MTL - The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses-Chapter 1424 As long as you (122)

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Seeing him, she walked faster, but in the end he caught up with him.

This is Mu Wansheng's first meeting with him after he called and said they broke up.

"Late, where have you been in the last year or two?"

"Does it have anything to do with you?" Mu Wansheng hooked her lips. "The last time you saw you, you went to the hospital to have a baby. You never expected to see you again, or did you two get married together?"

"not married."

"Oh, let's get married earlier, this girl looks pretty good to you."

"Late ... Actually, I have never forgotten you. I went to Mu's house several times, but I never saw you."

"Don't say that, I feel a little sick." Mu Wansheng saw the girl across the road catching up, stopped talking nonsense with him, and turned away.

Who ever thought that Zuo Xingwei grabbed his arm and said, "Late, what's your number?"

Mu Wansheng shook his hand away fiercely, "Don't touch me, Zuo Xingwei, we are okay for a long time. The day I broke up with you was completely disheartened to you, and I didn't want to have you again Don't ask for any contact. "

Zuo Xingwei looked at the back of her departure and stood there without moving.

"Look, the eyes are dug up for you, and you are not allowed to look at her!" Girlfriend Gao Manchun twisted him angrily.

Zuo Xingwei turned and walked back, his girlfriend caught up and asked, "Are you sorry you are with me? Do you still like her?"

"Are you annoying, shut up?"

"You ..." Gao Manchun sneered. "You have no chance even if you don't give up. Today's news broke, saying Mu Wansheng will be engaged to Luo's son tomorrow."

Zuo Xingwei changed her face, "Really?"

"What did I lie to you? It's all in the news. An engagement ceremony will be held tomorrow. She's about to get married. The fiance is Luo's family. If you are rich, will you still look after you as a poor boy?"

He was busy pulling out his cell phone, searching the webpage for late-born news, and found that it was really what his girlfriend said.

Seeing his appearance, Gao Manchun was very angry. "If you still can't forget her, we will break up. Don't pretend to be a lover of love. If you really love her so much, you will still go to bed with me. Am I pregnant? "



Until the sky was getting dark, Mu Wansheng still had no plans to go home.

She didn't want to go back.

I didn't know where I could go. I walked and walked to the gate of Jin Qingyan in the Pooh community.

Looking at the door, Mu Wansheng was hesitant for a moment. She settled down and just walked a few steps, but the door opened.

Xiaobai ran with a smile and said, "Ms. Mu, it's really you. I thought that what I saw on the monitor just now was someone else. Why not knock on the door when it comes?"

Mu Wansheng said nervously, "I just walked around and came here. Well, I'll go back first."

"Miss Mu, shall I drive you?"

"No, there are taxis outside the community. Xiaobai, I'll go first."

She stopped saying more and walked forward hurriedly.

As soon as Xiaobai entered the gate, Fan Shixin came over, "Where have you been on duty?"

"I just saw Miss Mu coming to the gate in the monitor. I went out and asked. She said that she would just walk here. I said she drove her, but she wouldn't let it, either. It's over !!! "


As soon as Mu Wansheng was outside the community, she saw a car parked next to her. Ding Qing looked at the person in the window and was surprised. "Captain Fan ..."


Mu Wan was born as a co-pilot, and his expression became restrained.

"have you eaten?"

She shook her head. "Not yet."

"I just didn't eat it. What do you want?"

"Anything is fine."

He leaned and fastened her seatbelt. It was such a simple move that Mu Wansheng couldn't move without touching the seat.

Two people went to a restaurant, which was a private box.

Fan Shixin had ordered only, but she asked, "I want some wine."

"Are you looking for me when you went to the Pooh neighbourhood?"

Mu Wansheng denied, "No, I just walked there."

"Walk ..." He smiled, "Well ... I thought you were looking for me."

Mu Wansheng bowed his head, "I asked Captain Fan what to do."

"Isn't we going to get engaged tomorrow? If you're hanging out so late, your family won't blame you?"

"Called me several times, and I said I ate out and went back." Mu Wansheng asked, "Captain Fan, where do you like Pingyang?"

"Actually, I was going to break up with her yesterday." Fan Shixin bluntly said, "After arriving at the hospital, I happened to find that she had stolen love with a man, so I investigated by the way, and found that she had gone with that man for the last three months There are more than twenty times in hotels, and your cousin is really good at acting. "

Mu Wansheng was shocked when he heard the news of the bombshell himself. "Did you intend to break up with her without finding those?"

"Well, I think our attitudes towards life are too different, not suitable for husband and wife, and I did not like her very much. I thought it was a blind date. It ’s just a long time. It does n’t seem to be the case. Found something so dramatic. "

"That being the case, why didn't you ... tell her to break up and go to Mu's house with gifts?"

Fan Shixin stared at her with burning eyes, "Why do you think I am?"

Mu Wansheng looked at him, "I don't know, why?"

"You will know later."


At this meal, Mu Wansheng felt that he didn't drink much wine, but felt that he was dizzy.

"I'll walk you home."

"I don't want to go home." She turned to look at him. "I want to stay in your house for another night, all right?"

"Don't you tell your family to eat out and go back?"

"It's okay, I'll call them and say I'm in a hotel."

He drove back to the Pooh neighbourhood and took her back to her wedding room.

When the door was closed, Mu Wansheng shook to the second bedroom.

It looked like it was when she left, and she threw herself on the bed. "That's great."

"You wash and rest, I'll go there."

"it is good."

At the sound of the door being closed, she turned over, looked at the ceiling, and grinned.

I'm afraid it's the last time in my life that I've lived in this house.

I don't know why, I just feel that this house can give her energy of peace of mind.

She likes this house very much.

Sitting up in bed, she reached out and began to undress, stripping herself one by one, and went to the bathroom.

Tie your hair with rubber bands, put on a shower cap and start rinsing.

Rinse for five minutes.

Dry yourself and come out naked.