MTL - The Whole World Wants Them To Get Divorced-Chapter 17

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Generally acquaintances don't meet like "Long time no see, oh, you've become beautiful again, I miss you so much."

Those who didn't know thought they were enemies, not at the same table.

This woman either has a low emotional intelligence and can't speak, or she did it on purpose.

Si Yu looked at this pretty woman whose facial features were covered by heavy makeup. She was sure she had never seen it before, and asked Little B: "Who is she?"

Little B: "Her name is Lin Shuang, she's your junior high school classmate, and you two have been at the same table for two years. Once, you won ten votes more than her when evaluating grade-level flowers."

All the characters who have intersected with women's girls, Xiao B has a simple information description here.

After listening to this character introduction, Si Yu rolled his eyes in his heart.

What grade of flowers is evaluated in junior high school, there must be too little homework.

It’s been almost ten years since junior high school, how could Lin Shuang recognize the female partner in such a short time?

Si Yu made a sudden recollection and said, "So it's you! If you don't wear such heavy makeup, maybe I'll recognize it."

For today's interview, Lin Shuang dressed up carefully. She was very satisfied with her makeup, but was told by Si Yu that the makeup was too heavy. Seeing that other people looked at them with different expressions, Lin Shuang smiled awkwardly and lowered his voice: "You haven't changed at all, you're still so... beautiful."

Si Yu heard that she said she was pretty and wasn't very attentive, so she didn't bother to reply: "Thank you."

Lin Shuang moved the chair over, sat down next to her, and asked in a low voice, "Are you also here for the interview?"

Si Yu put on a professional smirk and said, "Yeah, I heard that they are recruiting actors, I'll take a look."

Also in the entertainment industry. But I've never seen you."

"I haven't entered yet." Si Yu said bluntly: "I'm a newcomer."

Lin Shuang was taken aback and said, "You never acted?"


"Have you studied acting?"

"No." Si Yu opened his eyes and said nonsense.

It's not a lie, the female supporting role is a newcomer who has never learned acting.

Lin Shuang was surprised and said, "Then how did you... get invited to the interview?"

Before Si Yu came, Lin Shuang knew about ten other people. There were two actresses she knew. The remaining eight people are in similar situations, and they all belong to the kind of "old people" who have struggled in the entertainment industry for two or three years.

Lin Shuang was born in a professional class. It has been five years since his debut. He has never been popular, and his acting skills are still very solid. After the termination of the contract with the former company, she wanted to enter the light and shadow industry, and only received an interview invitation after submitting her resume three times.

Light and Shadow Entertainment is the most powerful and most resourceful entertainment economic company in China, and the degree of competition can be imagined.

Lin Shuang squeezed her head to get this opportunity. She never believed that even a person with no basic knowledge in Si Yu could come to the interview.

Is it a related account?

However, a relationship user does not need an interview.

The more Lin Shuang thought about it, the more puzzled he became.

Si Yu smiled sweetly and said shamelessly: "Maybe that handsome guy who screened his resume was conquered by my beautiful appearance."

Lin Shuang: "..."

These words are really hateful, Lin Shuang can't help but think about the first year when Si Yu was suppressed by ten votes and robbed her of the grade flower, and the sad past of her crush on Bancao who rejected her because she liked Si Yu , secretly rubbing thought: wait for the next interview to see how proud you are.

How can she look beautiful, light and shadow never raise a vase.

The other party's foundation was too thick, Si Yu couldn't see what Lin Shuang was thinking, she didn't want to be intimidated with this person, looked down at her phone, and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

"I'll accompany you." Lin Shuang said.

Si Yu asked the staff for the location of the toilet, and the other party told her that the women's toilet on this floor was leaking and was being repaired, and asked them to go to the tenth floor. The tenth floor is where the meeting is held, and there are relatively few people.

They went to wait for the elevator.

The elevator door opened, and there stood a black and a hundred or two women, all dressed in elite and capable workplace.

Si Yu subconsciously wanted to go in, and stopped when she saw the tall white figure.

On the way here, Si Yu wondered if he would meet Lu Xi, and if he did, should he say hello. Before she was mentally prepared, Lu Xi appeared, accompanied by a special assistant, Chen Yan.

Lu Xi obviously did not expect to meet her here, a strange color flashed in his cold eyes.

Si Yu calmed down and walked in calmly.

Lin Shuang then came in.

Everyone's face was reflected on the elevator wall. Si Yu stood in front, her eyes inevitably collided with Lu Xi, she pretended not to see and glanced to the side.

The air vent "huhu" spews cold air, in the silence, a clear voice said: "What are you doing?"

"Mr. Lu, are you talking to me?" Chen Yan asked.

Lu Xi stared at the back of Si Yu's head.


"What position?"

Si Yu originally planned to wait for the results of the interview to tell his family, but he didn't expect to be bumped into by Lu Xi so quickly, so he had to tell the truth: "Actor."

Lu Xi frowned, repeating as if she didn't understand: "Actor?"

Si Yu gave a soft "ah".


The elevator reaches the tenth floor.

Lu Xi and Chen Yan also went to the tenth floor, but they came down for the meeting.

Looking at the back of Si Yu walking towards the bathroom, Lu Xi was thoughtful.

Chen Yan didn't recognize Si Yu, she had been with Lu Xi for several years, and knew that Lu Xi was cold. In the elevator just now, Lu Xi actually took the initiative to ask questions. Although his tone was still cold, there was an inexplicable familiarity. She couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Lu, do you know that person?"

until people entered the bathroom, Lu Xi looked back, his face returned to his usual cold and ruthless, and answered the question, "Are you all there?"

Chen Yan realized that she didn't want to talk, put away her thoughts of gossip, and said solemnly: "It's all here."

"Let's go."

Lin Shuang is crazy.

"Ah, ah, ah, my mother!"

Si Yu was shocked by the sound of her dolphin, and her eardrums hurt, and she shook her body. He heard her taking stimulants and said, "Just now, that is Lu Xi, the president of Light and Shadow! I compare the photo Even more beautiful! Why is there such a beautiful person in the world!"

Why, the author gave it.

Si Yu was dizzy when she shook her head, pushed her away, pretended to be a **** and said, "Yeah, it's so beautiful, I was almost dizzy by her beauty just now, can I be with her? It's a blessing for three lives to take an elevator."

"..." Lin Shuang slowly calmed down and said, "It doesn't need to be so exaggerated."

Si Yu waved his hand and prepared to enter the compartment.

Lin Shuang held her: "You and President Lu know each other?"

Si Yu thought about it and said, "I don't know."

"Then why did she ask you questions."

Si Yu threw her a wink, pointed to the smiling face and said, "Because I am beautiful."

Lin Shuang: "..."

Lin Shuang is really speechless. I have seen narcissistic people, but I have never seen a shameless person like Si Yu.

Si Yu sat on the toilet and sighed in spite of her thoughts.

As an unrecognizable female supporting role, she and the president of Light and Shadow have been married for two years.

The miserable is really miserable, but Si Yu is very glad that the author arranged this way and saved her a lot of trouble.

The interview is scheduled to start at half past nine, with half an hour to prepare.

A total of thirteen people were interviewed in this interview, in pairs, and the scripts and partners were selected by lottery. There will be one more person.

Siyu is the extra one.

The staff gave her an A4 sheet of paper to wait for what she was going to perform. Si Yu glanced at it and was silent.

She played a widow whose husband had just died, and her partner in the play was a "dead man", with no lines, just find someone to walk on the ground.

The other groups took their partners to rehearsal, and Si Yu could only recite his lines silently.

The interview order will also be drawn by lot, only Si Yu is not used, she is arranged at the end.

Lin Shuang and his partner drew second.

After the interview, Lin Shuang returned to the lounge with a gloomy face.

Si Yu didn't ask her about the interview, and looked down at the script.

Lin Shuang saw that she was pretending to be serious, and complained in her heart: I never saw you work so hard when I was in school. No matter how serious it is, it's useless, if you don't act, you won't be eliminated.

"The last one, Siyu."

After waiting for almost an hour, it was finally her turn, Si Yu rubbed her aching buttocks and walked steadily into the interview room.

There are a total of four interviewers, one artist director, and the other three are senior gold managers of Light and Shadow.

Si Yu bowed ninety degrees and introduced himself first.

The four interviewers were amazed by her outstanding appearance and temperament, and looked at each other.

The director looked at the resume in front of him and said, "Siyu, I have zero performance experience. We have all watched the video you recorded, and the performance was very good, very vivid, and very skilled, It really doesn't look like a newcomer who has never learned to act and never acted."

When submitting a resume, Si said a video, a monologue of a blind woman. This is one of her movie roles for which she won Best Supporting Actress.

She bowed again, neither humble nor arrogant: "Thank you Director Xu for your affirmation of me."

"Among these thirteen people, your situation is the most special, so we have separated you out and want to see you perform live." The director said.

The video can be adjusted repeatedly, and the most perfect shot is selected by repeated shooting. It is difficult to judge the real level. Improvisation is obvious.

I can't trust her, and I'm worried that her real acting skills will not affect the normal performance of other interviewees, so I won't arrange a partner for her?

Si Yu smiled and said, "Understood. I'm ready."

"Then let the staff help you..."

“Dong Dong Dong—”

The director was interrupted by a knock on the door before he finished speaking.

The staff hurried to open the door. When he saw the person coming, he gasped and exclaimed, "Mr. Lu, why are you here!"

The four interviewers here stood up in unison, looked at the door, saw who was coming, and called "Mr. Lu" one by one.

Si Yu turned around and saw Lu Xi, his heart skipped a beat.

Why did Lu Xi come here?

Lu Xi glanced at her casually, looked past her, and looked at the four interviewers who were respectful behind her, with an indifferent tone: "I heard that there is an interview with an artist, I'll take a look."

The director immediately gave up his seat and motioned her to sit.

Lu Xi waved his hand and said, "I'll just take a look."

The staff immediately added a chair for her.

Chen Yan stood behind Lu Xi with an expressionless face like a bodyguard.

Lu Xi sat casually with his long legs folded, flipped his hair, and said, "Don't worry about me, you guys continue."

The president suddenly appeared, and the four interviewers were a little cautious. The director pulled his tie, regained his mood, and said to Si Yu who was in a daze: "It's time to start."

After finishing speaking, the staff walked straight to the ground.

Lu Xi asked, "What is this?"

Staff: "Mr. Lu, she doesn't have a partner, I'll help play the corpse."

Lu Xi's interested eyes fell on Si Yu's face: "How about you?"

Si Yu stood upright and said solemnly: "Report to President Lu, I will play the widow."

Lu Xi: "…"

Is this cursing her to death? ? ?