MTL - Twilight Boundary-Chapter 398 Witcher's Festival

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Chapter 398 The Witch’s Sacrifice

“You old and young men, what are you afraid of? As long as we, the Red Lantern Lady, are here, no matter what the devils are, who dares to come to our mine to cause trouble?”

After driving away the guest, Hu Ma was also very satisfied, but he couldn't show it on his face. He just carried a red lantern and strode around the mine. He aroused the evil energy in his body and wiped out the remaining poison in the valley. The insect air machine wiped them all out.

 Finally, he flew up and hung the red lantern on the archway. It glowed faintly and brightly.

The meat-cutting craftsmen next to them, who had suffered countless shocks throughout the night and nearly died several times, all felt as if they were surviving a disaster, and they all kowtowed to the red lantern.

The shamans over there are still causing trouble, but they already have a deep respect for the Red Lantern Lady in their hearts. After worshiping the Red Lantern, even this heart becomes peaceful.

In deep awe, Lao Abacus was quite dumbfounded. He looked at the faint red lantern on the archway and Hu Ma, who was walking towards the valley with a hand behind his back and a knife. He thought to himself: "Our family is red. Lady Deng, how powerful is she?"

“The little thing has just built a temple. It stands to reason that the wild fox just now is more profound than her…”


Huma hung up the red lantern and looked up outside the valley. However, he did not relax. Instead, he sighed lowly: "These witches have made a lot of determination..."

Above the head, the light of the red lantern fell quietly, penetrating the darkness all around and illuminating the faint and blurry outlines. Hu Ma saw the dense and windless forest outside the valley.

 The invisible silence seems to be integrated with the dark night, giving people inexplicable pressure.

 “Ah yo…”

Those expressionless faces are scarier than seeing a ghost in the middle of the night.

I also saw the tree that was close to the valley, with a pale and indifferent face. It stood outside the valley, hidden in the darkness. It was not until it was illuminated by the faint red light that I blinked slowly. Eye.


Hu Ma laughed softly and took the initiative to talk to the old gentleman: "The old gentleman only thinks that his apprentice is smart and knows how to report the news secretly, but he never thought that the shaman is also well prepared?"

Come to think of it, this was all called by Clan Chief Wugong, or in other words, he had made an agreement with these people from the beginning. This was not a decision made by Clan Chief Wugong, but the entire group of shamans had to do it together. a big thing.

  In front of the red lanterns, they seemed not to exist, but when their faces were suddenly illuminated, they were startled.

Even Mr. Sun next to him was shocked when he saw this scene. He shouted lowly. He was a smart man. When he saw that all the things that the one-penny teaching king had bought from him were driven away, he collected them. Got the idea to take action.

One Qian's people came over and caught the poisoner in the forest. They thought they had exposed all their tricks, but unexpectedly, they just poked a hornet's nest. As soon as they got the letter, all the witches followed. .

Not only that face, there are countless faces beside the dense trees outside. They are all standing beside the trees, some are old, some are young, some are women, and some are children. The light of red lanterns shines out of the valley. At that time, they had been standing in the darkness in silence.

 They only thought it was a fight between a few people, but the shamans had already regarded this matter as a major event for their entire group.

Hu Ma thought about it carefully and couldn't help but smile bitterly. It was the red lantern above her head.

Judging from the noise that Hu Ma just heard in the wooden house, in the entire plan of the Wugong clan leader, only Houerjiu, who was responsible for sealing the grain, had an accident and didn't know where he ran away, so he could only rely on the people outside. The shaman came to replace Houerjiu and cast poison on the people in the valley.

Everyone is wearing the black clothes of a shaman, with silver ornaments on their heads, reflecting a faint light under the red lantern.

 It’s just that they were just closing the mine earlier. So when did they decide that the entire group would go out together to seek out the contents of the blood-food mine?

Mr. Sun opened his mouth but was speechless.

If he can make it, he can naturally control the situation in the entire valley, but he must also guard against any accidents. The group of shamans waiting outside the valley are his prepared back-ups.

If you can outwit it, do it wisely. If you can't outwit it, then all the wizards will swarm up and kill all the meat cutters in the valley, and they will not hesitate to seize the things in the veins.

First, Houerjiu sealed the valley to ensure that the things in the valley would not be transported away or harvested in a short period of time. Then the Wugong chief made preparations and brought Nengneng and Wuya into the valley to use them. The fear of the people in the valley is used to refine the Gu insects.

At this moment, I was thinking about how to make myself look like a person who is staying out of the trouble. But now I hung up the red lantern with Hu Ma and looked out. I was shocked.

 At first, the shamans just closed the grain, and they had not yet decided whether to do something so extreme. But when the red lanterns were hung up, they were also afraid. After some consideration, they came to this chilling battle.

Thinking in her heart, Hu Ma stood under the archway, in the light of the red lantern, slowly put her hands on her back, squinted her eyes, and looked outside.

Outside the valley, the expressionless faces that were hidden in the darkness and illuminated by red light from time to time were also looking at him. The two sides looked at each other in silence, but no one spoke.                      CE

 Compared with the silence outside the valley, the valley only seemed extremely lively.

I have to admit that Houerjiu, or Wusong, is really a genius!

Through the early Gu fights, the reincarnated person can often be regarded as a genius among ordinary people, and the chance of learning skills is much greater than others.

 But Houerjiu can be regarded as a genius among the reincarnated people.

Just now, he alone carried the Nine Heavens Lotus Virgin, Wu Ya, who entered the palace to keep the New Year's Eve, swallowed the black Tai Sui and turned into an evil appearance, and the Wu Gong clan leader who was possessed by a mysterious Gu insect and had strange magical powers. None were killed.

How can these four people join forces to dare to hold on? But he managed to hold on, leaving three of the seven incarnations behind, which was an unimaginable ability.

But now, he borrowed the bones of the Five Evils to drive away the Nine-Heaven Lotus Virgin in an instant, relieved nearly half of the pressure on Houerjiu, and disabled most of the mysterious Gu worm's magical powers. The pressure on his head But it was also reduced instantly, and there was an excellent opportunity.

And now he is taking advantage of this opportunity...

 Cure a disease?

He had just created an opportunity for him to catch Wu Ya. Logically speaking, with three incarnations approaching at the same time, he would have countless opportunities to destroy Wu Ya's body, no matter what was hidden in Wu Ya's body at this time. , as long as this body is destroyed, nothing can be done.

 But he didn't. Instead, three incarnations grabbed Wu Ya, and the poisonous insects on them all crawled into Wu Ya's body.

If this method is used to harm people, it is the worst way to torture people, but Hu Ma knows that Houerjiu will not do this to Wu Ya, so he wants to use the poisonous insects in his body to try to drive away the evil in Wu Ya's body. something?

He couldn't help but sigh in a low voice: "Damn sister control..."

Since Wusong can't spare his hands now, naturally he can only deal with the group of shamans outside by himself.

The hand behind his back clenched the black bones and the handle of the serrated knife. There was a cold and evil energy around him. He stood up straight, his body shape seemed to be integrated with the red lantern, blocking the valley. .

 “Wu Ya, Wu Ya…”

In the other room, the Gu insect possessed by Chief Wu Gong was making intermittent chirps from time to time, trying to wake Wu Ya up, but Wu Ya now froze on the spot as the Gu insect entered his body, for a long, long time. , all unresponsive like puppets.

Behind him, Hu Ma's approach also put great pressure on Chief Wu Gong. He didn't even know that he had used his own body to refine such magical Gu insects, but how could the opponent easily defeat his magical power?

These Han people in the Red Lantern Club have some abilities, but in his impression, they are only like Zhuang Erchang. How come they are so powerful?

So, in panic, he finally made a sharp and strange noise.

Those who stood silently by the trees outside the valley and had been waiting quietly, almost making people feel like they were soulless wizards, suddenly started to move.

Because they were so silent and so obedient that when people looked at them, their movements seemed to be unusually unified. They took out various poison pots from their sides, and then knelt down silently.

With a pious and serious look on his face, he bowed slowly to his Gu basin, his movements slow but non-stop.

 One rakah, two rakahs.

Because there were so many people, it seemed that their kneeling movements caused a commotion. Gradually, translucent shadows appeared around them one by one, following them, surrounding the Gu basin, and surrounding them. They formed a circle and kowtowed.

There were already a large number of shamans outside, but now these translucent shadows appeared and kowtowed after them, just like the entire forest, densely packed with people.

In the valley, even Mr. Sun, who had entered the mansion, couldn't help but change his face, staggered slightly, and subconsciously looked for an escape route.

 Lao Abacus just breathed a sigh of relief. When he looked outside, his face suddenly turned pale with fright.

Hu Ma also had a slightly condensed expression on his face, put away the black bones in his hand, and sighed deeply as he faced the shaman who was silently worshiping outside the valley.

He saw that as the shamans kowtowed, more and more translucent shadows appeared around them. All of them had expressionless faces. They only followed their movements and bowed to the Gu basin. There were even many... Defects or signs of insect infestation.

Gradually, invisible black energy emerged as they bowed. The moon above their heads, which was already dark and inexplicable, was quietly obscured by this black energy, forming a huge and strange shadow.

 Evil God!

 (End of this chapter)