MTL - Twilight Boundary-Chapter 384 Mrs. Yan

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Chapter 384 Old Mrs. Yan

The other party has launched two kinds of Gu in succession, and both have been eliminated, but no one present dares to relax. In addition to these two kinds, there are ten kinds of Gu that will come at any time. Thinking of this, he looked towards Shi outside the valley. , his eyes were a little dazed.

 “Looks like I need to cheer up.”

Hu Ma glanced at Old Abacus from a distance, and he knew something in his heart, and whispered: "Clan Chief Wugong is righteous and came to help us remove the poison and save people, but we can't just point at others, the manpower in the mine. , everyone also moved and divided into two groups to guard against unexpected events."

With that said, he personally ordered everyone present and the meat cutters to be divided into two groups.

 The first squad was led by Zhuang Erchang, and Zhou Datong, as his deputy, led Zhao Zhu and half of the meat cutters to patrol during the day.

 The first squad was led by himself, along with Zhuang Erchang's two apprentices, as well as the remaining more daring meat cutters, to be responsible for patrolling at night.

As a watcher, it is natural to take action at this time, and no one dares to complain. As for the meat-cutting craftsmen, Hu Ma also made a promise: "I know you are here to do work and are involved in this kind of thing. Come on, it’s really unfair.”

“But now that we have encountered it, the most important thing is to protect our lives, so we are helping together to prevent anything from getting in. I just ask you guys to rest assured that if you don’t go to the mines these days, you will still get paid!”


His generosity actually made the meat-cutting craftsmen excited and motivated.

"That is."

Old Abacus whispered: "Some poisons can still harm people even if you kill the person who uses them. This is the same as killing the person who poisoned you, but you still can't remove the poison from your own body." .”

 “Don’t even think about it.”

Hu Ma glared at him and said: "The madman outside has set up twelve rows of formations, and there are still ten kinds of Gu that have not been used yet. Do you want me to bear these risks and run out to find the person who released the Gu? "

But in this blood food mine, although people come, you can only get one or two silver wages a day when you are in the mine. When you are not in the mine, you can eat a bowl of rice with meat every day. That is The master at the mine is kind-hearted.

After making this arrangement, the entire mine started working in cooperation with the Wugong clan leader. Day and night, there were always people patrolling the valley to prevent accidents. Hu Ma felt slightly relieved when he saw that what he said worked well. , but he didn’t dare to be careless.


"But it's different if he destroys the basin in which he refines Gu. Their basin is their lifeblood. Many people who refine Gu only have one basin, because this basin becomes more ferocious and evil the more they refine it. Just like a magic weapon, the longer it is used, the more powerful the poison will be."

To put it bluntly, this world is still different from the previous life. In the previous life, since the meat cutters stayed in the valley, they had to pay their wages in full if they could not go to the mines.

While explaining, he suddenly thought of something, blinked his eyes, and looked at Hu Ma expectantly: "Brother Hu, what are your abilities..."

"There are very few Gu masters who will use two basins to refine Gu without having to distract their energy. Therefore, this basin is closely related to his Gu."

Taking advantage of the opportunity, he still found Lao Baanpan and whispered: "Based on the current situation, is this really the only way we can stay?"

Hearing this, Hu Ma was slightly startled: "Is it more important to destroy his Gu refining basin than to kill him?"

In the past few days, Lao Abacus has been frowning and said in a low voice: "To deal with the person who uses the poison, it is either like now, with soldiers coming to block it, water coming to cover it up, and he has no more moves, so he will give up. "



"Once his basin is destroyed, there is no need to kill him. His own voodoo insects will rebel and be the first to bite the owner."

“Either, we can desperately go out and find the person who makes the poison, and chop him up directly. No, the safest way is to destroy the basin in which he refines the poison.”

 “Why don’t you go?”

“The other party has made it difficult to defend against the poison, so the only way is to guard it like this and listen to their orders.”


  Old Abacus was a little embarrassed and said: "Brother, I came to the mine with you to settle accounts, and I am too old to do such things..."

 “Then just think of what else you can do!”

Huma threw him aside, put his hands behind his back, and went back to his room to rest.

In fact, if it weren't for the monkey wine that was poisoning outside, Hu Ma would have thought about other tricks even if he didn't just carry the poison out. But since he knew who was poisoning outside, he would just go through the process. .

He didn’t even ask the monkey about the order in which the poison was taken before and after drinking, lest he knew it in advance and exposed his secret.

And if you really accidentally fell into the trick, it only means that your skills are still too poor, and you have no choice but to ask Houerjiu to help you get rid of this poison.

Of course, you still have to be careful and avoid being poisoned if you can, otherwise Houerjiu will know who he is.

Although Houerjiu has revealed his identity in front of him, and it stands to reason that he should also reveal his identity in front of him, but who made this man look so stupid? I didn't ask at the time, it was him who took the initiative to reveal his identity. of. I know you, but you don’t know me.

 This is a big advantage in the exchanges between reincarnated persons, and it cannot be taken advantage of.

 After all, although I now prefer Monkey Wine to be more reliable, he is indeed crazy. I don’t know what kind of things he can do...

So, in the past few days, he really kept his temper and just patrolled every night, patiently watching the fight between his father and brother and sister. While cooperating, he also did not forget to eat. Blood Food, seize the time to improve your abilities.

The situation is unclear and the crisis is hidden. The higher your skills, the better!

Now, his daily limit of refining blood food pills is three. If more pills are taken, the blood will be full, and it will be lost before it can be filled into the brain meridians.

Four days passed like this, and indeed, the crazy shaman outside would release poison into the valley from time to time to harm people.

However, the watchers and meat cutters in the valley, in cooperation with Wu Ya and Neng Neng, under the guidance of the Wu Gong clan chief, also destroyed several of the opponent's poisons.

There are flying buzzing Gu, blinding eyes Gu, disturbing mind Gu, etc. Every time a Gu attacks, it is weird and weird, making people panic. However, if they deal with it properly, there is no danger, which makes everyone more confident.

Even the head of the Wugong clan whispered: "I have been praying for these few days, and the Gu is almost ready."

"As soon as this Gu was completed, Wu Song was restrained and had no power to fight back. Now, although the Gu I raised has not yet matured, the aura has been released, and the Gu sent by Wu Song has also been faintly suppressed, so his Gu is also No more."

“But don’t be careless, you must be careful. The more this happens, the more powerful the poison Wusong will release.”


 Everyone nodded secretly. They were more diligent when patrolling. When they met each other, there were smiles on their faces. They were not as stressed as before.

But on this day, we had just reunited and planned to go to another group for dinner, but suddenly we heard an old lady’s sinister laughter outside the valley. It was so sudden that everyone was horrified.

I hurriedly turned my head to look, but I was suddenly startled. I saw outside the valley, on the forest path, at some point, a coquettish old shaman lady walked over. She wore a hat on her head. Wearing dirty silver jewelry, she carried a female doll on her back.

He was covered in mud, his face was green, his smile was stiff, his mouth was always open, and from time to time he gave out a string of sharp and sinister smiles, and he walked as fast as flying towards the valley.

 “No, it’s the wronged soul Gu!”

The leader of the Wugong clan in the shack rarely gave any advice in the past few days. He just prayed patiently. It seemed that he had reached a critical moment. But now that he heard the laughter, his face changed drastically and he raised his head fiercely. Get started.

Beside the shack, Wuya and Nengneng, who were holding a large bowl to eat, also put down the bowl in a hurry and stood up in a hurry.

As soon as they saw the old lady, the two of them obviously recognized her, with frightened expressions on their faces.

He glanced at the Wugong clan in the shack, then stamped his feet, one picked up the drum around his waist, the other picked up a blackened cow bone, and hurriedly greeted the old lady walking out of the valley. Go up.

 “What’s that about?”

When he saw something bad, Hu Ma also took two steps forward and happened to be standing next to the shack. He asked in a deep voice: "This Gu seems to be different from what I saw before. Is it very powerful?"

“The wronged soul Gu is the most harmful thing. It must be fed with the blood of living people every day..."

Chief Wu Gong said anxiously, with a hint of resentment in his voice: "It's all Wu Song's fault. This kind of Gu is not allowed to be practiced in our village. But back then in the village, this old lady Ah Yan, I didn't take good care of my granddaughter, so she fell into the pond and drowned."

"Wusong...this lunatic must say that Old Lady Ah Yan deliberately killed her granddaughter, so she planted her granddaughter's body on the old lady's back, turning her into this inhuman, ghost-like creature. He looks like a ghost..."

“An old man and a young man hate each other and are tortured forever. They have to be fed with human life to be able to calm down..."

 “This is the wronged soul Gu…”



Although she was anxious, Hu Ma heard this cruel narration and felt something was vaguely wrong. However, before she had time to think about it, she suddenly saw that Wu Ya and Neng Neng had just rushed to the entrance of the valley and suddenly flew back. .

The old lady carrying the baby crossed her little feet, and her speed was as fast as lightning.

Wu Ya and Neng Neng stopped at the mouth of the valley and wanted to beat drums and burn the cow bones. Unexpectedly, before they could cast the spell, the old lady rushed to them. She raised her hands and looked at how skinny Wu Ya and Neng Neng were. Two living people were able to break into the valley.

Following a flash of movement, he also entered the valley.

The green face, raised the nails and bent, like the two hands with withered claws, and grabbed the nearest workers.

 (End of this chapter)