MTL - The Villain’s Face Slapping Counterattack-Chapter 17 Face base leader (last age)

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"But, you will be in danger, if he comes back to you..."

"If you are there, no one can hurt me." Ding Zhaoyu squatted in the arms of Tang Yanxin, patted her back and whispered.

Tang Xinxin said with a sigh of relief: "Forget it, I am worried about you, but I also believe that you can handle it well."

Ding Zhaoyu smiled gently, Tang Yuxin indulged in his smile, could not help but kissed up.

One day after the end of the crisis, a day was severe. Zhou Xu got too little food, and he is now carrying a Xixi. This child is sensible and obedient, and can even help to do some work.

Zhou Xu has a kind of heart and soul every time he looks at Xixi, but this is the end of the world. She is probably very clear. If she is not obedient, Zhou Xu will abandon her.

Many roads have been blocked. Without maps, there is no navigation. Zhou Xu can only follow the memory of the original master and drive in the general direction.

After a full month, Zhou Xucai found the Chaoyang base. During this period, Zhou Xu taught how to protect himself from the West, and taught the various methods of dressing wounds in the West.

At the gate of the base, Zhou Xuchang took a sigh of relief and the story was finally on the right track. His road to revenge finally began.

"This is the population registration form, please fill it out. After filling it out, someone will take you to the medical examination. If the medical examination is passed, the base will give you a bed." At the entrance of the base, a girl smiled and said to Zhou Xu.

After receiving the registration form, Zhou Xuchong smiled softly, and the girl instantly smashed, and the original white cheeks had two blushes.

"Thank you." Zhou Xu said.

"Ah, no, no thanks." The girl bowed her head in a panic. Zhou Xu was very satisfied. It seems that this original appearance is really good, but it will not take advantage of this body.

"This is the child who came with me. Does her information have to be filled?"

"Your child?" The girl's expression was a little lost.

"No, I met on the road, I can't bear to leave it." Zhou Xu fills his own form and smiles and answers.

"Oh, that's good, no more than ten years old orphans, the base has a special placement."

"Can't you follow me?" Zhou Xu put down the pen.

"No, unless you prove to be her loved one."

Zhou Xu took a little gimmick and made a thought, and then rushed the girl to blink and smiled: "Beauty, she is my sister, called Zhou Xixi, can you be with me now?"

The girl was flashed by Zhou Xu’s blink of an eye. Her face was still blushing. At this moment, she became red. Her chicken licked her head and said, “Yes, yes, no one checks it anyway.”

Saying, the girl handed another form to Zhou Xu, a form about kinship.

"Thank you, beautiful." After that, Zhou Xu filled out the form within one minute and led Xixi to the medical examination office.

There is nothing special about the medical examination department. It is only to check whether the person has an ability. If there is an ability, it will be assigned to the power team and go out to perform the task. If there is no power, it will be assigned to various departments of the logistics department.

At the end of the medical examination, Zhou Xu led Xixi to the base housing resettlement office. The staff member read Zhou Xu is a versatile person, and with a child, gave him a single room, otherwise it was a room for four people. After all, the base house is too tight, and everyone can have a place to sleep. Not bad.

Saying that the road is narrow, it is really narrow, because when Zhou Xu got the key to find his room, the door next door opened.

"Hello, I heard the opening of the door, I came out and said hello, I am your neighbor Ding Zhaoyu."

Zhou Xu and Xixi are facing the door, but after the two slowly turned back, the smile on Ding Zhaoyu’s face could not be hanged, but Zhou Xu was in a good mood. “Hello, Ding Zhaoyu.”

"Who is it, according to jade." Behind Ding Zhaoyu, Tang Yuxin also came out.

Zhou Xu waved his hand and smiled mildly. "Hey, hello, Tang Yuxin."

“Zhou Xu!” Tang Yuxin was surprised. Then he pointed to Zhou Xu and said, “Why are you following us?”

"Oh, I and Xixi also came to the Chaoyang base, it must be because of you? Tang Yuxin, you think a little bit more."


"Okay, Tang Yuxin, we are neighbors in the future, we must be harmonious." After that, Zhou Xuyi said to Xixi: "Xisi, say hello to uncle and aunt."

"Uncle is good, aunt is good, aunt, you are so beautiful, certainly not thirty years old?"

Tang Yuxin’s face was immediately dark. “I am twenty-three this year.”

"Oh, really not thirty, it’s good."

Zhou Xu whispered: "Xisi, it is rude to say this."

Xixi looked puzzled at Zhou Xu and asked: "Where is it impolite?"

"Because it seems like she is very old."

"Not old, less than thirty years old."

"Forget it, don't tell you, let's go into the house."

"Well, ok, Zhou Xu brother."

The "uncle" and "auntie" over there are all stunned. How do they feel as old as their parents?

Closing the door, Zhou Xu scraped the nose of the West, "small play fine."

Xixi smiled and said: "I hate their two people's reads;."

"I dont like it either."

The house is very simple, about twenty square meters, with a washroom, a very small kitchen, and the rest except for a table, a few chairs, and two single beds, almost nothing.

After the two simply ate something, Zhou Xu began to think about it. The most important thing he wants to do now is to get his dad back, otherwise he will be found by Ding Zhaoyu, and maybe he will be bitten by Zombie. Injury, and then was killed by Ding Zhaoyu.

A few days later, Zhou Xu was called by the headquarters of the abilities. At the headquarters of the abilities, Zhou Xu was forced to assign the team, and the captain of the team was Ding Zhaoyu.

Hehe, Zhou Xu smiles coldly, and if so, it will come to war.

Zhou Xu actually hides his healing ability. First, this ability is too physical. Secondly, he doesn't want to be a doctor and he doesn't want to be a saint. This kind of healing ability is useful for him. That is to cure himself. disease.

Before Zhou Xulai, Ding Zhaoyu’s team had already had a mission, and everyone had changed. So the newcomers didn’t know what Ding Zhaoyu had thrown before Zhou Xu and Wang Ying’s two teammates, but Zhou Xu would let them know. After all, the cost of black people is low, and the rate of return is simply too cool. Moreover, he is not black, it can only be regarded as truth.

There are now ten teams in a small team, usually three or four cars. There are also a variety of tasks, some searching for food, some searching for weapons, and some searching for bricks and concrete used in construction. The completion time of the task is not clearly defined. Generally, the nearby missions will go back and forth on the same day.

Their task this time is relatively simple, that is, to go to the original wholesale market in the city to find clothing.

It’s still summer, but it’s already in the midsummer. It’s cold after the fall, and the base must be prepared for more clothes, just in case.

They are three cars for ten people this time, one of which is a small truck.

Zhou Xu was sitting in the co-driver's seat of the truck. The name of the driver who was driving next to it was Song Jun. He had a look of acne, which made him unable to see his original appearance.

The right hand is on the window, Zhou Xu asks Song Jun: "Who is the opposite person?"

When Song Jun saw it, he smiled and said: "He doesn't know him? His name is Xia Qingfeng. Although he is new, the value of force is simply against the sky. When he came, he gave the minister of the Ministry of Power, and then Picking the captain and vice captain of the strongest team, he is too strong, and he is not a world person."

Zhou Xu looked at the tall back, and then vaguely heard him say "Do people get together?" Then Zhou Xu smiled, and he would never admit his voice, that is, the savior who said "not killing people."

In this case, it should be, Zhou Xu decided to return, he did not want to owe anything.

"They also go?"

“Well, the wholesale city is very big. We are starting with the two teams. We are in charge of the women’s wear area. They are responsible for the children’s wear and men’s wear area in the south.”


Song Jun started the car, Zhou Xu looked at the person who had already got on the bus. The person seemed to feel Zhou Xu’s gaze and also looked over.

Zhou Xu smiled slightly, waved at him, and then said a "嗨" with his mouth.

Xia Qingfeng frowned and looked at Zhou Xu, and then did not see it, and shifted his sight.

"Boss, what happened?"

"Nothing." Xia Qingfeng replied that the bronzed skin shimmered with the special luster under the sunlight. His eyebrows were like swords, flying obliquely into the shackles, his eyes were a bit narrow, and if he was slightly picked up, he would add a suffocation to his whole person. The nose is tall and the lips are a little thin. When the face is expressionless, the whole person reveals a cold feeling that is not close to the living.