MTL - This Omega is Fierce and Wild-Chapter 61 kiss

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"Hahahaha, is it true or not? Mushen took the ID for you personally?"

Xu Qingqing saw the rumors on the Internet and immediately sent a message to Qiu Yu.

Qiu Yu: "I don't know if it's true or not."

Qiu Yu: "I always thought it was the ID that the coach gave me."

Xu Weiwei sent a smirk: "I think this ID is really good. You are good at archery, and you happen to be surnamed Qiu, and you look so cute. Cupid is much better than Ghost or Spirit. Well, Regardless of whether it was taken by Mushen for you, I will take it as it is!"

Qiu Yuting was helpless: "Why do you always hope that he and I are lovers?"

Not only Xu Qingqing, but also those people on the Internet, it seems that seeing him and Mu Feibai together is happier than their own dating. In just one night, he even drew pictures of him and Mu Feibai hugging and kissing—Xu Qingqing sent him several pictures.

Xu Qingqing: "You should understand the joy of eating CP!"

Qiu Yu flipped through his memory, expressing that he didn't want to understand.

Xu Weiqing made a few jokes, and suddenly said seriously: "However, to be honest, even if everyone is talking about you and Mushen CP, you should not really give your heart just because of the opinions of netizens. .Even if you like him, you can't agree to be marked by him too early. You must get along more, see if you are really suitable, and then make the next decision. Oga is too weak in front of Alpha, you must think of yourself !"

Seeing this passage, Qiu Yu raised his hand and touched the back of his neck.

The skin touched by the fingertips was still smooth, but he knew that there were already two light red tooth marks there.

He has already been marked, but since he left the Eagle Cavalry station, he has been wearing high-necked clothes every day, and the pulse jacket during the competition is directly wrapped up to the highest point of the neck, and the smell left by Mu Feibai on him has also dissipated. So, except for the people in the team, the news that he was marked has not been spread.

Qiu Yu remembered what Dr. Qi had said to him this morning.

"According to the monitoring data, your love period is coming soon, and it will be two days after tomorrow. Unfortunately, it just happens to be in time for the group stage." Qi Zhefeng had no expression on his face, "You need to mark the line again. After confirming the time Remember to come to me, marking may endanger your personal safety and must be done under surveillance."

The competition system of the Star Alliance Cup is similar to that of the Summer Split, but the schedule is tighter. Considering the tradition of Sunday worship in the Western Star District, the competition days are arranged on Tuesday, Wednesday, May and Saturday every week. The home and away games are canceled in the group cycle. In the case of mutual wins and losses in the group and the same points, a playoff will be used to determine the qualifying places.

The competition group and schedule have been released. Eagle Rider's three group matches are scheduled for the next Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, almost consecutively. Once Qiu Yu enters the romantic period, he may miss more than one game.

Therefore, this time he also had to rely on temporary marks to get through the overflow period.

After the evening training, Qiu Yu stopped Mu Feibai and told him what Dr. Qi had said.

Mu Feibai pursed his lips, looking a little unhappy. After a while, he said: "How does he want to monitor? Can this kind of thing also be watched?"

What's the difference between watching Alpha Mark Oga and watching someone else have sex? I'm afraid Qi Zhefeng has gone crazy after studying medicine!

Qiu Yu didn't have any special feelings about surveillance.

Because, even with the memory of the original body, he cannot fully integrate with the concept of this world. In his opinion, the matter of biting a neck is really not very private. If there is someone by his side, maybe it can make him more vigilant, so that he won't be immersed in the thrill that is frightening but can't help but look forward to.

—Of course, if he could see how attractive he was when he was marked, and if he could realize how sweet his cry was at that time, I'm afraid he wouldn't think so.

Fortunately, Qi Zhefeng is not really perverted.

After the pulse treatment, he escorted Qiu Yu to the door of Mu Feibai's room, and glanced at the bracelet: "Don't lock the door. If you don't come out in ten minutes, I will go in."

In today's hotels, the sound insulation effect of doors, windows and walls is excellent, which can ensure that no matter what sounds are made inside, Qi Zhefeng who is waiting outside the door will not be able to hear them.

Mu Feibai's complexion improved a lot.

But this "time ten minutes" is also annoying.

Even though it was such an intimate matter, the sense of atmosphere disappeared all of a sudden, and it seemed like a time-limited task. Even when he recalled the situation when he marked Qiu Yu last time, Mu Feibai was a little bit unmotivated.

Qiu Yu didn't notice this.

He walked into Mu Feibai's room, thinking of the last time he was picked up and bitten by the other party, and almost lost his balance after being marked, he went straight to the bed and sat down without hesitation.

Mu Feibai wrinkled his nose and turned around from the entrance. Seeing Qiu Yu sitting on his bed, his hair was obviously still a little damp after taking a shower, and his gloomy expression disappeared instantly.

"You... want to do it on the bed?" He swallowed subconsciously.

"Well, you're too tall, I'm afraid you won't be easy to bite." Qiu Yu barely suppressed the inexplicable expectation in his heart, pretending to be casual and relaxed, "It's better to sit down."

Uncontrollably recalling the experience of being marked last time in his mind, Qiu Yu felt a little self-deprecating. He was sure that anyone who had experienced it once would find it hard not to look forward to the next one—maybe this is Oga After all, the reason for not being able to get rid of Alpha.

Those who have tasted the sweetness, who would be willing to suffer again?

Mu Feibai had already climbed onto the bed, knelt down behind Qiu Yu, and pulled Renxu into his arms.

Qiu Yu lowered his eyelashes, felt the heat coming from behind him, and said in a low voice, "Hurry up."

Mu Feibai put his hand on Qiu Yu's shoulder, held him gently, smelled the sweetness of the coconut milk that was getting richer at the tip of his nose, and without delay, he lowered his head and bit on it.

Qiu Yu snorted softly, and tightly held Mu Feibai's fingertips with his backhand, trying to stabilize the sudden feeling of flying into the sky, as if he was falling into the clouds and floating in the water... His eyes were blurred, and he seemed to be looking again. When I arrived at the night sky, I saw a dreamy pink-purple planet hanging in the night sky.

At this moment, Qiu Yu didn't know that his body was trembling, and he couldn't hear the sweet call from his own mouth, and it was even more impossible to see that his whole face was glowing with rosy red.

Mu Feibai touched, heard, and saw it.

The hand he put on Qiu Yu's shoulder suddenly slipped, and the next second, he hugged Qiu Yu tightly, lifted him onto the bed with almost no effort, and held him in his arms.

Qiu Yu grabbed a few times in the crumpled quilt, and finally grabbed Mu Feibai's hair with his backhand, raised his neck, and breathed heavily.

The pressure on the back of the neck suddenly disappeared, replaced by a hot and soft touch. Once, twice, gently land on the slightly bleeding wound.

Half of the consciousness is still flying, and half of it has returned to the cage. In a trance, Qiu Yu suddenly exerted force on his arm, grabbed Mu Fei's white hair and dragged him to the front.

— Kissed the other party's bloodshot lips.

Mu Feibai's eyes suddenly turned red.

He stretched out his hand to grab Qiu Yu's neckline, and kissed it back forcefully and fiercely.

However, the moment their lips touched, Qiu Yu woke up.

He raised his hand to grab Mu Feibai's neck, and slowly pushed him away.

Mu Feibai stared at the person in his arms, and said hoarsely: "...Why?"

Qiu Yu propped up his upper body and sat up, avoiding Mu Fei's scorching gaze: "...what?"

After a moment of silence, Mu Fei asked, "Why did you kiss me?"

Before Qiu Yu could answer, he asked again: "Why did you push me away?"

"I was just now," Qiu Yu whispered, "I was not awake."

Mu Feibai didn't speak for a while.

Qiu Yu added: "I didn't mean to play with you, I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologize." This time Mu Feibai answered quickly.

After a pause, he gave a low laugh, unable to detect any emotion: "I are playing with me."

Qiu Yu was afraid to look at Mu Feibai.

He sat on the edge of the bed, lowered his head slightly, lowered his eyelashes, and unconsciously kneaded the quilt beside him with his fingertips.

He knew that he was a little nervous.

—In that dazed, trance-like moment, he realized with absolute certainty that...he was bent.

He actually had feelings for Mu Feibai's body.

Qiu Yu couldn't be sure for a while, whether that feeling was due to the influence of pheromones, or something else.

After all, this world is too hostile to Oga. He has liked women for so many years in the last days, and suddenly found that he also misses men's bodies. He subconsciously doesn't want to find problems from himself.

It must be because of the pheromones.

Yes, it was definitely because of the hateful pheromone that he suddenly wanted to kiss Mu Fei Bai at that time.

His brain is messed with pheromones.

Qiu Yu sat by the bed and did not speak, and Mu Feibai also remained silent.

Until the knock on the door sounded, Qi Zhefeng pushed the door open a crack: "Is it over?"

Mu Feibai suddenly jumped up from the bed, said "Come in" casually, and quickly hid in the bathroom.

Qiu Yu cleared his throat, stood up pretending to be calm, took the disinfectant wipes from Dr. Qi, and pressed them on the slightly bleeding wound on the back of his neck.

It wasn't until the two people's footsteps faded away, and there was a knock of the lock cylinder on the door, that Mu Feibai leaned against the bathroom wall, exhaled deeply, and then swallowed dryly.

His Adam's apple rolled up and down, and he closed his eyes slightly. After a moment, he reached out and unlocked the bathroom door.

The sound of water dripping in the bathroom was vaguely mixed with low and forbearing breathing.

The treatment instrument was removed from the back of Qiu Yu's neck, and the wound healed. The skin there had returned to smoothness, with light red marks winding on it, like several peach blossoms of the right color.

Qi Zhefeng turned around and put away the instrument, his tone was still indifferent as usual: "Okay."

"Thank you." Qiu Yu raised his hand to touch the back of his neck, got up and prepared to go back to the room.

"Wait a minute." Qi Zhefeng stopped him and asked, "Are you still insisting that you will have thread body resection in the future?"

Qiu Yu still answered without hesitation: "Do."