MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 147 I suddenly know a little bit, who is the character of You Xuan?

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Chen Minxia was inexplicably seen by his father, and he ignored him. [.Super good looking novel]

It’s really a good old man’s reputation in recent years. When Chen Minxia was married, the old man was just an ordinary people’s teacher, so it’s better to let the outsiders feel awed.

So marrying in, just at first Chen Minxia was shocked by the temper of the old man, and then slowly got used to it, and now it has become numb.

Even if the old man is holding the string of admirable titles, no one in the family feels that there is much admiration. It is really that the old man is too personal, and the other people are covered up with radiance.

The old man said to the little guy again, "Come here, let the grandfather hold it."

"Oh." The little guy smiled two times with a good intention, and immediately rushed up and slammed the back of the old man into the back of the sofa.

Tell you that I am fat.

"Hey!" The old man licked his chest and touched the meat of the little fat man. He laughed twice. "Yu Youxuan is a solid child. Hehe."

Hey, the old man just came back, holding the little guy, and he took a moment to talk about it. Although Yan Keshan has already told him everything, but the old man still wants to know from the mouth of Yan Danchen.

The old lady looked at the watch and finally interrupted the two of them. She said, "Don't forget, if you make an appointment, you can't go too late, it's rude."

"Right." said the old man, suddenly thinking of something, it is easy to hold the little guy down, walked to the side of the suitcase with his waist and picked up a paper bag marked with the airport duty-free shop, from inside I took out five boxes of different types of chocolate.

Finally handed over to the little guy who has been watching.

"I have been in a hurry, I can't wait too much, I can only go shopping at the airport, I don't know what to buy. I think that you can eat it." The old man said that he loves to eat." Very tall, with a look of praise and expression.

"Thank you, my grandfather, you are my dearest person!" The little guy smiled and smiled like a steamed buns. It was just a sight to see.

"You can only eat one thing a day." Qi Chenglin suddenly faintly sounded next to him.

The little guy hadn’t had time to protest, and he listened to the old man’s laughter and said: “Slimming?”

Qi Youxuan: "..."

How does he feel that such a grandfather is so annoying!

"Oh, if this is the case, then let's put it here first. You will take a box and go back. After you finish eating it, come back and take it. The grandfather will supervise you, lest you eat too much." Hey, the old man put the smallest box of chocolate stuffed. Into the little guy's little fat hand, the rest are swept into his arms, in the face of the little guy, open a box, take out a shell-shaped chocolate from the inside, stuffed into the mouth, " Oh, the entrance is ah, huh, huh."

Qi Youxuan: "..."

The old lady took the chocolate in his arms and took the box that had been taken apart. "Beware of your diabetes!"

The old lady rolled a few boxes of chocolate into the cupboard, and when she came out, she urged the old man to "go to clean clothes and go to the family."

Hey, the old man smiled, and smashed the little fat on Qiyou Xuan's gang, which then shook into the bedroom.

"..." Qi Chenglin was silent for a long while, and suddenly said, "I suddenly know a little bit, who is the character of You Xuan."

No wonder before I thought about it, the Qi family did not Qiu Xuan this character.

Everyone: "..."

After a while, the old man came out and saw the strange silence in the living room. No one spoke.

As soon as he came out, all his eyes were brushed on him.

"What do you look at? How suddenly is it so quiet?" The old man looked left and right and did not find himself wrong.

"Oh, let's go." The old lady is embarrassed to say more.

Mt. Keshan’s car is still being repaired. Fortunately, the old man had asked the driver to wait for him to wait. He did not let him go. Therefore, with Qi Chenglin’s car, two cars and eight people were just sitting.

The old man first sat in the car of Qi Chenglin, and sat in the back row with Qi Youxuan. He looked at Qi Youxuan and smiled. Qi Youxuan was laughing.

"Too grandpa, don't you laugh like this!" The little guy really can't stand it. <>Read the full text of the latest chapter

"Why?" The old man did not understand for a while.

"Too infiltration!" The little guy hid his arm and hid behind.

阮 Father: "..."


Just like this, the old man was screaming and finally arrived at the old house.

Qi Youxuan can be considered a sigh of relief. After getting off the bus, he breathed a heavy breath and spent a lot of time with his father. The pressure was too great.

The crowd was still behind, and Qi Youxuan had ran into the yard at the front and pressed the doorbell.

Unexpectedly, the old man and the old lady actually waited at the door, and hurriedly greeted the old man with the old lady.

When the old man did not speak, he was really a scientist.

The old lady especially admired the old man said: "You see that you just rushed over when you got off the plane today. In fact, you don't have to worry so much. Resting well, you can get together and talk together, it's the easiest."

"It's okay." The old man waved his hand. "I have been sleeping on the plane anyway. It's really not sleepy. It's a great spirit!"

It’s really not as tired as everyone’s look at the spirit of the father’s head. I also feel that such an old master is so easy to approach, it is an old scientist with a high level of ideological consciousness.

Even Guan Liya and Xia Wenna looked at him admiringly.

The old lady and the face of Mt.

The old lady said to the old lady: "We have a blessing in the morning, we can marry a good man like Cheng Lin. You are also good to her, don't value her identity. We... I really don't know how to be grateful. ”

"Where is it, it’s too much to see. Danchen is the daughter-in-law of our family, half a daughter. We like Lin Lin, then we like it too. If we are not good to her, isn’t it difficult for Cheng Lin?” The wife smiled.

At this time, the phone of the old man’s cell rang, and the leader called it.

"Don't you, are you here?"

"Come on, in my family's home." The old man said very honestly.

"Are you not going back to see your granddaughter?"

"Yeah, isn't this coming back to my granddaughter with my granddaughter?"

Leader: "..."

This is progressing fast enough.

"Since things have been settled, are you going to marry the United States again? It will not be opened yet, and you will have time to go back."

When the old man listened, he gave him a direct hearing. "I have this old bone. Do you have the heart? Are you ashamed? You want me to contribute to life once a year? I tell you It’s dead, it’s lighter than Hong Mao, and it’s heavier than Mount Tai. I can’t light it for the sake of this little meeting. I want to work for human development, scientific progress, and focus on Mount Tai!”

Leader: "..."

"Not so serious?"

The leader subconsciously said what he thought.

"Why didn't you? I just met my granddaughter and saw my great-grandson. I haven't had enough of this! You just let our loved ones separate, do you have the heart? I am crying at home, you let I am going, my heart is depressed! I am so old, I can't stand the mental illness. What should I do if I have a depression?" The old man has already brought a cry.

Leader: "..."

"You Xuan, it's all too grandfather, I can't do it myself, I can't come back to see you, and I have to be called back!" said the old man crying.

The little guy ran to the old man's arms and yelled at the phone. "Oh, my grandfather, I can't bear you, hey, grandma, don't go. Your Xuanxuan seven I have known you for years, I can’t bear you! Hehe..."

The leader listened to the phone and the grandson and the two were crying, and the head was big.

Where is this going, let the two crying like the death of death.

"Sun daughter! I can't bear you!" The old man also reached out to Dan Dan.

That action, like the hand of Erkang, makes Qi Danchen extremely suspected that the old man is always online, and keeps up with the times.

Yan Danchen: "..."

She can't have a lower limit like a little guy.

As a result, she still doesn't know how to react here. Mt. Keshan has already rushed to cry.

"Dad, Dad, or you will go with peace of mind, I will take care of Dan Chen. It is you who came back and saw Dan Chen side to go, it is too pitiful! For scientific research, there must be flexibility, human nature is not? It is for you to develop your family for the sake of science! You can see us in the future? Hey!" Yan Keshan cried on the legs of the old man.

Qi family: "..."

Leader: "..."

Where is this?

"I... I just said, don't worry, let Professor Yan don't worry!" The leader knew that it was the voice of Mt. Keshan. It was simply that the whole man was not good enough.

"You see, I can't let you separate the flesh and blood. If it's really not available, then don't go. Let's come back and let Xiaojing report the content of the meeting to you. are at home, with you. Sun’s daughter and family gathered together. You have been doing our best for the scientific development of our country. How can we not give you this convenience? You said yes or no.” The leader said, “I’m talking.”

"I also think so." When the old man laughed at the power, the corner of his mouth would break into the sky, and there was the look of anger and anger.

The leader "hehe" had two sounds. It was really powerless to talk to the old man again. He hung up the phone.

When the old man hangs up the phone and collects the mobile phone, he says nothing to everyone in the family: "You have to say that it’s really awkward to let my old man cry."

"Oh." Qi Laozi felt that there was no words to describe the old man, and looked at the old lady, the expression is saying, news network? This goods?

The old lady is awkward, and her old face is red.

Because there were so many people, I was afraid to talk to Xiaoyou, so Liu Wei had previously taken Xiaoyou to the house and went to sleep. At this moment, Xiaoyou woke up, crying and waving fat arms and fat legs to find her mother, so she was taken out by Liu Wei.

When the old man looked at this small group, he couldn’t do it right now. When Song Yu told Xiaoyou not to cry, the old man quickly came over and for a moment, he couldn’t hold back, just in his chubby little fat fart. a bit.

Nai Xiaoyou wouldn’t speak, sorrow and anger, shrinking his little fart. The stock, just in the arms of the old man’s arms, especially pitiful and eager to reach out and ask for someone to help him out of the claws, anyone can do it!

Look at the old man's music like a flower, especially passionate, Song Yu is also embarrassed to rescue his son, or the old lady took a look at the old man, and Xiaoyou was hugged.

Feeling that I was out of danger, Xiaoyou was so eager to stay in the arms of the old lady.

"Is he thinner than Yu Xuan when he was a child?" The old man did not bully the shame of the little baby. He felt pitiful, and poked the little belly of Xiaoyou, and was stunned by Xiaoyou. It’s not fun.

"Well..." Guan Liya admitted with a guilty conscience. "This is not when You Xuan was brought back by Cheng Lin. Is there any mother? Cheng Lin is busy with work, just let me go, I am afraid that he is hungry... ..."

Because Qi Youxuan did not have a mother to look after, Qi Chenglin was so busy, Guan Liya felt that the grandson was too pitiful. I can't wait to give him all the good things.

Without breast milk, he can give him milk powder, and he is afraid that he will not eat enough.

As a result, the small dumplings were fed into the white and tender little fat corps.

The little guy looked at Xiaoyoujin and suddenly said: "My brother is too thin now, you need to eat fat!"

The little guy's abacus is really simple, just want to feed his brother to fat, and then let the younger brother lose weight with him, together with the green vegetables, can not let him suffer alone.

The old lady nodded beside him. "It was a chubby fun when I was a kid."

Qi Chengzhi and Song Yu don't know what to say.

However, Xiaoyou Jin seems to understand, very happy, and his hands are marching toward the old lady. After the old lady’s arms, she screamed and slobbered, and the little hand reached the strawberry on the table. Waving a small short arm is not enough, and you can't do it straight.

Mrs. Qi gave him a strawberry, and the little claws clutched the strawberry and kept touching it. The sweet little mouth cracked open, and the music didn't work.

The people talked for a while, watching the time, the old lady proposed to go to the dynasty.

Seeing that the family did not respond, it seems that it is quite normal, the old lady is also relieved, and feels that the family is full of enthusiasm, it is worthy of scholars, * shameless.

Qi Chengzhi took Xiaoyou Jin from the arms of Mrs. Qi, Xiaoyou’s little hands were stained with strawberry juice, and another hand was stuck on Qi Chengzhi’s shirt, leaving a pink strawberry juice watermark.

Qi Chengzhi’s calm eyes narrowed, and the voice was calm. “That’s why you don’t want to eat strawberries.”

Xiaoyou was shocked. He never dared to let go of the strawberry. The other hand did not dare to wipe it on the shirt of Qi Chengzhi. Instead, he squatted back and tried to dry the strawberry juice on his hand.

Then like a little mole, like a strawberry.

Mrs. Qi and the old lady went out, just happened to meet the square dance, the neighbors who went back in groups, and the ones who bought the dishes after dragging the car. There were quite a lot of people.

Seeing Mrs. Qi and his old lady so intimately talking, followed by a few people they did not know, they could not help but be curious.

I was curious, just to hear the little guy twisting the little fat fart. The stock ran over and licked the old lady’s hand. "Too, I am with you a car."

Sprinkle well and eat more meat at night.

As a result, everyone was surprised, too?

Is that the family of Dan Dan Chen Niang?

Isn’t Chen Danchen an orphan? When did you have a family member?

"This is... Danchen's grandmother?" Ge Aunt looked at the old lady in surprise.

"Yeah, our Danchen is not an orphan. It was just lost with my family. Now I recognize it!" said Mrs. Qi, who was very happy to say that she thought of the identity of the old man and the old lady. Have a good look!

Listening to her, Ge Ayi immediately believed, but some people in the masses did not believe it.

Some people think that it may be that Qi Jia feels that the identity of Yan Danchen is too thin, so he does not know where to find the person who is looking for it, posing as the mother of the morning.

Although this matter is unimaginable to ordinary people, but who knows the idea of ​​such a big family, it is so different.

At this time, the old man also came over. In front of the outsiders, the old man is still very demeanor.

Carrying that rude and elegant posture, it really is the same as in the news network.

"This is... how does this look so familiar?" Aunt Ge said, the more he looked at the old man, the more familiar he was, the more he felt like he had seen it somewhere, but he didn’t remember clearly. Nothing is too deep.

Mrs. Qi’s waist was straight and she immediately took the opportunity to show off. She introduced it enthusiastically. “Come here, everyone knows, this is my family, our grandfather of Danchen, Yan Lichuan. It is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The one who had won the Fields Prize before, went to the news network! I should have been in the United States now, but I heard that Dan Chen is the granddaughter they have been looking for. If they don’t say anything, they will come back. Now, I just got off the plane today."

Although the old lady is not the person who looks at the middle door, but if the other person's family is innocent and can get a hand, who is not happy?

Just like the original, the marriage of Qi Chengzhi and Qi Chenglin broke the heart. It was said that Qi Chengzhi and Qi Chenglin were afraid that they would not be married in this life. As a result, Qi Chengzhi suddenly brought Song Yu back.

The old lady can immediately take Song Yu and go out for a circle, introducing people to it, showing off her grandson and having a wife. Later, Qi Chenglin brought her back to the morning, and was dragged out by the old lady for a walk.

Now that my own family is so powerful, it is a scientist who is especially respected. The old lady is more eager to show off.

As the old lady said, Ge Ayi and Aunt Wang, and even other aunts have some impressions, and the old men who passed through this time, usually have no other hobbies at home, they love to read a news.

They don’t have any impressions of the stars, but for such high-energy people, they just like young people knowing stars.

At this time, the old lady reminded me that the old man had already thought of it first.

Uncle Ge and Uncle Wang decisively opened their own companions, and they squeezed over. One person holding a hand of the old man, it was like holding a baby, not letting go.

"Hey, oh, hello, hello, long time," said Grandpa Ge.

"I didn't expect that the characters in the news network were actually in front of me." Uncle Wang moved and cried.

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