MTL - Ultimate Star Card Master-Chapter 3 Transformation Realm Enlightenment Card

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  Chapter 3 Transformation Realm Enlightenment Card

"Jingle Bell…"

  The school bell rang.

   "Let's end get out of class," Yang Jun put away the textbooks, looked at the students below, and said with a smile, "Happy winter vacation!"

  The students in the classroom cheered immediately.

   "Okay, winter vacation is here!"

   "It's a holiday, it's a holiday!"

   "Xiaofang, how about going to have a dinner tonight, and then go to script production?"


  The month-long winter vacation is coming up, so the students in the class are very excited.

  Seeing that the students were so excited, Yang Jun couldn't help reminding: "The holidays are the holidays, don't let your cultivation fall behind, and the college entrance examination is about to take place in one semester.

   In addition, don't forget the joint trial with other middle schools at the beginning of next semester, prepare well and practice your skills more. "

  The Middle School Joint Trial is a trial for the students of the Star Apprentice Class in the entire Guangchuan City. All students from Guangchuan No. 1 Middle School to No. 12 Middle School who have awakened their soul cards will participate, and it is estimated that there will be nearly a thousand people.

   If you can achieve good results in the trial, there will be rewards from the Guangchuan City Education Bureau.

   "Don't worry, Class Yang, you won't be left behind in your cultivation!"

   "That's right, when the time comes, let the other schools see how powerful we are!"


   Seeing that the students were still a little excited and looking forward to it, Yang Jun was not so optimistic.

  As far as the average level is concerned, No. 1 and No. 2 Middle Schools are strong, and they are steadily higher than the other middle schools. Therefore, only No. 1 and No. 2 Middle Schools have the chance to get the highest award from the Guangchuan Education Bureau over the years.

  In addition, the trial was carried out in a secret realm, and there were many real bronze star beasts among them, and there might be casualties at that time, it was not that simple.

  Yang Jun shook his head slightly, turned and left.

  Most of the students in the classroom were not in a hurry to leave. They gathered together in twos and threes to discuss things like winter vacation dinners and outings.

  However, one person walked through the crowd without hesitation, followed Yang Jun, and left the classroom quickly.

   It was Su Yuan.

  Su Yuan was excited, because at the moment when the school bell rang at six o'clock, the number of stardust on the system panel also increased to 10!

  Su Yuan couldn't bear it anymore, he quickly walked out of school, got on the light rail and went home.

  Su Yuan lives in an ordinary residential complex in the northern suburbs of the city, called Four Seasons Garden, the highest floor is only the sixth floor.

   After nearly an hour, Su Yuan finally arrived at home.

   "Mom, I'm back!"

  As soon as Su Yuan entered the door, he greeted him as usual, and at the same time quickly changed into slippers.

   Immediately, the voice of mother Tang Shiyan came from the kitchen: "Xiaoyuan, we have to wait for a while..."

   "Mom, I'm going to practice today, don't worry about me, you and Dad will eat first!"

  Before Su Yuan finished speaking, he suppressed his excitement and rushed into the bedroom.

  Su's mother hurried out of the kitchen with a shovel, looking at Su Yuan who had already closed the door, her face could not help showing a bit of distress...

  In the bedroom.

Su Yuan sat on the desk by the window, stretched out his right hand, and under a little bit of star power, a white card appeared in his hand. The white light lingered on the card, faintly exuding a strong star power coercion. Very unusual.

  【Soul Enlightenment Card (Normal): Consummation Level (can be strengthened)】

"let's start!"

   Without waiting any longer, Su Yuan tightly held the card in his hand, calling out in his heart with a bit of excitement and trepidation: "System, strengthen this soul-inspiring card!"

   After half a second of silence, dots of blue fluorescent starlight dust gushed out of Su Yuan's right hand out of thin air, and quickly gathered towards the soul-initiating card in his hand.

  The starlight dust flickered on the card surface, then submerged into it and disappeared, and the soul-enlightening card burst out with an extremely strong white halo!

  【Soul Enlightenment Card (Normal): Level 6】

   "Finally, the sixth-level soul-initiating card!" Su Yuan's right hand holding the soul-initiating card couldn't help trembling.

  Before, I was worried about whether I would be able to advance to the sixth level above Consummation this time, but fortunately, I finally succeeded.

  The sixth-level soul-inspiring card, Su Yuan has never heard of a soul-inspiring card of this level! After all, generally speaking, the Consummation level is already the highest proficiency level of a star card!

  Since the Soul Enlightenment Card can be strengthened to the sixth level, can other star cards also be strengthened to the sixth level?


  Su Yuan tried to say: "System, change the 'sixth level' above consummation to 'transformation realm'."

  The information on the Soul Enlightenment Card on the system panel was slightly blurred, and it had already changed to [Soul Enlightenment Card (Normal): Transformation].

   "Fairly human."

  Su Yuan nodded, his eyes fell on the star card, and his heart was filled with uncontrollable excitement.

   After waiting for so long, finally, I will see the results today!

  Forcibly suppressing the ups and downs of his mind, Su Yuan took a deep breath, urging the star power in his body to rush towards the soul card.

   "Come on, let me see what kind of effect the Transformation Realm's Soul Enlightenment Card has! Is it worth the extra half a year to complete the Ascension Realm?"

  With the infusion of star power, the brilliance on the Soul Enlightenment Card flourished, and a substantial starlight instantly jumped out of the card surface and shot into Su Yuan's chest, reaching the depths of the soul.

  A strange feeling welled up in his heart, and Su Yuan couldn't help closing his eyes.

  Under the action of the Soul Enlightenment Card, strips of pure white light jumped out from the depths of the soul, and gradually formed a cocoon of light under the dense intertwining, as if something was about to be conceived.

  Su Yuan's forehead was covered with fine sweat, and the corners of his mouth turned slightly white, as if he was undergoing ultra-high-intensity training, and his physical and mental strength were being consumed rapidly.

   "The awakening process usually lasts for three minutes, and it passes quickly..."

   This was mentioned in class, and it is common sense that every star apprentice class student knows.

  During the awakening process, the power of the soul-initiating card will guide the astral disciples to explore the nature, potential and limit of their own soul, and the soul card will be bred in the light cocoon step by step, which consumes a lot of mental and physical energy.

  However, the longer this process lasts, the more potential is discovered, and usually the stronger the awakened soul card will be.

  The average person is three or four minutes, five minutes is more talented, and it is difficult to find one in Guangchuan City with six minutes.

   As for more than seven minutes, not to mention Guangchuan City, it is rare in the entire Dayan City.

One minute,

three minutes,

five minutes,


   I don't know how long it took, Su Yuan only felt that his consciousness was going to be blurred, but the awakening was not completed, so he could only grit his teeth and persist.

   "After traveling to such an extraordinary world, if you can't master the extraordinary power, how can you be reconciled?"

   "Persevere, never fall down here!"

"persist in!"

"persist in!"


   "Ka Ka..."

  At eight minutes and six seconds, a silver crack suddenly appeared on the light cocoon that was continuously accumulating soul power, and then dense cracks appeared continuously.

A moment later, accompanied by a dazzling silver-white brilliance, a blue bird with indifferent silver pupils and a whole body as if carved from blue glass broke out of its cocoon. After a low cry, it turned into an intangible miniature card The card is embedded in the star power cyclone on the chest.

   "It's done!" Su Yuan's tense nerves suddenly relaxed.

   At this moment, the rather mechanical voice of the system sounded from the bottom of Su Yuan's heart:

   "It is detected that the host has successfully awakened the soul card, and now the points are opened..."

  However, at this time, Su Yuan's consciousness had reached its limit, he just faintly heard the vague voice of the system, his eyes went dark, and he fell down on the bed as soon as he raised his head...

  (end of this chapter)