MTL - Top Quality Beauty Cultivation System-Chapter 608 Who are you going to choose?

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Near the University of North Korea, it is the Beijing Medical University.

This is the College Road, which is a university in the capital city.

There are many universities in Beijing, and it can be said that it is the city with the most universities in China.

From the top Qingbei University, to a variety of professional first-class institutions, to vocational colleges, Beijing's college students have always been the most in China.

Now, as a student who entered the Jingcheng Medical University in a special form, Ye Xingzhu also heard from the rumors of the students that there is a god-like new born in Qingbei University. The newcomer Wang is named Su Lin.

This new student is too arrogant, too aggressive, and has a background.

There are beautiful women around me, there is no such thing as beating the instructors. I almost never go to class but can always take time off, and even beat the instructors of other schools.

The heroic deeds of Surin have now spread more and more. The colleges and universities in Beijing have almost several posts on the bbs forum of each school to discuss Su Lin.

Today, the school sports meeting of Qingbei University is not only a grand event for the entire Qingbei University, but also students from some surrounding universities, and can not help but come to visit. Among these foreign students who came to visit, there is such a special person.

She is Ye Xingzhu.

Ever since I learned that Su Lin also came to Beijing, Ye Xingzhu wanted to find Surin, but he was afraid to see Su Lin. He was afraid that Su Lin would blame himself for not leaving, but even more afraid of seeing Su Lin, he found that he was even more deserving of Su. Lin is up.

Of course, Ye Xingzhu did not have the most important reason to see Su Lin, or Ye Xingzhu could not find Surin.

Qingbei University, Ye Xingzhu has also been there a few times, with hope in his heart, can you suddenly meet Su Lin in a corner of the campus, so that Ye Xingzhu can also squint and say how Clever!

Unfortunately, these experiences of encountering encounters were all in vain. Every time Ye Xingzhu, who came back from Qingbei University, was disappointed. He couldn’t see his younger brother, and couldn’t find the contact method of Surin. Ye Xingzhu I didn’t dare to call back to Su’s family to ask this question. I was afraid that the relationship between Su and Su’s mother would be related to Su Lin’s relationship.

Today, it is the school sports meeting of Qingbei University. Ye Xingzhu saw the bbs post on the Internet. I know that today, Li Boda challenges Su Lin, and both of them will report the five-kilometer competition.

Therefore, Ye Xingzhu came to the venue early, waiting for the appearance of Surin.

Sure enough, at two o'clock, Ye Xingzhu, who was waiting near the financial base camp, saw Su Lin. Just when she wanted to go forward and recognize her, she found out that Surin’s side had such a What a beautiful girl.

Qin Yuran, Lin Qingxue, Ji Gong Qingzi, Wang Mingzhen, and Yun Yiyi and Lian Xinyun, each of them let Ye Xingzhu feel a little inferior. Ye Xingzhu thinks that he is not bad, but in terms of temperament, Ye Xingzhu really does not have confidence when compared with the noble women who have been spoiled from childhood. Perhaps, in the depths of Ye Xingzhu, I have always felt that only such a young lady is the best choice for Surin.

It was such a hesitation, Ye Xingzhu really did not have the courage to stand up and recognize Su Lin. She stood silently in the crowd and was willing to be the passer-by with the flow of people. Although she knew that as long as she stood out, Surin would be very happy to see her.

But now, the 12th lap of Surin is about to run. At the same time, the girls around Surin, each of them ran to the end, standing there, like a talent show, they are waiting for Surin's choice.

It seems that this is destined to be the final choice of Surin. These women are very tacit in this way, forcing Surin to make a choice, let Su Lin choose himself, and who he wants to be.

This kind of scene is really shocking.

The audience exclaimed, because the seven women, each can be said to be a beauty above the standard. Among them, Yun Yiyi was the most surprised, followed by Qin Xinran, a freshman school. Of course, there are even the famous models such as Lian Xinyun, Lin Qingxue, a beautiful royal sister who has never seen it, and Jiu Qingqing’s delicate and perfect cute Loli. Even Xu Hui, the female teacher of this charm...

So many beautiful women, so they lined up, waiting for Surin's choice?

Oh shit!

This is called Su Lin, too **** excited?

The men present, all swallowed a bit of saliva, enviously looked at Surin who rushed toward the beautiful army.

"Oh! Things are really getting more and more fun... oh... At this time, is the mother still going to stand up?"

Fang Liping, who saw this scene, couldn’t help but laugh out on the rostrum.

Today is a long experience, Fang Liping finally saw the full beauty of the army of Surin for the first time. Regardless of whether these women have had a relationship with Surin, at least, these women are interesting to Surin. Their love for Surin has enabled them to make such a euphemistic way to stand up under the eyes of everyone.

"Mom! How is this going? 嫣然,林老师,晓清,云依依学姐姐,连心云学姐姐, and...天呀! Teacher Xu Hui, how are you going about this? What are you going to do at the end? This is not forcing me... Who am I going to choose?"

In the last half of the two hundred meters, when Surin saw the situation at the end of the front, the heart was suddenly cool, isn't it forcing himself to make a choice?

Sure enough, when women get together, there is no good thing!

Surin saw the beauty regiment at the end of the eye. At this time, there was no happy thought in the heart.

"You guys want to kill me!"

Helpless Su Lin, the heart is arrogant, and his footsteps, actually slowed down, anyway, now lead the people behind the four laps. Those who want to catch up with Surin have six or seven minutes. Surin's speed became slower and slower, and it became slower and slower. Until the last fifty meters, he was not running, and he went straight.

"Hey? What happened? You look at it quickly, how slow is Su Lin's speed, and he finally has no strength? Hehe... I want to watch him finally sprint!"

"Stupid! Look at the family Su Lin, is this a state of no strength? He stopped, obviously deliberate, you just have to look at the end point to know!"

"End point? Wow! A group of big beautiful women... Hey? Do they say that they are all coming to congratulate Su Lin? This... Su Lin is too happy to be a mother?"

"No! Su Lin... Surin should be hard to fight! So many beautiful women are jealous for him. It seems... this time, he is afraid that after the end of the race, several women will fight... ”


The onlookers looked at it at a glance, and now there are so many women gathered together, although they are very peaceful and stand at the end of the victory waiting for Surin. However, it is personally obvious that this arrogant momentum is simply a prelude to the war!

Moreover, this is still a war between women. And men, has been the ruins of the women's war or the broken loot!

"Su Lin, I... I am not, should I... stand out like them?"

Ye Xingzhu, who was hidden among the audience, saw this scene at this time, and his heart began to hesitate and struggle vigorously. Ye Xingzhu is very envious of Qin Zhenran who is standing there now. She envied them with such courage. They have the opportunity to face Surin, smile and face Surin, and wait for Surin's choice.

Ye Xingzhu hated himself, and even did not have the courage to step out of this step. I hate myself in my heart, why can't I take the courage to go out from the crowd of passers-by and walk to the beautiful line of attention, even if I am not a beautiful flower in full bloom, but I am willing to be a flower Beside the crisp green bamboo, as long as you can enter the eyes of Surin, accompanying Su Lin's left and right.

Similarly, at this moment, the paparazzi and journalists in the crowd are also very excited at this time, because they have grabbed the super super hot news.

Seven top beauty!

One is better than one!

One is more temperament than one!

Especially among them, there is a big star cloud.

Undoubtedly, the atmosphere at the scene is the rhythm of seven women robbing women.

This man is Su Lin who had an affair with Yun Yiyi. This is hailed by the media as a man standing behind the clouds.

But now the man is actually afflicted with seven women at the same time, no, maybe more, but only seven people are standing out now.

There are many women standing behind the man behind the cloud Yiyi?

This time, it is fun.

The most important thing in the entertainment industry is the scandal!

But the most lacking is also the scandal, especially the news that has exploded!

Yun Yiyi's new album has just been hot, it is the key word of the major news, but also the first place in the Baidu search list.

Now that there is such a burst of news, it will definitely occupy the headlines of the major news.



Everyone’s eyes are watching.

In the heart of everyone, they are making choices for Surin. In the end, what kind of people will Surin face in the face of these seven beautiful women?

Ten meters!

Nine meters!

Eight meters...

As the distance got closer and closer, Surin's expression became more and more helpless. He was also a headache at this time. In this case, he would not choose anyone. However, the current situation, he is doomed to have to make a choice.

Great attention!

Now on the runway of Qingbei University, it is not doing any five-kilometer track and field competition, but it is more like a modern version of "Tang Bohu point Qiuxiang". Only the protagonist is not Tang Bohu, but became Su Lin. (To be continued.)