MTL - Unbridled Medical Expert Consort: Demon Prince, Be Good-Chapter 16 Crazy city

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Five days later.

In the small courtyard where Luo Qing lived, it was still simple.

The blue brick streaks on the ground, the walls of the door are also mottled, and have not changed because Luo Qingying made a lot of money. It is not that she can't afford it, but she is not willing to be found abnormal by others, especially Luo Qingshuang mother and daughter, otherwise she is afraid of trouble.

After calculating the first transaction with Li Boss, the first one will have one thousand two. As for the follow-up, the result of the two consultations is based on sales profits. As a person who provided the original version, Luo Qingyi played a decisive role, and she could not find a hundred flavors of study, but she could find another family to cooperate, so Li boss had no choice but to give her a 40% profit.

Just now, Li’s boss sent another person to send the first sales profit. It’s just that Luo Qing’s side is divided into four thousand two. It’s conceivable that her best book and the **** painting in the city caused a lot of sensation.

As for the reputation of Luo Qingshuang and Nan Gongchen...

In the hall of the generals, Nangongchen and Luocheng, who are coming for this event, are generally dark.

"What the **** is going on? You said! It's a shame..." Los Angeles was furious and stared at the baby daughter Luo Qingshuang in the next position.

This matter was transmitted from yesterday, but only one day, the entire capital has been rumored. Originally thought that it was just a joke of some boring people, a scent of words, this book is more, and it is simply not elegant.

But today, after the morning and evening, a colleague of the same class took Luocheng to the side, asked him with a smirk, and handed a book over, and Luocheng knew what had happened.

The great lady of the generals, his most beloved daughter Luo Qingshuang, was actually written into the book, and together with the five emperors Nangong Chen, compiled a nasty story for people to enjoy. Although there is no name in the book, but it is also a general, it is also Missy, but changed the name, who can not see it!

The book details how the great lady is coquettish, how to seduce the five emperors, the scenes described are unsightly, and also have a full set of **** albums. When I thought of the eyes of my peers at that time, Luocheng had almost a **** face. If the protagonist of this matter was still involved in the noble five princes, he would almost be tempted to pack up a Luo Qingshuang.

"This has something to do with our frost, she is also a victim!" Wang Xueru, the wife of the side, quickly defended her daughter: "Master, how can you spread the fire to the frost?"

"Hey, my daughter has no face to see anyone! Hehe..."

The crying pear flower raining Luo Qing cream almost fainted in Wang Xueru's arms, and could not breathe. She couldn’t think of this happening. How can she go out and see the Miss Princess, the royal family!

"Five princes, you have to be the master of our frost! This fact is... even the five emperors are involved, who is so daring to get out?"

Los Angeles is anxious, this kind of thing is the biggest damage to a girl who has not been out of the cabinet. It can be regarded as a disaster. If it is not handled well, don't say that there is no face to see people. The entire generals can't lift their heads!

Gloomy face, Nangong Chen can almost imagine that this matter once the father knows, how bad for him!

Originally, he was not favored by his father. He rarely smiled at him. If his brothers took the opportunity to use this matter, he was afraid that he could not keep the name of the five emperors!

He has sent people to the study to check, but unfortunately the boss is fine, and he does not say anything. Even his people played his name, and the boss moved directly out of his own backstage. Damn, even a book does not lose to his backstage, and the book does not name him as a surname. If it is really true, is it not admitted in disguise?

"General Luo, this matter has spread throughout the capital, I am afraid that it will be impossible to press down."

Luocheng’s heart burst into a sigh, and he trembled: "Don't you have a way to even five emperors?"

Among the interests, Nangongchen has already considered it. Although this is quite a sensation, no one dares to speak face to face. The protagonist of this book is him and Luo Qingshuang. This is a lucky one.

Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. When thinking about the identity of Luo Qingshuang, and her usual docility and beauty, Nan Gongchen has made a decision. He turned to look at Los Angeles and said: "General Luo, to solve this problem, there is only one way to restore the reputation of the frost and the prince."

"What way?" Don't say Luocheng, even Luo Qingshuang and Wang Xueru are staring at Nangongchen.

"I went to the father and said, greet the frost, for me!"


In the warmth of the cabinet, the emperor of the West Chu State is sitting on the soft collapse, looking at the Nangongchen in front of him.

"What are you talking about? Say it again!"

The anger in the voice is clearly audible, and Nan Gongchen can imagine the face of the father at this time without looking up. However, he has to do this. This is the only way to solve this problem. It can not only eliminate the bad effects, but also allow him to regain the favor of his father.

So, even if you are stunned, Nangongchen will take a chance to try it. He smashed his head again and said: "Yes, the child asked the father to cancel the marriage between me and the general of the generals Luo Jia, who was named Luo Luo, who was named Luo."