MTL - The Widow “Misses” Her Villainous Late Husband-Chapter 3

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third chapter

When Fu Sinian was still there, Yu Duo and the uncle had a deal, saying that it is not appropriate to rely on the old and the old to be old.

Always relying on the kindness of raising Fu Sinian in the same year, I went to the door twice to find Fu Sinian in the position of elders.

When Fu Sinian died, he immediately came to the door. Yu Duo thought that he came to eat the family. I did not expect to bring a woman who claimed to be a child of Fu Si Nian, and who grew up with a young childhood from Fu Xiaonian.

I knew that I didn't find the body of Fu Sinian, so I wanted to use the dead and no card to force the child in the belly to be Fu Sinian.

Think of beauty!

Don't say that this child is not Fu Sinian, even if she does, she will not admit it.

I want to use my unborn child to divide my heritage and dream!

Anyway, there is no evidence of death, the body has not been found, who can prove that the child is Fu Si Nian? Who can prove that Fu Sinian has fertility?

When Yu Duo said that Fu Si Nian had no fertility, both the uncle and the Arabic language were paralyzed.

The first reaction of the uncle is strange, and then unbelievable anger: "Yu Duo, what are you talking about! How can the year have no fertility!"

A language is slightly flustered, his hands are conscious of his lower abdomen, and his heart is shunned.

But when I heard the uncle say this, I immediately responded, my eyes were red, and I choked: "Miss Yu is skeptical that the child in my stomach is not the same year?"

During the period of Yu Duo, Ai Ai was extremely difficult to say: "The year is also gone. I originally planned to rotten in my stomach, but..." She glanced at her eyes and her eyes fell on her slightly pregnant belly. "Uncle There is no outsider here, I will just say it. I didn’t lie to you. He did not have fertility in the year. In the first year of his marriage, he was injured because of an accident. Since then, he has no fertility, otherwise I And Si Nian loves three years, how can I not even have a child?"

Her voice is soft and weak, and her weak eyebrows are unintentional. It is easy to believe that she does not dare to deceive such things.

"This... How is this possible? How can he have no fertility in the year? Are you mistaken?" The uncle knows Yuduo, timid, and usually does not dare to go out, but dare to say such a lie. Deceived?

It really made him believe that Fu Si Nian had no fertility, and he was not willing.

"No mistakes," Yu Duo whimpered and looked at Fu Si Nian on the photo, and his eyes were full of anger and tears poured out. "If it is not true, how dare I smear him after the death of the priest?"

"Right right, I remembered. I had a wound before, and I was particularly angry." Even the one who was on the side was so worried that it was a private matter of Fu’s family. It didn’t matter to her aunt’s aunt, but listened. Yu Duo said this, and quickly said: "I was still thinking about why, I didn't expect it because of this..."

After that, she sighed with a deep sigh.

The uncle heard the words for seven or eight minutes, and immediately looked up and sighed.

When I heard the words of Yu Duo, my heart was already half-cooled, but I still had a dead duck. "This...this is impossible! I am pregnant with the child of the Si, how could it be wrong?"

The uncle is still not reconciled. "Since it was caused by an injury, was the hospital's diagnosis report at that time? Take it out and see it."

Yu Duo is arrogant, what is the injury, what hospital diagnosis report, where she can get it.

"Uncle, you know, this is a matter of men's dignity, not glory, so when the year was angry, the diagnosis report was burned, and there was no record in the hospital, but if you don't believe it, Waiting for the successful production of Miss Ayu, if it is really a child of the Year, it must be like the Year of the King."

The Arabic language retorted: "Where is this child born, where can I see who?"

"So this requires Miss A's patience to wait, the newborn child is not like, isn't it like growing up? If you are two years old, you don't like to wait until you are two years old. If you are two years old, you don't wait until you are ten years old, ten years old. Like waiting until the age of eighteen, adulthood, it must be like the year of the year, when the time is called the father of the year, the father will be very happy," said, she sighed, "unfortunately failed." Find the Secretary of the Year, otherwise, you can immediately make a paternity test, and the uncle will not doubt that I am lying and filthy."

A language is that you can't do a paternity test. Now, if you listen to Yu Duo, you have to wait for the child to grow up. Like Fu Si Nian, he is a child of Fu Si Nian?

Like it, this is a subjective factor. Unless a mold is printed, it is not like Yuduo. Who can say it like a head?

By that time, the heritage had not been seen.

A language suddenly panic.

"Uncle...I...I am really a child of the year, you believe me..."

Uncle glared at him and looked at the language. Yu Tuo said this, who is who is right?

"There are no fertility in the year, how come your child? If you lie to me, you want to lie to the flowers! Who gives you the courage? Get out of here!"

A language is full of ambitions, and now it is defeated by Yu Duo in a few words. Even the uncle who has been well-behaved by himself does not believe her. She squats on her lower abdomen and rides a tiger. She has to go unwillingly.

Yu Duo looked at his uncle, and he was grateful. "Uncle, thank you..."

The uncle is very touched by the whole heart of Yu Duo. "What is your child, thank you? It is the fault of the uncle. The uncle is deceived by the child of the Arabic language. The uncle apologizes to you."

Yu Duo even waved his hand and looked flattered. "No need to use it. This is not the fault of the uncle. The uncle is only blinded by people. I understand."

A storm, Yu Duo's three words and two sentences will be solved.

On the one side, Fu Si’s eyes are burning out.

The so-called childhood sweetheart did not have a slight impression. Not to mention the fact that he was pregnant with his children. He wanted to see what kind of tricks this woman would play. I didn’t expect to come directly to death without a testimony, and plausible words that he had no fertility.

Yu Duo’s mouth, the death of the living, really opened his eyes.

Full of nonsense!

If it wasn't for him that he had known the true face of this woman, I was afraid that he would now be deceived by her sincere words. It is estimated that he still has no fertility!

This woman is hateful!

It is really **** good!

Fu Sinian once again wrote a note to Yu Duo on his own small book.

Uncle is very satisfied with the general knowledge of Yu Duo. "Since you understand in your heart, the uncle will not say much, and the death of the Secretary has been for some time. Does the lawyer say the distribution of the estate?"

Yu Duo did not move, understand that this is no child, the uncle finally revealed the fox tail.

Going around, I still want to eat the best.

She said with respect: "Well, the lawyers have told me."

The uncle nodded. "The younger brother died in his childhood. He was the uncle who took care of growing up from an early age. For the Secretary of the Year, the family of the uncle is his family. The uncle is his grandfather, blossoming, now the year passed away, I I have been taking care of him for so long, and I have spent countless efforts. Is this heritage also part of my uncle?"

Yu Duo looked up and blinked. She seemed to see a figure in the direction of the door. He hesitated: "...Yes, your support department is older, it should be."

Hearing the words, the uncle is satisfied with the smile. "Well, change the uncle to contact the lawyer, and then look at the division of this heritage. Although the year passed away, there will be only one person left, but you can rest assured that your uncle will be yours." Family, what is the matter, even if you come to the uncle, the uncle must be the master!"

Yu Duo’s weak look, which he dare not dare to say, makes the love of his uncle’s eyes more obvious.

"Uncle is coming?" A careless voice rang at the door.

Even when I saw it, I quickly greeted the past. "Azi is here?"

Azi is dressed casually, but he is thin and thin, and an ordinary black jacket is also dressed with great taste. He shaves his head and looks at it. He is a sneak sneak peek. There is still mud on it, and I know that I have arrived in a hurry.

Taking off his shoes, he came over and whispered a ‘big bang’.

Yu Duo's face had a moment of joy, and then seemed to have some scruples, converge, and smiled awkwardly. "Aqi, you are here..."

Aqi squinted at his uncle, his eyes were cold and cold. "I don't know what the uncle is doing here?"

Uncle’s heart screamed, and Aqi came.

Aqi and Fu Sinian have nothing to do with him. He was Fu Sinian who came in the garbage dump. He has been brought around by Fu Sinian for so many years. It’s not a brother who is better than a brother, and he is very young. Si Nian 'Zheng Chuan' is fierce and embarrassing, very difficult to perfunctory.

"Nothing, the uncle is... is to give the Secretary a scent of the year, right uncle."

Uncle's face was ugly, but under the gaze of Azi's wolf, he only had to nod. "Yes."

Aqi suddenly realized that "it was originally for the big brother to scent, I thought that the uncle is watching the big brother is gone, only a big man, eating the home."

Was poked by Aqi, the uncle's face could not bear, just screamed, "Nothing!"

Azi smiled and turned his face like a book. "It’s Azi’s narrow.”

The uncle snorted. "Your brother is my grown up, how? Now that your older brother has passed away, can't I divide your older brother's legacy?"

Aceh is unceremonious and bluntly said: "Uncle, big brother is your right to raise and grow up, but in the end, you are not my immediate family relatives, legally speaking, this heritage you do not have this qualification, let alone big brother Every year, you will be given a dividend of one million. I think that your care for your older brother has already been completed in these years."


Azi’s attitude is firm. “It’s not too late, will I send you?”

This is less than ten o'clock, and it is not too early.

Uncle knows that Aqi is here, the inheritance is no longer possible, and I will continue to say it. This girl does not know how to be ignorant and gets up. "I will go back when I finish the fragrance. I will have time later." Look at the year."

Aqi kindly reminded, "Uncle, the tomb of the eldest brother is in Panlongling. If you want to be a big brother, it is better to go to Panlongling to see him. Big brother is not here."

The uncle took a look at Azi and left in anger.

When the uncle went away, Yu Duo suddenly looked at Aqi, "Aqi, thank you."

Aqi looked at the glory, and then moved his eyes away. He didn't dare to stay, his eyes were erratic, scratching his head, like a scorpion boy. "Da, don't thank, big brother is gone, what do you have in the future, directly And I said, you can rest assured that I will not let those people bully you!"

Yu Duo smiled softly. "I want to go to Longling to see your big brother. Are you going?"

"Go!" Azi nodded quickly. "Oh, I am driving, I will take you there."

"thank you."

Aqi licked his mouth and highlighted two deep dimples on both sides of his cheek.

Along the way, Yu Duo sat in the back seat without saying a word, looking down at the window, Aqi looked through the rearview mirror, and wanted to persuade, but then swallowed it.

Last night, the wind was heavy and heavy, but today it was raining and the weather was fine. It was a rare good weather.

The entire cemetery was quiet and silent.

Yu Duo stood in front of the tombstone of Fu Longnian in Longling, and put down the favorite lily of Fu Si Nian. She looked at the photo of Fu Si Nian on the tombstone and silently.

Azi stood behind her and stared at her quietly.

Big Brother is gone, secretly, all the ghosts and snakes are coming out, bullying and being good, wanting to ride on the neck of the big donkey, but also want to fight for the inheritance, one by one does not look at their own worthy!

Aqi closed his eyes and whispered: "Big Brother, if you have a spirit in the sky, you must bless you."

Fu Sinian heard Aqi on the other side, snorted and blessed her?

Fu Si Nian hated iron and did not become steel. Aqi was so close to him for so many years, and he was so steady that he couldn’t even wear the true face of Yu Duo.

In the end, it is still too young, and I am not able to teach myself.

Too disappointing him!

As the sun goes up, Yu Duo stands in front of the tombstone and has not moved for ten minutes.

Behind his eyes, he didn't have to look back and knew that Aqi was looking at her.

Although he came here with Aqi, Aqi became her witness, but today the sun is too big, and there are no trees around the tombstone to cover the shade, and the heat is dead.

I didn’t read the weather forecast last night. It’s really a miscalculation.

Yu Duo looked up and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and quietly glanced at the time.

... only ten minutes passed.

With her and Fu Sinian's feelings, I have to stand for an hour... Forget it, half an hour, no more.

I knew that I would apply more sunscreen, so that the sun would have to be tanned a few degrees.

Yu Duo is worried about his skin problems while watching the time, just like the years.

This role playing is too sinful!

She won’t come next time she is killed!

It’s hard to get it for half an hour. It’s brewing good emotions, turning around and turning around, whispering: “Go back.”

"Oh, you go to the car to rest, I talk to my eldest brother, come right away."

Yu Duo nodded, the pace was slow, one step back and three, finally to the front of the car, looking back, already can not see Aqi, and this can not wait to get into the car.

The car was full of air-conditioning, dispelling the heat of the luxuriant body, and she sighed with relief.

Such a hot day is simply to find guilt for yourself.

She has to think of a way. After that, she can’t always set up a man’s job.

How tired!

She took the mirror she carried with her, looked at her face and looked at her left face. Her eyebrows were tight and worried. "The sun has been sunburned for half an hour, the makeup is spent, and the blush is like this, it won't tan. What?"

In the past, at the side of Fu Sinian, she couldn’t care about the face of this face. Now that Fu Sinian is gone, she can’t ruin her face, and she looks comfortable.

"Go to the beauty salon in the next day, take care of it."

Fu Sinian sat in the co-pilot and closed his eyes, telling himself that he was not angry and not angry, and his eyes were not seen.

This woman, looking bad! 2k novel reading network