MTL - This Star is a Bit All-around-Chapter 454 Perfect Happiness (End)

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  Chapter 454 Perfect Happiness (End)

(It’s finished, I’m a little hasty, sorry, I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year, good health, good luck, wealth and happiness, thank you for your support to Xiaobing during this period, thank you, because of you, I have This book, thank you very much, see you next book!)

   "Hello, welcome, how many are you, big brother?"

Xiao Qiuer, who has been working in the store for more than ten days, has grown into a qualified receptionist, and the number of customers is increasing day by day, and many of them come here because of the cuteness of the three little ones. guest.

   But fortunately, the aunts of Baijia Village have come here early, otherwise the three of them would have been exhausted and paralyzed.

  The store door was pushed open again, and Xiao Qiuer looked at the young man in tight clothes, hat, and sunglasses and asked.

   " many people are you talking about?"

  The young man spoke with a smile, and the familiar voice made Xiao Qiuer's eyes open suddenly, and then she jumped over excitedly.

"elder brother!"

   "Haha... My little Qiuer, do you miss your brother?"

  Yang Qing took off his sunglasses, hugged the little man in his arms, and asked in a loving and soft voice.


  Xiao Qiu'er uttered a word, and then fell into Yang Qing's embrace.

  Yang Qing also held this little person in her arms and remained silent. After leaving for just over ten days, he could clearly feel her attachment to him at this moment.

   "Qiu'er! You're messing around! Get the guests to sit!"

   At this moment, Xiao Bai's milk cry came, and Xiao Qiu'er left Yang Qing's embrace immediately, looked at him with a sweet smile and said:

   "Brother, Qiu'er is still at work, um... I'll accompany you when I get off work, you can sit there"

   "Hehe ~ ok"

  Yang Qing kissed this dedicated little person, and obediently listened to her arrangement.

   "Hey, let me be healthy, who is this!" Xiaobai watched Yang Qing approaching, and she jumped up to meet him, laughing loudly.

   Several diners around also heard the sound and looked curiously, and then she (he) became excited.

  Yang Qing! Qingshen!


  Yang Qing smiled and waved to several excited young diners who were about to get up, then hugged Xiao Bai in front of him and kissed him, saying:

   "I'm a guest now, Qiu'er arranged a seat for me, um... over there..."

  Yang Qing carried Xiaobai to the seat for one or two people, put Xiaobai down and said with a smile: "I want to eat steamed buns and porridge..."

   "Whoa~ Write it down!"

  The little white girl smiled and handed over the small book, and then she watched Yang Qing write, and said in a milky voice:

   "Brother Qing, you came back so early, we will earn enough money soon, we can fly to see you, hey..."

  Yang Qing handed the written notebook to Xiaobai, looked at the disappointed little doll and said with a smile:

   "Because I missed you, so I rushed back early, um... Aren't you going to see the sea, have you saved enough money, if you have saved enough, we will leave in two days, how about it?"

   "Hohoho~ I want it! We have enough money saved!"

  Xiao Bai jumped up and down happily when she heard the words, and then she ran away with the little book, and she wanted to tell Xiao Qiu'er and Xiao Xi'er the good news.

   Sure enough, the two little ones were so happy to hear the news that they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear. Xiao Xi'er jumped up and down in front of Mama Bai, handed over the little torn paper in her hand, and said with a smile:

   "hiahia~ This is the meal ordered by Brother Qing, Mama Bai, please cook it quickly, after Brother Qing has finished eating, we are going to see the sea! hiahia~"

   "Hmm... Qingzi, are you here?" Mama Bai was taken aback.

   "Yeah, here we come, look, just sit there." Xiao Xi'er pulled Mama Bai to look.

   At the same time, Xiao Qiuer welcomed another diner with long-haired beauty.

   "Hee hee~ Hello, beautiful sister, are you alone?"

   "Hmm, hello, cutie, I'm alone, um... can I sit there?"

  The beauty looked around for a week, her eyes fell on the back of a very temperamental figure, and she asked with a smile.

   "There... no way"

  Xiao Qiuer heard the words and looked at it, she immediately shook her head and said, "How about you sit there, beautiful sister, there is no one sitting there?"

   "Eh...why can't I sit there?" The beauty smiled inexplicably, "I heard that you will arrange a wonderful fate here, cute, so I came here."

   "No, no, no." Xiao Qiuer shook her head resolutely and said, "That's my brother, he has a fat girl friend, sister, you are not suitable."

  Beauty: "...Your brother? Has a girlfriend, real or fake, don't lie to me"

   "I won't lie to you, cute dolls won't lie, my brother really has a fat female friend!"

  Xiao Qiuer said very seriously, and while she was talking, she saw Qin Xue walking in, and immediately she jumped over happily, took Qin Xue's hand, and said to the long-haired beauty:

   "Look, sister, this is my brother's fat female friend!"

  The long-haired beauty looked at Qin Xue when she heard the words, and she was immediately amazed.

  With such a beautiful appearance, such a supernatural temperament, which man can match her.

   Driven by curiosity, she followed behind Qin Xue and saw this man, so she opened her mouth wide in surprise, her eyes filled with unbelievable astonishment.



   "Qiu'er, Xi'er, Xiaobai, are you all ready? Hurry up, we are going to have thick hair!"

   "hiahia~ I'm coming! I'm coming!"

   "Hee hee ~ Xi'er! You didn't take the baby cup!"


  The three little ones ran down the stairs in brand new little clothes. After meeting Xiao Niannian and Xiao Mengmeng, they walked out of the room holding little hands together.

  At the gate, six cars have already parked.

  Yang Qing, Tan Jiner, Qin Xue, Qin Hao, Wen Xiaorou, Bai Zhijun, Bai Mama, Bai Lingyue, Wang Ying, Wang Ming, Wang Keer, Jiang Xiaolang, Jiang Xiaoxue, Li Wanxiao and others were all there.

  Besides, Xiao Chun'er, Xiao Xia'er and Xiao Dong'er were chatting with Ma Minghao.

   "Wow! There are so many people! Are they all here to see the sea?" Xiao Bai was surprised.

   "Haha... that's right" Jiang Xiaolang laughed and teased, "I heard that Xiaobai and you guys are going to treat guests to a trip, so let's join in the fun, welcome or not?"

  Xiaobai+Xiaoqiuer+Xiaoxier: \(◎o◎)/!


  Xiao Qiuer took a deep breath and came to Yang Qing, took his big hand and said quietly: "Brother~ we don't have that much money"

  Hearing this, Yang Qing touched Xiao Qiu'er's little head lovingly, and said softly: "It's okay, your brothers Xiao Ming and Brother Xiao Lang will pay for it themselves, and you don't have to worry about it."

   "Oh, that's good, hee hee~"

  Xiao Qiuer patted her little chest cutely, and then hurried to tell Xiao Xier and Xiao Bai the news, and the two little ones immediately burst into smiles.

   "Qingzi, everyone is complete, let's go, travel, travel by car, I have never thought about it in my life, hehe..."

  Bai Zhijun counted the heads, and when he saw that they were all there, he laughed.

   "Rough hair ~ thick hair ~"

  The five little dolls held their little hands and jumped up and down.

   "Hey... Gua Wazi, take the old man's car!" Bai Zhijun looked at Xiaobai and said.

  Xiaobai turned his head away when he heard the sound, and dragged his best friend to Yang Qing's car without saying a word.

  Bai Zhijun: …

   "Haha, Brother Bai, ignore them, come on, you drive my car, four-wheel drive off-road, cool!" Jiang Xiaolang smiled at Bai Zhijun.

   "Got it! Go!"

   After a while, six vehicles set off, all the way to Qiongyayazhou.


   Stop and go, the scenery on the road is always so beautiful.

  Take photos and take pictures. Along the way, the little ones left the most beautiful and childlike smiles.

  “I have crossed mountains and seas, and I have also crossed mountains and seas of people”

  “Everything I once owned is like smoke in the blink of an eye”

   "I've been lost and disappointed lost all direction

  , until you see that ordinary is the only answer..."

  In the singing of Yang Qing and the singing of the cuties, everyone arrived at the final destination of the trip.

  Driving all the way to the reserved hotel, Qin Xue, Tan Jiner, Wang Ying, Jiang Xiaoxue, Wen Xiaorou, and Bai Lingyue each took one or two little dolls to take a bath to remove dust.

  Yang Qing mysteriously called Qin Hao, Jiang Xiaolang, Wang Ming, Bai Zhijun and others into the room.

   "Brother-in-law, what's the matter, I have to go out to do something" Qin Hao came in and said.

   "Yes, yes, I also plan to go out to do something," Wang Ming also said.

   "Tsk tsk~ you two... what can you do, it can't be... cough, pay attention to restraint" Jiang Xiaolang said with strange eyes.

   "Go, go, a dog's mouth can't spit out ivory." Qin Hao glared at Jiang Xiaolang, then looked at the rest of the people, and said with a hey smile:

   "I'm going to propose to Xiaorou, heck... don't you need a ring?"

   "Marriage proposal!" Wang Ming was taken aback when he heard the words and then smiled: "Haozi, we both have the same plan, hehe...together"

   "Together together!" Qin Hao said cheerfully, "Ke'er won't reject you, right?"

   "That can't be done!" Wang Ming said confidently.


  At this time, Yang Qing coughed dryly and said: "Then add me!"


  Hearing this, Qin Hao, Wang Ming, and Jiang Xiaolang all stared at Yang Qing in astonishment. Only Bai Zhijun stood up and patted Yang Qing's shoulder full of satisfaction, and said with a smile:

   "It's not easy, your kid is finally going to start a family, brother, I support you!"

   "Yeah!" Yang Qing nodded heavily, looked at the few people and said with a smile: "I came to you because I want you to plan this matter for me, um... a surprise, but I don't want to..."

   "No, brother-in-law, aren't you planning to get married in May and June? Why are you asking for marriage all of a sudden?" Qin Hao said in confusion.

   "Very reasonable"

  Yang Qing said: "Propose now, then get engaged, and get married in May and June. By then, I guess our new movie will just be filmed, so there will be no delay."

   "Eh... that's true." Qin Hao nodded and smiled after thinking about it: "Then let's tie the knot together!"

  Yang Qing: "...What do you think, your wedding is held with your sister's, you want your uncle to break your leg?"

  Qin Hao: …

   "Hey... Brother Qing, how about we go together?" Wang Ming interjected at this moment.

  Yang Qing smiled: "Okay, then let's be together then, um...but first get this marriage proposal done!"

"no problem!"

   Immediately, Yang Qing, Qin Hao, Wang Ming, and Bai Zhijun gathered together to make a plan.

  Jiang Xiaolang stared blankly at the side for a while, and suddenly he clenched his fists and shouted loudly:

   "I've decided, when I go back this time, I'll chase after you, confess, and try to get married with you!"

  Yang Qing and the others looked up at him blankly for a moment, then nodded vigorously and said, "Okay! Come on!"



  The next day, the sun was shining brightly and the warm wind was blowing.

   "hiahia~look at the sea, look at the big fish!"

   "Hohoho~ Take the small shovel! Digging a sand ditch!"

   "Hee hee ~ Dong'er come quickly, my sister will take you"

   "Beach beach! Year after year, let's go"

   "Come on, come on, brother, you and sister Xia'er, hurry up!"

  The little dolls were wearing short sleeves, shorts, and sandals, holding all kinds of tools for playing with the sand, shouting and rushing to the beach.

   "You can't go to the beach, wait a while and we will take you to the beach to ride the waves"

  Qin Xue looked at the little dolls running away and yelled, then she looked left and looked again, but she didn't see Yang Qing and the others, so she couldn't help but wondered:

   "Sister-in-law, where are Brother Bai and Qingzi?"

  Bai's mother: "I don't know, Lao Bai went out early in the morning, I don't know what to do"

   "Qingzi too," Qin Xue muttered, then took Mama Bai's arm and started talking and laughing with her.

  Wang Ke'er also held Wang Ying's arm, muttering where Wang Ming had gone, but Wang Ying smiled and said nothing.

  Time passed slowly, just as the little ones were digging sand on the beach and playing in full swing, suddenly a group of people came running over with various things.

   After a while, somewhere on the beach was decorated into a sea of ​​roses.

   "Wow! There are so many flowers! Let's go and have a look," Xiao Xi'er shouted.

   "Hey, go and see!"

  Xiao Bai responded, and then the little dolls ran to watch curiously, and everyone in Qin Xue came over curiously.

   Gradually, more and more people were onlookers. Some little girls looked at the roses all over the ground, and their eyes were already dreaming of stars.

  Qin Xue, Wang Keer, and Wen Xiaorou also watched curiously, guessed, talked and laughed to witness this romantic moment.


  Suddenly, at this moment, a guitar sounded, and then a singing voice came out:

   "Earth rotates once is a day, that means miss you one more day"

   "A love of truth, kindness and beauty..."


  Hearing the singing, Wang Keer's eyes widened in disbelief. She recognized that it was Wang Ming's voice.


  The next moment, before she could recover, Wang Ying who was beside her pushed her lightly, and she immediately stood out from the crowd and stood in the sea of ​​roses.

   "hiahia~Sister Keer!"

  When Xiao Xier saw Wang Keer standing in the sea of ​​flowers, she immediately jumped up and ran over screaming.

   Tan Jin'er didn't hold her back, and saw her little sister standing beside Wang Keer, she immediately covered her face helplessly.

   "There is no limit and no defect, the earth revolves once is a year"

   "That is the eternal horizon of loving you for one more year"

   "And my heart will never change"

  Amidst the guitar sound, another singing voice with a different voice came out, and Wen Xiaorou blushed instantly.

   Immediately, she was pushed by someone, and she also stood in the sea of ​​roses.

   "Xiaobai, go, stand beside your sister Xiaorou" Bai Lingyue whispered.

   "Hohoho~ I want it!"

   Afterwards, Xiao Bai and Xiao Xi'er stood in the sea of ​​roses, looked at each other and laughed endlessly.

   "Love you for ten thousand years, love you can stand the test"

   "Flying beyond the limitation of time, the planes that are closer to the region are closely connected"

  The singing sounded again, and Qin Xue's eyes were filled with tears of happiness.

   "Hee hee ~ Sister Qin, let's go"

   "Hmm ~ sister ~ hold hands ~"

  Xiao Qiu'er and Xiao Dong'er came to Qin Xue's side, showing cute and sweet smiles.


  When the three women stood in the sea of ​​roses, the crowd in front of them suddenly separated to the two sides. Three handsome men walked over slowly, playing guitar and singing.

   "Xuexue, I love you, you are the only one in this life, marry me." Yang Qing knelt on one knee and held out his ring that symbolized love.



  The same is true for Wang Ming and Qin Hao. The three girls were moved to tears, stretched out their slender fingers, and were put on rings by the lover in front of them.

   "hiahia~ It's perfect, it's perfect, I want to kiss you!" Xiao Xi'er jumped and shouted.

   "Hoho~ Kiss and hug forever! Hurry up and kiss!"

   "Hee hee ~ Kiss! Hurry up, brother, kiss! It's time to sprinkle flowers!"


  When the three couples kissed at the request of the cuties, Bai Zhijun set off fireworks above their heads.

   "hiahia~Scattering flowers~"

   "Hooooooo~ It's complete~"

   "Hee hee ~ happy ~"

  (end of this chapter)