MTL - The White Cat’s Divine Scratching Post-Chapter 15 Buying and selling

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Mo Tianyi went to Qingning Palace to prepare a message, leaving a message to the teacher, indicating that he would go down to the city to see it. He returned in a few days, and then took the kitten out of Wo Yunzong.

Wo Yunzong is very strict with ordinary disciples. To be a sect of the sect, he must report in advance, and the time for the sect of the sect in a year is quantitative. The disciples who are arrogant like Mo Tianyi can at most Six days outside.

However, as a pro-disciple, there is no such restriction. You can go out as long as you agree. And Mo Tianyi’s teacher’s request to him is “to do what you want to do”.

Mo Tianqi inquired about the teacher, there is a square of the cultivators in the 50 miles below Wo Yunzong Mountain.

On the small road under the mountain, a cluster of wildflowers was opened. There were butterflies flying around in the flowers. The kitten struggled to go down. Mo Tianyi could not, but he had to put him down: "I am going slowly, you have to follow. Don't run around."

Mo Tianqi cat head, got up and walked slowly, took a few steps back, the cat is still in place. A blue butterfly flew overhead, the white hairball suddenly leaped, and a slap in the palm of the hand under the palm of the hand, feeling boring, and raised his claws to put the butterfly. The frightened butterfly stumbled and flew away to escape, and the kitten suddenly came to interest again, picking it up and slap it.

Drilled in the flowers, and quickly got a petal, grass clippings, the kitten is somewhat dissatisfied, jumped out and shivered.

"Don't play, let's go." Mo Tianyi stood a few steps away, helpless.

The kitten looked back at him and ignored him. He licked his hair in the same place, tried to lick his paws, found that the claws were stained with soil, and he stumbled on the ground and turned to the side of Mo Tianyi.

Mo Tianyi was pleased with a smile. The hairball finally followed, and he walked forward, but felt that his waist was sinking and he looked down. The white hairball was hanging on his hem.

After a moment of silence, Mo Tianyi bent down and took the cat uncle.

"Hey!" The kitten raised his dirty claws to show him.

Mo Tian stunned, took out the puddle and the kettle, pour water to wipe the claws. The gray paws quickly recovered from the pink, but the kitten did not want to go down. He climbed up his collar and climbed to the top of his head.

"Hey!" The kitten screamed with joy, and Mo Tianqi smacked his mouth. He always felt that the cat uncle said "driving!" The original fantasy owner walked in front, and the cat chased the scene in the back. It seems that it is not May appear...

With the uncle of the cat, Mo Tianqi walked down the mountain with his legs open. He is a six-pronged man who can't fly the sword, but he is already as light as Yan. When he is less than two hours, he will walk to the edge of the city.

Around the main road, there are always large and small Xiuxianfang cities and towns. These are sheltered by Xianmen. There are usually few mortals in the house. Some of them often live in scattered repairs. Some of the materials needed for cultivation.

The name of this square in the foothills is Ruyifang, which is a long street. There are two squares at the end of Long Street. The whole square is shaped like a jade, so it is called Yiyifang.

Mo Tianyi hugged the kitten that had fallen asleep on his head and stuffed it into the placket on his chest. After a moment, he was scratched into a mess of hair, and he walked into the city.

The square is full of stalls, selling spirits, selling medicinal herbs, selling ore, and some gadgets. These are small businesses that are unwilling to pay high rents on the streets and set up stalls here.

Of course, there are more miscellaneous items that are not classified. Most of them are monks who go out to practice. If they get something they don't need, they will come to a booth. They can buy it with Lingshi or change things.

Mo Tianyi looked at it roughly, didn't stop doing much, and went straight to the shop where the instruments were bought and sold on the long street.

Three hundred years did not enter the WTO, Mo Tianyi first visited a few shops, roughly asked about the price of the storage bag, almost the same, and finally chose Xiang Rongzhai, this thing is relatively more refined, the price is also slightly higher.

“What do the officials want?” It seems that the mortal 40-year-old shopkeeper smiled and asked, “Our Xiang Rong Zhai’s things are the most complete in this wishful place.”

"I have a piece of 貂裘, I want to change some good wine." Mo Tianyi faint.

The shopkeeper slammed a bit, and immediately changed the smile: "Good wine is also here, please ask inside the guest."

This is the jargon of the refiner. "I have a good wine, and I can buy a sword." In this case, one is to prevent the refining division with Lingbao from being stared before the transaction, and then to remind the store that this is a refinery who needs to give a fair price.

Inside is a small tea room, the decor is very refined.

The shopkeeper poured a cup of tea into Mo Tianyi and sat down opposite him: "The younger friend is young, he can refine the instrument, and the future is awesome." A pair of slightly smaller eyes swept over Mo Tianyi and flashed a few An unidentified mans.

Mo Tianyi results in tea: "The shopkeeper's praise, the district is not only practicing gas, this time is to handle several small items for the family."

The treasurer was clear, and the smile on his face could not help but deepen: "It turned out to be a master of the masters. What can be done to deal with it, we have a higher price than Xiangjiazhai."

Mo Tianqi did not talk nonsense, and the storage bags were refining five, leaving two for their own use and taking out three. The bag is finely crafted and the fabric is also fine silk. It is very beautiful.

The shopkeeper's eyes are bright, many storage bags have a lot of space, but the appearance is not good, and they can't sell for a good price. Take it and examine it carefully. The space is not big, but it is very stable. The inner strength is full of aura, and there is no escape.

"Good tricks!" The shopkeeper couldn't help but marvel. This technique of depicting the arrays can only be drawn by the masters of the refining masters, but the space is not big...

"The squad is painted by the teacher, and the aura is filled by the younger generation." This shopkeeper is the mid-term repair of the foundation, and Mo Tianyi said that a younger generation also made it.

The treasurer was clear: "This is a good battle, but the space is too small."

The first small storage bag interrupted by the cat uncle, the shopkeeper gave six pieces of Zhongpin Lingshi, the other two and a half houses, each of the fifteen pieces of the middle of the spirit stone.

Mo Tianyi nodded and agreed, let the treasurer a piece of Chinese stone, as long as thirty-five: "I want to inquire with the treasurer."

"You said." The treasurer took away the piece of Lingshi, and he was very fond of this little monk who would be a human being.

"You have heard of the artifact of the sculptor?" Mo Tianyi lowered his voice.

The shopkeeper's slight eyebrows: "Nature knows, but the little friend wants to inspect the whereabouts of the artifact."

"The teacher is very obsessed with the refining device. He only wants to see the thing in his life." Mo Tianyi seems to be helpless.

"That is nature, who does not look forward to the artifact?" The shopkeeper smiled and looked around, and also lowered the voice. "Many masters died in the volcano, and the calorie did not exist. Later, people went, only When I got a sporadic treasure, the artifact was not in the body of the calcination. It was still in the furnace of the enchantment of the magic palace, but it was a pity that it was taken out in advance."

The artifact was born, and it was naturally robbed by everyone. It once caused a storm. However, people later discovered that this artifact would not be used, and even the Qingyunzong's lord was unable to do anything, and this gradually subsided the competition. After that, the artifact has not yet been practiced. It is said that because of the early release, there is an irreversible crack, and the best refiner master of the right way is difficult to repair.

The treasurer is very emotional: "In this world, in addition to the sculptor, I am afraid that no one can practice the artifact."

As for the whereabouts of the artifact, the last time I heard that it was at the Zhengdao Conference a hundred years ago, it was still in the hands of Qingyunzong. After that, I didn’t know where I went. It was said that I was stolen by the first thief in the Xianxian world. Some black market auctions.

"I have been here for many years, and the news is not well-informed. If a small friend wants to inquire, he can go to the distant city to ask."

Mo Tianyi thanked the shopkeeper, put the newly earned Lingshi into the storage bag, and threw the storage bag into the storage bracelet and walked out of Xiangrongzhai.

The usual storage implements can't put other storage implements. This bracelet, which is made by the sculptor, although the space is small, but in addition to not afraid of thunder, there is also the advantage that other storage implements can be placed. However, this point, except for no one knows, after all, it is much more valuable to be able to resist robbery than to load more.

Although, the so-called anti-thunder, but the bracelet itself is not afraid of 劈 ...

"Oh..." The kitten woke up, and when he stretched out, he would climb up.

Mo Tianyi hurriedly pressed the placket and refused to take it. The kitten couldn’t get out, very unhappy, and began to scratch the waist of the sky through the inner shirt.

There is itchiness around the waist, and Mo Tianyi tries to laugh at it. He is afraid that he will be found with a monster, he can't move, he has to live. Facelessly walked into a shop that bought vestments, bought a **** cloak and covered himself, which took out the messy hair ball and slammed it.