MTL - This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come-Chapter 739 blue devil

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Master's power is too strong.

He was protecting the law on one side, and he had to exert all his strength in order to block the invisible coercion from the master.

This is still when he is far away, thousands of miles away.

As for Shizun's body, the space has not become shattered.

It's totally turned into scum.

The space powder dissipated from the side of the master, causing the world to change color, the energy of doomsday surging like a river, constantly bursting with bright rays of light.

He understands that the Master's indestructible body has been sublimated to the utmost in this process.

The crystals of countless doomsdays are frantically transforming Yang Shou's body.

Makes him... the immortal body climbs to a higher realm.

Dacheng Realm!

After reaching the sixth level, he only needs to obtain enough doomsday crystals required for the seventh level, and he can condense into an immortal body.

In fact, Yang Shou was also quite shocked.

In the process of climbing, he felt the surging power in his body.

At the same time, there is a body that is being sublimated to the utmost.

The defense and attack power of his body have been greatly improved as never before.

The improvement brought by the sixth layer far exceeds the improvement of the previous five advancements.

Yang Shou can't imagine that this is only the sixth level.

If you cultivate to the seventh level and get enough energy, isn't it...

Dacheng-level indestructible body...

It takes one hundred billion calamities to crystallize.

This amount is enough to make Yang Shou despair.

You must know that the incomparably ancient World No. 1 was destroyed only to obtain 200 million doomsday crystals.

He estimates that it may be necessary to destroy the Holy Realm before he can truly achieve great success.

Otherwise, the 100 billion crystallization, he will never be able to make it together in a lifetime.

But if he wants to destroy the entire holy world, whether it is the three ancestors of the holy clan, the master of the black mist, or the master of the upper realm, I am afraid he will not agree.

This world is the foundation on which they live.

No matter how crazy they are in the civil war, they have never done anything to the Holy Realm.

"We must destroy it!"

I don't know how long it took, Yang Shou absorbed all the doomsday crystals, his aura gradually stabilized, and he stood up slowly.

His immortal body has also reached the sixth level of cultivation.

This extremely mysterious realm.

"Sixth, a brand new ability was born..."

Yang Shou squinted his eyes, lowered his head and looked at the palm lines, the corners of his mouth raised.

In the various stripes in his palm, there is actually an extremely condensed and pure energy of doom.

"The Palm of Doom."

Yang Shou gave it a random name, simple and unpretentious.

This can already be said to be his strongest blow so far.

His combat power, with the addition of the Great Thousand World, also successfully reached the late tenth level.

Yang Shou didn't know whether he could use this palm to fight against the tenth-level peak powerhouse.

However, he is confident that whether it is the Third Ancestor or the Lord of the Upper Realm, as long as he takes his slap without any precaution, he will be severely injured in an instant if he does not die.

Of course, if they were on guard...

That would probably be of no use.

"My strongest blow so far."

Yang Shou took a deep breath, glanced around the ruins of World No. 1, and then slowly set foot on the way back.

Return to Earth in World 2.


World 7.

At the same time that Yang Shou destroyed World No. 1, Tianzu sensed this scene.

The corners of his mouth twitched up in admiration.

He did not expect that Yang Shou could be so decisive.

You must know that World No. 1 contains the evolution results of all creatures in the top ten worlds.

All the experiences of their practice and the results of their practice are here.

Ordinary people would not be willing to destroy this world at all.

Because the wealth of resources it has is really too precious.

If you concentrate on research, the future will inevitably be another tenth level.

But Yang Shou's decision surprised him again.

"Being able to remain unmoved and destroy World No. 1 is indeed... hard-hearted and firm-hearted, which is evident."

Tianzu sighed with emotion, and immediately looked at the sun hanging high in the sky.

This was fooled by Yang Shou, the "Yang Shou" of this world.

"It's just three worlds, two destroyed, three remnant souls, I'm afraid it won't be long before they get out of trouble."

Tianzu murmured, but his expression did not see any worry.

He likes to hear about the three deities getting out of trouble.

Especially the disaster in the holy world, he didn't even care about it.

Compared with the world he broke into in the last era, the mere holy world is really not worth mentioning.

"I hope you...have a good fight."

Tianzu shrugged and fell into a deep sleep again.


On Earth in World 2.

Yang Shou returned to his home.

Then he took out the evil ghost compass that Ling Susu had given him earlier.

The three evil ghosts on the compass have now recovered two.

Both eyes were shaking violently, as if they were going to rush out.

It's just that the seal is extremely strong, and the souls of the three statues are still sealed.

"Just the breath of the remnant soul is so strong..."

Yang Shou squinted at the compass, and he suddenly had an idea again.

In a short period of time, the law of cause and effect was upgraded to a rule. This method... Bai Yi has not yet been researched.

He couldn't get a substantial improvement at all.

But if... he can suppress the three deities in the Great Thousand World.

Suppressing their remnant souls in the chaos of the Great Thousand World, his combat power may not be able to reach the tenth-level peak.

At that time, he will really have the qualification to talk to the Lord of the Upper Realm and the Lord of the Black Mist.

The more powerful he needs to suppress, the stronger the power he will gain.

Of course, it must be those extremely strong powerhouses, otherwise, it will not be able to bring him substantial power.

"'s time to find the remnants of the three gods."

Yang Shou took a deep breath, and the law of cause and effect came out, covering the evil ghost compass.

One is derived from a causal line, but most of them are illusory and extremely vague.

Just analyzing it, Yang Shou couldn't get anything of value at all.

"By the way, there are statues!"

Yang Shou thought about it, and took out the statue of three evil ghost heads from the Great Thousand World.

This statue flashed three-color light, with an ugly face, emitting a strange light from time to time.

With the destruction of World 1 and World 3, two of the three statues opened their eyes slowly.

This is an extremely terrifying scene.

They opened their eyes and stared at Yang Shou, as if remembering his face.

Then, not long after, it closed again.

It seems to recognize Yang Shou, remember Yang Shou, and use up all their energy.

When Yang Shou saw this, his pupils shrank.

This statue was obtained when he entered the world of black mist and killed Queen Xuan.

It's just that the strength of these three statues can only be used at level 9 at best.

For level 10, it doesn't work.

So for a long time in between, Yang Shou didn't use it.

Looking at it now, with the recovery of the three-headed evil spirits, the power of the statue is slowly increasing.

"cause and effect!"

Yang Shou calmed down and didn't seem too flustered about this.

Didn't you just come to find him?

He's out of debt.

The Lord of the Upper Realm, the Lord of the Black Mist, and the Three Patriarchs of the Holy Race, which one doesn't want to kill him?

It's just that for them, there are more important things to do now, so they gave him a chance to breathe.

Barbarian ancestors tried to seize his Daqian world and break through the eleventh level.

Lingzu entered the ruins, trying to use "Yang Shou" to absorb the energy in the ruins, and entered the eleventh level.

The same is true for the Lord of the Upper Realm. He wanted to kill the Lord of the Black Mist to avoid future troubles. At the same time, he calculated the three ancestors, the barbarian ancestors and the spiritual ancestors, and also tried to attack the eleventh level.

The same is true for the Lord of the Black Mist. Although he is currently in a predicament and sealed in the abyss of karma, no one dares to do anything to him.

They are afraid that he will recover to the peak in an instant.

The Lord of the Black Mist in that state cannot be tolerated by anyone.

Even after so many years, Ling Zu still had lingering fears when he remembered the first battle.

Not long after, under the action of Yang Shou's causal line, combined with the evil ghost statue, and the evil ghost compass, Yang Shou finally deduced a useful clue.

About the place where the three remnants were held.

In the information he deduced, the remnants of the three ancestors were jointly sealed by the three ancestors, and each person sealed one.

Heavenly Ancestor sealed the strongest red evil spirit among them.

The ancestors sealed the cyan evil spirit in charge of lifespan.

The ancestors sealed the blue evil spirit in charge of memory.

The three-color evil ghost was separated by the three ancestors and sealed in three places, and set up a powerful formation.

After a little pondering, Yang Shou decided to go look for the remnants of these three statues.

There are definitely hidden secrets from the last era on the three statues.

Otherwise, the Lord of the Upper Realm and the ancestors would not be fighting wildly in their fallen ruins.

The three are the characters before the Lord of the Black Mist and the Lord of the Upper Realm, and they are extremely ancient.

Yang Shou took one step out of the earth, and then followed the coordinates of the weakest, the evil ghost in charge of memory, and began to cross the space.

As for how to judge the strength... It is entirely because the aura emanating from the blue devil's head is the weakest.

Of course, the persimmons should be soft first.


Yang Shou didn't know how much space he traveled through, and finally, he stopped in front of a desolate planet.

This is a death star.

There is no breath of life on it.

Before he got close, Yang Shou felt a roar, which actually emanated from the inside of the Death Star.

Obviously, it is already on the verge of getting out of trouble and is about to get out of trouble!

"Fortunately, it came early, otherwise in a few years, I am afraid it will really get out of trouble!"

Yang Shou frowned, looking down at the dead planet under his feet, "In the process of being sealed, he merged himself with the planet."

After some observation, he found that the Death Star was a little weird.

There was a layer of blue light on it.

Ordinary creatures will lose all memory as long as they touch it.

This Venerable, one of the three, is said to be in charge of memory.

The dusty memory deep in Yang Shou's mind was also completely sealed by the Lord of Black Mist in this way.

"Come out."

Yang Shou raised his right hand, and the palm lines rolled over, pressing it down fiercely.

The entire Death Star was torn apart in an instant.