MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 615 Family 2

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Wizard World Gem Sea

On the blue sky like a jade, a black and purple figure slowly floated up.

Hey! !

When the sea was splashed, Anglia flew out of the sea and stood on the sea, his face was ugly.

"The seas on the west coast of the district, there are still channels that can communicate with other worlds? It seems that this is not as simple as I thought..." His eyes flashed and hesitated for a while. "Forget it, check the underground passage first." By the way, I went to the college to see. There is also the Leo family to go and see. For so many years, I don’t know what it is now. There are still many things, and I can’t waste any more time.”

His body flashed red, steamed and steamed, and the direction was adjusted. The slamming sound turned into red light, and it flew to the gems Haijia Township.

After a few days.... afternoon

In the port of the Andean Union, in the afternoon, the pale red sun completely dyed the entire busy port.

The workers carrying the unloading goods skillfully removed the cargo from the vessel and then rolled the new buckets one by one. The foreman sipped and screamed from time to time with a whip.

On the seaside street, there are some white mushroom umbrellas that cover the sun. They sit inside the aristocrats and businessmen who chat after dinner.

Some street lights in the dark also light up automatically. Carriage and trucks are constantly moving, sailors, guards, and foreigners with weird costumes, mixed with men and women, seemingly lively.

The port is a semi-circular bay with dozens of boats, large and small, with gorgeous private boats. There are rough fishing boats, most of which are dense merchant ships.

At this time, when the entire port was the busiest, there was a sudden burst of red light at the seaside skyline.

The red light blinked into the port and hovered over countless ships, and the halo dissipated to reveal the figure inside.

Anglia's black and purple robe, suspended directly in the sky, quietly overlooking the port below. The sea breeze blew his robes and sang back and forth.

Countless people in the port below have looked up. They all saw one more person in the sky, some aristocratic girls began to scream excitedly, but more people showed a look of fear and panic.

Just now, a prosperous port, like a movie that was suspended, suddenly stopped.

Everyone looked up at the figure in the sky.

"It's a wizard!!"

"The legendary wizard!!"

"God!! I finally saw the wizard!!"

In the blink of an eye, the entire port is quiet and instantly bursts with unparalleled enthusiasm. Most people are eagerly looking at Angley's finger pointing, and some daring ones are excited to run on the sea boat below Angley.

Angley looked cold. The black mark of the eyebrows is fleeting.

For a moment, all the people who pointed at him were all snorted. Falling to the ground, one by one pale and can not sit down.

The port instantly turned from excitement to panic. Some people began to madly flee to the land. Screaming and crying into a piece.

Anglia had to move, and suddenly he turned his eyes and looked over the port city. There were three white spots flying up there, flying straight over here.

"This is the port of the Andean Union. Which adult is here?" An old woman who took the lead flew to the tens of meters to stand and stare at it. The other two were two white robe men, respectfully following the old woman, and their white robes draped over their bodies, escaping an invisible force to hold the two bodies.

Anglia swept his eyes. Instantly judge the three-level level. The old woman is a first-class official wizard, and the other two are only second- and third-class apprentices.

"You are the sorcerer here?" he asked casually.

"No...." The old woman smiled bitterly. "We just passed by here. When you see the adults, you suddenly come out and come to see them. Do you want to see the sorcerer here? The Andean Union, as far as I know, There are no official sorcerers stationed, only a few third-class apprentices are here. But they are all apprentices of the White Tooth Castle." She secretly used a small witchcraft to detect mental power, but unfortunately detected no reaction on the other side, which makes She is more respectful and taboo.

"I went out from here when I was young, and I traveled around. I haven't returned for many years. Now I am coming back to school. I want to see how my family was in the past?" Angley said frankly. He noticed that the two apprentices couldn't hold back and were pale. "Go ahead and talk."


The four men landed slowly and stood on the empty port streets. The rest of the ordinary people had long since escaped and escaped. Only from the window of the building could they see the sight of the road.

Anglia didn't care. He just landed on the ground and stood firm. He saw a white horse rushing out from the corner of the port. He was riding a big belly and a fat man. When the horse ran closer, the fat man was sweating. Stayed on the mount, rolled down from the top and ran to Anger.

"Adult! This adult!! I am an apprentice in the port! Are you here?...?"

Angrid repeated the previous rhetoric.

The fat man suddenly lit up. "Adults, you said that you are studying from our port? Do you know if you are lucky enough to know your name?"

"Famous name? I am Angri, Anglielio, who went to the school where Ram was asked to study." Anglia had no cover, and directly said his name. He came back to let his name re-maintain the development of the family.

"Leo family? Are you a member of the Leo family?!" The fat man immediately reacted. "Angri, I know the residence of the Leo family. Please allow me to take you there."

"Of course, no problem."

After half an hour...

Anglia slowly entered the Leo family estate. From the manor gate to the inside, it was filled with the dense family members who came to meet.

Many of these people are holding children, curiously stealing at the entrance to Angri.

At the forefront is a pair of middle-aged couples, dressed in gorgeous, male with a mustache, temperament is like the Baron of the year. The woman is full and even a bit fat. A look of war.

Angrid went to the two.

"Do you know me?"

The two have long been reminded that the wizard in front of himself claims to be the blood of the Leo family, and the level is probably not a general wizard. When they heard the question, they raised their heads with sincerity.

"Angrid's it really Anglian ancestor?" The male patriarch Viana was careful and careful to ask, for fear of angering each other. Now the family situation is not optimistic. Compared with the previous family crisis, if you anger a powerful wizard, I am afraid the whole port, no! The entire Andean Union does not dare to take them. Other countries do not necessarily dare to accept them.

Anglia scanned a whole family member, no matter how old or young, everyone was simply scanned again. “Does anyone dare to pretend to be me?” he replied faintly.

"No... No, it's just... recorded on the genealogy, Angler's ancestors went out to study, far from now... It has been more than 800 years old.....and also the most prominent of my Leo family. An ancestor of this! This ... this ...." patriarch Viana completely can't believe that someone can live close to the millennium, and the words are not finished.

Angrid understood what he meant. He obviously did not believe that someone could live for so long. I have to explain to him briefly that I have activated a special blood to integrate into myself and can live longer.

after that. He was too lazy to pay attention to the fact that these people did not believe, and went straight to the manor. Constantly ask about the situation of the year. However, I found out that the slate book that I had transferred back to me was actually stored as a memorial in the warehouse.

Let people take the slate book and give it to yourself.

Angliel gently reached out and the slate book cover slowly glowed red, revealing a black dice symbol. With a bang, the pages of the book slowly opened.

For a moment, all the tribes, including the patriarch Viana, were all stunned, from the original dubiousness, to the moment of ecstasy.

Everyone is led by the patriarch. Fell to the ground.

"Really an ancestor!! Really Anglian ancestor!!!"

"Family rejuvenation is expected! Rejuvenation is expected!!"

Everyone was so excited and noisy for a while, under the leadership of the patriarchs, all of them fell to the ground again, and Anglia was formed into a circle.

"Welcome to Angridio's ancestors to return to the family!!" All of them shouted loudly and excitedly.

Anglia sneaked a glimpse of the people around him, but shook his head in disappointment.

None of these family members have any qualifications for wizards, and the blood is simply to the extreme. However, several of them barely reached the level of the Cavaliers. If you want to come to the original, if you don't own the chip, you may not be able to embark on the path of the wizard. This is determined by the family itself. The Leo family itself is good at the blood of the knight.

"Call all the branch families, elders, and patriarchs. After a week, you will arrange a place to hold a family meeting. I will formulate family rules and integrate all branches." Angrid ordered.

"Yes! Ancestors!" The patriarch Viana's face showed ecstasy. He understood the meaning of Angri, the Leo family formally established the family rules, and was also a personally ancestor of a thousand-year-old ancestors personally formulated, apparently Really ready to become a top family.

Angrid did not care what other people thought. He just looked up and looked at the direction of the Kingdom of Luding, where the most fundamental root of the Leo family was.

In the course of the week, the Andes Union had an unprecedented official wizard returning to the family event, and it was spread all over the surrounding kingdoms. Many organizations across the Jewel Sea were also alarmed.

The message was continuously communicated through the letter tower, and all the wizarding organizations decided to send representatives to congratulate.

It is normal for the official wizard to advance to the ranks and choose to return to the family to protect the children and grandchildren. Generally speaking, it is absolutely impossible to produce such a big sensation.

But the most important thing is the protagonist of this time. If the powerful wizard who claims to be Angliel Finnel is true, then his person is likely to have lived for more than 800 years!

No one who can live for more than 800 years believes that he will be a weak person. Among the many wizarding organizations, there are basically no ones who can live eight hundred years old. Perhaps some races have longevity, but natural disasters and man-made disasters, constant wars, and want to live over eight hundred years old, this is a matter of strength or life and race, it is absolutely powerful and rare.

The name Angliel Finnier spread throughout the gem sea for a moment, and almost everyone was talking about him. Some good historians don't know where to turn out the old records of more than 800 years ago. It was confirmed that at the time the Leo family did indeed have this person, went to the school of the school that Ram had answered, and became a formal wizard.

Later, after the division of the College of Lamb's academy, he went to the Sixth Ring Tower and went to the middle. It disappeared and there was no more information.

The news reached the school that Ram had answered, and the wizards of the college were excited. They also turned out the original history and confirmed that there is such a person. Suddenly the entire gem of the sea was boiling at the same time.

The wizard who lived for more than 800 years, according to the inertia of the wizard, the age and strength are directly proportional, the strength of the Anglia wizard has become a mystery.