

Talk about a strategy? Prince Duck!

Jicheng: Although it is very tired, but for the sake of being awesome, I will endure it :)

Later, the fortunes of the weather reversed, and there was an urgent need for brave men to come forward

So the ministers turned their attention to

Jicheng: Gan! Don't look at labor! Let me go! Let go! Let go!

The ministers immediately dropped their hands according to their words: the prince rushed to the duck!

Then Jicheng fell to the Nether

The kind that can't go home without twisting the weather :)

Tentative world:

1 The illegitimate son of a business tycoon

2 The puppet emperor

3 Delicious and lazy to be the leader of Wumeng

4 Primitive Orc Sacrifice

5 Star Zerg baby

6 Sleeping **** singer newcomer king

The rest are to be determined, the order is not determined
