MTL - Transmigrated into the World of “Demon Lord Wu Zun”-Chapter 15 亓官锐

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Is this not what I taught him before?

Gu Bai silently stunned his face and felt a bit horrible.

In fact, Gu Shan did not have any deviations, but he also saw that he had been familiar with it for many years. However, when Gu Bai taught Gu Shan, it happened to be just passing through, although it was a memory of the car book. At that time, the car book was also a hairy child, and the foundation was not very strong--

So this position... is actually a bit ugly.

Gu Bai ate the **** Zhizhi and returned to the government. After practicing Wu, he changed his posture, but Gushan is still the same, although there is no such problem in this practice, but the aesthetics are much worse, and also Not good enough. If you continue to practice, there will be no progress.

So suddenly, Gu Bai was guilty.

Especially after Gu Shan’s punch, I was looking forward to watching him.

Gu Bai ignored this gaze and looked directly at the rock.

Unsurprisingly, only a light cyan color was shown on the performing stone, and this light blue color only spread a circle larger than the fist, which is exactly the extent of the wind attribute primary ambassador. Moreover, according to the space pressure caused by boxing, it can be seen that the base of the boxing is very solid, and it is indeed hard work after hard work.

But that you really have to play like this every time?

Gu Bai is a bit awkward.

In the end, should I correct it for Gu Hill or just let it go so far as I didn’t see it?

It’s so entangled and hesitant.

Gu Bai, whose thinking is active, did not find that Gu Shan had already walked to his side.

Until a heavy head rested on his shoulder, Gu Bai came back.

At this time, Gu Shan said a little gasping: "Brother, I taught you very hard to practice. How do you see how I practiced?"

Gu Bai noodles his face, he is thinking about how to word in order not to hurt the fragile heart of the children's shoes.

Then, Gu Shan said with some curiosity: "Brother, what are you thinking?"

Gu Bai was finally defeated by guilt. He silenced and said: "The hill, let another one."

Gu Shan smiles a stiff.

...What is the next one?

Gu Bai looked at his face, reacted, and repeated: "just put another posture and correct it for you."

Gu Shan 眨巴眨巴眼: "I am not doing it right?"

Gu Bai’s eyes hang down: “...I was too young at the time, and I was a little wrong.”

Yes, pure men should be brave enough to admit mistakes!

Gu Shan fixedly looked at him and said, "Okay." Then he smiled slightly. "In fact, I like what my brother taught."

Gu Bai nodded.

The illusion, just a moment seems to have a sense of danger fainting, but look carefully, nothing.

Gu Shan has already re-arranged the ugly posture at this time.

So Gu Bai also opened the feeling before, and began to correct him by hand.

One teaches a school, it is easy to let this pair of young friends who have not reunited for a long time to retrieve the memories of the past, the most interesting chapter of the beauty ** manipulator.

Gu Bai is not hiding. Now he is the city owner. Of course, he doesn’t care about his cheap old man like he used to, so he teaches and teaches some experiences about the mind and the law. Some skills can be dialed. Try to dial.

Tiandu City has been going on for many years, and the foundations are all there. Gu Bai didn't feel very hard. However, after teaching an hour, he did not continue to infuse, but left the rest of the time for Gu Shan, let him slowly get through.

Now Gushan seems to have suddenly opened up when he was a child. Basically, he has a good sense of accomplishment. After checking the papers for several times, he found that there is nothing wrong with it, he just dropped a sentence of "continue to practice" and went back. Handling the accumulated business.

After Gu Bai left, Gu Shan stopped.

His gaze is a bit complicated, because in his life, he has never met someone like a car book.

It’s just the heart of the childhood, but now it’s still the way to treat it wholeheartedly?

Is it too naive and stupid?

……Do not.

A city owner who can sit still is not naive and stupid.

Gu Shan’s eyes became deep.

In other words, is it really worthy of this young partner?

Just like the stupidity he deliberately made, the car book white really remembers.

Not only remember, he would apologize for the carelessness of his childhood.

Gu Shan certainly knows that there is a mistake in the trick. He even suspected that the book of the car was deliberately taught wrong.

So he made it out and wanted to try the city owner.

But he did not expect that the car book will be such a reaction.

Also, just now, Gu Shan can see that Gu Bai taught him the exquisiteness of his moves, and he was vaguely related to the martial arts of Gu Bai himself.

Is the family martial arts?

Actually not hiding...

Even with Gu’s current vision, I can still learn a lot from it, so from the beginning, he was somewhat careless and later corrected his attitude. It was not until the end of Gu Bai’s teaching that he found himself listening too seriously.

Can do this.

So, probably it is... really hearty?

Gu Shan face sinking into the water, for a long time, he made a gesture.

Soon, there was a very small black shadow in front of him, which was flexible and twisted like a small snake.

After thinking about it, he said: "You don't have to kneel down in the near future, but the person staring at it still has to keep an eye on it."

- Let him suspend his plan, let him also take a look, this car is white, how much he cares for him.

Gu Shan, or Yan Guanrui, always knew that his origin was very low.

When he was a child, he always listened to the woman who claimed to be his "mother" and told him that he was a hybrid, it should not exist, no one valued it, anyone could step on it - it is said that if it was not him It is impossible for him to survive because of his mother’s ambiguity.

Yan Guanrui has always been so convinced, so even if his aunt often beats him, he still has some envy for her.

He even thought that this was all the generation of Tianjiao that a loved one could do.

Until one day later, he met a person.

That is the young car book white.

Yan Guanrui is very smart, so he quickly knows how to protect himself from being fatally hurt by being bullied. Therefore, after Zhai Shubai saved him, he did not believe in the good intentions of the other party.

But the car book is really good for him. No one has ever been so good to him. He will talk to him very gently, give him a nice name, and teach him that he used to be blind and never The method of stealing martial arts. He is very concerned about his concern in the white language of the car, so he clearly understands it soon, but still pretends that he will not, just to be able to appreciate this concern.

The car book was not found, and he was still patient with him. Even if he could not find anything, he was very anxious and did not take him out.

So after he found out the thing, he immediately told the car book white.

However, at that time, the **** Rui did not expect that after the car book white found this thing, it was time to leave.

Before leaving the book, he left a piece of jade, and after he agreed with him, he could go to him... He was worried about it, but he still believed in the book.

Later, the child car book white disappeared in the life of the official, and became the only memory of the official.

Yan Guanrui was afraid that Yu Pei was taken away, and he was buried in the cave where he and his son Shu Shubai lived. In the next five years, he carefully practiced the martial arts according to the teachings of Zizi Shubai, and gradually became better. It’s not so hard when you beat it.

However, when he was ten years old, his martial arts awakened.

This is a very good martial art. He was immediately valued by the eunuchs. At this time, he realized that he was not a slave at all, but the nephew of the eunuch. Although he is a female slave, every month's monthly cases are issued on time. However, these months have fallen into the hands of his mother's sister. His good aunt took his money and abused him. It was simply jealous that his mother could climb into his father's bed that year, and that the aunt could dress up and spend all her money.

After the awakening, the eunuch's status suddenly rose from the mud to the sky, and was sought after by everyone. His talent for practicing martial arts was very good. He broke through in a few years. He was even quickly recorded in the genealogy. He also got the name "亓官锐" and became a member of the eunuch. member.

This kind of difference between the days, let the **** feel that there is a kind of pride in the bottom of my heart, at the same time, his years of resentment also broke out.

Zhang Guanrui Zhang Hao, although he did not kill the aunt, but let her do the lowest job, so the people who bullied him, all taught him, just as they have taught him before. Except for the owner, his father, Yan Guanrui does not put anyone in his eyes, but he does have some feelings for his father and his family. He is the same class as them, isn't he?

His style has caused many people's dissatisfaction, but his resources are still flowing, so he is fearless.

At this time, the warmth of childhood, the car book white, gradually faded by him.

Yan Guanrui did not live up to his father's expectations. He became a senior martial artist at the age of 18, and he was only one step away from Wu Jun. He was simply a genius in genius. But when his status is getting higher and higher, the deeper hatred of others is deeper. I don’t know why. In one night, the enemy of the eunuchs found him and used his power higher than him to directly abolish his Tao Wuwu. body.

The genius fell into the dust for a moment, and after discovering that he really could not recover, all his treatment was gone.

The people who hated the savage officials began to fall into the rock. It was only after a long time that the squadron became a worm from the dragon in the sky.

But how can people who have already been dragons become willing to become insects again?

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