MTL - This Is My Primitive Tribe-Chapter 15 Stone eggs and thorns

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Walking in the jungle, Jiang Xuan thoughtfully looked at his bamboo spear. To be precise, it was the juice on the bamboo spear.

"Sister, do other tribes know this kind of cage vine?"

Chishao turned her head and said, "I don't know, this kind of vine is relatively rare. I just heard stories about cage vines from people in the hunting party. This is the first time I've seen it."

Jiang Xuan's eyes lit up and said, "What do you think if we plant a large number of cage vines around the tribe to protect the tribe?"

In this primitive world, the most dangerous are not only beasts, but also other tribes, such as the deer tribe, which were destroyed by the crow tribe.

Every year, countless tribes rise up in the primitive jungle, and countless tribes are destroyed.

A tribe with only five members like the Vine Tribe was wiped out with the slightest carelessness.

Therefore, self-protection is something Jiang Xuan must consider.

Jiang Xuan felt that a ferocious plant like the cage vine was very suitable for protecting the tribe.

Chishao thought for a moment and said, "Other tribes will try to eradicate these dangerous plants when they encounter them. I don't know if they can be used to protect the tribe. You can try it first."

The Uncaria on the side asked curiously: "Boss, this kind of cage vine is so rare, where can we find enough vines to protect the tribe to plant?"

Jiang Xuandao: "There will always be a way, not only cage vines can be planted, but also other ferocious plants. It's not urgent."

The five people continued to walk forward, and after walking not too far, Chishao seemed to see something, walked quickly to the bottom of a rock, tore off a dead vine from the rock, and then followed the vine to find the location of its rhizome.

"Nan Xing, bring the bone scorpion."

The youngest Nanxing was carrying a bone scorpion, which was specially used for excavating plants.


Nan Xing ran to Chi Shao's side and handed the Gu Si to her.

The red peony took the bone scorpion, peeled off the litter and weeds on the ground, and then dug up the ground.

Jiang Xuan walked over and asked curiously, "Sister, what are you digging for?"

Chi Shao replied while digging, "Dig stone eggs."

"Stone egg!"

Jiang Xuan's eyes lit up, he already knew what it was from his memory.

This is a grayish-white vine tuber, the largest can grow to the size of a washbasin, and the small one is as small as a bird's egg.

Because it usually grows next to the stone, and the color is very similar to the stone, the original tribes thought it was an egg laid by the stone, so they called it a stone egg.

After the stone egg is baked, it tastes like a potato, is rich in starch, and can satisfy hunger. It is one of the traditional foods of the tribal people.

This is good stuff!

Jiang Xuan is keenly aware that if stone eggs can be planted in large quantities, then the Vine tribe will have the first food crop!

Soon, the soil on the ground was dug up, and the stone eggs hidden in the ground were gradually revealed.

It was about the size of a soup pot, and the outside was rock-like, slate-grey, and relatively round. Jiang Xuan roughly estimated that this stone egg should weigh seven or eight pounds.

Chishao dug up all the soil around the stone egg, then hugged the stone egg with both hands and twisted it hard, only to hear a "gba", and the rhizome at the bottom of the stone egg was twisted off.

"What a big stone egg!"

Chishao picked up the stone egg and let out a sigh of admiration.

"let me see."

Jiang Xuan took over the stone egg, and started with a heavy one, which also exuded a faint fragrance of tubers.

Jiang Xuan said with satisfaction: "This thing is very good. We can dig the small ones back for planting. If it goes well, we will have uneatable stone eggs in the future."

After Chi Shao heard Jiang Xuan's words, she continued to lower her head and dig.

She is an activist, she doesn't like to talk too much, and she does things very quickly.

After a while, Chishao dug seven or eight small stone eggs from the ground, the big ones were as big as an adult's fist, and the small ones were only a little bigger than a thumb.

Jiang Xuan put these small stone eggs in a separate animal skin bag, and said with satisfaction: "With these seeds, we can go back and try to plant them."

Because stone eggs like to grow next to stones, Jiang Xuan plans to plant them in places with large stones, and try to keep them in line with their living environment in the wild, and try other planting methods in the future.

After digging the stone eggs, the group continued to move forward.


In the distance, a group of bison walked by. They were covered in brown fur, with a pair of sharp horns on their heads, and their shoulders were taller than people. The weight of an adult bison was at least three thousand kilograms.

Such a bison can be described as a real behemoth!

Jiang Xuan felt his scalp go numb when he thought that he had to hunt a bison alone to become a three-color warrior.

Bison are generally in groups, and once injured become crazy, they will become very violent and take the initiative to attack.

Therefore, if you want to hunt an adult bison, in addition to strength, speed, and hunting skills, you must have a smart mind, otherwise you may be buried under the horns if you fail to hunt.

Jiang Xuan didn't plan to provoke these big guys, at least not now.

In the future, when the strength is strong, you can try to catch a few calves and return them to domestication. If they can be successfully domesticated, they can be used for ploughing and ploughing, which can greatly improve productivity.

After bypassing the wild cattle herd, Chishao found a large wild fruit tree, and around the wild fruit tree, there were some small saplings.

Chishao picked up a fruit about the size of a fist, covered with thorns, and cut it open with a stone knife, revealing the yellowish flesh inside.

"This is called thorn fruit. You should have eaten it. It is full of thorns on the outside, but the inside is full of pulp. After picking it up, you can roast it with fire and eat it. When it is cooked, the thorns on the outside are almost burned."

Jiang Xuan also picked up a thorn fruit from the ground. The pulp inside was a round ball, not divided into two halves like a chestnut, nor was it wrapped in a hard shell.

The flesh of thorn fruit is similar in taste to other nuts, and it is larger in size, which is a good thing to fill the stomach.

In addition, it is resistant to storage, even in the wild, it will take a long time to crack and rot when dropped on the ground.

"This thing is not bad. Dig up all the saplings and plant them, and pick up all the fruits that you can eat."

Chishao nodded, and then used bone stalks again to dig up the surrounding small thorn fruit trees with soil, wrap the roots with broad leaves, and put them in a rattan basket.

With the efforts of the five people, they picked up a rattan basket of intact thorn fruits and dug up five small saplings.

After finishing it, Jiang Xuan wrote down the location of the big thorn fruit tree.

Chi Shao looked at the sky and said, "It's getting late, so I can't go any further, go back first."

It is extremely dangerous to spend the night in the wild, because no one knows whether they will encounter a beast attack at night. If it is not impossible, no one wants to spend the night in the wild.

"Okay, let's go back first, and come out earlier next time."

Jiang Xuan nodded in agreement and went back the same way.

"Uncaria, come down quickly." Jiang Xuan raised his head and shouted.

Uncaria has climbed to the top of the big thorn fruit tree. This guy likes to climb trees.

"Okay, I'll be down soon."

Standing on a high treetop, Uncaria agreed, looking at the surrounding scenery reluctantly.

Standing at the top of the tree, he can see the forest in the distance. He likes this feeling very much.

Just when Uncaria was about to climb down, UU read www. Suddenly, he saw a blue smoke in the distance.


Uncaria didn't climb any further, he observed it carefully for a while, and his expression gradually became serious.

"Why haven't you come down yet?" Below, Jiang Xuan urged him.

Uncaria lowered her head and said, "Boss, there seems to be a fire over there."

When the four people below heard these words, they immediately became nervous.

It's not a good thing to meet people from outside tribes in the forest. When you meet a savage tribe, you will fight directly.

"Do you see clearly?" Jiang Xuan asked.

"See clearly, someone must be on fire."

"I'll come and see."

Jiang Xuan immediately climbed up the tree. He was already a one-colored warrior. He climbed the tree very fast, and it didn't take long for him to stand side by side with Uncaria.

"Boss, over there." Uncaria pointed to the south.

Jiang Xuan looked in the direction pointed by Uncaria, and saw a thick plume of smoke rising straight into the sky. It was indeed the shape of smoke that only appears when a bonfire is lit.

Jiang Xuan's heart sank. Although that place is still far away, no one can guarantee when those people will appear around the Vine tribe.

It seems that the environment in which the Vine tribe is located is not so safe.

"Go back first."

Jiang Xuan and Uncaria climbed down from the tree together. Jiang Xuan briefly told Chi Shao and others about the smoke.

Because they were afraid of danger, the five did not stop, let alone investigate the source of the smoke, and returned directly to the Vine tribe.

Although I haven't seen anyone from the outside world, a sense of crisis has shrouded the hearts of the five.

The Vine Tribe was just established, and its strength was too weak to withstand any blow. Jiang Xuan hoped that these people were just passing by and would not threaten the Vine Tribe.

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