MTL - The Whole World Wants Them To Get Divorced-Chapter 96

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A few hours ago.

Si Yu found that her aunt who was not on time at that time suddenly came without warning, and she took a painkiller decisively.

Painkillers are very useful, she was not tortured, but some of the games recorded today were related to water.

Seven male artists fight **** on the round platform in the middle of the pool. If anyone is pushed off the round platform, their respective partners, that is, the seven female artists, will be punished by flushing their heads.

Xiao Xia worried: "Why don't the director change it for you."

Si Yu's chin clicked on the seven male artists who were eager to try: "I'm going to fight with them?"

Xiao Xia also felt that this method was not feasible, thought about it, and said, "Or I will change it with you."

"You replace me, and when the show airs, some black fans will definitely call me squeamish and say I bully the assistant." Si Yu touched her head and said in a relaxed tone, "I used to come here for my period. I filmed a scene in the rain in winter, and these buckets of water are trivial. It's okay, I'm not that squeamish."

Xiao Xia was still thinking about when she came to have her period in winter and filmed the rain scene, but her train of thought was interrupted by the director's voice: "How are you, Si Yu?"

"Alright, alright, come right away." Si Yu replied with a smile.

The body is weaker during the menstrual period, but there is nothing I can do. It is better than ordinary people to be able to endure hardship. Everyone knows her relationship with Lu Xi. If she knew she was not feeling well, the director would definitely not let her record. There were so many people present, each with their own ideas. If it were rumored that she refused to record this kind of gossip because of her identity, it would be bad for her and Lu Xi. And there are a total of seven female artists, why should she be treated specially?

Si Yu did not allow Xiao Xia to tell others about her period, and went to record the program with a calm expression.

During the half-hour water cockfighting game, Si Yu was punished many times because of his partner being pushed off the stage many times.

The next few games moved to the shore, seven groups of competitions, and the team with the fewest points at the end will receive a super cruel punishment.

The director did not disclose the content of the punishment, but when the female artists heard the words "super cruel", their faces turned pale and they played the game desperately.

No one wants to be the last place, Si Yu is also full of energy, but these games are very physically draining, she can barely maintain in the first few rounds, and the physical strength is completely overdrawn in the next few rounds, there is no suspense Take the last one.

"I'm sorry, Xiaotian, for causing you to be implicated by me." She said apologetically to her male partner.

The male partner Xiaotian is one of the permanent members of "Come on," he is less than 20 years old, a sunny boy. He laughed loudly, patted his chest and said, "A good partner is in trouble, no matter what the punishment is, I will protect you well!"

Si Yu smacked him on the chest and said, "Brother, you are too manly!"

The program team played tricks and blindfolded them and took them to the place of punishment.

As soon as I got out of the car, the winning groups screamed in unison. Si Yu and Xiaotian, whose vision was blocked, looked confused.

"This punishment is too much!"

"It's scary! That's how you treat the boss lady in the show team? Be careful that President Lu eats you."

"My god, it's fortunate that we're not the last, otherwise I'd have to 'die' on it."

"The director is too terrifying, let's change the punishment."

"Xiaotian will definitely be scared to death, believe it or not."

Fear will be magnified when vision is deprived, Xiaotianxia consciously grasps her partner's hand: "Sister, I'm afraid."

Si Yu patted the back of his hand and said, "Don't be afraid, they must have deliberately lied to us."

"I didn't lie to you, it's really scary!" Captain Yang Tao said implicitly: "Xiaotian, the one you are most afraid of."

"Shh—" The director motioned others to keep quiet.

Xiao Tian hurriedly tore off the blindfold, took a closer look, and fell to the ground.

Si Yu's foot was pressed by him, he also took off his blindfold, saw the equipment in front of him, and took a deep breath.

The punishment is really bungee jumping!

A few minutes ago, Xiaotian, who had vowed to protect her, was now ashen, holding Si Yu's legs and crying: "Sister, I'm afraid of heights, I'm most afraid of this, I'm sorry I can't protect you woo woo woo."

Si Yu looked at him incomprehensibly.

Weave is often hanged when filming, Si Yu is not afraid of heights, but she has never tried extreme sports like bungee jumping, and she is also very afraid.

Captain Yang Tao stood up and said, "Director, let me take the punishment in place of Si Yu, she is a girl, it's too cruel to do this."

The director said yes.

Si Yu was so moved that he asked him, "Aren't you afraid?"

Yang Tao looked at the bungee jumping platform that was so frighteningly high, licked his white lips, and said with a dry smile: "No, not afraid."

Speak: "…"

If Yang Tao is really not afraid at all, Si Yu may be able to let him help.

She glanced at the little boy who was about to cry at her feet and said helplessly to Yang Tao, "You can replace Xiaotian, I'll dance with you."

Xiaotian is really afraid of heights. If he really jumps, it might kill him. The program team dare not take the risk to force him to jump. If Si Yu didn't dance, then the punishment would be meaningless, and it wouldn't be fair to other groups.

After some reconciliation, Si Yu and Yang Tao, who replaced Xiaotian, went to the bungee jumping platform.

Looking at the stagnant water dozens of meters below, Si Yu was dizzy, his legs were weak, and he wanted to retreat.

When she was hesitating, Yang Tao, who was dressed, was brutally pushed down by the staff.

"Ah ah ah ah-" The heart-piercing scream pierced the sky.

"Are you ready?" the staff asked her.

Si Yu clenched his fists with both hands to cheer himself up, closed his eyes as if dying, and said, "Get ready!"

It's not bungee jumping, it should be similar to Diaoweiya. Si Yu comforted himself silently.

When she fell top-heavy, she even forgot to scream.

The groups below the stage looked up at them.

"Brother Tao is so cowardly, it's really embarrassing for our seven brothers to call so loudly."

"Why don't you go up, if you go up, I'm afraid it will be louder."

"I'm not giving Brother Tao a chance to express himself... Look at how domineering our boss lady is, she didn't say a word."

"I didn't expect the boss's wife to be so courageous. In such a comparison, I also think that Brother Tao is too cowardly, not as good as a woman."

Everyone was bragging about Si Yu’s daring, until the drone took a close-up of Si Yu’s face, the director realized something was wrong, he picked up the walkie-talkie, and said to the staff on the bungee jumping platform, “Hurry up! Put people down!"

Si Yu was already unconscious when he was put down.

Africa to fly domestically, even if there is a private plane, it will save you the trouble of going through the formalities and waiting for the flight, and the flight will take more than ten hours.

Lu Xi and Chen Yan hurried to the hospital, grabbed Lu Wei, whose eyes were red and swollen, and asked, "Where's the person?"

Lu Wei pointed to the ward and breathlessly said, "I'm in there, I haven't woken up yet... I'm sorry, sister, I knew this would happen, I wouldn't call her to do it Guest, if she has three strengths and two weaknesses, I…”

"Shut up." Lu Xi glared at her with bloodshot eyes, and rushed into the single ward.

Si Yu was lying on the hospital bed with a calm face, breathing light and invisible, as if he was just asleep.

Lu Xi suddenly did not dare to approach.

"She passed out while bungee jumping. We sent her to the hospital in time. The doctor said that the coma was caused by shock and should not be life-threatening. Don't worry too much."

Lu Xi tilted her head when she heard the sound, looked at Yuan Qiao who was approaching at an unknown time, her dry lips moved slightly: "Then why is she still not awake?"

"This..." Yuan Qiao couldn't say why.

The doctor came to round the room, and Lu Xi hurriedly asked him about the situation.

The doctor didn't say it so easily, and explained to her the reason why Si Yu fainted, which was caused by overwork and physical weakness during the menstrual period. Judging from the test results, Si Yu's vital signs were all normal. As for why he hadn't woken up for more than ten hours, the doctor dared not give a positive answer.

Everyone is persuading her not to worry too much, Si Yu will definitely wake up. Lu Xi couldn't hear a word.

She suddenly remembered that Si Yu once told her that she had come over and did not belong to this world, and her eyes went dark.

"Xi Xi!"

"Mr. Lu!"


When Si Yu opened his eyes, he found himself lying on a hospital bed.

A tall and thin woman stood by the hospital bed, looking up at the infusion bag on the stent. The liquid in it is almost gone, so I have to call the nurse for a new bottle.

During the flow of her eyes, she found that the person on the hospital bed was staring at herself with big bright eyes, and the woman exclaimed: "Xiaoyu!"


The woman threw herself on the bedside, with tears in her eyes, and said emotionally, "You're awake, you're finally awake!"


The woman reached out to ring the bell on the bedside.

Si Yu blinked his eyes slowly and stared at her blankly: "Chen Meng?"

"It's me." The woman wiped her tears with the back of her hand, tried to squeeze out a smile, grabbed her unpinned hand and said eagerly: "You have slept for more than a year, we all Thought you'd never wake up again. Thank goodness you're finally awake!"

“…” Si Yu is a little confused now, who can tell her what the situation is? ? ?

The woman in front of her is her best friend, her college roommate, and she is also an actor. She understood every word Chen Meng said, but she didn't quite understand it when she put it together. What made her sleep for more than a year?

She looked around, and she always felt that this ward was a little familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere, and had seen it more than once.

In a dream!

The exact same scene, Si Yu had dreamed twice, it was also such a ward, she was lying down, a familiar figure stood by the bed.

The first time she dreamed of her, she could see the facial features of the person beside the bed, and it was indeed Chen Meng in front of her.

So, is she dreaming again? ? ?

Si Yu was speechless in shock.

In a daze, a nurse opened the door and walked in quickly.

"The patient is awake?" asked the nurse.

"Yes, she's awake!" Chen Meng cried and laughed, "Nurse, help her take a look."

A vegetative person who had been in a coma for more than a year suddenly woke up. In this case, the nurse could not see it, so she rushed to call the doctor.

Chen Meng returned to the bedside, took Si Yu's hand and said warmly, "I asked Xiaomu to take grandma to the cafeteria to eat. She must be very happy to see you awake when she comes back."

Si Yu took a while to remember that Xiao Mu was the name of Chen Meng's assistant, but she didn't understand who the grandma she was talking about: "What grandma?"

"It's your grandma." Chen Meng patted her head carefully, "After sleeping for a year, you won't even forget your only relative, right?"

Si Yu's brain hummed, and his body sat up reflexively.

"What are you doing?" Chen Meng was taken aback by her overreaction, so she hurriedly pressed her shoulders, "You have slept for a year and you are very weak, the doctor hasn't come yet, you lie down Don't move!"

Si Yu didn't feel empty at all, she lifted the quilt and jumped out of bed, and tore off the infusion tube on the back of her hand, and blood spurted out. She made a "hiss" and thought to herself: This dream is quite realistic, and it still feels painful.

She rushed out barefoot and almost collided with an old man and a young man approaching.

"Little... Xiaoyu! Xiaoyu, you're awake!!" The young girl looked at her in disbelief.

Looking at the old man supported by Xiao Mu, looking at this long-lost and familiar face, Si Yu burst into tears.

"Xiao Yu?" The old man pushed Xiao Mu away and walked towards her staggeringly.

Si Yu hurried up to meet her, but hesitated again when she came to the front, and hesitantly opened her arms and gently embraced her.

"Grandma, is that you?"

"It's me."

“I miss you so much…”

It has been many years since my grandmother passed away, and Si Yu often dreams of her, but nothing is as real as this time.

Really wish I never woke up.

The grandfather and grandson cried together in the corridor until the doctor and nurse appeared.

The doctor looked at Si Yu who could jump and jump like a monster, and said: "I have been a doctor for decades, and it is the first time I see a patient who has been in a coma for a year and can go to the ground immediately. walk!"

Si Yu wanted to talk to her grandmother more, but the doctor asked her to do a general examination first.

"Check your body first, and then you will have time." Grandma has a kind face.

Si Yu is worried that she will wake up after the examination, what if she can't see her grandma!

In the end, she couldn't resist a group of people, and she was forcibly pulled for inspection.

After checking, I found that I was still awake, and I could still see my grandma, Si Yu cried again.

The doctor did not allow her to leave, so she was kept in the hospital for observation for a few days.

The single room, which is not very spacious, was filled with Si Yu’s intermittent sobbing. She had a stomach full of things she wanted to say to her grandmother, but she didn’t know where to start.

Grandma wiped her tears: "It's me who should cry, what are you crying for."

"I can't help it." Si Yu broke down in tears after speaking.

Grandma sighed heavily and said, "I didn't even know when you were hit by a car. It was Chen Meng who called me and she took me to the hospital. The doctor said you might never wake up. , My heart... It's because I didn't take good care of you. If the white-haired person sends the black-haired person, how can I be worthy of your dead parents. "

Grandma also burst into tears.

Si Yu was so distressed that he didn't dare cry, and forced a smile to say, "Am I awake? My parents must be there to bless me and prevent death from taking me away." Diverted the topic, "Grandma, I'm thirsty, please pour me a glass of water."

Grandma went to help her pour water and watched her drink: "Slow down, don't choke."

Si Yu drank the glass of water in one breath, feeling that his whole body was full. She was overjoyed, picked up the apple on the bedside table, and said, "Grandma, do you eat apples? I'll help you peel them. I'm the best at peeling apples."

Grandma was afraid that she would be tired, so she held her hand and said, "I won't eat it. The doctor said you can only eat liquid food now, and you can't eat it either. This apple was bought by Chen Meng, she I know you won't wake up, so every time I come to see you, you bring a basket of fruit. This kid is a good man."

Si Yu was stunned.

The relationship between her and Chen Meng was a bit delicate, and they had troubles before her accident. But according to grandma, after her accident, was Chen Meng the first to come to the hospital to see her?

"Does she come to see me often?" Si Yu couldn't help but ask, knowing it was a dream.

"Yeah." Grandma took her hand and said, "You have slept for a year, your brokerage company has long ignored you, and the assistant has also left. Chen Meng helped you advance the medical bills and helped You hired a nurse who will come to see you as long as you are not busy. She treats you so well, you have to repay her well."


"Knock Knock Knock-"

Chen Meng came in with hot porridge.

Although she was in a dream, Si Yu still didn't know how to face her, her eyes flashed, and she said, "Thank you."

Chen Meng had hot eyes and said, "You're welcome. Let's have some porridge first."

Seeing Chen Meng scooping a spoonful of white porridge and passing it to her mouth, Si Yu was stunned, grabbed the bowl, and said, "I'll do it myself."

Chen Meng gave her a meaningful look, without reluctance.

The doctor said that she is very weak now, so she is not allowed to do strenuous exercise, but she can't stay still. When she finished eating, Chen Meng said, "I'll take you outside for a walk."

Si Yu didn't feel that she was empty, on the contrary, she felt that she was full of energy, but everyone didn't believe her, especially grandma. Grandma was worried about her ten thousand, and said bitterly: "Do what the doctor says, be obedient."

Si Yu can only pretend that he is really fake and go out for a walk with Chen Meng.

The two of them went to the small garden downstairs and said nothing. Si Yu felt that this was a waste of time, and before he woke up, he might as well go back and chat with his grandma for a while.

When she turned to leave, Chen Meng stopped her: "Xiaoyu."



Si Yu was at a loss: "...Why are you apologizing to me?"

Chen Meng's expression was both painful and tangled. After brewing for a long time, she slowly said: "I shouldn't say those words to you, I shouldn't let you run out alone, otherwise... you won't Will get hit by a car and won't be in a coma for a year. It's all my fault, sorry."

She bowed deeply.

Si Yu thought about it for a long time before she remembered it. She was talking about the unpleasant conversation they had a year ago. She was in a trance for a moment, and said in a calm tone: "If you don't say it, I will forget it. Hit me. It's not you, you don't need to apologize to me."

"But if it weren't for what I said, you wouldn't be so sad, maybe you would be careful when crossing the road, and you wouldn't be bumped. In the end, it's mine wrong."

Seeing her face full of guilt and pain, Si Yu didn't know what to say, so he coughed and said, "What you said is not too much, you don't like me, it's normal to reject me, I I really don't blame you."

"No..." Chen Meng shook her head sharply, took a deep breath, and said, "I have figured it all out during the year you were in a coma, I like you, and I don't want to lose you at all. Xiao Yu, Be my girlfriend!"

"Huh?" Si Yu was dumbfounded.

Chen Meng took a step forward and said earnestly: "Before I thought that my love for you was just out of friendship, but after you fell into a coma, I slowly woke up, I really like you, beyond friendship That kind of love, want to be with you every day, want to take care of you, and be filial to grandma with you. You confessed to me a year ago, but I didn't agree, so do it again. Xiaoyu, I like you, be my daughter Friend, are you okay?"

"..." Si Yu slowly shook off her outstretched hand and took a step back, "Don't don't, I already have a wife, I can't be your girlfriend."

"Wife?" Chen Meng had an expression of "I don't understand what nonsense you are talking about", "You have been in a coma for a year, where is your wife?"

"Her name is Lu Xi"—these words were almost blurted out in Siyu, but they were held back.

This dream seems too long.

It must have been a few hours since she woke up?

If it was a dream, why can she smell the disinfectant in the hospital, why can she smell the perfume on Chen Meng? So real is the burning sensation of the sun scorching your skin, so real is the sting of the sun shining into your eyes.

She looked down at the pinhole on the back of her hand, gritted her teeth, and pressed it hard.

"Ow—" she exclaimed in pain.

All the senses are there, is this really just a dream?

She closed her eyes.

Memories flooded in: she and Xiaotian lost the game; she and Xiaotian were blindfolded; she and Yang Tao got on the bungee platform; she was pushed down by the staff...

She is clearly recording a show, how could she be dreaming!

Chen Meng was shocked when she saw the back of her hand being pressed with blood. She quickly grabbed her hand and led her towards the ward.

"Does it hurt?"

Si Yu turned a deaf ear to her words, and in a panic, called out a name with his mind: "Little B."

"Host." A familiar electronic voice sounded in her mind.

"What's going on?" Si Yu asked it.

"This is the world you used to live in." Xiao B said: "Your mission has been completed, and we have also obtained the energy we want, and we will send you back as agreed to give you a new life. This is the end of the deal, it was a pleasure working with you, bye."

Speak: "Wait!"

Little B: "Is there anything else? My data is about to be cleared, so I can't stay too long."

Si Yu's mind turned fast: "Didn't you say that I can choose freely when the task is completed? I don't want to stay here, you send me back."

Little B: "There are your only relatives here, as well as people you like, are you sure you won't stay?"

Si Yu: "I don't like her for a long time, what I like is Lu Xi."

Little B: "What about your grandma?"


Si Yu paused.

Little B: "She must be very sad when you leave."

Si Yu's heart was a mess.

She can't bear Lu Xi, but she can't bear grandma either.

"Come back so soon?"

The familiar voice pulled her back to reality.

They walked to the door of the ward unknowingly and looked at the grandma who was guarding the ward. Si Yu was in a very complicated mood, confused and helpless.

Is this really her original world?

Grandma died many years ago, why is she alive now?

Before her accident, Chen Meng refused her confession, why did she change her mind now?

Everything here seems to be true, but not all.

Little B: "In one minute, I will be cleared of data. Host, please make a choice as soon as possible. The countdown begins, 60, 59, 58..."

"Ah, why the blood?" Grandma saw the blood on the back of her hand and held her wrist distressedly.

Si Yu held her back and touched her grandma's skinny wrist.

"What's the matter with you, Xiaoyu?" Grandma noticed the strangeness on her face.

“57, 56, 55…”

The mechanical electronic sound disturbed her mood and judgment, Si Yu bit the tip of her tongue, the stinging pain made her awake.

Looking at the familiar old man in front of her, she said with difficulty: "Grandma, I like someone very much, her name is Lu Xi, I don't want to be separated from her."

Grandma didn't seem to be curious about who Lu Xi was, with a calm face, she gently touched her face and asked, "Then does she like you?"

Si Yu nodded hurriedly and said, "She likes me too."

"How is she treating you?"

Si Yu nodded again and said with tears: "She is the best to me except you."

Grandma smiled with relief, patted her palm, and said, "Then go to her, grandma wishes you happiness."





I opened my eyes again and found that I was still in the ward.

Si Yu's heart skipped half a beat.

She missed time?

She sat up and disturbed the person guarding the bed.

Si Yu felt a pain in her heart, cupped her head with both hands, looked at her red eyes, and grinned: "Fool, how can I be willing to leave you."

She should be a poor cannon fodder.

PS. I urge all friends with open brains to close their thinking, do not guess the follow-up development, do not discuss the plot, because I am a rebellious person, if you have guessed my brain, maybe I won't write anymore.