MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 630 unimpeded 1

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boom! ! !

Angley squatted on the green light film for the thirteenth time. With a bang, the light curtain finally showed a crack.

Another punch.

Hey! !

The entire light curtain was completely broken, and a one-person high hole appeared. A bitter cold wind emerged from the inside, and Angley’s hair was raised backwards.

"Go!" Angley stepped forward and jumped into the hole. The monster is close behind.


The taupe sky, below is the endless dark green earth.

There were hundreds of dark elves and half-orcs standing on the ground. They held long bows, mattresses, and a purple weapon like a cannon, all aimed at somewhere in front of the sky. The sky there is constantly shattering and falling off the emerald pieces, like glass fragments.

Finally, in a whisper, two black shadows smashed out and turned into two black lines falling from the sky.

Hey! !

After two severe vibrations, a large amount of dark green dust was stirred up and formed a green mist.

Hey! !

Countless arrows bowed to the point of fall, and several cannons slammed loudly. The night elves screamed and continually gestured to strengthen the attack.

In an instant, the fall point was surrounded by a large number of long-range attacks, which stirred up more green dust and could not see anything.

Suddenly, there was a little black light in the dust, and the black light quickly became bigger. It was shot straight in an instant, and it slammed through the center of the long-range force.


A series of screams suddenly sounded.

Whether it is the Dark Elves or their slaves and half-orcs, all those who are rubbed by the black light begin to melt slowly and become a pool of black water. The people who were stained with black water all melted slowly, and they fell to the ground and suffered.

The remaining troops fled in horror. They dropped their weapons and ignored the companions who had fallen to the ground. Just a few blinks, they quickly fled the horizon,

"It's really weak," flying in the dust. The magical Mora 摹 摹 摹 摹 , , , , , , , , , 摹 摹 , 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫"These night elves are not a little bit weaker than the previous ones."

"How old is the elf?" Angley, a black robes in Phnom Penh, came out of the dust. Silk is not hurt.

"It's almost twice as strong as it is now! If it was before, I wouldn't dare to stand in the same place and let them shoot. At that time, most of their arrows have the power of witchcraft enchantment." The magic object answered with respect.

Angley nodded and walked to the wounded in the same place. Scan the underground races of these rumors four times.

Most of the night elves are feminine, slender, fair-skinned and translucent, with long silver hair, some draped, and some tied into various hairstyles. It looks very delicate and fragile. Their eyes are emerald green, like the fresh young leaves are crystal clear.

But they all exude a faint **** atmosphere. That is the temperament that will be accumulated when too much killing.

Anglia stepped on the black water, not afraid of its corrosive effect, walking through the wounded.

The elves on the ground seem to be extremely resistant, and the results of the death of the half-orcs are different. There are more than a dozen people still alive. All of them are very beautiful, and they don’t see gender at all. They don’t have the distinction of beards. One by one lying on the ground and mourning.

Angley squeezed the neck of an elf and lifted it up. It looks delicate and delicate skin, but it feels like the tough old skin of the oil layer, separated by the palm of your hand.

"Dead!! Let's die!! You **** surface hybrids! The brilliance of Hill's genius will completely melt you into a spider's nourishment!!" The night elf was pinched and screamed wildly.

Anglia glimpsed a little, looking at his side, actually it was Mora, who was sucking back to the mouth of his mouth, a mouth-watering look.

Seeing Angella look over, the monster immediately put on a charming smile.

"Your Majesty, there are so many elves here, how about giving me two tastes?"

"Tasteful? Are they delicious?" Angley said differently.

"The taste is very good!" The monster adds a tone.

"Then I also tasted it." Anglia waved and grabbed the elf collar and smashed it.


All the leather armor and underwear on the night elf were torn down, and the whole body was exposed, revealing a towering chest and delicate skin.

"You **** surface pigs! Sooner or later," click!

The sound stopped abruptly, and the smile on the face of the monster instantly solidified.

Angliel chewed a few mouthfuls of elf's throat, full of blood, frowning, and spit out a red-white fleshy trachea.

"The taste is not good, your taste is really heavy"

He threw away the night elves, and all the sorrows around him stopped, and all the seriously injured elves kept their voices, fearing that another one was picked by Anglia. Even the magical Moragugu felt a heartfelt chill rising from the back.

The taste of the monster is good, it means the taste of the bed, but Angrid clearly understands the fleshy taste.

Anglia is too lazy to pay attention to these non-human races on the ground. For him now, as long as it is not a human race, the rest of the race can be used as food supplements.

Walking through a wounded person, Angley did not take a few steps, suddenly a slight glimpse. Standing in place.

"When did I come up with this idea?" He suddenly realized it. “The idea of ​​treating other races as food even has a human race.”

In his faintness, there is already an answer in his heart. Gently touch the left side of the neck, where a round bag has been slightly bulged. Just covered by the collar, can't see what's inside.

Angrid knows that it is a purple eye that has spread again. The power of the ancestor's imprint is growing faster and faster, and even the constant resistance to the world can be prevented from growing.

"Unfortunately, the power of time, and the analysis of the power of space is too slow."

The analysis of these two powerful forces can only be realized through their own understanding, and the chip can't help accelerate the calculation at all. This is a special field that can only be analyzed by mental power. Now his progress is slow. The power of time is in the hands, only barely researching a little something.

"Let's go. The night mother tree already knows our arrival, this is only the first wave, there are more troubles behind." Anglia looked at the magical things that he had read. Calm.

"It's an adult." The monster quickly hung down and bowed.

The figures of the two quickly disappeared on the horizon. The wounded on the ground dared to sigh gently.


Two weeks later

Somewhere in the dark green plain, under the hills.

Moragugu pinched the head of a night elf and made a sly smile. He is on the ground around him. There is a corpse of elves everywhere.

These elves are more sophisticated than the ones that have been in the previous period, and the **** atmosphere is much thicker.

The monster looked at Angley, who was slowly moving forward, and dropped the body on his hand. Hurry up and catch up.

After a few days


A two-headed snake lizard made a fuss, and was instantly pierced by a red hair from the eyebrows and crashed into the ground.

Hundreds of black-headed snake lizards around. All were pierced by the dark red hair. Countless hairs seem to be life-like, slowly retracting slowly, and the length of the blood-stained recovery is scattered behind Ang.

Angliel did not look at the surrounding bodies and walked quietly through the black forest. The monster held a string of grilled lizard kebabs at the back, and occasionally pulled a piece of meat and chewed it. At the same time, quickly follow up.

"Adult, don't you look for the night elves who drive the snake lizards?"

"Don't waste time. Let's go directly to the dark night mother tree." Angrid replied faintly.

Two weeks later

Somewhere on the dark green plain.

Angley walked over to the stream and was about to jump over. Suddenly the raised foot slowly fell. His gaze looked to the right side of the ground, revealing a hint of interest.


On the ground where he looked, a swell of a clay bag was made, and several night elves of silver armor were drilled from it.

The leader is a female elf with red lines on the edge of the armor. The figure was bumpy and sturdy, with two black swords in his hands, standing in the cold eyes of Angley.

In the snoring, the other elves quickly and vigilantly pulled out the fine sword, as the enemies stared at Anglia and the monsters behind them.

"Finally intercepted you **** hybrid!" The lead female elf eyes looked like an eagle, sharp and firm.

"Rarely meet a guy who can see. Mora, you go to catch her, I just want to study their power system, this breath is really amazing." Anglia looked at the female elf, It’s like watching an exquisite piece of art.

Waiting for the monster to answer, the female elf slammed forward and the two swords took out two circles of silver. "I am Landis! Landis Kaman! Remember to take your name!"

She bent over and crossed her swords in front of her. Like the action of a hungry wolf before eating.

call! !

The figure of Landis disappeared instantly, and it appeared directly in front of Anglia. The sword was cut to the neck with scissors.


A black wing suddenly blocked her in front of her. A bang. There was a wave of transparent ripples between the two.

Landis rolled back a few laps and slammed back a few steps. After being supported by the companions behind him, he stood still.

"Prince level", her eyes flashed with horror and a trace of uneasiness, watching the black-winged man in front of Angri, "the prince-level prince is willing to be a slave to the black wizard"

The monster laughs. "Stupid Elf Prince? If this is all your strength, then advise you to surrender."

"Stupid!" Landis stood up straight, blocking the companion who wanted to rush to the back, whispering and companion commanded a few words. Others suddenly stepped back and left her alone.

"Let you see the ultimate swordsmanship of my night elf!!!" She screamed. Behind the scene, three pairs of arms were arched out in an instant, all holding a fine sword. Each sword has a different pattern and it seems to have different chronological history.

Landis, who showed eight arms, stepped on the ground.


A huge deep pit more than ten meters wide and several meters deep appeared on the ground. Her whole person disappeared instantly in the same place, rushing to the black wing monster in front. The two men collided into a group of green fog in an instant. (To be continued.)