MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 603 Do not talk about martial arts

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  Chapter 603 Do not talk about martial arts

   "They don't want to dominate the lending market, I'll show you shit!"

  The person in charge of Fudaibao, Teng Feizhou, has completely fallen into a state of madness.

  He has an idea now.

   That is, if Linmu Studio doesn't make it easier for itself, then it won't make it easier for them.

   Out of this thought.

  He said this more than once, in private and on social media.

  Especially after Linmu Studio pushed the starlight picture to all users through WeChat.

  He became a staunch fighter against Linshu Studio.

   Even appealed to relevant departments to give Linmu Studio a punch...

   And while he kept talking.

   There are indeed many competitors and melon eaters who have the same idea.

  Because Linmu Studio has always been doing things after planning.

   At least in mobile payments, that's what they do.

  Now, the loan-related field is obviously not as chaotic as it was at the beginning, and everyone has restrained.

  Whether it is interest rates or audit standards, they tend to be in line with banks, rather than fighting each other, using advertising bombing and gimmicks to attract as many users as possible.

   And this case.

  If WeChat announces its entry strongly.

  According to their current reputation on the user side, there is no need to guess, users will definitely choose Weixin without thinking.

   And there is a bottom-line competition.

  Other platforms want to compete with WeChat, which has 100 million registered users?

   That's just wanting to fart!

  As long as Weixin uses the name of "Anxin", only makes loans, and lowers the interest rate a little bit, then they will be invincible!

   It may be an exaggeration to say that there is a unified market.

   But definitely will be the leader.

   And the probability of this happening is extremely high.

   After all, any company that has ever been involved in online lending knows how much profit there is.

  Even if the user borrows 10,000 yuan, even if the interest rate is equal to the deposit interest rate, it can generate more than 1,000 yuan in income a year.

  One user can bring more than 1,000 income!

  This is also the reason why this market is developing so rapidly, and each company is rapidly getting out of control and starting to do whatever it takes.

  Because of the benefits, it is really too tempting.

   It's a lot of money!

  Lin Yao's previous life was actually similar.

  The reason why all kinds of software spare no effort to promote related services is because it is too profitable.

   Moreover, the capital of Linmu Studio is much stronger than that of other competitors. They can completely monopolize the income, and they can also use the existing cash flow to leverage an extremely large amount of money to release.

  According to their scale, this tm is faster than stealing money!

  Many competitors put themselves in their shoes and thought about it.

   Now that the market has been rectified, online lending has not been beaten to death.

  While Linmu Studio has the ability and funds, it is more qualified to enter this market.

  Be yourself.

   That will definitely move your heart!

  Because as long as you enter the market strongly, you can make a lot of money in a stable market!

  The more competitors think about it, the more they think it is possible.

  Many competitors even felt that Linmu Studio did it on purpose.

  The reason why Lin Yao let out the rumor was that she was not optimistic about the market.

   Just want to stabilize the market as soon as possible.

   It's really fun! !

  Many colleagues couldn't help sighing, and then they gritted their teeth with envy, and began to stare at Linmu Studio.

make up one's mind.

   How are they really going to do it.

  No matter what, they can't let them go!

   And many people who eat melons actually thought of this, and even many bigwigs showed up to say it, which made many people who eat melons sigh, "This is business"...


  Most users still don't think so.

  After all, Lin Yao said that she would not involve in related fields.

  Because of this shit.

  The two groups of people quarreled.

  One side says the other side is naive, and the other side says the other side thinks too much.


  The heavyweight guests who came to Linmu Studio all heard about this and frowned.

   But anyway.

  The recent popularity of Linmu Studio is quite high...


  External bubbling.

  The attitude of Linmu Studio.

   On the contrary, it is the calmest.

   It seems that they are not aware of the ongoing debate outside.

   But for a large business.

   Obviously impossible.

   Their PR department is not vegetarian.

  So most people still tend to be aware of it, but they don't care about it at all, but let the public opinion ferment.


  What is this for?

  “They just want users to subtly accept Weixin’s involvement in the lending market amidst all kinds of debates and concerns! Look, has anyone said recently that ‘Weixin’s offering lending services is actually a good thing, at least it’s safe’?

   They play the most slippery set! I still say the same thing, if it wasn't for the end, I'd just live broadcast and eat shit! "

   And this.

  The person in charge of Fudaibao, Teng Feizhou, spoke again.

  That determined tone.

  It’s almost as if I am the decision-making layer of Linmu Studio...

  And his firm tone obviously affected many people.

  After all, he is also a well-known entrepreneur.

   In this way, they will spray each other and speak harsh words.

   Still quite convincing...


  The people who eat melons pay attention to the actions of WeChat.

  Competitors, as long as there are companies that are third-party payment agencies, they will also set their sights on WeChat.

   Jiaming Alliance.

search engine.

  Sky fox.

   So, no one noticed at all...

In the past few days, Youmedia's OEM, the major factories under Linmu Studio, have vehicles coming in and out every day, and truck after truck of goods are pulled to the warehouses of major warehouses and the warehouses of major Future offline stores …

after all.

  This is not Lin Yao's previous life.

  The press conference was brought up by FutureS1, yes.

   But on the whole, the technology product launch conference here is far less mature than Lin Yao’s previous life. What happens once at the end of the year or at the beginning of the year, and before the press conference starts, all kinds of leaks and hype can be seen everywhere.

  In addition, when the FutureS1 press conference started, no one dug up any useful information at all. Everyone thought that YouMedia's second product launch event would be held before the Forest Carnival next year.

  So it's normal that no one pays special attention.

   This situation.

   It is estimated that it will continue until the release of Youmedia's new generation of mobile phones before it will change.

   The larger the scale of Youmedia.

  The next attention will be more exaggerated.

  If, this year, YouMedia’s new product release conference ends, the new product will develop as Lin Yao expected.

  The time is estimated to be much earlier...


all of these.

   Neither will happen at this moment.

  Faced with the controversy, Linmu Studio has never said anything. In fact, the reason is very simple.

   is to build momentum.

  Anyway, the attention given for nothing, don’t be in vain…

  In fact, Lin Yao posted that picture.

  I didn't even think about borrowing money.

   Just want to lay the groundwork.

   But did not expect.

   Colleagues will be so cooperative...

   This brought so much attention to Linmu Studio.

  Then why go down the donkey?

   This is why Linmu Studio has been playing dead.

   And have to say.

   This trick is really easy to use...

  Everyone is staring at Linmu Studio... Waiting for Linmu Studio to unveil the picture and tell everyone what this represents...


   “They don’t really want to monopolize the lending market do they?”

  Sky fox.

  Li Guangsheng looked at Mou Feng curiously and asked.

   "Objectively speaking, it is possible."

  Mou Feng calmly replied while bowing his head to work: "But from the perspective of personal emotion, I think it is unlikely."


  Li Guangsheng continued to ask.

"Because Lin Yao is not like the director of Tianhu. She usually does not break her promise. Although you all say that Linmu Studio is a stupid move to cherish feathers, it is often because of this stupid move that they let them Go further than us and earn more."

  Mou Feng suddenly raised his head and stared straight at Li Guangsheng.

   "...Ah Feng, this is a for-profit business, not a school."

   Li Guangsheng saw his small expression, and he probably understood that the other party was still complaining about the fact that Tianhu Payment was completely out of control some time ago.

  He sighed, and then said earnestly: "If it was a school, I can make it look better than Linmu Studio! But this is a profit-oriented business! You can't think like that at all!

  Although Tianhu Payment did take a punch this time, you have also seen the results of our expansion during this period.

  The small loan alone is almost worth half of our entire Tianhu’s income for a quarter, and this is just an invisible income. Although we have become the chickens in the crowd, we have also confirmed our market position.

   In terms of mobile payment, we really can’t match the number of users of Linmu Studio’s WeChat, but in terms of financial tools, even if we get punched, we will still be number one! "

   "This is the result of our expansion some time ago! I know you are upset, but this is reality!"

  This is true.

   Although Tianhu received a punch.

   But they started fast.

   is indeed still in the lead.

  The number of mobile payment users, they are indeed not as good as Linmu Studio WeChat.

   But they are indeed outstanding in terms of borrowing.

   This is why Li Guangsheng is so concerned about whether Linmu Studio will enter the venue.

  Because wechat came.

   Tianhu will suffer again.


  Mou Feng shrugged: "I don't care about mobile payment related projects anymore, you have the final say."

   "Linmu Studio will definitely come next."

Hearing this, Li Guang didn't say any more, just looked out the window: "I will definitely not admit defeat this time anyway, if they think they can dominate the lending market in this way, then they are wrong, everyone will not agree, and they will definitely not let them It's better...everything Lin Yao said will become a bullet! We will never let users forget!"

   "Don't jump to conclusions so early."

Mou Feng lowered his head again, and said casually: "I don't think the probability of borrowing is higher, and don't think that the interest of borrowing is higher now, maybe the income of Linmu Studio's payment field in the future may be even more exaggerated. "


Li Guangsheng finally expressed his thoughts frankly: "That's the way it is in the payment field. Even if it radiates to all developers, how much income can mobile payment bring from service fees alone? I don't believe that in the face of such exaggerated income from lending, Lin Mu works The room will not be moved!"


  Mou Feng raised his head again, and said blankly: "How many times have we stumbled in this regard?"

   "This time is different."

  Li Guangsheng shook his head vigorously, and said firmly: "I don't believe that anyone will not be moved by Jinshan!"


  Mou Feng had nothing to say, and continued to think about his new mobile game.

   It turns out.

   Some things cannot be changed.

   Judging one thing with your own vision and values ​​is such a difficult habit to change.

   This is not something that can be changed after a few somersaults.

  Because this is equivalent to denying oneself.

   "Just wait and see."

  Li Guangsheng insisted on his own opinion this time.

   And at the same time.

  The person in charge of Fudaibao, Teng Feizhou, also has the same idea as Li Guangsheng.

   "If you want to fish in troubled waters, let users subtly accept the fact that WeChat involves the lending market in the midst of the debate, Linmu Studio is thinking about fart!"

  Teng Feizhou sat in his seat, cursing: "As long as I live, they will never get away with it!"

  He stared at Linmu Studio and sprayed like this.

   Mainly mixed with personal grievances.

  He really hates it!

  Fudaibao was originally fine.

   It looks like it's about to make a lot of money.

   Suddenly there was a snap.

   Nothing left...

  In addition, because the entire P2P system has not been in operation for a long time, Fudaibao has promised high interest rates to depositors. Now, he even wants to give money to users!

   This is really too bad.

   And he attributed all this to Lin Yao's nonsense.

   And his idea is the same as Li Guangsheng.

  He really felt that it was impossible for Linmu Studio to let go of the profiteering industry of lending.

   This is also the reason why he is biting Lin Mu Studio like a mad dog.

   "Linmu Studio will not bear the infamy! I really eat **** for you to see!"

   The more Teng Feizhou thought about it, the more angry he became.

   cursed again.

   Not far away.

  The staff of Fudaibao were all silent.


that's it.

   Time passed day by day.

   Almost a week.

  Limwood Studio still has no statement.

  What is the picture pushed by WeChat.

   Still no one knows.

  ‘Linmu Studio knew it was wrong, so it delayed the launch of related businesses. '


   Such a statement began to prevail.

  The attention of users and competitors to Linmu Studio has also reached its peak...

  The fifth day of WeChat push pictures.

  It was still a seemingly normal day.

  Linmu Studio still didn't say anything.

   That night.


  The headquarters of Linmu Studio.

  Two migrant workers dragged their tired bodies as they passed outside the headquarters of Linmu Studio.



  The spotlights outside the headquarters of Linmu Studio suddenly turned on.

   Startled the two of them.

   And wait for the two to look up.

   Just see the screen.

  The sky full of stars seems to be reflected on the headquarters of Linmu Studio...

   Just when they thought it was weird.

  Other pedestrians also stopped and looked up.

  The little starlight began to elongate, and gradually turned into a dazzling silver light...

   Gorgeous special effects.

   Reflected in everyone's pupils.

   And after the shocking performance.

   A line of words began to appear.

  One of the pedestrians suddenly whispered: "Again, come and meet, in the future...?"

at the same time.

   Just outside the headquarters of Linmu Studio, when the promotional video was played on the screen.

   On social media.

  A special dynamic was posted.

  Even if you can't hear the sound, you can feel the shock of this user's news—[Fuck! ! Check out this video! ! 】

   In fact, he didn't need to remind him at all.

  Because this post was posted not long ago.

  Weixin pushed a new announcement to all users.

  The content of the announcement is very simple, it is a video.

very short.

   Just tens of seconds.


   is a sky full of stars.

   Then the starlight began to elongate, and gradually turned into a dazzling silver light.

  Countless silver lights, as if traveling through time and space, quickly passed from far to near.

   And relying on the faint light they emit.

   It can be vaguely seen that the outlines of the two products...

At last.

   Accompanied by dynamic music.

  All the silver light rushed to the camera.

   filled everyone's field of vision.

   Then, it turned into a picture full of stars again.

   And the center of the starlight.

   A line of words quickly jumped out.

  【Once again...see you! future! 】

  【YouMedia New Product Meeting! 】

  【December 22! 】

  【Seven o'clock in the evening! 】

  【Please witness! 】

   That's what the whole video is about.

   But users don't have to see the end at all.

  When you see 'See you again! future! ’ When this slogan is used, users start to lie.

   Like a stress response.

   Because everyone knows.

  The last time this slogan appeared, what did it bring.

   brought FutureS1 that changed the entire mobile phone market!

  Then this time...

How to say! !

   Moreover, users are actually quite pleasantly surprised.

  Because everyone thinks that no matter how fast Linmu Studio is to release YouMedia’s new press conference, it will probably have to wait until the same time next year.

   But did not expect.

  They are going to hold a new product launch event at the end of the year!

   This really exceeded everyone's expectations!

not to mention.

  Recently because of the related controversy in the lending market.

  Everyone turned their attention to Linmu Studio.

   So as expected.

   Less than half an hour.

  This promotional video.

   It quickly rushed to the top of the social media hot list!

  【Future new product! 】

   Two words.

   Crazy stimulate the user's nerves.

  Users started to guess what surprises Linmu Studio would bring this time while lying on the floor.

   But soon.

   Another hot search appeared, attracting the attention of these people.

no way.

   This hot search is too eye-catching.

  The official account of Linmu Studio even personally replied to Teng Feizhou, the person in charge of Fudaibao who was staring at them like a mad dog during this period.

   And Linmu Studio's reply is also very simple, just one sentence -

  【Manager Vine, where is the live broadcast? [Eat melon]]

   This is really crazy.

  It's too eye-catching.

  Many users with quick brains immediately understood the intention of Linmu Studio.

  Linmu Studio did not pave the way for WeChat to enter the lending market from the very beginning!

  At the beginning, everyone was wrong!

   And they will make mistakes!

   To build momentum and attract attention, it is true to play for Linmu Studio!

   Even at this point, they still don't forget to create topics.

   And obviously.

  Users really like this set!

  When they saw the reply from the official account of Linmu Studio, they ran to the post posted by Teng Feizhou a little funnyly, and they also picked up where the live broadcast...

   As for Teng Feizhou himself, after seeing the promotional video pushed by WeChat, he was originally sitting in a chair with a disbelief on his face.


   Countless hints jumped out.

   densely packed.

   And rapidly increasing every moment!

  He opened his eyes.

   Then soon, the incredible expression on his face began to change.

  A burst of red and a burst of white...

  He realized that he might become a stepping stone, or more precisely, a tool for Linmu Studio to build momentum!

   This tm doesn't hurt much.

  Insulting, it's full.

  This moment.

  He really wanted to die...


  Teng Feizhou squeezed the phone hard, his finger bones turned white.

   A few seconds.

  The sound of the phone hitting the ground and the impotent and furious roar rang out...


  Sky fox.

"how is this possible…"

  Li Guangsheng looked at the promotional video being played on his mobile phone, his eyes widened in disbelief: "Is Linmu Studio cowardly? How can it be impossible for them not to be moved! How could it not be!!"

Mou Feng glanced at him, sighed, and slightly raised the volume: "Are you stupid!? Is this the point now? Now the point is the press conference! The last press conference, their products, their games, can Completely changed the entire market! You still want this shit!?"


  Li Guangsheng raised his head abruptly, looked at Mou Feng, and finally got out of the state of being in his head.

  The whole person trembled violently.


   Is now the time to pay attention?

   ‘Come and meet, the future’.

   This sentence really made them see the future last time...

this moment.

  Li Guangsheng really panicked.

   And at the same time.

  After Linmu Studio released the promotional video.

  Many gazes were withdrawn.

  Industrial ah.

  That's all right...

   And the people in charge of countless related industries, like Li Guangsheng, reacted.

  Especially Jiaming Alliance.

   Maximum response.

  The persons in charge all ran back to the company overnight.

   Damn it!

  Linmu Studio!

   Don't talk about Wude! !

Surprise attack! !

   Didn’t you agree to enter the lending market! ?

   I didn’t have dinner and hurried, and finally got out before eleven o’clock. It’s the first time I wrote so fast, I hope it can be so fast tomorrow... I also hope that the last game tonight can be wonderful.



  (end of this chapter)