MTL - This Infinite World is Shameless-Chapter 1557

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But for Li Changsheng, then of course there would be no problem.

After he was done, Li Changsheng dragged Papi and walked three steps, ding dong, and his brain was formatted once.


Chapter 6 Can horses do too?

After causing the other party to forget that he was taking advantage of him just now, looking at the blank-eyed little girl, Li Changsheng couldn't help but praise him in his heart.

"Three seconds of memory is really good!"

By the way, the harpie woman is also very good!

Not realizing the problem of his own tastes getting more and more serious, after Li Changsheng got interested, he directly took advantage of others.

Then of course Pabi was not happy, wow, this man is so shameless with his hands and feet!

Stop in place and want to hit him!

But he couldn't beat him again, and after being forcibly pulled by the opponent and walked several steps, the little thing in his mind was formatted again.

Review the old and learn the new!

Li Changsheng's heart was very happy, and to be reasonable, he admitted that he was shameless.

Basically, as long as he sees a beautiful little girl, he will find a chance to go to someone else if he can.

But swear to God, Li Changsheng felt that this harpie woman was really too convenient!

I don't know why, maybe it was because the mermaid's racial memory is very good, so in this case, he is a little sorry for 04.

Pulling Pabi, whose memory had been reformatted, Li Changsheng was pleasantly surprised to test it several times.

In the end, he discovered that he could control Pabby by means of spiritual suggestion!

Of course, as a negative character, Li Changsheng has always been able to use shameless and shameless means, so he absolutely does not need to use open and above-mentioned means.

So he did it, and by the time he took Pabi out of the park, the latter had completely become Li Changsheng's sidekick.

And Mia, who had magic power, finally found Li Changsheng and rushed over.

At the same time, there are Mobeard and many black suits with Mia, and they all seem to be here to help.

After seeing this scene, Li Changsheng's eyes showed a bit of mockery.

After all, these ordinary human beings, their strength is too weak, that is, Li Changsheng is not the kind of evil **** who will kill people when he sees them, otherwise these people will be miserable.

In front of the ink beard, Li Changsheng showed his positivity, and successfully took Pabi into his home.

So for the next few days, Li Changsheng's daily life was very happy.

Every day, I either go out shopping with the two monster girls, or do shameful things at home behind closed doors.

Of course, Mobe would often come uninvited during this period.

But under Li Changsheng's powerful consciousness, every time the latter came over, he could only find what Li Changsheng wanted her to discover.

As for the reason she wanted to find out about Li Changsheng's bad record, she could only dream about such a thing.

Just like that, after a few happy days.

Li Changsheng found that the refrigerator at home was empty again, and there was nothing he could do. After all, the monster mother's food intake was not small.

Although it was said that Li Changsheng often did excessive things to others, in terms of living conditions, Li Changsheng definitely took care of them meticulously.

Whether it's cooking or ordinary housework, the two of them have never been needed for help.

Of course, these two are not the masters of housework. If they are allowed to do housework, I am afraid that the family will not be able to live for a long time.

For this reason, it was another beautiful morning in the morning.

Li Changsheng swims downstairs, and after reaching the living room, he turns his head to look at his dark blue snake tail, and can't help but smack his lips.

These days, they use their tails to communicate, so they are almost used to the appearance of the body.

This can't be done, you know, Li Changsheng still prefers to maintain his human form.

Then, a strange cyan fire flashed in the living room on the first floor, followed by Li Changsheng standing beside the sofa on the first floor without pants.

He picked up the clothes next to him and changed them, and then looked at the mirror on the first floor.

After seeing the handsome and handsome man in the mirror, he nodded with satisfaction: "Well, as expected of me!"

Immediately after, he picked up the wallet on the table, and then took the key, Li Changsheng went out and left.

After all, he planned to rush home before Mia and Pabby woke up, and he had to prepare breakfast for them.

And maybe, that woman Mo Xu will definitely run over to eat again.

Thinking of Moxu, Li Changsheng took a few steps to an intersection. He felt that when he had time, he should have given this woman to him.

After all, if this is the case, it can make him move a little bit of extra-human taste in the direction of human beings recently.

"Hey! I always feel that I am more adaptable, and I always have the feeling that I want to try something more powerful."

Sighing inwardly, Li Changsheng instinctively stopped.

There was a swipe, followed by a strong wind blowing in front of him, as if a train had just passed in front of him.

Obviously, if Li Changsheng couldn't hold back, or he was just an ordinary human, he might have died just now.

He frowned slightly and looked in the direction just now.

At the same time, the girl who ran by just now also turned around and came back.

The long golden hair has excellent career development potential. Of course, what is more eye-catching is that this beauty 497 has a horse body.


To be fair, Li Changsheng remembered at that time that when he was pure thousands of years ago, he once boasted about going to grass sheep in Haikou.

But now think about it, what kind of man is a sheep with soft grass? The man who sets the horse is really mighty and majestic!

"its not right!"

Thinking of this, Li Changsheng was suddenly startled, because he wasn't thinking about whether or not the centaur would be able to.

His line of thinking has obviously gone directly to the question of whether he can do it later.