MTL - Twenty Seven Years-Chapter 443 overcome obstacles

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  Chapter 443 Overcoming difficulties

   In terms of mobility and combat effectiveness, at least Veraker and Murphy can only rest in peace now, and cannot directly participate in the battle to defend the village.

  In terms of command and layout, they are not as familiar with the terrain as the village head, and they have not dealt with bandits for several years like the village head, so they can't provide much help.

   After a short silence, Verak smiled wryly and said, "It seems that apart from lending the weapons to the villagers, all we can do is wait here."

   "I'll go. They're so short of people, I'd be nice to have one more." Connie's injury was not serious, and she thought it wouldn't affect anything, so she volunteered.

   "This matter is quite dangerous..." Veraker didn't want to see any accidents in Connie's confrontation with the gangsters.

   "You can't move. It's dangerous to stay here. If I remain indifferent and don't help fight the gangsters, will the end be the same?" Connie argued.

  She makes sense.

   Right now, whether they like it or not, they have to live and die with the villagers. If the villagers didn't guard the village and let the bandits burn, kill and loot, Verac, Murphy, and Connie would all die. Instead of pinning all our hopes on the villagers, it is better to put in as much effort as possible, not only to surround the village, but also to protect ourselves.

  Verak knew that his worries were meaningless. If Connie was lying here, he would be fine, and he would, and he could only do this: "Yes, you should be more careful."


"The villagers made a lot of traps this time, and with the addition of six more guns, it should be no problem to deal with gangsters who are only in their early twenties and have only a dozen guns." Murphy saw that Verak was a little worried, and analyzed, "I even think that the consideration this time should not be whether the village will be breached, but whether the villagers can turn around and wipe out all the gangsters."

   "After the village chief finishes his work, let's get to know him better." With too little information now, Verac couldn't give any useful opinions, "By the way, let the village chief arrange for Connie to do something."

  Connie and Verac have traveled a few times and learned some Montrego language, but they are still far from being able to communicate effectively with people. If you want to use her power, you have to say hello to the village head and let him take charge.

  Even if something happens later, Connie's personal adaptability is enough to help her quickly integrate into the battle without communication.

   "Come, drink water." Margarita came back, put the young child on the bed, and poured water for the three of them.

   "Have you never thought about leaving here?" Verak first glanced at Murphy, and then turned to Margarita.

  Murphy understood Veraker's meaning, and as soon as he finished speaking, he translated the words into Monrego and spoke them to Margarita.

  Margarita smiled, first carefully brought a glass of water to Verak, and helped him drink: "I don't understand anything, where can I go?"

   "I can do it myself." Verak took the water glass with his uninjured hand and took a few sips, regardless of whether the other party understood or not. After Murphy finished translating, he glanced at the child sitting next to him, and said, "This place is too dangerous. No matter how difficult it is in a big city, it should be safer than here, right?"

"Everything is the same, at least I am familiar with this place, and everyone takes good care of me." Margarita turned around and brought a second glass of water to Murphy, who was also unable to move, "If you really want to leave, before my husband dies , and we left together."

  After hearing Margarita's words from Murphy's mouth, Verak fell silent again.

  Although Margarita didn't specifically say the reason why she couldn't go to a big city, she could understand the meaning.

  A thin woman with a one or two-year-old child, where can she go?

  In such a chaotic place like Montrego, where can they really give the mother and daughter a bite to eat?

  Even if there is, a person who has lived in the village since he was a child, does not know much words, has never seen a car or a tall building, would he dare to go?

   To her, that is not called heaven, but a very big and unknown place, so it is very frightening.

If you propose to Veraker to live a prosperous and stable life like Laizein before he knows anything and has not experienced anything, he will be at a loss if he has some skills, and he has no idea how to survive in such a place. , Start your own life again, not to mention Margarita's situation and Montrego's general environment.

  Can't help.

   There is no choice at all.

  The most important thing is that Verac and Murphy have recovered, and they are indeed able to take one or two people to a big city together, and they can teach each other something along the way, so that the other party has the initial ability to gain a foothold in such a place.

   Can only one or two people face this situation?

  Monrego has a population of nearly 50 million.

  There are nearly 700 million people in the world.

   Help one by one, what can be changed?

   Ending one’s suffering is the end?

Will not.

Only by firmly adhering to their path, let ten people help a hundred people, let a hundred people help ten thousand people, let ten thousand people help tens of thousands of people, and completely change the whole world, can everyone be radiant newborn.

  Verak had a decision in his heart.

  Leave when the injury recovers, and don't stay in the village for too long.

  They can barely help Shuangnaga Village by staying here, but they go all the way to Menglege City, but they hope to plant the seeds of helping the entire Menglege people.

  Margarita's child tugged on Veraker's pants, pulling Veraker out of his contemplation.

  Wilak saw the child giggling, and couldn't help but smile too, reaching out and touching the child's little head.

  I hope that after they leave, everything will be fine in Shuang Naga Village.

  I hope that their trip can really establish a sub-station, so that in this land where there is almost no equality, a new force will be gathered to lead the desperate people to a brave new world.

   After a while, after issuing the gun to the villagers responsible for the ambush, the village chief Bernardino returned to the house.

  When Verac was about to ask Murphy to translate the language and continue to ask questions, the village head Bernardino took the initiative to ask the question: "What are you going to do in Montrego this time?"

"We have established branches in many places, leading the suffering people all over the world to fight against the powerful and powerful who oppress them. This time I came to Montrego to deepen our understanding of this place and lay the foundation for us to establish branches here .” Verak explained the purpose of coming as simply as possible.

   "Is that so... Then you are going to leave after recovering from your injuries?" The purpose of the village chief Bernardino's question was to know if Verac and others could help the village more.

  After listening to Murphy's translation, this time Verac said in Montrego, a minority of his own, "Yes."

  The eyes of the village chief dimmed visibly: "Since you are here to help our civilians, why can't you help our village first? Everyone here needs help very much."

It was difficult for Murphy and Connie to answer this question. Only Verac, who had just figured it out, didn't hesitate: "Even if we can help you now, we can only help you for a while. If the overall situation of Montrego has not changed, it will become more serious." If the chaos continues, there will only be more and more bandits here, and no matter how they are suppressed, they will not be completely wiped out. Do you think we can stay here for the rest of our lives and help you resist the bandits?"


"There are so many villages along the road. If we help in this way, we will not be able to help many. If you want to really end this worrying life for you and the villagers, you must change Menglege. When Menglege becomes a peaceful, free, and equal , a beautiful country, these problems will naturally be solved. To do this, we must go straight to the city of Montrego, keep in mind what we saw and heard along the way, and prepare a suitable development route for Montreco. You Do you understand what I mean?" Verak said sincerely and patiently.

  He must let the village chief understand that they left resolutely and resolutely because they really wanted to help the village and other people who were also in the midst of suffering.

The village head, Bernardino, is not an unreasonable person, otherwise he would not have always respected Verac and others. He sighed helplessly: "... To be honest, I don't really understand what you said, but it sounds true. It’s much better than staying here all your life and fighting the gangsters to the death..."

  Wilak listened to Murphy's translation while observing his performance.

  Monrego is Murphy's hometown, and he can't wait to make life better for his fellow countrymen. These words of mine are warm to the village in the long run, but cold to the present. I don't know if Murphy will have some negative emotions.

   After Murphy finished translating, he probably noticed that Veraker was looking at him and was thinking about his own thoughts. He didn't say much, but just nodded to Veraker.

   This recognition made Verak feel relieved.

  Village Chief Bernardino ended his inquiry and began to answer what Verac, Murphy, and Connie wanted to know.

   After talking for more than half an hour, Verak and others gained a deeper understanding of the struggle history of the village.

  After exchanging fire with the bandits, big and small, the villagers slowly summed up some combat experience. For example, what kind of trap will catch the opponent by surprise, how to drive away the opponent, and defend the village.

  But the behavior of the gangsters is not static.

  The villagers have grown up, and they have grown up.

  Gradually, the effect of the trap became negligible, and the timing of the opponent's attack became erratic, which made the villagers have to be on guard all the time, and they were physically and mentally exhausted over time.

  In general, after fighting for so long, the village is basically on the edge of a cliff. Even the village head, Bernardino, didn't know if he could resist the next time, the next time.

  It seemed that this struggling village would disappear in the blink of an eye.

   "We will definitely leave when we recover from our injuries, but it would be great if we can get rid of the gangsters before then?" Murphy's thoughts were bold and radical.

  He agrees with Veraker's point of view that he can go as soon as he says, and not be held back by the small problems at hand, and at the same time makes the craziest assumptions on this point:

   Relying on the period of recuperation, the bandits were wiped out, at least for a period of stability for Shuangnajia Village and nearby villages.

   How easy is it?

  Verak neither denied nor approved: "It's not easy."

"It's easy to do, so we don't need us?" Murphy said, "This time the villagers have six more guns, and their combat power has improved dramatically. This is something that the bandits must have never imagined. I think we can borrow This large-scale ambush, even if they fail to wipe them out in the end, will still make them fearful, and they will no longer dare to casually attack Shuangnaga Village."

"In that case, I have a better way." Connie couldn't sit still, "There are not only Shuangnaga villages in this area that are threatened by bandits, so can we try to unite the forces of the surrounding villages and take the initiative to attack? , Completely wipe out the two groups of bandits?"

   "Tell your thoughts to the village chief." Verak laughed.

  These two methods are quite feasible, but the village head should have thought of it. As for why the village head didn't make such a proposal, it is unknown.

   After some communication, the three of them had an answer.

   Murphy's first.

  The village chief is planning to try this, and his thinking is much clearer than Murphy's.

He intends to maintain the status quo, and then select six elite people from the guarded villagers, and use the guns borrowed from Verak to form an ambush with the strongest force in the village. People are used as bait to lure criminals into the trap.

   There are only a dozen gangsters with guns. As long as everything goes well, they have a high possibility of completely annihilating the enemy.

  According to the most optimistic prediction of the village chief, they can even chase all the way, take over the bandits' territory, take back people, food, and money, and revive the village.

  Connie's plan was the first solution that the villages thought of.

  It's a pity that the gangsters had expected this long ago, and they only watched a village secretly, and when the young and strong came to gather, they took advantage of the situation to plunder everything without any effort.

  Besides, the location of the gangsters is very random and free, and it is difficult for the various villages to take the initiative to take advantage of it.

   It didn't take long, because there was no effect, and some villages suffered big losses one after another, so the matter was let go, and they returned to the state of protecting themselves.

"Murphy's method is feasible, but the original defense has been weakened. When the time comes to lure the bandits, the loss is estimated to be huge." Verac deduced according to the method of Murphy and the village chief, foreseeing that there will be a lot of troubles. Villagers were killed in the ambush.

   "It's like this every time." The village chief Bernardino said, "So in the end we are the only ones left."

  Villac didn't know whether Bernardino was deliberately understating it, or if he was really numb to these things, and he was a little startled when he heard it.

  Shuangnaga Village is simply using the cruelest method to keep the remaining villagers alive.

   "We will find a way." Verak said solemnly, "It's good to save one person from dying."

   "Thank you, thank you very much." The village chief Bernardino thanked him sincerely.

  Just those six guns are incomparably important to the village. Now there are three well-informed and experienced comrades to help, and he believes that the village will surely tide over the difficulties.

  (end of this chapter)