MTL - The Whole Tribe Wants To Have Baby With Me-Chapter 16 No. 7 peach

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For Axiong's question, Liang Yue just "hmm", simply explained: "This is what I want to do."

From the day when Liang Yue was in his mother's stomach, the deep memory was left to the present.

Just like my predecessor's mother, although it is a childbirth, my mother can have a baby in October, cut her side of the birth canal, and she will be born with a lot of hardships, and then take care of me for twenty years. It was such a hard work, and my mother never expected to repay after Liang Yue grew up. On the contrary, I hope that I will be healthy and healthy after I retire. This will help Liang Yue take care of his little wife and grandchildren. He can also use his savings to buy a house for his son and make his son live a little easier.

Just as mom treats himself, Liang Yue is like this to beautiful tribes. If you will receive reciprocation and gratitude, Liang Yue will certainly be happy, but the tribe of life can still maintain its vitality and beauty, and protect it for thousands of years without being affected by disasters. This is the greatest relief.

"Hey, I really don't understand you." Axiong looked at Liang Yue with a sullen look, and his eyes were like daddy looking helplessly at his stupid child.

Liang Yue.."..."

Now, Liang Yue can read his expression from Axiong's hairy face.

Liang Yue recollected the scent of the remaining wheat tea in his mouth and asked. "I didn't understand it. How can you burn the insects in the peach forest?"

Axiong answered with a serious look.. "You look good, Taolin should be very good at seeing it, you can stand up to you, you can't be ruined by insects. I want to clean up your palace and burn insects here tonight. It is."

"Okay." Liang Yue allowed.

In this way, the most diligent, efficient, and meticulous deworming master in the tribe was born.

That night, Axiong finally cleaned up a whole piece of peach forest, flew in the sky for a long time, then came to the marsh of the peach blossom forest, through the moonlight, and the reflection of his own reflection in the water.

After watching it for a while, Axiong sighed with a big sigh, and the five fingers came together. Starting from the hair, I used my nails to brush my hair and brush the messy hair straight.


Axiong burned in the Taolin, and on the other side, Liang Yue went to his father to discuss, and wanted to talk to his father about the plans that had been discussed with A Niu.

Liang Yue has not yet sneaked into the palace under his father's water. His father Liang Chuan has already flew up in a wet, two green dragons met in the air.

When Liang Chuan saw Liang Yue, Longkou opened wide and kept open to the side face, showing two rows of complete, neat white teeth.

This is the biggest smile of the father Liang Yue has seen.

Daqinglong not only happily fangs, but also unrestrainedly screamed at the long "吼~~~". The sound is loud, the white clouds floating in the night sky are blown away instantly, even the rocks on the ground are shaken, the leaves are snarled by the wind, and the various voices of the orcs are heard in the palace. It seems to be asking for help, as if in fear. It seems to be attached.

The orcs on the ground stepped out of their homes and fell to the ground.

Liang Chuan also seemed to hear the abnormality of the ground, glanced down, and the big mouth closed instantly.

After returning to God, Liang Chuan yelled at Liang Yue and smiled excitedly. "You have heard all the conversations with the female orcs! It is a baby of Dad!"

Liang Yue.."..."

Although she is already a hundred years old, she is not a baby, but Liang Yue did not refute him, because Liang Yue saw the expression of Liangchuan’s face that he could not help.

Liang Chuan continued. "The baby's thoughts are really good! Dad will help the baby to get it! The hard work of moving the mountain to the river will be given to Dad. The baby will continue to kiss each other and try to get a lot of little babies! Find a big butt, big **** Good life!"

Liang Yue.."..."

Under the great force and mana of his father, the transformation of the river was done by Liang Chuan. The father of Liang Chuan who had listened to the full plan also had his own plan. He excitedly licked his paw and said, "Don’t grab it with Dad. Coolie, every tribe has a lot of delicious things~ Baby has to pay close attention!"

Liang Yue baby nodded. This evening, Liang Chuan could not wait to fly away. From the source of the river in the north, he combed the river and the underground river.

When his father left the office, Liang Yue did not idle. He began to recall the disaster prevention and contingency plans, injury treatment methods and treatment methods known to the past, and prepared to organize these safety knowledge. One did not teach the entire orcs.

Of course, when preparing for the safety knowledge, Liang Yue will also take time to come out and kiss.

The place where I was in love with the number seven was on a hill full of peaches.

The wooden table on the top of the hill, filled with fresh, hydrated peaches, looks particularly delicious.

However, Liang Chuan did not have the peaches on the table, and his mind was still safe. At this time, Liang Yue has sorted out the self-rescue knowledge of flood control and disaster relief, and the whole brain is checking for missing traps.

When seeing the seventh, Liang Yuecai came out of the ocean of safety knowledge.

The appearance of the 7th is very special.

When the sun rises in the east, the brilliance of the pale yellow color spreads to the haze, and all things in the world are dyed with a warm yellow. The four hooves of a black unicorn came along with four yellow loess, and the scales on Kirin's body sparkled with golden luster.

Hei Lulin saw Liang Yue, stayed for a little while, did not come down from the loess, but drove a loess, kicked his legs around Liang Yue, and twisted his waist from time to time, shaking his tail and Ass.

Liang Yue.."???"

Around Liang Yue turned twenty-seven laps, the black unicorn was down to earth, the loess scattered, he kicked his legs and lifted his legs, while rotating eighteen laps, the powerful black mane fluttered, all-round display With your body.

After the show was finished, the Black Kirin turned into a young man with a long stature. The youth is more than two meters high, the skin is dark and black, and the black skin looks white. His eyes are white. He has a corner on his head and he wears black shiny armor. It should be made of unicorn scales.

At this time, the 7th black unicorn gave a sunny smile to Liang Yuelu, showing a particularly white tooth, and said: "His Royal Highness, I am the seventh peach peach ~ Your Highness is still satisfied with my body? I am Kirin. A family, because they like to eat peaches, it is called peach peach ~"

Peach peach said, very diligently pushed the peaches on the table to the side of Liang Yue, said: "Peach peaches only eat raw fruits, do not cook meat, I hope that the temple does not disappoint... but peaches have tasted a lot of fruit, I will pick the sweetest fruit. If my Highness follows me, I can pick up a lot of sweet fruits for my Highness every day~"

"Thank you." Thanks to the kindness of peach peach, Liang Yue ate a peach, it was really sweet in the accident.


"Thank you for your peach," Liang Yue smiled apologetically and said. "But I didn't bring fruit to make a return."

Liang Yue suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He thought that blind date was a chat. As a result, almost every time, the other party would prepare to eat the treasure, but he was not prepared for anything. The only return was the clothes, but the clothes could not be sent casually.

Peach peach also showed his white teeth, and smiled. "No need to return to the gift ~ the female is responsible for food, the male is responsible for eating ~"

If it is a tradition, Liang Yue is not too concerned about this. He is very curious about the armor of the peach, and he began to discuss the method of armor with Tao Tao.

After all, it's bare to be a human figure. If the scales on the body can make the armor out, that's fine.

Peach peach is very generous, and proudly said: "This method can be used by males. It can keep the characteristics of the animal in the human body, retain armor and horns, strengthen yourself!"

Liang Yue tried it. It really made the cyan scales cover the whole body. He could grow two horns on his head, and the body did not have any discomfort. He also felt that mana and force were twice as strong.

When the test was completed, Liang Yue finally felt that something was wrong.

"This method can only be used by males. That peach, are you male?" Liang Yue asked.

The peach was obviously stunned, then bowed his head and whispered. "Yes, I can't swear, I am a male, pretending to be a female to participate in a blind date! But I really want to see my highness, so... ”

Liang Yue circumvented the topic and asked. "When you fly up, you step on the loess, your skills, will control the soil?"

"Yes!" Kirin looked proudly at Liang Yue. I was particularly helpful and chose a very good look.

Liang Yue began to grasp the strong at this time, he said very seriously. "You deceived me, I should do something for me to apologize."

When Tao Tao asked not to ask, he immediately replied cheerfully. "Okay!"

"You don't ask me what to do?" Liang Yue asked.

The peach white's signature white teeth are fully displayed, and replied without thinking. "The happiest thing to do with His Highness is ~\()/~His Royal Highness is all right!"