MTL - Thrive in Catastrophe-Chapter 6 It’s better to kiss him.

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The aircraft that crashed on the ground screamed and stopped working.

Hai Yin and Li Fu came to the front door and armed with guns. No matter who they are, once they get out of the hatch, they will collapse their heads.

The hatch was opened, but it was unexpected that countless zombies rushed out at the door of the cabin to rush out.

"Oh shit--"

Mark pulled out a double-edged slash.

A few zombies ran towards Xiaoyan, making a low sob.

"Stand up! Run!" Liv yelled at Xiao Yan.

Death is close at hand, Xiao Yan does not know where the strength comes from, his left hand is carrying a heavy box, kneeling on the face of the zombie on the head, with the sound of shattering, the brain of the zombie splashes out. The next zombie has come to him. Xiao Yan has no weapons and no fighting power. He can only watch it open to the almost cracked mouth and reveal yellow teeth. When Xiao Yan intends to close his eyes to meet the fate. The sharp blade pierces from its mouth and stays less than a centimeter from the tip of Xiao Yan's nose.

The heart almost stops.

The sound of the sharp blade punctures the nerves of Xiao Yan, the zombies fall down, and the night is cut open. Xiao Yan’s gaze at the end is Hai Yan’s indifferent face.

This man can not be shaken into the deep thoughts of Xiao Yan, firmly ruled, and can not be proud of himself.

Behind Hai Yin is a zombie corpse.

In less than a minute, the zombies that ran out of the aircraft had all been cleaned up.

Mark opened the door of the cockpit and shouted, "Head--"

Hai Yin turned and frowned slightly, and Xiao Yan was only a negligible presence for him.

The drivers of the two tidal organizations have committed suicide.

"Xiao Yan, how are you?" Li Fu rushed to Xiao Yan and watched his pale, bloodless face know that he was not hurt.

"...White Captain?"

From the beginning, Xiao Yan did not see White Captain.

Liv licked his lips, and Xiao Yan looked at Liv's line of sight and saw White falling down under a tree with blood on his face.

Xiao Yan squatted on his shoulders and stumbled down to the tree. He found that Captain White's head was shot through. Xiao Yan stretched his finger over the neck of White's upper jaw. His body was still warm and his pulse had stopped.

Bowing his head, Xiao Yan’s throat choked.

This is the first time he saw his companion die in front of himself. Xiao Yan, who grew up in the greenhouse of Shire, finally smelled the unique smell of blood. It was a heavy smell similar to rust, and it was warm and warm. Deep in my mind, I feel that the bones are cold.

"Xiao Yan, we must rush to the No. 14 base."

"Yeah." Xiao Yan nodded.

"We still need uranium raw materials to be sent back, and the sooner the better, so..."

"So I have to leave his body here." Xiao Yan took the box from the hand of Captain White, and swayed and rose. "Liv, let's go!"

He is dead, and doing anything else is superfluous. The uranium raw materials in their hands are very precious for Charles.

Xiao Yan took a military ceremony to the body of Captain White. Just after he turned around, he found that Haiyin’s fingers were tight and reached the forehead. The moment of letting down seemed to cut off all the past, but it was solemn.

Mark and Lif are the same.

No matter how much the special mission troops look down on the technical soldiers, they always pay tribute to the sacrificed compatriots.

"Go away." Li Fu took the box from Xiao Yan's hand, and Xiao Yan struggled behind them.

Li Fu looked back at Xiao Yan from time to time, for fear that he would suddenly fall.

"Hey, Liv - if you really worry about him, it's better to kiss him!"

Mark shouted in a joke, but the expression on his face was really so serious.

Each special soldier has been injected with the x virus, which is why they are beyond the ordinary people's mobility and healing ability.

A kiss is enough for Liv to enter the body of Xiao Yan, who has lost his ability to replicate through the body's metabolism, and temporarily improve his body's healing ability.

Liv sighed and came to Xiao Yan. She put down the box and had not had time to touch Xiao Yan's chin. Someone came to Xiao Yan's side and took him to the shoulder.

It is not allowed to refuse.

"Ah--" The pain in the shoulder movement made Xiao Yan almost faint.

"Head--" Liv made a shout of surprise.

Mark stood not far away, but also a look that was slobbered.

Xiao Yan realized that it was Hai Yin Burton who was carrying himself!

His hands are carrying the box and the pace is very smooth.

However, Xiao Yan was hard to bear, the abdomen was uncomfortable, and the hanging arm caught the broken shoulders, and the bones plunged into the muscles, causing Xiao Yan's teeth to tremble.

Every moment is tortured.

Li Fu looked at Xiao Yan sympathetically, but could not go forward.

Finally, Xiao Yan, who was unbearable, fainted.

I don't know how long it took, Xiao Yan felt a loss of weight, and when he touched the ground, he pressed to the cracked shoulder, and Xiao Yan woke up.

He discovered that he was in a similar passage, and the bright lights spurred his brain.

The medical staff surrounded him and carried him to the treatment instrument.

At the moment of the side, he saw the back of Hai Yin’s departure, still in a condescending posture, with a scornful meaning, as if Xiao Yan is an ant that is not worth mentioning, and one day it will smash and decay into the sludge at the foot of the sea.

Xiao Yan's shoulder bones are almost completely broken. He has to suspect that Hai Yin is not only using him as a footboard, but more revenge on the unexpected kiss.

But when Xiao Yan learned that the students who decided to stay in the aircraft were all killed by the tide organization, they were fortunate in their hearts.

At least he is still alive.

Life is often chosen, and this time his choice is adventurous, but wise.

The most gifted part of Xiao Yan's brain is the function of automatically filtering negative events. He should have been sleeping in the dark for half a minute.

Nowadays, the medical technology is very developed. Even if the limbs are broken off the body, the nerve line can be connected. Moreover, Xiao Yan is only a comminuted fracture.

Three days later, Xiao Yan’s shoulders healed and lay in bed. He heard a lot of right and wrong between Lieutenant Colonel Raven and Haiyin Burton.

Hai Yin personally rescued 12 class B students. In the end, not only failed, but even the only officer, the White Captain, did not save his life. The entire No. 14 base was in talks and thought that the students would die because of special tasks. The troops’ negligence did not put their lives in their eyes. But to put it bluntly, Haiyin succeeded in breaking through the attacks of the tidal organization and successfully delivered the uranium raw materials to the base. The rescue of Xiao Yan was only a temporary notice to them. Even if they filed a complaint with the Military Discipline Office, who would be Haiyin Burton? Do you conduct an investigation?

Captain Vere, the deputy of Lieutenant Colonel Raven, was a cousin with Captain White, and the death of Captain White was a big blow to him. He sent a report of intense rhetoric to Charles. Xiao Yan, who was alive and well, was not interested in these disputes. As the only survivor of the team, he was assigned to another team by the commander of the 14th base.

Now he only wants to spend these days leisurely and then return to Shire.

When he listened to the music on the bed, he received an order to go to the command center to report the action to Lieutenant Colonel Raven.

Finished... finished...

Xiao Yan held his own brain, and the trouble finally came to the door!

He sorted out his uniform and confirmed that he looked conscientious, and then he followed the secretary to the command room of Lieutenant Colonel Raven.

Lieutenant Colonel Raven seems to be in his early thirties. Although he has no arrogant achievements, he has been a very stable figure in the old No. 14 base for many years. There was an elegant and exquisite teacup in front of him, still braving the heat.

But when Xiao Yan marched to him, he just nodded slightly and lifted the teacup and took a sip. He stood next to the adjutant Will, the captain.

"What made you choose to leave the aircraft and follow the special mission troops to hike to my base?"

Without any chills, Lieutenant Colonel Raven asked questions directly to Xiao Yan. His eyes told Xiao Yan what information he wanted from him.

"I just agree with the judgment of the special task force at the time."

"Judge? How dangerous is the situation at the time? Don't you know that when you leave the base, is it safer to have a stubborn shell than the outside world?"

Xiao Yan put away his own burnout. He knows that the special mission forces and the Central Academy of Sciences have always been inconsistent with each other. The special forces believe that the technical soldiers do not have to undergo any militarized training and even have not seen the zombies for life, but they can even step in the military. It is also extremely unfair to be in an extraordinary position. Most of the technical soldiers also sneered at the special forces, feeling that they are only zombie scavengers, and the future of the military is far less than the technical soldiers.

But these two attitudes have nothing to do with Xiao Yan. Regardless of their rank or their respective units, Xiao Yan is deeply respected to them. At this moment, he did not want to be involved in the political dispute between the academic and special task forces.

"Reporting the Lieutenant Colonel, the supply platform we landed at the time was already occupied by the tide organization. They launched a tracking missile to our device. After we smashed the tracking missile, the engine overheated and lost power and was forced to land. We suspect that the tide organization The purpose is uranium raw materials. If the rescue unit of the No. 14 base cannot arrive before the flooding organization, we will not only face the loss of uranium raw materials, but also the possibility of complete destruction. Therefore, Colonel Haiyin Burton made the uranium raw materials. I decided to walk to the base of the 14th. I analyzed it and thought it was more sensible than staying in the aircraft."

Lieutenant Colonel Raven held his arm and looked at Xiao Yan coldly.

Xiao Yan’s expression was calm and there was no slight shake.

The adjutant next to Li Wen’s lieutenant couldn’t stand it anymore, and smashed Xiao Yan’s collar.

"You lie! Your team is only one of your life! It must be that Haiyin Burton did not put the life of the technical soldiers in his eyes!"

There is bloodshot in the other's eyes, and it seems that the teeth of the teeth are swallowed by Xiao Yan.

"I am sorry, Captain, I am telling the truth."

"Fact? What is the truth? Haiyin Burton said that White is following you with uranium raw materials and walking back to the base. Is it only you two technical soldiers, Haiyin Burton can't protect it? He is simply a dereliction of duty! I never thought about coming back with alive!"

Xiao Yan looked at the five senses of the adjutant and faintly felt that he was somewhat similar to Captain White. It seems that the rumor that Captain Will and Captain White are cousins ​​is true.

"Will! He is still a student, not a soldier." Lieutenant Colonel Raven frowned.

Xiao Yan’s collar was finally released.

"So he is not worthy of being a soldier." Will glared at Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan sighed softly, but it was such a subtle movement, but he was noticed by Lieutenant Colonel Raven.

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