MTL - This Omega is Fierce and Wild-Chapter 54 arena

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"Are you sure you want to fight here?"

Qiu Yu looked at the neon-lit fighting arena in front of him, and couldn't figure out what Mu Feibai was thinking.

This is a fighting club located in a Hakoniwa city in "The Last Century". There are many fighting venues inside. Although there are countless parallel copies connected behind each door, these venues are without exception—all of them are public matches. of.

As long as Mu Feibai and Qiu Yu walk into any of them and start the confrontation, their practice IDs will appear on the screen in the fighting club lobby. Moreover, the outcome of the game will be recorded by the system, which can be checked at any time by the game number.

What's more, because of the live broadcast, the practice accounts of Mu Feibai and Qiu Yu are quite famous in the circle. Just as the two stood at the entrance of the fighting arena, countless players around them stopped to watch.

"Yes, I just want to come here to fight." Mu Fei smiled, grabbed Qiu Yu's wrist, and led him into the club, "I'm not afraid of losing face, what are you afraid of? Our team's training box court is too boring , or this kind of fighting arena has the most atmosphere.”

Qiu Yu was speechless: "It seems that you have not been beaten."

Otherwise, I wouldn't still have the energy to toss at this time.

Mu Feibai smiled at him: "That's right, how much my parents dote on me!"

The two walked into the fighting club and registered for a fighting arena with the largest volume. When they came on stage, the auditorium was already seated in twos and threes.

At the same time, the news of Mu Feibai and Qiu Yu's match in the fighting club also began to spread in various game forums and fan groups—

"Damn it! Brothers, come to the fighting arena in Skaar City! Mushen and Qiushen are having a room!!"

"Ah, I want to read it! I don't know what the final paper is!"

""The Last Century" starts!"

"What! Mushen and Qiushen have sex?! Oh, the fighting arena...that's okay."

"Upstairs, what are you thinking? Why are you okay? Fighting is the game with the most physical contact in the end, right?! Mushen and Qiushen are rolling on the bed in front of everyone, isn't it, rolling in the ring, isn't it good?"

"Sister Woc is mighty, I'm going online now!"

Mu Feibai and Qiu Yu stepped onto the stage, and the robot referee NPC immediately announced the start of the match after counting down three seconds.

In the first game, both of them planned to warm up first. You came and went to attack and defend for a while, but the fight was not intense. Until it felt almost done, Mu Feibai smiled at Qiu Yu: "I'm here."

Qiu Yu raised his eyebrows and hooked his fingers at him.

Audience: "I'm going, is Qiushen provoking Mushen?!"

Beside: "Hahaha I really don't know how to write the word dead."

However, what happened next was—Qiu Yu and Mu Feibai fought inextricably and evenly matched. The speed of the fist and kick confrontation was so fast that no one in the audience could see clearly. In the huge venue, the audience was almost packed The seats, maintaining a long silence that can be heard when a needle falls...

It wasn't until Qiu Yu put Mu Feibai down, rode on his back, and mercilessly twisted his neck off—Mu Feibai turned into light spots and dissipated, and then recondensed under the ring, bursts of long-lasting bursts suddenly erupted in the audience. Incessant roar.

"Scratch! What did I see just now?!"

"So Qiushen is so stupid in fighting! I thought he couldn't defeat Mushen in this kind of pure confrontation!"

"Mushen didn't release the water, did he? I can't tell, I think both of them are very strong!"

Mu Feibai quickly started the second round, jumped onto the ring, and smiled at Qiu Yu: "Come again."

Qiu Yu naturally accompanied him.

At this time, the news that the two were fighting in the fighting club in the game had already spread to the major professional teams.

Tang Weiran stopped training and applied to captain Wang Kaiqi: "I want to go to the fighting arena."

Wu Song also just received the news, and said to everyone with a smile: "Stop, Mu Feibai and Qiu Yu are fighting in the game, let's take a look!"

Li Yuxin dragged Qi Chen off the treadmill: "Let's go, watch God Qiu beat Mu Feibai!"

During the game, Qiu Yu panted and knocked Mu Feibai to the ground.

This time he failed to complete the beheading, because the game timer ran out, and Mu Feibai finally won with more knockdowns.

"Is there much progress?" Mu Feibai asked while leaning on the railing of the ring.

"It's quite big." Qiu Yu replied casually.

Mu Feibai was stunned for a moment, then laughed and raised his eyebrows: "Oh? It's quite big?"

Qiu Yu knew where he was thinking again, looked at him with a half-smile, and looked down: "Then I don't know, and I haven't seen it."

Yellow accent, right? Think he won't?

When he was dealing with mercenaries before, what was he afraid to say?

Sure enough, this time it was Mu Feibai's turn to be unbearable.

He raised his hand to touch his nose, and laughed a few times: "Come again."

Qiu Yu got up, followed the inertia of the few words just now, and said casually: "Do you want more? Are you so annoying?"

Mu Feibai couldn't laugh anymore.

He stared straight at Qiu Yu, with extremely dangerous emotions flashing in his eyes.

For a moment, he gritted his molars and said in a hateful voice: "If you talk like that again, be careful—"

He didn't let out the harsh words.

Of course Qiu Yu wasn't even afraid.

At this time, on the audience stage, everyone whispered:

"What did they say?"

"Should be discussing the technical details of the round just now, right? Both of them are big bosses, this is too hard work, just came to the game to practice boxing after the summer game..."

"I don't know why, but I always feel that Mushen has been scolded, hahahaha! It's so fun to see his expression changing back and forth, and Qiushen is very calm and relaxed."

At this time, the third round of the ring started, and the referee had just given the order, and Qiu Yu and Mu Feibai began to fight together.

There are no clear rules for free fighting in the game. Apart from the number of knockdowns and killing opponents, there are no scoring points, and there are no foul actions. Therefore, it is completely normal for two people to roll together and get entangled with their limbs after hitting each other.

The auditorium suddenly boiled:

"Oh oh oh—God Qiu is on top of Mu Shen!"

"Mu Shen counterattacked! Revive Fu Gang!"

"Ah? Mu Feibai, are you okay? Why did you get ridden again after only a few seconds of counter pressure?!"

"Good guy, this fight is too intense, I'll wipe my nosebleed first."

"??? Is this something I can watch without paying?"

"This little broken game can't imitate boki! Zhongbao, mom is so disappointed..."

On the ring, Mu Feibai was killed by Qiu Yu again, and the light spots dissipated and reunited, but he seemed to have not recovered yet, standing in place, raising his hand to press his heart, panting a little short of breath.

Qiu Yu got up, calmed down the rapid heartbeat after the strenuous exercise, and looked down at the railing of the ring: "You were distracted just now."

Mu Feibai looked up at the stage.

Qiu Yu was carrying the glaring light from the ceiling, his entire face was covered by shadows, and he could not see clearly. But those eyes seemed to reflect the most dazzling stars in the world, looking at him for a moment, making his heart beat a little faster than before.

"Well, I accidentally lost my mind." Mu Feibai's voice was a little dry.

"You had two chances to kill me just now, why didn't you do it?" Qiu Yu asked.

"I..." Mu Feibai closed his eyes and smiled wryly, "... I can't bear it."

Qiu Yu was silent.

After a long time, he climbed over the railing and jumped out of the ring, deftly landed beside Mu Feibai, and walked towards the exit of the venue.

When passing by, Mu Feibai heard him say: "No more fights. If you play a few more rounds, you might fail the cognitive test later."

Before the start of the Star Alliance Cup, there was a cognitive test for professional players. In the case of Mu Feibai who did not dare to be cruel to others in the game, the cognitive test may be judged as "reality-virtual confusion", and points will be deducted.

Mu Feibai smiled helplessly, waved his hand at the audience, and followed Qiu Yu out.

In fact, it wasn't because he couldn't be cruel to Qiu Yu that he was reluctant to kill people, but... the feeling of his body being entwined just now really made him lust. The gaffe, and will not be affected by pheromones, he is a little... reluctant to end.

But Qiu Yuting was hateful, he flirted with someone, and he didn't show mercy.

Mu Feibai hated secretly, but he couldn't get angry anymore, he trotted to catch up with Qiu Yu, put his hand on his shoulder: "Since you're all here in Hakoniwa City, why don't you go somewhere with me?"

Qiu Yu didn't care: "Where are you going?"

Mu Feibai said with a smile: "I remember that there is a star cafeteria in Scar City, which has special food from all star regions of the Star Alliance. I'm hungry. Anyway, I won't be able to eat as much as I want in the game. Do you want to try it? ?”

Qiu Yu has no special interest in food, as long as he can fill his stomach, he can eat anything. However, it's rare to be reborn into such a colorful world after death, so it's okay to try.

Seeing a lot of "little tails" coming out from the fighting club behind him, Mu Feibai frowned, pulled out his PDA, and sent Qiu Yu an invitation to form a team. After forming the team, he turned on the private mode, and the figures of the two slowly faded away, disappearing from the view of the players.

The private mode is equivalent to the newly opened copy of Hakoniwa City. Here, they can't meet other players, but there are NPCs walking around on the street, which doesn't look depressed.

Mu Feibai took Qiu Yu into the cafeteria and scanned the QR code to pay.

It wasn't until this moment that Qiu Yu suddenly found a certain consciousness from the original body's memory: "Wait, does it cost money to eat here?"

Mu Feibai nodded: "That's right, where does it cost money to eat?"

Qiu Yu was speechless immediately: "It's still real star coins...but these dishes are not real at all."

Mu Feibai just laughed: "But the taste in your mouth is real, the pleasure of swallowing is real, and the environment and service you enjoy are also real. And you don't have to worry about getting fat or wasting food. It’s more cost-effective to spend star coins here.”

And it’s actually not expensive. If the hundreds of dishes here are used as a buffet in the real world, the entry price may be more than ten times higher.

Forget it, since Mu Fei is greedy for nothing, he is also curious about the taste of these foods, so it's okay to be extravagant once in a while.

Thinking about it, Qiu Yu also took out his PDA to scan the code.

"Hey, I'm treating you." Mu Feibai shook his PDA at Qiu Yu, which showed that two people had been paid.

"Okay." Qiu Yu was not polite to him.

A buffet in the virtual world, I ate for three hours without stopping.

Even so, they only tasted half of the hundreds of dishes in the restaurant.

Qiu Yu looked at the plate full of various desserts and cakes in front of him, and rubbed his cheeks worryingly: "I should change to a helmet to eat, use the game cabin, I am tired from chewing too much..."

This was the first time he felt that eating was also stressful.

If he told this to his former comrades-in-arms, he would probably be pushed to the ground and beaten by a group of people—tired from eating? What are you kidding? This is definitely showing off and bragging! Who doesn't know that in this world, being able to fill one's stomach is a blessing.

If he could have brought those comrades along... Qiu Yu couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to let them see the piles of food in front of them and realize that there are some restaurants where they can eat as much as they want for a one-time payment.

It must be very interesting.

Mu Feibai looked at the person in front of him, looked at the faint smile on the corner of his mouth, thought of how he was swaying freely and with ease in the ring just now, and thought: So confidence and freedom can make people so dazzling.

If he is always restrained by pheromone, even if there is an Alpha in the future, it is impossible for Alpha to be by his side anytime and anywhere. That kind of brilliance will always become dim sometimes, and the person in front of him will always be unhappy sometimes.

Forget it, what he wants to do, just do it.

Mu Feibai exhaled deeply, feeling a little sore in his heart, but suddenly enlightened.