MTL - Those Years of Dressing As An Animal-Chapter 127

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After staying on the tree at the gate of the community for about seven or eight hours, until three or four o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Xing still did not get the slightest food.

The surrounding environment made it impossible for Chen Xing to obtain fruits or nuts directly from nature, and most of the people who passed by did not notice Chen Xing, who was gray on the tree.

Even when a few humans passed by, they found Chen Xing and recognized that it was a cute little squirrel, but they all watched the excitement for a while, and they never thought of leaving some food for Chen Xing.

The way of getting food easily by selling cuteness to humans does not seem to be feasible at the gate of this community.

Failing to get food, at noon, Chen Xing had to eat two more melon seeds in his cheek pouch to cushion his stomach a little, so that his stomach wouldn't sing so loudly.

This time, there are only five melon seeds left in the cheek pouch. If there is no new food source to supplement, then these five melon seeds will certainly not last and will be eaten by Chen Xing the next day.

Even if Chen Xing wanted to save some food, he couldn't really starve his body.

Most of the day passed, and Chen Xing found nothing here. He couldn't help but wonder if he was fit to live outside in this life?

Do you really want to find a reliable owner for yourself to take care of him?

[Seeing that Xingxing is so miserable today, I think of the little fat family again, why didn't you choose a better place for Xingxing to release him? 】

[Xingxing is still very cute in this life, why is no one willing to feed him? What squirrels can eat shouldn't be expensive! 】

[There's not much food left in Xingxing's mouth, I'm really worried that Xingxing will not be able to hold on...]


His ears suddenly pricked up, and Chen Xing, who always felt as though he had heard a strange sound just now, immediately looked around vigilantly, and all the muscles in his body began to be vigilant.

[Did I hear something? 】

[In the front, add me one. 】

[I heard it too, and Xingxing's vigilant look now must have also heard it. 】

[I lost... 30 degrees south by east, everyone, look, the stars run! 】

【what? What? My God, what the heck is this, I'm a little scared to look at it! 】

Suddenly noticing this barrage reminding him to run away quickly, Chen Xing followed the direction written on it and looked carefully, and he saw something frightening and also very frightening to the mouse.

This turned out to be a long green snake!

When Chen Xing was a human, he was a little afraid of snakes, cold-blooded animals with scales. He always felt that every snake was poisonous. If he accidentally bit a bite, he would suffer a serious crime, and even more serious, he might even die!

Chen Xing has always kept a distance from snakes, and wished he had never seen them before.

But now Chen Xing is just a little squirrel less than ten centimeters in size. In the eyes of humans, a green snake of more than one meter is already no small size. Now, in the eyes of this squirrel, Chen Xing has directly become a giant!

If the snake in front of him opened its mouth directly, it might be able to swallow his whole body directly!

For this reason, when Chen Xing recognized the snake in front of him, all the hair on his body exploded - he was completely frightened!

Frightened Chen Xing was so frightened that he stayed where he was and didn't even think of running away for a while.

But the green snake in front of him hissed his tongue and slowly crawled towards Chen Xing.

Suddenly, Chen Xing, who had clearly seen the appetite in the snake's eyes, finally regained his senses. The first time he turned his head and ran, his body jumped and fell to the ground, and then he quickly found a direction like a headless fly. run away.

[Ah, run faster, Xingxing, this thing is still chasing behind! 】

[This thing must have used the stars as food, and is still chasing after it! 】

[This is simply too terrifying, what kind of creature is this, obviously across a screen, I actually feel nauseated, and the hairs all over my body stand up! 】

Knowing through the barrage that the snake behind him was still chasing him, Chen Xing tried his best to continue to run forward, a big fluffy tail flew away quickly on the road like a feather.

And behind this big fluffy tail, a green snake also slid quickly on the ground.

"Ah! There are snakes!"

"What? Where is it, where is the snake?"

"Ah - don't scare me woo woo woo..."

"What about the security guards nearby? Let the security guards come and catch the snakes!"

"Damn, scare me!"

Finally, this peculiar scene on the road can be regarded as letting passers-by discover and recognize that the green thing sliding on the ground turned out to be a snake!

At this time, passersby could not recognize whether the snake was venomous or not, but even if it was a non-venomous snake, most people would still be afraid.

Even a daring man will be startled when he suddenly sees a snake passing by.

After a while, the security guards in the vicinity arrived at the "incident site" with the tools they could easily find.

"Where is the snake?"

"That! There, hurry up and catch the snake! Woohoo scared me to death!"

"Hu! Hu!" Chen Xing, who had run all the way for an unknown number of meters, finally stopped and gasped, so tired that the whole mouse was about to spread directly on the ground into a mouse cake.

[No, no, finally ran away. 】

[It was so exciting just now, my heart felt a little unbearable. 】

[Xingxing is finally out of danger, I seem to have heard a human being say to catch the thing just now. 】

【Where did this go? 】

[Thinking about that thing just now is really disgusting and terrifying, it's naked, it's not like Xingxing is full of hair and it's so cute, it's really scary just looking at it! 】

Chen Xing, who finally got rid of the green snake behind him, breathed a sigh of relief, and lay in the small corner next to the flower bed and began to regain his strength.

I don't know how many meters I ran along the way. Chen Xing only remembered that he ran for about five or six minutes, and he was still sprinting at the top speed of 100 meters per hour, and finally got rid of the snake that was chasing him and treated him as food.

After resting in place for more than ten minutes, Chen Xing's breathing finally gradually recovered, and his physical strength recovered a little, but his whole body was a little sore, obviously caused by too much exercise just now.

The soreness on his body is not the main thing, what is even worse is that Chen Xing is hungry and thirsty at this time.

It's true, since Chen Xing was brought home by the little fat man yesterday afternoon, he hasn't even drank a drop of water, but he has eaten a lot of melon seeds with a lot of salt.

After being released to the tree at the gate of the community in the morning, Chen Xing didn't find any clean water sources nearby for him to drink, so he temporarily stopped the idea of ​​drinking water.

Chen Xing was actually thirsty for a long time, but after that, he could endure it, and the feeling of being hungry was even more uncomfortable.

But now, Chen Xing can't even eat the few melon seeds left in his cheek pouch, he just wants to drink enough water to stop his throat from being so dry.

Chen Xing, who was hungry and thirsty, could only get up and start to check the surrounding environment with a vigilant look on his face.

"Huh?" After taking a few glances at the surrounding environment, Chen Xing finally found something wrong.

There are a lot of trees planted in this area, the grass is also a piece of grass, and there are many flowers. It seems that the greening work is done very well, and the surrounding buildings have very prominent names written on them.

Chen Xing saw that one of the tall buildings was named "XXX Experimental Center".

Moreover, there are many people passing by this area, most of them are young people with schoolbags, and occasionally pass a few middle-aged people with outstanding temperament.

After careful observation for a while, Chen Xing finally determined that the area he accidentally came to was actually a corner of a college.

No wonder the environment looks good, and the greening work is also well done!

If this is replaced by an ordinary community, how can there be so much area and space for greening, planting so many trees, and planting so many flowers and plants?

As for the passers-by, I am afraid they are all students in the school, and I am afraid that the older ones are also some teaching staff.

Although Chen Xing didn't know that he just ran like a headless fly for five or six minutes, why did he come to a college, but he didn't think there was anything bad for him now.

If Chen Xing had known early on that there was a college not far from here, I'm afraid he wouldn't have wasted most of the day at the gate of the community today, making himself hungry and thirsty, and being chased by snakes all the way. Life is not guaranteed.

Colleges are good, and the environment is much better than that at the gate of the community. Moreover, the roads in the school have speed limits, and there are fewer vehicles than outside. It is not easy to have a car accident in the school.

In addition, there are so many students in the school, and often the student groups are full of love for fluffy animals. If Chen Xing can't find food in the natural environment, he may be able to get it from these easy-hearted students. food.

Otherwise, there must be a cafeteria in the school. Even if you can't steal some fresh food to eat, at least you can get some leftovers to fill your stomach!

Many colleges and universities will not drive away harmless small animals. On the contrary, some colleges and universities even set up animal protection associations to be very friendly to the small animals in the school. There are even very caring schools that even name the small animals in the school. You can do anything you love!

As long as he has food and clean water, Chen Xing feels that he can live here.

Compared with the entrance of the original community, the environment of the college where Chen Xing is now is better is not a point or two.

Read The Duke's Passion