MTL - Thrive in Catastrophe-Chapter 8 The brains of both of you are really good.

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How many technical soldiers are hard to resist after encountering a "blocker" in the flying aircraft. Haiyin Burton constantly resists their brain invasion and even completes the task of avoiding the tracking missile, which is almost impossible to complete. Xiao Yan is in front of him. It is too small.

For the first time, Xiao Yan’s heart fainted an uncontrollable desire.

He wants this man to stop, and the cold and ruthless eyes of his side are on him. It is no longer ridicule and contempt, even if it is just as calm and innocent as Liv and Mark.

Immediately, Xiao Yan smiled at himself.

What do you want, Xiao Yan. That is Haiyin Burton. You can never enter each other's world.

That night, Lieutenant Colonel Raven and Hai Yin sat face-to-face in the restaurant at the base to eat dinner, and from time to time someone looked at them.

"Is it impossible? Lieutenant Colonel Raven has dinner with Colonel Burton? Isn’t Lieutenant Colonel Raven not pleasing to Colonel Burton?"

Xiao Yan also looked down on the past. Hai Yin is still the same, but the beauty is not to enter.

"I always wondered what strange place the student had to let him pick him up."

Hai Yin seems to have heard nothing, picking up the thick soup with the entrance, slightly lifting his eyes when the shadows between the eyes are ups and downs, there is a slight illusion of gentleness.

"He's like a sponge, taking in the water around him, and the students who have long stuffed themselves up."

Hai Yin opened the meal bag and chewed it slowly.

Xiao Yan admire his patience, because the base meal bag is the most unpalatable thing that Xiao Yan has ever eaten, and it is difficult to swallow.

Lieutenant Colonel Raven observed the expression of Hai Yin and found that the other party was indifferent regardless of what he said.

"Forgot to tell you, Xiao Yan drove the aircraft to restore your flight route on the same day, the degree of reduction is up to 94%. This is not the terminal simulation with the help of the database, but the human brain's command operation. The brains of both of you can It’s a good match.”

Hai Yin got up and took the plate to the recycling bin. Lieutenant Colonel Raven touched his eyebrows and finally showed a blank expression to himself.

It was at this time that someone came to Xiao Yan and said, "Hey, can I sit here?"

In the pleasant voice, with a few low and hoarse voices, Xiao Yan couldn’t help but tremble. It was a **** female officer dressed in casual clothes.

The base is full of military personnel. The stunner in front of the eyes has a long brown-red wave and long hair spread out. Mingli’s eyes are looking at Xiao Yan, and the heart jumps involuntarily.


"The days in the base are very boring, but thank you for letting me finally find some fun." The other side swayed long hair and blinked at Xiao Yan. "Forgot to tell you, my name is Maya."

"Maa..." Xiao Yan guessed that the other party should be a shift today, so he did not wear military uniforms. If it is not his own excellent aircraft simulation control, it is estimated that a big beauty like Maya will not look at himself.

In the morning, everything became slower. The world except Maya was unconsciously pulled away from Xiao Yan’s senses, and the other’s smile became embarrassing and full of temptation.

"Is it free for a while? Can I go to your room?" Maya's fingers hooked over Xiao Yan's chin, her breath constantly sweeping through Xiao Yan's lips, what evidence penetrated into his brain, and his left and right thinking.


"Great, I believe you will definitely bring me an unforgettable experience."

Maya stepped onto the dining table, as if the **** night cat was intertwined with Xiao Yan's lips and tongues, and everything was out of control until a burst of screams came.

"Maya quasi-school! You come here again!" Liv, she stood at the table with her arms and stared at Maya.

At the top of the temple, Xiao Yan suddenly woke up, only to find that Maya still sat on his opposite side, holding his chin with one hand.

Taking a breath, Xiao Yan’s back is against the back of the chair. What happened just now? How can I appear that Maya climbs the table and kisses her own illusion?

And Maya's fascinating expression converges, and impatiently poses at Liv. "What do I need to do without your consent? Captain Liv."

The sound of the pleasing sound turned into a dull, dumb, completely from a man!

At this time, the charm of a woman belonging to the face of Maya disappeared, and the rest was the unique sense of negligence of the armed forces, not to mention the casual and free-spiritedness of his gestures.

"This... what is going on?" Xiao Yan finally found that Maya was a full ten man!

Liv sneered, holding down Maya's shoulder. "Although not shameful, I still have to remind you that Maya is a teammate with the same team, but his reputation is not particularly good. He loves men, or The one above. But there are very few men in special missions who are willing to be taken. Ordinary male officers are also very alert to male special forces, so he often pretends to be a woman to seduce a fool like Xiao Yan who can't hold his own. Waiting for you. I was really fooled into bed, remember the words I said to you on the aircraft?"

... remember all the dead!

Liv hooked the hook of Maya with a funny smile. "Hey, it’s a rude and violent man. You have to learn to talk to women and make those moves. Isn’t your heart uncomfortable?"

Maya glanced at Liv and opened her finger. "Of course it is uncomfortable, so I have to go to bed, I must do it in the dead."

Xiao Yan swallowed his mouth and looked intently to Liv. God, I almost died! And it is still a terrible death!

But Maya still didn't give up, he suddenly buckled Xiao Yan's hand, forcedly placed his finger between his lips, and the tip of his tongue picked up Xiao Yan's belly, as if there were countless currents along the fingertips. Break into the heart of Xiao Yan.

"It doesn't matter if I know that I am a man, dear... Let me go, I promise you will hurt you..."

Xiao Yan’s blue veins on his forehead trembled, trying to pull back his hand, but the power of ordinary people was not worth mentioning in front of the special forces.

Maya's eyes were full of affection, and Liv slammed into the head of Maya. "You are not finished yet!"

At this time, a certain sound cut through the air and instantly split Maya and Xiao Yan into two worlds.

"Maya's prospective school, your action report has no research at all."

Maya's neck turned mechanically. When he was like Shanghai Yin Burton, like a deep night, the whole person stood up. "Yes! Colonel, I will modify it right away!"

After that, Maya quickly left with a serious expression.

Liv exhaled, "Xiao Yan, you are really lucky. Under normal circumstances, Maya was almost pressed into bed the same day. This guy can do nothing."

Xiao Yan is still in the same place, seems to be immersed in some kind of thoughts.

Li Fu pressed his head and pressed **** Xiao Yan's cheek.

"Oh!" The pain made Xiao Yan's thoughts return to some unspeakable fantasy.

"Xiao Yan, you really should exercise your self-control, otherwise any special forces who have not held their own can have your life in bed."

"This... what is going on? I just saw it..." Xiao Yan is stupid and knows that his illusions are not normal.

"It is the x virus that strengthens Maya's hormones. Have you studied in the Central Academy of Sciences for so long, are you still not familiar with the basic characteristics of the x virus?" Li Fu shook his head helplessly. did Xiao Yan forget it. The x virus can strengthen the special forces' physical fitness and all sensory abilities, and also promote the secretion of various hormones in their bodies, including **** hormones, which is also the reason why special forces are stronger than ordinary people. Just now, Maya is obviously interested in Xiao Yan. This desire makes the x virus stimulate the secretion of hormones in Maya. Don't underestimate the hormones that have been strengthened. It is hundreds of times more common than ordinary people. It is strong enough. Spreading in the air and affecting the closest Xiaoyan to Maya, it will cause Xiao Yan's interest in that area, which will lead to these illusions.

"God..." Xiao Yan's hands clasped his head, and he felt that this was simply a plug-in for the special forces. No matter what they liked, as long as they wanted to do it, the other party would be easily attracted.

"Love life, stay away from Maya. Enjoy your short vacation here." Liv pressed on Xiaoyan's shoulder.

"What special task force! It is simply an abnormal force!" Xiao Yan summed up powerfully.

That afternoon, Liv saw Maya, who was connected to the terminal and wanted to cry.

"I just don't know how to write action reports! Everyone knows!"

"Yeah." Liv nodded and played the game carelessly.

"Why should the head make me rewrite? I have written it eighty-two times!"

"Are you accidentally hanging your hair on your head?" Liv kindly reminded the other party.

"Absolutely not!" Maya cherished the long hair that she had hard to keep, but long hair is always a trouble for the combat troops. For example, his hair was accidentally scattered during the process of killing the zombies. Opened, crossed the shoulders of Colonel Burton, the other side unscrupulously pulled out the blade to cut off the hair of Maya, and the whole row made Maya almost cry.

"Then I don't know, I wish you good luck, I hope that the 83rd time can be passed."

"Oh... you really shouldn't stop me. I almost got on that lovely student! I haven't seen pure-blooded Asians for a long time. The brown eyes looked at me stupidly, oh... "Maya is holding her head and thinking is not extending marginally."

Liv said with a slanting eye, "I warn you not to play Xiao Yan's idea."

"Oh, I understand! Captain Liv, one of the three goddesses of our special mission force, took a fancy to the rookie trainee!" Maya excitedly took Liv's shoulder. 2k novel reading network