MTL - Unlimited Bloodstone (Endless Bloodstone / Infinite Bloodcore)-Chapter 386 : Sanctuary-level behemoth

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Receiving the reminder from Ta Ling, the dragon boy immediately stopped and stopped in place.

Only then did he notice that the lights in the aisle were dim, and the entire Deep Sea Monster Fish was very quiet.

The dragon boy asked, "Taling, what happened?"

Taling replied: "At present, the coordinates of the ship are unknown. The fairy tale of the mermaid artifact has changed. It is estimated that the possibility of teleportation is 99%, the possibility of falling into a super-large illusion is 0.8%, and the remaining possibility is 0.2%. Captain, I suggest you check the logbook."

There are many forms of logbooks on the Deep Sea Monster Fish, and almost every moment is recorded.

The dragon boy stepped lightly and came to the cockpit.

Standing in front of the alchemy control panel, the dragon boy quickly read the logbook.

It wasn't long before he found himself unconscious.

Only a few hours.

"What happened when I passed out?"

The magic video starts playing.

He saw the fierce battle between Feng Lian and the three gold ranks.

Of course, this scene was recorded by the Deep Sea Monster Fish, but the dragon boy was in the Kamikaze at that time and didn't know it.

"Fenglian's combat power is so amazing!"

"So it was Fenglian's attack..."

The dragon boy quickly saw that he broke through the hull of the Kamikaze and rushed into the sea.

But the next moment, a cyan-colored wind chased after him and entered his body.

The young dragonman saw that his body shook and he was lifeless.

The body of the dragon boy sank into the sea slowly, but soon, the Deep Sea Monster Fish dispatched deep-sea salvage crews to bring the silent dragon boy back into the ship.

During this process, **** light flickered on the dragon boy's body.

"Did the blood core activate?" The dragon boy was shocked.

He is too familiar with such brilliance.

"So, I was almost killed. It was the blood core that activated and repaired the damaged organs in my body."

"Can this mysterious alchemy treasure be opened automatically?"

"Is it aware of the life crisis of the host, so it will be activated spontaneously?"

When that gust of wind hit, the dragon boy noticed it.

But it was inside the Kamikaze at that time, so there was no such segment in the magic image of the Deep Sea Monster Fish.

However, the young dragon man was quite impressed with this breeze!

Because when he sneaked into the kamikaze pirate ship, he was wearing an alchemy goggle.

This alchemy tool was given to the dragon boy by Buquan. It can detect and mark the threat level with different colors.

This treasure is quite practical, and it gave the former a lot of help in the battle between the dragon boy and Fuji Dongrou.

This time sneaking in, the dragon boy will certainly not give up such practical alchemy props.

Of course, it is now given the same treatment as the Grand Arena Medal and the Golden Silk Chain Armor, and it has been blessed with the Deception and Camouflage and Anti-Reconnaissance and Prophecy skills.

A wisp of breeze seems insignificant, but in the field of vision of the young dragon man, it turns purple to black!

The threat level of the windshield markings is white, green, yellow, red, and purple, from small to large.

Purple is the highest level, indicating that the combat power far exceeds the user, and retreat is the first suggestion.

That ray of breeze was no longer purple, but so purple that it couldn't be more purple, and it had already turned black.

Therefore, after the dragon boy discovered it for the first time, he broke the boat and fled without even thinking about it.

As a result, he still did not escape the blow.

"If there is no blood core, I'm afraid I'm dead!" The dragon boy was afraid for a while.

The dragon boy was sent back to the ship, and the yellow crab alchemist rushed over immediately, stretched out his crab-like legs, checked the dragon boy, and judged the result.

The dragon boy received some treatment and was sent to his personal captain's room to rest.

And just when the alchemy puppet exited the captain's room, a burst of blue-white light burst out suddenly, filling the entire Deep Sea Monster Fish.

Recording in the logbook is also suspended here.

The dragon boy remembered Ta Ling's previous answer, and immediately called up the magic image in another cabin just before.

The fairy tale of the mermaid, the artifact in the cabin, is indeed the source of the burst of blue and white light.

Before the brilliance erupted, the artifact trembled violently, and there was a sharp and ear-piercing noise. The sound was made by fingernails scratching glass.

"Ta Ling is right, it's this artifact again!" the dragon boy gave a wry smile.

The fairy tale of the mermaid has changed before.

At that time, there was a big scuffle on Shuangyan Island.

After the change of the mermaid's fairy tale, the key disguise of the murloc was cracked, and by accident, the survivors reaped real benefits.

This time there was another change.

"According to Ta Ling's analysis, the entire ship has been teleported to an unknown location."

The dragon boy continued to check the logbook for the next period of time.

In the magic image is the scene of the Deep Sea Monster Fish investigating the outside world.

Thus, the dragon boy saw a "mountain".

"Snow Mountain".

He couldn't help taking a breath, what kind of snow mountain is this, it's clearly a giant snow-white beast as huge as a mountain.

The breath of life emanating from the giant beast made his heart sink even more.

Sanctuary level!

"What is this sanctuary-level behemoth?"

"The surrounding area is filled with sea water, indicating that it is still in the sea."

"But the light is very bright, not from the giant beast..."

"This, my God!"

The magic video continued to play, allowing the young dragonman to see the environment where the snow-capped giant beast lived.

He couldn't help opening his mouth slightly, his face full of shock.

Lord of Snowbird Harbor.

The brilliance in the banquet hall is more abundant than the mysterious place where the dragon boy is.

The food exudes aroma and the music is melodious.

The guests gathered in twos and threes, glancing now and then into the same corner as they talked.

There, almost all the most important figures in Snowbird Harbor were concentrated at this time.

The city lord of Snowbird Port, the bishop of Seabird, Zongge, Zidi, and the two naval commanders Kongpan and Yueqian.

Introduced by the city lord of Snow Bird Port, Zong Ge saluted and said hello.

Kongpan smiled, and looked Zongge up and down: "Captain Dragon Clothes, kill the gold-level with the silver-level, your reputation has spread all over the country now."

Zong Ge immediately said: A large part of this record comes from the city lord of Snowbird Port. It was precisely because of the equipment he voluntarily lent, which enhanced his combat power, that he managed to kill Fujifuyuro at the last moment.

This answer made the city lord of Snowbird Port's smile even bigger.

Zi Di held the wine glass and stood aside, smiling.

Zong Ge's answer like this was of course not his original intention. It was Zidi who predicted the content of the conversation in advance and gave it to Zongge in advance.

Zong Ge followed the instructions, and now he can barely cope with the situation.

"I'm a little tired, you young people should talk to each other." After talking for a few words, Kongpan frowned slightly, expressing his intention to leave.

She has injuries and is receiving treatment.

On the contrary, it was the leap from injury to death, because the resurrection technique was fully restored, and now he is very healthy.

The city lord of Snowbird Port quickly stated that a room had been prepared for empty disks.

But Kong Pan shook his head and laughed at himself: "I'm still on the boat, I feel more at ease. I'm old, this may be a bad habit of the elderly."

"Master Kongpan, please forgive me, I don't know if I can have a chat with you alone. Is it okay to delay you for a few minutes?" Seeing this, Zi Di hurriedly said.

The empty plate was about to leave, breaking her plan, and she had to act.

According to the inquired information, Zhijiansha is an outsider recruited by the Lijian family. Although Yueqian is the mainstay in the future, he is almost always in the military and rarely handles government affairs.

If the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group wanted to gain the support of the Lijian family, they had to start with Kongpan.

Kongpan looked around slightly, and glanced at the city lord of Snowbird Port.

The city lord of Snowbird Port quickly responded with a smile.

Kongpan nodded reluctantly: "Come with me, before I leave the city lord's mansion and board the carriage, I hope you can speak clearly."

In her opinion, Zidi is just a silver-level mage, and also a member of a small mercenary group. Even if she has a background as an arms dealer, she is not qualified to let her stay for a few more minutes.

Zi Di quickly thanked her, gave Zong Ge a look before leaving, and then hurriedly accompanied Kong Pan out of the banquet hall.

Zidi first complimented Kongpan, but saw Kongpan's eyes were indifferent and expressionless.

She said that she had prepared some supplies to reward the Kingdom's Second Navy.

This made Kong Pan a little interested.

Because she knew that behind the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group was an arms dealer.

But after inquiring, she was disappointed to find that what the dragon and lion mercenary group presented was only a batch of dragon power riding potions.

Zidi didn't rush, and when the empty plate boarded the carriage, she handed out a storage money bag, which contained 50,000 gold coins.

Take the money bag empty, UU reading www. Only then did smile, but he didn't invite Zi Di to board the carriage: "It's getting late, but we will rest in Snowbird Harbor for three days."

After receiving this response, Zidi's heart was clear, and she watched the carriage disappear at the end of the street. Then she turned around and re-entered the banquet hall.

It turned out that the atmosphere in the dinner hall had changed drastically.

There is no one dancing on the dance floor.

Zong Ge and Yue Qian stood in the middle of the dance floor, facing each other. Both sides held weapons, and the battle was about to break out.

"What, what's going on? How long have I been away!" Zi Di was shocked.

I was late, there was nothing I could do, the internet was suddenly disconnected, and I had already reported it for repair.

(end of this chapter)

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