MTL - Thrown Into the Wolf’s Den! Zaizai Holds Space In His Hands To Survive the Disaster Year-Chapter 670 .Final remarks

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 Dear book fans:

 Everyone knows that I have a habit of writing a review after finishing each book, and this time is no exception.

In fact, when I was writing the book Ning Ning, I was already reflecting and reviewing it myself. Fans who are familiar with my writing style should be able to tell that the style of Ning Ning's book is different from the previous ones. Too same.

The reason for doing this is because I want to innovate and break through my previous writing methods. I want to work hard to change the style of painting and make the story more beautiful. At least the categories are not so single. But for myself, I feel that my attempt this time Failed.

Ning Ning is very good, and this book is also very good, but I didn’t write it well.

There were many nights when I couldn't sleep, revising the outline of the story back and forth. In the quiet night, I only had a desk lamp to accompany me, and I kept revising and revising.

Then I started to have internal conflicts. During that time, my assistants were also trying to help me. Finally one day I decided to let myself go and no longer force myself to adapt to the new writing method.

I also gained experience from this book, and I have an idea of ​​what type of writing I should write in the future, so it is not completely without gain. I should give myself a thumbs up, because I persisted until at least 1.5 million The words bring a complete ending that I consider to be a perfect one.

 From the day I decided not to be internally consumed, I felt no psychological burden when writing about Ning Ning, but I knew more clearly that I needed to rest and sort out, so I would probably take a month or two off to get back to my original good state.

Thank you for your support all the way. Many of them are my old fans, so no matter what I write, they are willing to pay for me, but I can’t let my words lose the value of bringing you happiness, so I am going Take some time to settle down!

 Don’t worry, everyone, I will continue to write new books, you just need to be patient and wait for me. If you are willing, you can follow my bib [Fubao’s White Peach Sweet Porridge] and wait for news about my new book.

 One day when we meet again in the vast sea of ​​books, I hope that at that moment you will feel happy when you read my new story!

 See you again in the future, and have a good time when we meet.

 —White peach sweet porridge

   2024.3.31 (End of this chapter)