MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 7 is coming 1

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As one of the two closest sisters to Angri, Song Ye naturally has to behave as he should.

"It's Maggie, what's wrong? Is there something?"

"Can't you talk to you if you have nothing?" Maggie ran to the side of Song Ye, holding his hand in his hand. The small chest squeezes the arms of Song Ye without revealing the traces.

"But it's really a bit of a thing... I actually want to ask you something." Her warm body was getting closer.

Song Ye just finished training, the body is bleeding, and suddenly encountered this temptation, my heart suddenly heated up.

"What?" In Angrid's memory, Maggie didn't go to the castle for a long time. Although Angrid had no intentions for this distant cousin, it seems that Maggie himself does not think so.

Of course, in the aristocratic family, the relationship between cousins ​​is everywhere, unlike the earth, there are legal provisions.

Maggie likes to dress up, likes beautiful clothes and enjoys life, prefers to stand taller and better than her peers, and her parents can get a better job by getting close to Master Angrid. And treatment. This is her attempt.

And like her, Angley's other half-sister, Celia, is the same. Although Celia's mother was Anglia's elder, she was born only as a craftsman's daughter, and her position was far less noble than Anglia.

The current situation is that the eldest son is nominally not participating in the army, although the second son can not inherit the title according to the rules, but now the kingdom of Luding is in chaos, the major territories are almost completely **, the inheritance of the title is simply a matter of the baron. And the Baron adults intend to pass the title to Angri, so that in the future, when the baron goes, Angley is the master. If Cili is not very good with him, Angley has full rights to the West. Lier and her mother drove out of the castle to live. This is a totally unacceptable fear for Cili's mother and daughter. So Celia took the initiative to approach Anglia, also in preparation for the future. Before marrying, and cousin develops a closer relationship with the cousin, it is the best guarantee for stabilizing the present life.

Maggie took Angrid and followed his steps towards the tower in the accommodation area. Occasionally there are some envious eyes around, and there is also a disdainful sight. But neither of them cares.

"My mother has had a lot of pain in her legs recently. I don't know if I can change something easier..." She whispered and sneaked into Song Ye.

Song Ye didn't immediately answer, just nodded slightly, indicating that he heard it. With Maggie soon returned to his bedroom.

Cecilia still stayed in the bedroom honestly and didn't go out. It seems that the words of Song Ye are completely heard.

Seeing that Song Ye came in with Maggie, there was a hint of shame in Cecilia's eyes.

Song Ye opened the closet and took out the inside and outside clothes from the inside.

"Maggie, take her to dinner, then take a shower and take a break. Let the maid give her a room alone, and that is what I said."

Maggie thought that Song Ye was bringing her up... It was not the case. She looked down at Cecilia and looked down at her chest, suddenly smug. Her chest is much larger than Cecilia.

Although some are not embarrassing, but Maggie is still a little bit afraid of the legendary thing, now can avoid a delay and delay.

She let go of Song Ye’s hand and went up to hold Cecilia, who still cringed and tried to go backwards.

"Let's go first, deal with it and come back to me. I will tell Huade about Alice's aunt." Song Ye took hold of the fire in his heart, faint.

Crossing into this world is indeed a rigorous test for men's **.

"Okay." Maggie's face was slightly gratified, slightly stunned, pulling Cecilia to the door.

When Song Ye was around, Song Ye took a handful of Maggie's chest. A flexible and full-feeling touch is transmitted from the palm of your hand to the brain.

The two girls suddenly screamed, and Maggie smiled and ran, pulling Cecilia away.

"Although the body is still small, it is okay to touch it." Song Ye’s face showed a smile. Repressed for so long is also counted as interest. Otherwise he is very skeptical that he will endure to endure the problem.

Next, Song Ye practiced the basic swordsmanship on time every day, and then used the correction ability of the chip to constantly improve his movements.

More than 10,000 basic actions were quickly completed. Through detection, Song Ye found that his body did increase the power of 0.1.

He also collected some body data of his peers through the chip.

The helplessness is that all the peers who have passed the seed inheritance have an average physical data of at least 0.8, even if several girls are the same. The joy of discounting him to increase the strength of 0.1 and then sinking again.

The Baron and the Otis Knight seem to be busy dealing with those rogue criminals who have no time to pay attention to Song Ye. As for teaching, they simply give Arad. Song Ye is also happy to do so. Anyway, he can't accept better training methods anymore. The basic swordsmanship is enough for him to practice repeatedly.

And Maggie, Song Ye is the first time to touch, and then did not provoke her, lest the body in adolescence can not help. However, her mother’s affairs also told Huade, and changed things easily. This made Maggie obviously grateful.

Four days later...

early morning

Rio Castle Restaurant.

At the edge of a rectangular wooden dining table, a core member of the Rio family is sitting quietly eating food.

Angrily sat on the side of the deputy, the baron was absent, and he was the highest in the castle. Two middle-aged women were sitting on both sides, all of whom were the three ladies and four ladies of the baron.

Both of them have their own beautiful, but even if the baron is not there, their expressions are still respectful and polite.

There are two rows of boys and girls under the two. They are all dressed in red and black aristocratic costumes, and Cili is in it. There is also the little boy named Gru on the previous driving range.

The number of these boys and girls is more than a dozen, most of them are beautiful and beautiful, sitting in a quiet place to eat their own food.

There was no other sound in the entire table except for the collision of silver tableware and plates.

Anglia cuts a small piece of cooked beef with precision and glances at the entire table. Behind him is the old Huade. When the baron is absent, the old Huade, who also has strong force, and the power he has mastered are the guarantee of Angrieu’s status. So no one still dares to violate him.

And these people on the table at the front are the members of the entire castle who have enough status to eat with the baron. As for Maggie and his parents, this is not the case.

Angley inserted a piece of horned beef. I drank a small soup first, and suddenly frowned: "What soup is today? How is it different from the previous one?" he asked slightly.

Old Wald replied with respectful standing behind him.

"It was the forest wild goods that the lord sent back the day before, some mushrooms and a few red one-eyed snakes."

Angley nodded.

"This soup is good, red one-eyed snake? Is there in the forest around us?"

"There are many, but the snake is very toxic and difficult to treat with bites. It is one of the most unpopular prey. We only occasionally eat it." Old Huade replied.

"Oh." Angley once again took a small bowl and drank the soup. It tastes delicious. A few green shallots float on the surface of the milky white soup. It looks a lot like a jelly.

"After dinner, I am going out to go out." Angrid said lightly.

Old Huade frowned slightly.

"It’s the most recent autumn, you better stay in the castle safer....."

"It doesn't matter, I'm going around, the cavalry's morning training. There won't be anything." Angrid interrupted. "You can send two people to join me." His tone is unquestionable.

Old Huade had no choice but to nod.

"Well, please don't stay too long."

Angley nodded and said that he knew.

The entire table was restored to its previous calm.

After dinner, Angrid went directly to the gate outside the castle. There are two more body guards behind him.

Anglia looks like a thoughtful look. With a cross iron sword at the waist and a short bow and an arrow on his back. The arrow is filled with fifty white feather arrows.

"Are you going to hunt?" a guard whispered.

Angliel shook his head slightly.

"Just practice on the edge of the forest to see if you can do small things."

However, I did not know that at this time, he also showed a row of light blue data in his eyes.

"The discovery of special foods, categories, meats, snakes, has been named red one-eyed snake. Its snake-eye meat continuous feeding for one hundred and nine times can increase agility."

This is why Angrid insisted on it.

Can increase the agility of 1 ... This temptation is definitely not the one who is in serious need of strength now, can resist.

Moreover, after these days of exercise, under the correction of the chip, Angley also wants to see the effect of his improved exercise.

In the early morning, the woods outside the castle were also covered with a thin layer of white mist. On the open space in the woods, the early cavalry team began to scream for the runner to run.

Angliel took the two guards along the edge of the open space slowly around the circle, heading for the forest opposite the castle.

The only way the castle leads to the outside world is a road, and on both sides of the road are large expanses of forests and mountains.

Anglia’s move with two guards was not noticed by the cavalry. In the past, such a move was not infrequent. They are used to it. However, some people have noticed that Angrid seems to be ready to really enter the forest.

Suddenly some of the gaze gaze came over. In the castle, many people have been very dissatisfied with this waste-like second master. They will have long been regarded as a part of the castle. They are naturally unwilling to be bound by one hand. The leader of the power of the chicken. So when I saw Angrie going to the forest, these people pretended not to see. Even some of them still hope that Angrid will die directly in the forest.

Anglia is quiet. Now, although he is not physically strong, but through the revision of the chip, his movements are extremely concise and effective, especially his most confident bow and arrow, with the aid of the chip, almost 100% hit rate, this point he is at night When I was quietly tested with the bow of the driving range, the black night, there is a very high hit rate 50 meters away. Therefore, he is confident that he will prey on prey.

Anglia and the two guards walked into the forest less than 20 meters and were stopped by a guard.

"Almost the young master, we can't protect you if we go in."

"Okay, then here." Angrid showed a smile.

He took off the short bow on his back and took a white feather arrow from the arrow and put it on the bow.

"You let me go. I see if there is anything I can do," he ordered.

The two guards looked at each other helplessly, but they consciously sat down, so as not to block Anglia's vision. Anyway, it is not deep in the forest, and it is generally not dangerous. Don't worry too much.

"The most is the little things like the red one-eyed snake and the rabbit umbrella squirrel, as long as we pay attention to the fact that there is no one-eyed snake around." A guardian vocal.

The other person nodded lightly.

Anglia stood on the grass and looked around in a circle.

"I remember that my father had once hit a mountain black bear in the forest. Although his father was also slightly injured, the skin of the black bear became the most noble symbol of strength in the castle." He said calmly. .

The two guards did not know what he meant.

"Mountain black bears are also relatively strong creatures in the forest, and they are the hegemons of the peripheral forests, but you can rest assured that the range of activities of the black bears is generally two hours away. You have to cross the hills in front. ”

The time in this world is evenly divided into twenty-five hours according to the time of day. Time is also similar to the Earth of Anglia's previous life. It’s just a little shorter for an hour.

"That's good." Angley nodded and looked at any movement around him. "Although I can't accept the seed inheritance, I am still very confident about my archery. I should be able to hit something this time."

As soon as the voice fell, Angley’s body jerked. Zhang bow pulls the string.

laugh! ! !

A white shadow flew out. A bang was set on a big tree more than ten meters away.

A gray snake was nailed to the trunk and struggled.
