MTL - Two-dimensional Seeding System-Chapter 18

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Could it be that his brother's true identity is the magical boy who signed a contract with Chubby?

Thinking of the scene where the other party tore down the door with her bare hands last night, she was shocked. Sure enough, this world is not that simple, and there are many unknown secrets behind it!

"Then...then tell me." Heizumi Sagiri sat upright, looking like I was ready.

Seeing this, Ye Feng laughed secretly, got up and leaned over, seeing that the other party didn't dodge or resist, and then leaned into her ear.

And when Hequan Shawu saw Ye Feng approaching, he subconsciously wanted to push him away, but when he thought of the secret, his heart was itching, so he resisted the urge to run away.

The hot breath of the other party's exhalation came from her ear, and she felt that her body temperature was constantly rising, a strange feeling hit her heart, and her whole cheeks blushed unconsciously.

"Hurry up... hurry up and say it!"

Izumi Sagiri also didn't know what was going on at this time. Knowing that the other party might be playing tricks on her, he not only let the other party get close, but also allowed them to get so close.

"Then I said..."

"You speak quickly!"

At this time, Heizumi Sagiri felt a nameless anger rising in his heart again, his chest heaving up and down, and there was an urge to strangle the other party reflexively.

When Ye Feng saw this, he didn't continue to tease. He knew that his degree was enough, and if he went further, he was afraid that it would have the opposite effect, so he said softly, "Actually, I am Teacher Ye Feng."

Ye Feng said a word, and it drifted into Hequan Shawu's ears, as if countless ants were crawling, and it was a little itchy. The next moment, like a frightened deer, he took a step back.

" that so?" she said panting.

"Wh...what, how can this be considered a secret?"

Ye Feng smiled and said, "Actually, you already know that, right? Ye Feng Yefeng, just change one word."

He returned to his original position, stared at Izumi Sagiri's small face and said, "I didn't expect that my partner, Mr. Erromanga, who I have worked with for so long, actually lives under the same roof."

Chapter thirty-six cute touch

He returned to his original position, stared at Izumi Sagiri's small face and said, "I didn't expect that my partner, Mr. Erromanga, who I have worked with for so long, actually lives under the same roof."

"I don't know anyone with that name."

Izumi Sagiri turned her head slightly and said the same sentence for the third time.

"I was just curious before. After all, the reading method is the same. What kind of probability is this?"

"So, you wrote the revision of "Reincarnated Silver Wolf" that was uploaded to the Internet today?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he secretly scolded himself for being an idiot. The other party admitted that he was Teacher Ye Feng, how could he still make a mistake?

Ye Feng nodded: "Yes, I rewrote it." Then he turned on the computer he grabbed earlier, and recalled the unfinished illustration he had seen earlier.

He pointed the screen at Izumi Sagiri and said with a smile: "This picture has just been drawn. I can see that you like the character Red Rabbit very much, is it because this child has a similar experience to you?"

Izumi Sagiri didn't answer Ye Feng's question, but sat back down again. At this time, the atmosphere was a little dignified, and neither of them spoke.

In the end, Ye Feng broke the silence: "In short, please take care of me as a partner in the future." He stood up and stretched out his right hand: "In the future, I will ask Mr. Erromanga!"

Seeing this, Izumi Sagiri reluctantly stretched out her left hand and shook it: "Well... I'll work hard."

"Also, I don't know the person with this name."

And at the moment of shaking hands, Ye Feng felt a tenderness, so he couldn't help scratching the other's palm.

The next moment, Heizumi Sagiri withdrew his hand at Ye Feng's astonishing speed.

"By the way, brother, can you explain what happened to the door?

Her tone suddenly became cold, and at the same time she looked at the empty door frame behind Ye Feng.

Following the other party's gaze, Ye Feng looked back subconsciously, then smiled and said, "That's something that can't be helped. Who made Sister Sagiri careless and forget to turn off the camera."

"We don't want sister Sagiri's advantage to be taken by others. Yesterday, you knocked on the door so desperately that you couldn't hear it, so we had to tear down the door."

"Also, don't think too much, we're just a little bit stronger, not Superman or Magic Boy."

Because of the limitations of the system, he naturally won't say anything about the cultivator, but if the other party agrees with him, he will take it out directly, and it will not be too late to confess at that time.

As if thinking that the other party saw through his thoughts, Heizumi Sagiri twisted his body a little embarrassedly, then his face turned cold, and he picked up the cushion and pushed it towards the other party.

"Okay, it's so late, brother, you should go out too!"

But Ye Feng didn't dodge this time, and was pushed to the door by the other party: "Hey, sister Sagiri, don't be so heartless, the relationship between you and my brother and sister has finally eased up a little, let's sleep together tonight, let brother love you well. Fan."


Chapter 37 Master Ye's Beef Noodles still tastes the same!

Silent all night.

The next day, Ye Feng slept a little longer because it was Sunday, but he was woken up by a hurried sound of stepping on the floor.

"This is probably the weirdest little sister in anime called the bed method."

Ye Feng shook his head and then yawned. He subconsciously checked his own cultivation and found that the sword qi in his body still did not increase at all as usual.

"I thought I would encounter a **** battle world later, but it turned out to be a daily one, but this is also a way. The world randomly screened by the system does not have the right to choose, and we can only wait until the authority is upgraded in the future."

He stretched and slowly got up from the chuang shop, then got out of bed and put on his slippers, and said to himself, "If this goes on like this, I'm afraid that my cultivation will be ruined."

As soon as the voice fell, an invisible and intangible sword qi gushed out from the body, shuttled in the air and revolved around his body.

Immediately after, Ye Feng took a deep breath and shouted loudly. As if he had been ordered, the sword qi suddenly split into two, then four and eight, and in less than three breaths, it turned into countless strokes the size of a cow's hair. Sword Qi.

Afterwards, all the sword qi became tolerant, and all gathered on his index finger to form a sword balloon the size of a fist.

Although the size of the sword qi has become smaller, its power has been greatly improved. If it is released, the radius of ten miles will be reduced to ruins.

When let Ye Feng not do this, under his control, the sword balloon is as docile as a well-behaved puppy, bouncing non-stop in his palm.

After that, he suddenly turned around, grabbed Wu suddenly and spread it out again, while the sword balloon slid from the palm to the fingertips, and then flicked his fingers, flying out like a bouncy ball, drawing a perfect parabola in the air.

"Return!" Ye Feng exclaimed softly.

At the same time, the sword balloon that was about to fall violated Newton's law and bounced back like a force out of thin air.

He flew back to Ye Feng's hand, and stopped at his fingertips and turned straight.

"Go back!"

As he drank again, the sword balloon melted back into his body.

After closing his eyes and feeling it for a while, the corner of Ye Feng's mouth hangs a slight arc. Although the strength of the sword qi he cultivated is not very high, it can be said to be handy in control, which even his master Guo Gai can't do. arrive.

This is the inspiration he got from the martial arts TV series he had watched in Zeng Jin.

Although the spiritual energy in this world is meager and cannot be cultivated, it is also feasible to master the skills or practice martial arts.

Just when he got up, he felt a little itchy, so he couldn't help but use his skills.

At this moment, there was another sound of stepping on the floor, Ye Feng shouted, "Alright, alright, let's go downstairs to cook. Sister Saagiri, please wait a moment."

At the same time, in Ye Feng's room opposite the door, Hequan Shawu was lying lazily on chuang. At this time, his clothes were disheveled, and his messy hair was draped over his shoulders and back.

She slammed her chin on the pillow weakly, her eyes were blank, and sometimes she heard a "gugu" from her stomach, and whispered in her mouth: "Brother, why hasn't I cooked for so long today, do you want to starve me to death? !"

After speaking, he stretched out one foot from the quilt and stomped the floor a few times, then suddenly rolled over and took the computer from the pillow, then stared at the screen and smirked.

The picture on the screen is the half-finished new illustration of the "Reincarnated Silver Wolf" that Ye Feng saw last night, but the production has already been completed at this time, not only coloring, but also complete details.

After smirking for a while, she blushed inexplicably, and she was very happy, so she rolled on the chuang, making the originally flat bedding full of wrinkles.

My brother is Teacher Yefeng, so the plot he modified before was just for me? Obviously I only mentioned it a little during the live broadcast, but I didn't expect to be so focused...

Chapter 37 Master Ye's Beef Noodles still tastes the same!

My brother is Teacher Yefeng, so the plot he modified before was just for me? Obviously I only mentioned it a little during the live broadcast, but I didn't expect to be so focused...

At this moment, Ye Feng's voice came from downstairs: "What do you want to eat this morning, sister Sagiri?"

As soon as the voice fell, He Izumi Sagiri seemed to remember something and snorted lightly, then stomped the floor a few times.

And Ye Feng, who was downstairs, smiled knowingly, and took out the noodles from the cabinet.

He thought wickedly, if the other party was in front of him, he would definitely say: Sister Saagiri, I will show you below, the scene must be very interesting.

Leaving aside Ye Feng's family for a while, at this time in the Takasago Bookstore, Takasago Zhihui was standing in front of the bookcase to clean up, and did not sit in front of the cashier to read light novels until the daily necessary work was completed.

But today, no matter how she looked at it, she couldn't get her heart. She remembered Ye Feng's gentle wen when she was after school yesterday. Although it was like a little bit of water, it made her sleepless all night. A girl's heart was turbulent, and it was no longer difficult to calm down. .

"A Feng, this guy, I don't usually see him so bold..."

At this moment, a customer placed the selected light novels in front of the counter.

"Miss Takasago, please see how much this light novel costs."

"Ah..." Takasago Chihui almost jumped up in shock, then patted her chest and said, "It scared me to death."

She glanced at the light novel in front of her, and the other party chose the work "Dark Fairy of Exploding Flame" by Mr. Yamada Goblin.

It was released at the same time as Ah Feng's work, but the sales volume of the other party was 2.2 million copies, a difference of ten times.

"A total of 650 yen. Welcome next time."

Until she watched the guests leave, her eyes kept on the door.

Will he come today?

However, Ye Feng, who was far away from his own house, didn't know that he was being cared about by a girl all night. At this time, he was cooking noodles while preparing the condiments on the other side.

"Master Ye's beef noodles are out of the pot!"

He skillfully fished the cooked noodles into a bowl with seasonings, scooped up a spoonful of thick soup, poured it in, and then sprinkled the seasonings.

At this moment, the sound of stepping on the floor came from the second floor again.

"Sister Sagiri, don't be in a hurry, come here!"

At the same time, Izumi Sawu in the room smelled a fragrant soup smell, and couldn't wait to get out of bed, put on slippers, and hurried to the door, opening the cover to a small corner.

And Ye Feng also put the plate on the floor as usual, then turned around and went downstairs.

After bringing the plate into the house, Heizumi Sagiri hurriedly picked up his chopsticks, picked up a piece of noodles, and sucked it into his mouth, eating with a sizzling sound.

"Well... My brother's cooking skills have improved again. Before, he could only cook eggs, but he was tired of eating it."

She seemed to burn her mouth, and she held out a small incense and took a few breaths with her tongue.

Chapter 38 The lo*ic*n storm sweeps the island country

Feeding domestic pets... ahhh! After satisfying Heizumi Sagiri, Ye Feng also planned to go out after eating breakfast.

Rare weekends, if you don't have some fun, wouldn't it be a waste? What's more, Heizumi Sagiri also wished him to go out earlier. As for the idea of ​​the new work, he is not in a hurry for the time being, he has already made a decision in his heart, and it is not too late to start it at night.

"Sister Sagiri, I'm going out!"

Standing in front of the gate, he waved his hand to Sagiri Izumi, who was observing secretly in the window on the second floor, and turned to leave.

And not long after Ye Feng left, Izumi Sagiri, who was stuffy in the room, left the room and brought the tableware and chopsticks together.

At the same time, Ye Feng, who was walking, looked back at his house and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

At this moment, a group of passers-by with flags shouted and walked towards him. Seeing this, Ye Feng wanted to step aside and let the other party go first.

However, when he heard the shouting from the other party's mouth, he almost spat out a mouthful of water.

"Lori Saigo!"

"Poor **** race high!"

"The Lolita Sect has ruled the rivers and lakes for thousands of years!"

The other party was actually all his followers. The "Lori God Cult" was founded yesterday, with "Lori Saigao, Long Live the Poor Breasts" as the doctrine.

At this time, while shouting, he handed the flyer in his hand to passers-by, and introduced various benefits.

"Young man, I am amazed by your bones. You are the one-in-a-million candidate for the cult. Join my Lolita Sect quickly, and you will not fail the exam."

"This uncle, please stay! There are many benefits to joining my Great Lolita Sect. Look at this dear fellow, since he joined the sect, his waist and legs don't hurt anymore, and he went up to the eighth floor with a gas tank in one breath!"

"The aunt over there came over to see, as long as you join our sect and keep your son's academic performance soaring, it's trivial to go to college or anything."

The corner of Ye Feng's mouth twitched sharply, is this a mission or a pyramid scheme?