MTL - Tomb Raider: Storytelling and Writing, The Mystic Nine is Confused-Chapter 218

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The sound was unusually harsh.

"Look, this beast's eyes are red!"

"Damn it, it turns out that the eyes are red because of eating people."


The hard marble pavement is like a thin sheet of paper in front of the giant scorpion.

Hundreds of limbs lifted and fell.

There is a deep hole in the ground.

The people gathered at the entrance of the Crescent Hotel immediately retreated back in fear.


Inside the Crescent Hotel.

Box on the second floor.

Master Zhang also looked very nervous.

The eighth master on the side was even more nervous, and his hands were tightly grasping Zhang Dafo's arm.

The adjutant even pulled out the pocket pistol hidden in his leg.

"Father, let's go first."

"Buddha, let's withdraw first, this beast's eyes are already red, and it is estimated that there will be no slaughter that will stop for a while."

Master Zhang Dafa took a few deep breaths and said lightly.

"What are you afraid of, no matter how big the danger is, Mr. Zhang will bear it."

I saw the snake approaching the lobby of the Crescent Hotel step by step, and the guests in the lobby on the first floor had already retreated to the stairs.

Boss Yin has also been escorted by many stick slaves to Zhang Chen's back.

Chapter 223: Six-winged Centipede vs. Centipede Dragon

"Take the money! Take the money! Ten gold! No, only one hundred gold can stand behind Mr. Zhang, otherwise go and feed this thing."

Seeing that Boss Yin retreated behind Zhang Chen, everyone rushed to the high platform on the second floor.

But they were stopped one by one by Boss Yin, who turned into a stick slave.

You have to pay to get asylum.

Zhang Chen turned his back to everyone and shook his head helplessly.

His eyes just stared at the scorpion in front of him.

Crimson eyes kept scanning the crowd.

The stinky mouth was still roaring.


The scorpion's eyes turned to the other side, and when he turned around, his entire body entered the interior of the Crescent Hotel.

I saw this scorpion spiraling up and down the pillar in the center of the hall.

The storytelling desk behind Zhang Chen.

Everyone who was secured took a sigh of relief.

There were discussions.

"This hundred gold is worth it, I was really scared to death just now, I almost thought my life would be lost here,"

"But what are these centipede snakes doing running up? We are all under here."

"Yes, all of us are here. This scorpion is not as stupid as Jude Kao, right? I really don't know how Jude Kao got this thing into the capital, so why not stop it?"

"I heard that this thing is very ferocious, and it will lay eggs. This egg will really give birth to a litter of such things."

"I really look down on you people. We all dragged Mr. Zhang's blessing. I didn't expect Mr. Zhang to carry it in front of him. You don't think we can really survive."

"It must be that Mr. Zhang's strength is too strong, and he is deterred here."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang, thank you, Mr. Zhang!"

Everyone thanked Zhang Chen's back.

Just when he met the blood-red eyes of the scorpion, he realized it.

This cockroach seems to be looking for something.

Zhang Chen looked at the cockroach hovering on the red sandalwood.

I was thinking in my heart.

What is this guy looking for?


Zhang Chen felt a sudden transmission from the system panel.

He felt it carefully, and it turned out to be the fluctuation of the six-winged centipede.

It seems to be coming out of the courtyard.

"Master, I smelled the breath of other monsters."

At this time, the voice of the six-winged centipede was translated by the system.

The meaning of this is self-evident.

There was a hint of fighting intent.


Zhang Chen hummed softly in his heart.

The six-winged centipede that got permission flew up from the courtyard and reached the roof of the Crescent Hotel in an instant.


A roar sounded.

The scorpion hovering on the pillar heard the sound and climbed directly through the roof.

The two faced each other, one high and one low.

Inside the Crescent Hotel.

Everyone rubbed their eyes.

"That was Mr. Zhang's six-winged centipede just now? Are these two giant beasts fighting?"

"Wocao, we are not in danger, then what are we doing here, leave."

"Walk around, such a wonderful fight has finally come out of Mr. Zhang's book, you can't miss it."

For a while, everyone turned around and ran out.

Boss Yin looked at Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen was still sitting in the chair, and he didn't move.

"Mr. Zhang, let's take a look."


Say it.

Zhang Chen got up and jumped down.

Standing lightly on the spot.

Yin Xinyue and Boss Yin hurriedly chased after seeing this.

Zhang Chen's feet moved as fast as a phantom, unable to figure out any rules.

Just for a moment.

Yin Xinyue has lost Zhang Chen's figure in her eyes.

When I saw it again, it was already on an ancient building next to the Crescent Hotel.

A man with a shovel in his clothes was standing on the roof.

The two giant beasts fighting on the roof of the Crescent Hotel also seemed to have lost their halo.

The street was crowded with women who saw Zhang Chen's face.


Zhang Chen's eyes were always without waves, his eyes were deep, and the folding fan was quietly pinched in the palm of his hand and carried on his back.

A moment of brushing.

There was a figure beside him.




"Wocao, the gods and companions, I don't want to fight the two giant beasts, maybe they can make a pair."

"That's right, this is like a fairy world. Miss Zhang Xuqian and Mr. Zhang are a perfect match."

"Bah! That's Mr. Zhang's maid, don't make a mistake."

"That's right, be careful that Miss Yin Xinyue beats you up."

The man looked back and was about to refute.

My heart trembled.

On the roof of the tea house not far away, Yin Xinyue stood on it, looking at the various figures of the chain on the drum tower.

Eyes almost burst into flames.

next moment.

War is imminent.

I saw the centipede quickly approaching the six-winged centipede step by step.

But the six-winged centipede isn't going to go head to head.

With a flick of the wings, it soared into the air.

The centipede protruded its head like a snake, and it happened that the two giant beasts were on a horizontal line.

"Hey, you said who can beat who, you see that the black mist on the centipede is gone, it's really handsome like this."

"That's right, this centipede won't run towards the dragon."

"Wocao, this centipede is really mature, and it has two dragon horns, which is incredible."

This man's eyes were so wide that he could see the six-winged centipede clearly at this moment, his heart was full of shock, and his eyes could not be moved.

On the other hand, the giant scorpion looked ugly, with two tentacles similar to that of the slug.

"Damn, how can something so ugly be worthy of fighting with Mr. Zhang's pet? This is simply an insult."

"I really want to see Mr. Zhang take action. Do you think Mr. Zhang will smash this giant scorpion into pieces with a slap?"

"Shhhhh, don't talk, it's a fight."

Two giant beasts come and go.

Pieces of ancient buildings fell madly.

From time to time something splashed out into the distance.

smashed into the crowd.

Everyone can look down and see that there are piles of minced meat.