MTL - Those Years When I Was Cannon Fodder-Chapter 18 torn face

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As a result, in the middle of the night, Chu Yu was sleeping soundly when suddenly she heard a loud noise, like a knock on the door.

"Jiang Xi, you are such a lunatic, you can do such a thing!"


Who is Jiangxi?

Just as Chu Yu was thinking about it, she suddenly got up from the bed.

Although she still doesn't know the name of the third lady, but in Qinglan Garden, it is only possible that the third lady's name is Jiang Xi.

Father Chu and the third lady not only did not reconcile, but they were even more troubled?

For a while, Chu Yu didn't know if she was pretending to be asleep, or if she was going to see how the third lady was doing.

After hesitating for a while, thinking that the third lady had probably already packed herself up, Chu Yu slowly got up from the bed, opened the door, and saw a clear figure in the moonlight with her back to her.

The direction is towards the gate of the courtyard.

Father Chu had already left, but she was still watching, watching the back of Father Chu leaving.

"Little fish."

The third lady suddenly called out.


Chu Yu didn't expect that she could still recognize herself. Did she hear her footsteps?

However, this little fish is not the same as before.

Later, when Chu Yu recalled this detail, she couldn't help but praise her intuition.

If the former three ladies still have a little bit of mother-daughter affection for her, then from this moment, she has completely cut off the past.

"You will have no father in the future. You are all mine, you know?"

The third lady's words are very similar to when a husband and wife divorce, the mother asks the child which one they want to marry.

But for some unknown reason, Chu Yu instinctively felt the chill. The wind was too cold at night, and she shivered violently.

Not answering this, but saying,

"Father promised me that I would ask Dr. Xu to come over tomorrow to check the Ping An pulse. If there is any misunderstanding between you and father, mother, I will be able to solve it tomorrow."

Actually, Chu Yu used a little trick here.

She wanted to use Father Chu to remind the third lady, and to calm her down with this usual life.

At the same time, there is also a hint of a threat that Chu Yu may not even be aware of:

Don't touch me. Doctor Xu will come over tomorrow. Once you get the pulse, everything will be clear.

However, in response to her, it was a sneer,

"Misunderstanding? It's not a misunderstanding!"

"I have completely torn apart your face with your father!"

Chu Yu felt her heart skip a beat.

I don't understand at all, it was fine during dinner, why did it suddenly become like this?

What happened between Father Chu and the third lady?

"Go back to sleep."

The third lady seemed to have regained her composure, but Chu Yu still wanted to ask, she wanted to find out.

"I! Speak! You! Give! Me! Go back! Go! Sleep! Sleep!"

The third lady's voice was extremely cold.

Faintly, Chu Yu could hear killing intent.

She went back to her room in silence and locked the door specially.

Staring blankly at the ceiling, how could Chu Yu still be sleepy at this moment?

She repeated over and over again the tone and expression of the third lady just now... not letting go of any detail!

Chu Yu's heart was beating wildly, and she suddenly had a thought: She wants to escape from here, she can't stay here any longer!

very dangerous!

Her brain was sending this signal to her frantically.

Chu Yu got out of bed gently, went to the window, opened the window carefully, and saw the third lady still standing in the yard.

Turn your back to her.

As Chu Yu fell into the ice cellar, she suddenly thought, is the third lady watching the back of Chu's father leaving, unable to accept this fact for a long time, or is she guarding the gate of the courtyard to prevent her from escaping?

Chu Yu's forehead began to sweat, drop by drop, representing her nervousness and fear.

Suddenly, the third lady's shoulder moved slightly, and Chu Yu squatted down almost subconsciously.

At that moment, she seemed to instinctively realize that the third lady was going to turn back—she noticed her gaze!

Can't be discovered, can't alarm her.

Chu Yu thought of something, and quickly crawled onto the bed.

Her movements were quick, yet extremely gentle. Without making any movement, she quickly wrapped herself in the quilt.

The body turned away from the window.

After a while, she felt a strong gaze staring at her back, that gaze was very existential, as if she wished she could pierce her back.

In the midst of this creepy feeling, Chu Yu forced herself to stay still, breathing long.

She tried her whole life's acting skills to pretend to be asleep.

She instinctively knew that the person standing at the window looking at her was the third lady.

Fortunately, her father was worried about her safety in her previous life. Even if she did not inherit her father's career, but instead studied biomedicine, she had been specially trained for a period of time.

Including various self-defense techniques and various camouflages.

One of them is how to pretend to be asleep when he was kidnapped, so that he is awake so as not to be found by the criminals.

After a long time, when Chu Yu pretended to be falling asleep, she finally felt that the line of sight disappeared.

Her eyes could hardly be opened.

After all, it's just a child.

Even if she was able to force herself in terms of willpower, her body couldn't take it anymore. Chu Yu got up and prepared to wash her face with the tea in the room to wake herself up.

Suddenly, he saw a small teacup on the table not far away, and the cup was filled with the juice of the petals.

It was she who used those bright pink petals, pounded the juice, so many petals, and only received so little of the bottom of the cup.

She hasn't had a drink yet.

Chu Yu walked over lightly, picked up the cup and took a sip. Suddenly, her eyes lit up, it really felt like her eyes had been washed.

The world in front of him is extraordinarily clear, even in the dark night, there is a feeling of being fully visible.

Chu Yu blinked, and a single petal could make her feel very cool.

And the juice of the petals seemed to magnify the cooling effect by a hundred times, she only felt that she was emitting cold air from the sky.

Then the cold air descended from the head, unobstructed, and soon reached the soles of the feet.

The whole person seems to be washed.

Where is the slightest feeling of drowsiness, I can't be more awake!

The most amazing thing is that in this situation, it is not like using external force at all. In fact, the body will send out various uncomfortable signals, the most obvious being a splitting headache.

Instead, it's a bit like, she really slept well, and now she just wants to go out and get high.

Chu Yu immediately realized that she underestimated the effect of this petal.

At least, according to her current judgment, there is no harm.

Chu Yu licked the corner of her mouth with her tongue and continued to think,

Among them, the specific situation may require a long-term analysis before the results can be obtained.

Of course, she herself is inclined to be impossibly harmless at all.

After all, if you don't sleep for a long time, your bodily functions will definitely not be able to accept it.