MTL - Thousands of People Suspected of Rebirth and Became Popular on the Internet-Chapter 147 An Qingyan hides too deeply! scheming!

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"Riding on horseback these past few days has made my back aches and pains. How are you feeling, Yan Yan?"

Qin He casually talked to An Qingyan, and said with sincere admiration, "I think you ride very well. You are so good at everything you learn."

"It's alright, you also learn quickly." On the surface, An Qingyan seemed calm, but in fact, even what Qin He said to him, he forgot in a blink of an eye, and all he thought about was resting on his thigh the hand above.

If Gu Fei wasn't his boyfriend, he would have already regarded him as a pervert. He looked around and found that no one was paying attention, so he stretched his hand under the table, trying to push the man's hand away.

The result was unsuccessful, and his palm was still held. He struggled a few times reluctantly, but without success, he was held tighter, and the man's finger pads were still gently rubbing on the back of his hand.

An Qingyan: "…"

"Yan Yan, what's wrong with you?" Qin He asked with concern.

An Qingyan smiled, "It's okay."

He looked at Gu Fei's still stern profile, and wondered why this man was so sullen. He gave up struggling, and after a while, he leaned over to Gu Fei and whispered, "Let me go."

The corners of the man's lips turned up invisibly.

Still unmoved.

"Yan Yan, why don't you eat? Is it not to your taste?" The enthusiastic Qin He asked again with concern.

An Qingyan's mouth twitched slightly, "...My hands are a little sore, and I can't hold vegetables."

Qin He: "Say it earlier, brother will give you some food, what do you want to eat?"

Hearing this, the first person to react was not An Qingyan, but Gu Fei. Grandpa Gu's face became cold silently, and he squeezed the back of the boy's hand, as if reminding him of something. Then let go.

An Qingyan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and caught a glimpse of the man's slightly gloomy face in the corner of his light. He couldn't help but twitched his lips and smiled, and said to Qin He, "Thank you, Brother Qin, my hands suddenly don't feel sore anymore. That's it."

If he really asks others to serve him vegetables, then Master Gu must be jealous again. Isn't he the one who suffers in the end?

Qin He: "...That's fine."

Dare your hands have self-regulating functions?

After that, Gu Fei didn't make any small moves.

An Qingyan didn't listen to what was going on outside the window, and only lowered his head to eat the food. The food in this hotel was cooked to the fullest. His stomach became rounder after eating, and he couldn't help burping.

For a time, everyone's attention shifted to him, including Gu Fei.

An Qingyan: "…"

Is it too late to find a hole and dig in now?

Duan Ci laughed blatantly, hiccupping in front of Master Gu, it was a shame to throw it home, and eating so much, just like a bumpkin who has never seen the world.

Fortunately, everyone just glanced at them, and then looked back one after another, drinking and drinking, and chatting and continuing to chat.

An Qingyan touched the tip of her nose awkwardly, her fair and round earlobes flushed slightly, and caught the eyes of the man beside her with a slight smile.

This time even his cheeks started to get hot. He put down the chopsticks embarrassedly, took a sip of the drink next to him in embarrassment, and then opened his eyes blankly.

Um? How did the taste of orange juice change?

Gu Fei kindly reminded: "That's mine."

Sure enough, the orange juice in the glass turned into a wine-red liquid, which was Gu Fei's glass of red wine. He quickly put the glass down and sincerely apologized: "Mr. Gu, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

"It's not in the way." Lord Gu has a lot of it, so he doesn't care about little stars.

It was as if the two of them really didn't know each other.

Others didn't notice this little episode, only Duan Ci, who had been observing secretly, saw it all in his eyes. He poked the food in the bowl with his chopsticks.

Ah! I didn't expect An Qingyan to be so scheming!

The color difference between orange juice and red wine is so big, as long as you are not blind, you will not drink it wrong. An Qingyan did it on purpose, in order to take the opportunity to get close to Master Gu!

I really underestimated you before!

However, An Qingyan really only took the wrong cup because he was too nervous and embarrassed, and there was no scheming. Does his boyfriend still use him to approach him on purpose?

At the end of the dinner, many people were already drunk, and Wu Weiguang was also flushed. He stood up with a glass of wine and said to Gu Fei, "Master Gu, Wu Mou offers you a drink."

"Yeah." Gu Fei raised his glass to him politely, and just took two sips symbolically. He has no alcohol addiction and rarely drinks when socializing, and no one dares to persuade him.

So far it can only be considered a little drunk.

Opposite Duan Ci saw the opportunity, and then stood up with a glass of wine, walking unsteadily to Gu Fei's side, "Master Gu, I also toast to you."

His cheeks were flushed red by the smell of alcohol, his eyes were a little blurry, a smile hung on his face with delicate makeup, the neckline on his chest was a little low, and the translucent black shirt made his skin looming, especially attractive. sight.

He's actually quite awake, just pretending.

Thinking about it, he moved closer to Gu Fei again, his voice was a little soft, and two words came out of his mouth: "Master Gu?"

Gu Fei didn't react yet, An Qingyan next to him felt goosebumps on his body getting up. Up to now, he still couldn't see Duan Ci's intentions, he just got water in his head.

However, Gu Fei just glanced at Duan Ci lightly, showing no interest at all, raised his glass to him politely, and put it down, not intending to drink.

"Master Gu, I'll do it first as a respect."

Duan Ci said, and moved to Gu Fei's side without a trace. Suddenly, his footsteps fell unsteadily to the man. He screamed in surprise, the wine glass in his hand also tilted, and the wine-red liquid inside was spilled. On the man's chest, the cloth was wet, and the white shirt was dyed.

Gu Fei: "…"

An Qingyan closed her eyes as if she couldn't bear to look directly.

For a time, everyone's attention was focused on Gu Fei and Duan Ci.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Duan Ci apologized in a panic, then took out a handkerchief from his suit pocket and helped Gu Fei wipe the wet clothes on his chest.

He got very close, and Gu Fei inevitably smelled the perfume emanating from his body, which was a bit pungent.

The man frowned a little in displeasure, and immediately pushed Duan Ci away, and stood up himself, the already expressionless handsome face was now tightly chin line, exuding a breathtaking aura invisibly.

Duan Ci couldn't help but be a little scared and froze in place.

The air instantly quieted down, and the others looked at each other and didn't dare to speak. Wu Weiguang had to stand up and say with a smile: "Master Gu, I'm so sorry, I'll send someone to buy you clothes right away..."

Gu Fei: "No need."

The smile on Duan Ci's face was a little stiff, and she said tentatively, "Master Gu, my room is upstairs, why don't you go upstairs with me to change your clothes, or I'll help you wash your clothes."

This was all invited into the room. An Qingyan sat in the seat and watched the excitement, in a state of eating melons that had nothing to do with him.

This time, Gu Fei didn't even give Duan Ci a look, and directly turned his gaze to An Qingyan who was eating melon beside him, and then everyone's attention shifted to An Qingyan.

An Qingyan: "…"

He could only be forced to stand up, and a decent smile appeared on Bai Jingqingjun's face, but the slightly stretched lines on his face still revealed his nervousness at this time.

"Mr. Gu, my room is also upstairs, or you..."

Gu Fei: "Okay."

An Qingyan: "..." At least wait until he has finished speaking before agreeing? !

Everyone: "??!"

Lord Gu, are you sure you are not treating them differently? !

The only one in the audience who knew the truth, Assistant Yang showed an aunt-like smile, ugh... It's the same sentence, the love between young lovers, single dogs don't understand.

This paragraph of Cizhen has no eyesight at all, and his acting skills are too clumsy. The routine is also 800 years ago. Someone has used a similar routine on Master Gu before. Of course, they were all driven out on the spot. .

So, under the watchful eyes of the public, An Qingyan had no choice but to take Gu Fei out with resignation, and received a resentful look from Duan Ci before turning around.

Assistant Yang also stood up with a smile, "Everyone, then we will leave first, you continue."

The rest of the crowd looked at each other in dismay, and saw the daze and the excitement of eating melons in the eyes of the other party.

Of course, with the exception of Duan Ci, his face turned red and white, and his heart was embarrassed.


An Qingyan was actually one step ahead!

I don't know what tricks this surnamed An used behind the scenes, it's really too deep to hide, really sincere, Gu Fei just left with him! Just go back to the room with him!

Wu Weiguang was also furious. There was really something wrong with this period of kindness. He screwed up all the good dinners. Can Master Gu approach him casually? Just by that clumsy method? ?

He waved his hand helplessly, "It's alright, let's all leave. Also, don't spread the word about this."

On the other side, An Qingyan led Gu Fei back to his room and closed the door.

Just as he was about to ask Gu Fei to understand, he was pressed against the door by his shoulders, and then his mouth was blocked, and what he wanted to say was stuck in his throat.

I haven't seen each other for more than half a month. Gu Fei seems to have put all his thoughts into this kiss. He hugged the boy tightly and refused to let go. He didn't end the kiss until his face was red and his ears were red.

He pecked the young man's red lips lightly, chuckling softly, his voice low and magnetic: "I just wanted to kiss you like this when I was eating."

An Qingyan didn't have the strength to resist, and it took a long time for him to recover, his face was still red, he frowned in displeasure, and said, "Since the kiss is over, should you explain some things to me? "