MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 150

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Of course, Ye Xiao's purpose is not only to stabilize the base, what he wants is to convince these people in the process and establish his leadership position.

It is very utilitarian to say so, but very early on, he began to prepare for future power.

However, only half a month of management training is not enough to make these people who have been sloppy for a long time become absolutely obedient to orders, nor is it enough to enable them to fight the zombies head-on. He is not in a hurry and can take it step by step.

Lin Tantan was lying lazily under the tree with rushing water, hooking the turf beneath him once and for all, muttering non-stop, as if he was about to speak in the next moment.

It's a pity to say that after leaving the brown bear, she couldn't speak again.

In fact, she had this worry when she wanted to leave the body of a brown bear. Although speaking with an animal's body sounds weird and slurred, it's good to be able to speak. After much deliberation, she chose to be with human blood. She chose the closest monkey, and even chose a little monkey that looked smartest, but she was still unable to speak after being possessed, and she was very disappointed for a while.

But the little monkey is nimble and light, so it can be carried around by Ye Xiao.

After experiencing the life of a monkey for a few months, she possessed a parrot again. Isn’t the parrot very slick? After more than ten days, I had to come out.

Then she chose a very strong mutated eagle, this time it was not for talking, but she suddenly wanted to soar in the sky with Ye Xiao, and she did it, but as a bird, two Wings have no other purpose other than flying, which really made her not used to it, so she thought for a long time, and she did not intend to be a bird anymore, and turned her attention to mammals on all fours.

Because I wanted to experience the speed of life and death of a cheetah, I possessed a leopard.

She has experienced several different animal lives, she has been lazy and lazy, moved and moved, delicate and ferocious, and now the whole person is incredible.

What worried her a little was that Ye Xiao seemed to be becoming less and less Buddhist. Of course, he had never been Buddhist, but recently he seemed to be very anxious, as if he didn't have enough time.

No, in order to take down the capital base as soon as possible, he and he are not of the same mind. He walked all day, came back at night, and left before dawn.

Lin Tantan lay on the ground and hummed, flicking the leopard's tail boredly.

Suddenly, a few drops of water dripped from her forehead. She raised her eyes and saw that a branch was shaking deliberately and dripping water on her head.

There was also a branch reaching out and sweeping over her back, as if to comfort her.

Lin Tantan: "Ho Ho." I'm fine! Just a little worried.

She saw that it had grown a lot taller, and now it was more than ten meters tall. No matter how hard it was under the tree, it could not see the sky covered by the leaves. She yelled twice, Ah Shu, you are growing well now Come on, won't you be able to talk like your mother soon?

The hard bark squirmed a bit, after all, it couldn't conjure up a mouth like its mother to spit out human words, but it seemed that it was coming soon.

Lin Tantan found that things that had been possessed by her had undergone considerable changes, growing very fast and strong in size, such as this tree, such as the parrot that was so weak that it almost died, they were all bigger now. After a circle, you can dominate the parrot world.

And the things that have been possessed by her have almost no obstacles in communicating with each other. With communication, there are thoughts, and with thoughts, you can think independently, so you can feel that the minds are telling the developers one by one, such as Lihuamao Fatty, He was already very human, but now he can understand words.

Of course, there are still stupid ones, such as the most burly brown bear, who still looks stupid, crowded and occupied by a group of mutated animals, and dare not make a sound, carrying them around obediently. It's just like being bullied.

She would never admit that this was influenced by what she did when she was possessed.

There was a roar, and a magic plane flew in the distance. Lin Tantan ran out from under the tree and looked at it for a while.

In the past year, the Zhengyang base has produced a lot of magical machines, the functions of which have been greatly improved, and the power is more inclined to solar energy or oil energy, and this starts after Ye Xiao can fly.

Originally, there were many ferocious birds in the sky, and they might not be seen at ordinary times, but once a flying object took off, they would appear from nowhere and surround it. But since Ye Xiao was able to fly, this kind of situation has become less common.

When transporting supplies back and forth from the coast to the Zhengyang base, Ye Xiao hid in the magic machine himself. When the magic machine was besieged by mutated birds, he flew out, taught those birds a lesson in the air, and killed some of them. Injure some and release some, the more times, the birds are not stupid, so naturally they dare not provoke them.

Later, they gradually did not dare to harass the areas above the Zhengyang base. In this way, it is more convenient to travel and transport materials to and from more than a dozen cities in the base by air. All kinds of machines have appeared, but in terms of safety and mobility, the magic machine is the safest, so it is not difficult to see the magic machine taking off and landing in the sky recently.

At this moment, Lin Tantan was judging where this magical machine came from, and where it was going to fly. Looking at it, the magical machine was flying towards this direction, and it was about to land. Her eyes lit up. Ye Xiao is back!

After the magical machine landed, Ye Xiao came out from inside, Lin Tantan ran up, and someone stood up and grabbed him: "Ho Ho Ho!"

Ye Xiao smiled and hugged her: "Are you waiting for me? Have you eaten yet?"

It's time for dinner now. Although he has to go to the capital base every day, he has to prepare three meals for her every day before departure, and put them in the lake to keep her cool. Every meal, the swans in the lake will come Help carry it out, Lin Tantan just eat it directly.

It can be said that he simply took care of Lin Tantan as an idiot who didn't work hard.

Of course, Lin Tantan didn't need him to take care of her like this. When she was greedy, she would go to the chicken coop to grab a chicken to eat raw from time to time, but she ate less for dinner, but Ye Xiao was worried. In the past few years, he has been too used to taking care of Lin Tantan, and it has completely become the most important part of his life. If the leopard she possessed this time was not airsick and afraid of heights, he would not have left her in Lin. garden.

Ye Xiao glanced at the meat left in the lake in a big fresh-keeping bowl, then touched Lin Tantan's stomach, which was deflated, and knew she hadn't eaten, so he immediately went to get her something to eat.

Lin Tantan walked up and down, talking to him loudly, Ye Xiao knew what she wanted to say, he said: "The capital is stable, and I plan to train them for another half a month, so I will take them to rush Take out the corpses, and spread them out in different cities."

In this way, this group of people can be differentiated and absorbed.

No one will jump out against what he is going to do.

He chopped off a leg of lamb, peeled the skin off, and let Lin Tantan hug and chew her. He patted her head: "Then, a new country will be established."

Lin Tantan stopped gnawing meat, looked up at him worriedly, whimpered twice, and Ye Xiao said, "Well, I'm going to be the top decision maker."

Making Ye Xiao the leader of the new country was something Lin Tantan had always hoped for. She also knew that Ye Xiao had been making various preparations for this matter in the past two years, but she was not so happy at this time.

Probably because Ye Xiaotai took this matter as a goal that must be achieved, and she knew that he did this mainly for him.

Ye Xiao stroked her smooth and warm fur: "I don't know what will happen in the future, at least if I'm here for a day, I can protect you for a day, and won't let you do what you don't want to do."

At the beginning, Lin Tantan's teacher let him know the situation in the other world three hundred years later. He was saddened by Lin Tantan's fate, but after calming down, he learned more details from her. What he was even more dissatisfied with was the government's actions at the time.

Destiny is hard to say. Talk about being born different, so she has to bear extra heavy burdens, and the road she has to walk is extraordinarily difficult. Although the rules of the world are a bit hateful, they do things according to their own principles. He hasn't reached that height yet, and he can't make a statement about it.

But when Lin talked about the situation at that time, it had a lot to do with the attitude of those in power, because she was a person with five series of supernatural powers, which was of great significance. She was worried that other national forces would **** her away, but the so-called protection was more like surveillance. The strongest wood-type power user, many of her patients are basically arranged by the state. She has high authority and good treatment, but this is all based on her obedience to the above arrangement in some aspects.

Lin Tantan was very optimistic, only seeing and thinking about the good things, but Ye Xiao could imagine the compromise and obedience behind her.

And after her ability collapsed and was strictly controlled, she couldn't even choose the place where she died. Knowing that her life was not long, but she could only stay where she was and wait to die. How did it feel?

Ye Xiao thought, if he was in power, even if he didn't know Lin Tantan, he could do better.

Before he knew her identity, he wanted to make himself bigger and stronger, otherwise he would not be able to protect her. After knowing her identity, he felt that it was best for him to sit in the position of supreme leader.

Moreover, if there is no accident, the two of them will still live in this world in the future. Only by holding the power in their own hands can they create a stable and prosperous environment as much as possible.

Of course, there was another reason why he moved so fast. He lowered his head and said to the pair of bright leopard eyes that were staring at him earnestly: "I feel like I'm going to break through again soon, and I've awakened the power of space, I..."

He met those widened eyes and said with a smile, "I seem to be able to touch that existence faintly."