MTL - Thousands of People Suspected of Rebirth and Became Popular on the Internet-Chapter 112 little treasure

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The script snippet An Qingyan got was that Shen Tinghan came back from going out and found that all the relatives in the clan were killed by mysterious people. The warm and lively villa in the past was dead silent, and the air was filled with the smell of burns and blood.

His parents also fell in a pool of blood and lost their breath.

There are few lines in this scene, but the performance is very difficult. The main difficulty is Shen Tinghan's emotional changes. All his family members and parents were killed overnight, that kind of extreme sadness.

Before thirty minutes had passed, An Qingyan came out of the cubicle, "Teachers, I'm ready."

There were no props at the scene. There were only two staff members lying on the floor playing Shen Tinghan's dead parents. When the director called to start, several cameras shot An Qingyan from various angles.

In the early stage, Shen Tinghan was blind in both eyes. At this time, there was no white gauze covering An Qingyan's eyes, but he had once experienced what it was like to be blind, the helpless feeling that the whole world was plunged into darkness. devour.

Shen Tinghan was walking in an extraordinarily quiet villa at this time, those beautiful peach blossom eyes did not look bright at this time, and the clean and delicate face revealed ice-like coldness.

Soon, he felt something was wrong, the **** smell in the air made him stop, and a strange emotion appeared on his indifferent face, and then he quickened his pace.

A chair was placed in front of him. I don't know if it was the staff's mistake. An Qingyan slammed into the chair directly, staggered and continued to walk forward.

The two corpses in front stopped Shen Tinghan's footsteps again. He squatted down with his knees bent, his palms touched by the cold temperature and thick blood, and he had already stopped breathing.

The movements of his hands became a little flustered, until he touched the old scar on his father's forehead and the hairpin his mother wore most often, confirming their identities, and his movements stopped abruptly.

After a long silence, he knelt down and hugged the corpses of his parents gently. Hot and hot tears flowed out of his eyes silently, swiping an arc in the air and flowing slowly along his white cheeks.

The young man's thin lips were pursed tightly, but his cheek muscles trembled uncontrollably, his thin shoulders were shaking, and his well-jointed hands were tightly hugging his parents' corpses, so that the blue veins on the back of his hands bulged.

Obviously he didn't say a word, but it made the people present feel Shen Tinghan's extreme sadness and despair at this time, and even led them to become sad.

"who is it…"

"Who killed you..."

"I want them to pay their debts in blood."

The choked and trembling tone contained sadness and endless cold hatred. He knew it was acting, but it made the hearts of the people present shudder.

The director's look at An Qingyan has already changed, from casual to serious at the beginning, to excitement and admiration now, this is the Shen Tinghan he is looking for!


An Qingyan restrained her emotions, raised her hand at will to wipe the tears from her face, and when she stood up, there was still sadness in her eyes, so she politely bowed to everyone.

The scene was terribly quiet, until the director started to applaud him first, and other people reacted. When the crisp and warm applause sounded in An Qingyan's ears, he knew that the audition was a success.

Everyone present was surprised and even shocked. The singing and dancing idol who came out of a talent show had neither received professional training nor filmed, and no one had any expectations for him.

So when his performance far exceeded everyone's imagination, it shocked everyone even more.

"An Qingyan, you really have no acting experience before?" The director carefully looked at the clean and handsome young man in front of him, his serious face, and the corners of his lips curved slightly.

I had it in my previous life, but I definitely won't in this life. An Qingyan felt a little guilty, but the expression on his face didn't change, and he answered calmly, "No."

The director's expression changed slightly. He looked at the boy as if he was looking at some treasure. He was able to act like this for the first time. He was definitely a rare and talented actor. Did he find a treasure today?

It is a waste to go to any talent show to sing and dance with such an extraordinary talent for acting! Ruthless things!

The director was most satisfied with An Qingyan's handling of the details. The chair was placed there on purpose by him, and the actors who had auditioned in front of him directly avoided it.

Only An Qingyan directly bumped into it, this is a blind person.

As for the identity of the parents, An Qingyan only confirmed it after touching his father's scar and his mother's hairpin.

"Why did you choose to cry like that just now?" the director asked again. The actors in front were crying so much that they were so distraught that they couldn't hold it back. They were in the play, but he was not very satisfied.

"Shen Tinghan is an introverted and cold-hearted person. No matter what he encounters, he can remain calm, and his emotions are generally not shown on his face."

An Qingyan said: "Even if he suffered such a severe blow and was very sad, he would not cry like he lost his mind." Sometimes silent tears are the most moving.

After confirming that he wanted to participate in the audition, he read the original book several times and carefully pondered the character characteristics of Shen Tinghan. He felt that Gu Fei's personality was somewhat similar to Shen Tinghan's.

The director seemed to be satisfied with his answer, and spoke in a gentle tone, "That's right, it seems that you are very interested in this role."

An Qingyan couldn't help but smile. He was naturally happy to be praised by the always strict director, but he didn't get carried away.

He said: "I like Shen Tinghan very much. If there is a chance, I would like to interpret this character in my own way and make him come alive."

Director: "I hope you get your wish."

Gao Feifei waited nervously in the car, and saw An Qingyan coming out from a distance, and he couldn't see his expression clearly from a distance.

She was thinking in her mind that she should say something to comfort her artist later, and when the distance was closer, he could see the expression on the boy's face clearly, it was calm, and there was no change when he followed up.

"Yan Yan, failure is the mother of success. If it doesn't work once, let's try twice. If it doesn't work twice, let's try three times. If it really doesn't work, let's go back and sing and dance and be a shining idol."

An Qingyan heard these words before she could settle down, and she couldn't help laughing, "I think my performance is pretty good, maybe I was selected by some luck."

Gao Feifei also laughed, "Yeah, maybe."

But she didn't believe An Qingyan's words at all, she just thought he was joking, the child's mentality was pretty good.

In the audition room on the other side, several leaders of the crew were still discussing the candidate for the male lead. The director's position was very firm. It was An Qingyan, and Shen Tinghan could only be him.

Originally, Duan Ci could make do with it, but who knew that there would be a better little treasure. The appearance conditions and acting skills were the most suitable. Looking back at Duan Ci's performance, it was really bad in everything. Intercept distance.

"Yes, An Qingyan's performance is very good, but..."

The assistant director was a little embarrassed, "Duan Ci has an extraordinary relationship with the producer. Although it was not stated clearly, Duan Ci has basically been set for the male lead. Don't you know that?"

The producer is Jin and the main father of the show. It is absolutely impossible to offend him. If the investment is reduced or withdrawn, no one can afford the consequences.

This is the unspoken rule in the industry, whoever has money and power is the boss.

The director snorted coldly, "In any case, Shen Tinghan can only be played by An Qingyan, I will handle this matter, you just do your own thing."

It was rare to meet a good seedling, and he didn't want to miss it.

By the time An Qingyan returned to Gu's house, it was already dark.

Gu Fei has also returned, and is currently working in the study. He used to stay in the company to work overtime. Now that there are more people at home, he is used to taking the rest of the work home to deal with.

The study was very quiet. The man was focusing on the computer screen in front of him. Suddenly the tightly closed door was opened a crack, and a small head came in from the outside.

"Brother Fei, you are still busy."

Gu Fei immediately looked away from the screen and waved at the young man, "Yan Yan, come here."

An Qingyan obediently opened the door and walked in. As soon as he walked to the man, he was hugged by the waist and sat on his lap, like a child.

The child did not resist, and sat obediently.

Because he was sitting on his lap, An Qingyan's position was higher. Gu Fei's chin rested on his shoulder, he turned his face and kissed the fair neck gently, "Did the audition go well?"

"I think..." Before he could finish speaking, the young man stopped suddenly, because he smelled a familiar smell, which came from Gu Fei when he got closer.

With a touch of cool woody cedar scent, this men's fragrance is very unique. An Qingyan only knows that one person has used it, and that is the man who took care of him in his previous life, namely Gu Fei.

After two lifetimes, he smelled this smell again, and the long-cherished memory broke out. The boy's eyes were a little wet, and he couldn't control his emotions at all.

"Brother Fei, have you sprayed perfume?"

Gu Fei said: "The partner sent it. I heard that it was specially tailored for me." He looked at the strange mood of the person in his arms, the end of his eyes were already red, and his voice softened, "Why? Yan Yan doesn't like the taste?"

An Qingyan shook his head.

Gu Fei: "The audition didn't go well?"

An Qingyan shook his head again, "I think my performance is okay, but I don't know if I can be selected..."

Gu Fei rubbed his hair, "Definitely."

"Also, what I want to say is." An Qingyan reached out and hugged the man's waist, buried his face in his neck, breathing greedily, speaking in a very serious tone: "Brother Fei, I like it very much. This taste."

"Yeah." The man's fingertips gently rubbed the back of the young man's neck, and his magnetic voice was gentle and indulgent: "Brother Fei will use this perfume in the future."