MTL - Thousands of People Suspected of Rebirth and Became Popular on the Internet-Chapter 110 Chaptery

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Grandpa, grandmother and uncle's family stayed at Anjia for two days, An Qingyan stayed at home for two more days, and his family advised him to move home, but he politely refused.

An's father and An's mother didn't understand why they had to live in Gu's house. Maybe it was because they were really used to living there. They were more comfortable. They could only comfort themselves in their hearts. Not bad for a month or two.

The sunset yellow gradually faded from the west, and night fell.

Gu Fei personally came to pick An Qingyan back, and when he saw the person, he realized that the boy's fair face was blushing, and his eyes were a little blurry, as if he was drunk.

He asked An Jing who came with him: "Drinking?"

"I just drank some fruit wine. Who would have known that his alcohol intake is so bad, and he is easy to get on his face." An Jing helped An Qingyan into the car, patted Gu Fei on the shoulder again, and said, "Take care of him."

Gu Fei didn't say anything, but just looked at An Jing's expression strangely. His eyes made An Jing's heart numb, and he raised his eyebrows, "What? What do you mean by that look?"

Gu Fei: "You agree that I and Yan Yan are together."

It is not so much a question as an affirmative sentence.

Sure enough, even a small change could not hide Gu Fei's thoughts. As expected of Master Gu, An Jing pulled the corners of his lips disdainfully, "Wishful thinking."

He raised his hand, punched his friend's shoulder with a punch, and said harshly, "If you treat Yan Yan badly, it doesn't matter who you are, I will never let you go."

A rare smile appeared on Gu Fei's indifferent face. He said he was relieved, "I'll take him back first." After a pause, he added, "Goodbye, brother-in-law."

"I'll give you a big hammer! Get out!"

Gu Fei snorted, "I'm so scared."

An Jing: "..." In my lifetime, I can still see Gu Fei making a serious joke with that cold face. It seems that love is really wonderful, and it can subtly change a person.

Then again, he hasn't been in a relationship for a long time.

The driver drove, Gu Fei and An Qingyan sat in the back.

The young man's face was always filled with a shallow happy smile. Those peach blossom eyes were sparkling against the dark night, and his face was very red. Those who didn't know it thought he was very drunk.

But in fact, he is only slightly drunk, and it is easy to get on his face after drinking.

Gu Fei could see that he was very happy now.

The car was filled with a faint fruity scent, which emanated from An Qingyan's body. The man got closer, trying to taste if there was a scent in his mouth.

"No." The young man seemed to see his intention, pushed him away when he approached, and then reached out and pushed the barrier up, isolating the driver in front of him.

"It's okay now," he said.

The boy's voice was soft with a bit of laziness. After he finished speaking, he stretched out his index finger and pointed to the corner of his slightly raised lips, his chin raised, and his beautiful eyes narrowed in a kissing expression. attitude.

Seeing him like this, Gu Fei was stunned for a while, there were only two words in his mind: cute.

Maybe An Qingyan didn't even know that he was hooking people like a little fox at this time.

Gu Fei has always been a person with restraint and restraint, but in front of An Qingyan, he could not control the urge in his heart.

He clasped the back of the boy's neck, wrapped his arms around his slender and flexible waist and carried him into his arms, his warm and dry lips covering the slightly open blushing soft lips, unscrupulously grabbing the sweetness in his mouth.

The car slowly drove into the underground garage of Gu's villa. Gu Fei asked the driver to leave first. The garage was large and quiet inside, and no one would suddenly break in.

The dimly lit carriage was filled with an ambiguous aura. The boy's cheeks became more and more rosy, and his glossy lips were swollen from kissing. Even if the lights were dim, he could see that the man was already standing up... um, not small. .

Gu Fei was still able to maintain the surface calm, he raised his hand and rubbed the young man's soft black hair, his voice was hoarse, "Yan Yan, you go back first."

An Qingyan didn't respond either. His cheeks were burning badly, and he whispered, "Then what are you going to do... It's not good to hold back like this." His voice was getting smaller and smaller, almost inaudible.

"What? Yan Yan wants to help Brother Fei?"

There was a joke in the man's tone, but unexpectedly, the young man bit his lip hesitantly for a moment and thought for a moment, but he really nodded, blushing very well, "I'll help you."

Gu Fei's eyes flashed a hint of consternation, and then he raised his lips to reveal a gratified smile, rubbed the boy's head again, and whispered: "Yan Yan is so good... I'll do it myself, your hands will be tired. "

An Qingyan lowered his head, and from Gu Fei's point of view, he could see his slightly trembling eyelashes, "You can use your hands or other places."

After he finished speaking, he looked up at the man, his watery eyes were particularly bright, and the expression on his face was shy with visible tension.

Just like ripe peaches, exuding a charming fragrance, waiting for others to pick.

It was only because of this little wine that he dared to say such words. He loves and trusts the person in front of him wholeheartedly, so he also wants to give himself to a man.

This is the situation.

Gu Fei's Adam's apple rolled, making it even more uncomfortable.

How could he not understand the meaning of An Qingyan's words, who could bear the person he likes to say such words to him, the blood in his body was boiling and surging.

The beast turned into desire is imprisoned in the cage of the body. It is slamming into the iron prison frantically, hovering on the verge of collapse, and it will rush out at any time, out of control.

The man's eyes were as heavy as bottomless ponds, his thin lips were pressed tightly, he was trying his best to hold back, his voice became hoarse, he called out baby, "Your arm is not healed, you can't. "

An Qingyan: "But..."

Gu Fei: "Good, go back first."

Butler Shen was adding cat food to Xiaoju when he suddenly heard hurried footsteps.

When he looked back, he saw An Qingyan came in from the outside with his head lowered. His footsteps were as fast as a gust of wind. Before he could say hello, the boy went upstairs into the room and hurriedly closed the door.


Butler Shen and Xiaoju looked at each other.

Xiaoju meowed and continued to eat cat food.

After closing the door, An Qingyan immediately sat down on the floor slowly along the door panel, his legs were a little weak, and he could hear the chest thumping, about to fly out of the body.

What the heck did he say just now!

Must be drunk and dizzy!

Before the arm is healed, I think about such a shameless thing.

When he said it, he was fearless, but after the incident, he was so embarrassed that he was embarrassed. What if Gu Fei came back later, wouldn't it be embarrassing? What to say?

He scratched his hair irritably.


Or move back to the next room to sleep, so that you don't have to face Gu Fei.

Since the last time he came back, Gu Fei said that the guest room had not been cleaned, and An Qingyan had been sleeping here with him, and no one had mentioned that he would move back to the next guest room.

It was already an hour after Gu Fei came back after finishing his work. He didn't see the young man when he returned to the room, but the light in the next room was on, and he understood in an instant.

The child is probably shy.

There was a soft smile in the man's eyes, a little helpless, but more indulgent, he just recalled the gentle tone and shy appearance of the young man talking to him in the car over and over again...

After standing outside the door for a while, Gu Fei turned around and left. He didn't want to disturb the people inside, but he still wanted to give them some space to calm down. I believe the child didn't want to see him at this time.

It's been extraordinarily long tonight.

An Qingyan would rather be a tortoise with a shriveled head, hide in the room but dare not go out, and occasionally lie on the door to eavesdrop on the movement outside, but hear nothing.

He slowly relaxed, thinking that Gu Fei would not come to look for him tonight, he was sleepy after lying on the bed for a while, and was in a drowsy state when he heard the sound of the doorknob turning, and then he deliberately Let go of light footsteps.

Only Gu Fei came over at this time.

An Qingyan's mind immediately woke up, his heart was hanging in his throat, but he was unmoved on the surface, still quietly closing his eyes and pretending to be asleep.

His acting skills broke out, but Gu Fei, who was very careful, didn't see it.

Gu Fei looked at the sleeping man, and moved lighter. He gently lifted the quilt covering the boy, and carefully bent over and hugged him.

The person in his arms should have just taken a bath not long ago, and there is a faint scent of shower gel scattered on his body. It smells of milk and smells very good. He even wanted to bury his head in the neck of the boy and take a few deep breaths.

After a while, An Qingyan returned to the master bedroom, and was gently placed on the soft big bed, followed by the man lying next to him, a warm touch came from his forehead, softly, and quickly. removed.

Even with his eyes closed, he knew that it was Gu Fei's kiss.

At this moment, a very soft whisper came from the ear, and the words magnetic and gentle entered An Qingyan's ear, "Baby... Good night."

After Gu Fei finished speaking, he raised his hand and turned off the light.

The bedroom was suddenly plunged into darkness.

If he turned off the lights late, he would have noticed that the sleeping boy had quietly red ears.

An Qingyan felt that all the bones in his body were numb, and the soft and magnetic "baby" echoed in his mind. Gu Fei actually called him baby when he was asleep.

It was the first time he heard this term.

Really like.

In the darkness, the corners of the boy's lips curled up quietly.

But at this moment, the man turned over and faced An Qingyan.

The sound of the fabric rubbing softly sounded, and An Qingyan could clearly feel the man's arm gently resting on his waist, and then, the man's face was buried in the socket of his neck.

An Qingyan: "?!"

The sound of heavier breathing was very clear in the quiet dark night, and the hot air that spewed out between the man's breaths all sprinkled between his neck, which was terribly hot.

Gu Fei was buried in his neck, breathing.
