MTL - The World of the Pirate Consort-Chapter 15

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The chatter and laughter has come to the feast.

Today, this feast is very large, very casual, and very interesting. Dozens of small cases were formed into an oval circle, and the case was not high. After the case, various brocade mats were set up, and all the kings and grandchildren sat on the floor.

The following day, the wind was beautiful, the water flow was shallow, the green willows waved, and the leisure flowers shone in the water.

Most of the grandsons who sat on the table were romantic, and they were all accompanied by the charming Ji Ji, or the gorgeous maid.

This situation is very charming.

Yan Ye's smoke-free seat is the subject and guest. In fact, the sight-seeing person has already seen at a glance that today's banquet, the subject and the guest are only smoke-free at night, and the night is dust-free to win the night.

As soon as Wu Yefu returned to Beijing, he was named the King of Kings and won the sacred heart. At this time, he had become a threat to the Prince Prince. Prince Ziye is naturally feeling the crisis. Today's feast is nothing more than a test of the smokeless night.

When the guests were seated, some maids brought all kinds of delicious dishes to the water. This banquet in the suburbs is comparable to the banquet in the house. It has some grilled game, which is favored by the Princes of the Desert.

Ye Ye stood up in the dustless night, raised a toast and said a few elegant opening words, and the feast began. Everyone was talking and laughing, and toasting, they were happy.

Se Se and Yi Ying Xiang sat right next to Ye Wuyan, while Se Se's right was the fifth prince Ye Wuya.

The king and grandchildren at the feast often took Meiji Lishi, but Ye Wuya had only two young sisters to follow. He bowed his head to eat in a sullen mood, his mood was very low, and his face was a little dull.

I was sitting in the middle of the opposite side, because it was Feng Nuan, so I didn't dare to look up, just buried my meal, for fear that Feng Nuan would recognize her.

Even so, Suther felt that four eyes seemed to pass by her from time to time. Two from the front, no doubt the sharp eyes of wind and warm, two from the right, the eyes of Ye Wuya.

He was sorrowful in his heart, and it was hard to settle for a meal.

Why did Feng Fengnun peep at her, did she recognize her? Unbelievably, that day at Xiang Miaoshan, he was so entangled with her that he never recognized her, let alone today? !!

At the banquet, there can be no singing and dancing to help the party. Some princes or maids bring some songs and dances. Because they come from different countries, the songs and dances have different styles.

As he ate, he watched as he watched.

After the performance of the cabaret and dance, they heard a rough voice, saying: "Mo Xunhuan, not yet play a song with the men."

He looked up eagerly, but saw a few wildly dressed men, who did not know which country was the prince and grandson of the country, and was pushing a man between the seats.

The man was bowing his head for a meal, and he was dressed in coarse clothes, which was quite ugly in fresh clothes. Pushed by several people for a while, he raised his face helplessly, showing a handsome face.

When I saw it, I couldn't help but marvel. The boys and girls were about the person in front of them.

She has white muscles and green pupils, and her nose and lips are really picturesque, and her beauty is even worse than that of women.

Ye Ye Wuchen nodded and smiled, "So, Mo Chuan, you can play a song!"

He Mingming heard that the men who had pushed him called him Mo Xunhuan, why did the Prince call him Mo Chuan? Seeing the question in her eyes, Ye Wuya said lowly, "He is the emperor of Yimai Island, named Mo Chuan. Because of various instrumental music, he is often forced to accompany these kings and grandchildren, so he has a nickname. , Called Xunhuan. "

He frowned, but turned out to be a prince. Mo Xunhuan, the name sounds good, but I didn't expect it to be so, it is a musician for others to find fun.

He is also a prince, why is he insulted and treated like a master? Probably because the island nation is very small. However, because her mother had been a pirate in the East China Sea, she felt kind to people coming from the sea.

Wu Moxunhuan seemed to be used to being treated like this, and he took a piano from the maid behind him as usual. Although the clothes are worn out, the temperament is calm. In comparison, the clothes of the wild wild kings and grandchildren who shoved him looked dazzling. He walked slowly to the middle of the circle surrounded by the case, put the piano on the case, sat on his knees on the ground, and stroked his fingers to play.

"Why do they tell you to play, you want to play?" Sesser saw no humiliation at all. At that time, being a slender boy, he had no less injustice. At this moment, because of her feelings for the sea and her kindness to Mo Xunhuan, she said coldly.

All of a sudden, everyone on the case turned around to see Seir, seeing that the king's side concubine, who had been frivolous, suddenly looked scornful.

The smokeless night by the side of the body looked a little surprised at the surging, thoughtful in the deep eyes. His side concubine had left the root cause of the humiliation in Xiang Miaoshan. How could he be a little crazy? On such occasions, even mad words are spoken for a strange man? !! Is she really bold or really crazy?

Wu Seiri didn't care about these different looking eyes, but set his eyes on Mo Xunhuan.

He glanced up at him, no clear contempt in his clear eyes. However, he didn't say anything, just smiled slightly to Selse, and he started to play with five fingers.

That is a "Wei Feng".

I didn't expect that Mo Xunhuan's skill in the piano was really a trivial matter, which was comparable to her.

Wu Qinyin is very happy, so embarrassed, it is really difficult to play the taste of joy so vividly. After joy, it is reminiscing, as if reminiscing the old National Park, as if reminiscing about the passing away.

There is recollection in joy and nostalgia in recollection.

She listened fascinatedly, with the bright waves of light in her clear black eyes, she smiled and smiled, and the pear vortex on her cheek was sometimes deep and sometimes shallow.

She didn't know, and there was a trace of confusion in her phoenix eyes looking at her without smoke at night.

As Qin Yin gradually got better, a lot of red clouds flew, but it was a few women who came out and danced with the sound of the piano. Mo Xunhuan lowered his head, his eyes were slightly closed, and he didn't look at the strings, as if the whole person had been drunk in the music he played.

"It's such a good song, there is no good song to match, but it's regrettable!" Ye Wuya whispered softly, a pair of black eyes quietly looked at him, his eyes full of regret.

She chuckled and said, "The five princes said so much!" She knew that Ye Wuya was listening to the song she hummed that night. However, she knew that her singing voice was partial and not suitable for such a scene.

Qi Yiying's singing voice is the most suitable. It is just that she is now Zheng Wang Zhengfei, not a singing girl, but her status is inconsistent.

As soon as she was thinking, she turned her head to look at Yi Yingxiang, only to see her eyes fixed on the opposite side, wondering whether the sound of the piano, or how, a soul unwilling to look.

I was surprised in my heart, and suddenly I saw a figure in the corner of the eye. The man was wearing a Beilu shirt and was walking towards the main guest. It was about the guards of Beilu Kingdom to see their princess Yiyingxiang.

He did not know why, but his heart was a little disturbed. Soon she knew where the restlessness came from.

In the sun, from the perspective of Seorui, she just saw that there was a seeming coldness in his sleeve.

Although Wang Sun's feast is not a mixed race, the guests are very complicated after all, even some princes who have lost their country. Among these people, it is inevitable that there is hatred for South Vietnam, and it is also possible to assassinate.

He seized the wine glass, took a sip of wine, and saw that the man had reached Yi Yingxiang. The man's sleeves suddenly rolled over, and a black figure slipped out of the robe, which shrouded to the night with a stern force. Under the robe, a dazzling cold light stabbed his chest with a thunderbolt.

Yan Ye's smokeless eyes narrowed for a moment, and the corners of his lips were filled with smiles, such as light waves. Just when you see his dark eyes, you will find that his smile has not reached his eyes. In his eyes, there is a cold condensation.

He shook the attacking robe with his hand, and stretched out his arms to lift Yi Yingxiang beside him.

Selby held the wine glass, wanting to help each other in the night without smoke.

At this point, it seems that it is not necessary. Since Ye Wuyan had free time to control Yi Yingxiang, he naturally didn't pay attention to the assassins.

Sure enough, I saw Ye Yingxiang holding Yeyingxiang without a smoke, twisted at a blizzard speed, and then avoided the attacking sword tip. The assassin missed, there was no surprise in his eyes, and the sword in his hand did not end, but stabbed straight at the smoke behind Ye Wuyan.

If she is not capable of martial arts, this sword will stab her body and kill her.

She chuckled coldly at the menacing sword, and the sharp eyes of the assassin, she smiled mistily. At this moment, her heart was as transparent as glass. This assassin, it is not Yewuyan who is going to kill, but her behind Yewuyan.

With the martial arts of this assassin, it is far from a smokeless night to kill. Therefore, he struck Ye Wuyan, just to let Ye Wuyan take no time to take care of him, and he had to take her life.

She can't figure out who wants her life.

As Qian Qian's money, she asked herself never to offend anyone.

As a slim girl, she had a lot of crimes against her. However, she knew it was never those people. If I knew she was a slim boy, how could she be so stupid as to try to assassinate her.

No matter what, she is afraid to let this assassin down today.

He smiled clinging to the wine glass, and there was a glimmer of water in the clear water. In the eyes of outsiders, she seemed to be startled. However, only Seser knew that she had secretly carried the wine glass in her hands.

But, before it was too late, a strong force pulled her apart, and then Seder heard the sound of sharp blades stabbing into the flesh.

Ye Ye fell to the ground without boundaries! It was he who pushed her away at the critical moment, and met the blade with his own body!

He could not help but smile bitterly, the whole person was a little bit wooden.

Night is boundless, why are you doing this? ?

The sound of Momo Xunhuan continues, but it is no longer a joyous tone, and there is a sadness in the cold and solemn killing. Secretly crouched slowly in that sad piano sound, and touched the wound on Ye Wuya's shoulder with his hand.