MTL - Urban Cultivation Medical Saint-Chapter 11 someone is looking for trouble

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   Chapter 11 Someone is looking for trouble

   "What's going on? What's the noise like?"

   At this moment, a man in his 40s in a white coat walked out of the crowd with a majestic look and frowned slightly, as if he didn't like this noisy scene very much. You know, this is the city center hospital, so noisy, what kind of words! ?

"It's Zheng Yi, Dr. Zheng. He is an expert in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Central Hospital, and he is a deputy chief physician. Everyone please calm down, calm down." Someone recognized the identity of the person and shouted immediately, for fear of causing this Dr. Zheng Yi. The unhappiness affects the subsequent medical treatment. Obviously, many of them came for this Doctor Zheng.

   Generally speaking, no matter what the major departments of the top three hospitals, the level of their doctors is from top to bottom, and they are divided into chief physicians, deputy chief physicians, attending physicians, and resident physicians.

Among them, the attending doctor is undoubtedly the top expert in each department, and is truly qualified to be named an expert, while the deputy chief doctor, although a little inferior, is definitely a very powerful person. Just two or three.

In particular, the situation in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Central Hospital is quite special. Except for Xu Zhenxing and Dr. Xu, the chief doctor, there is no one else. Therefore, Zheng Yi, who is second only to Dr. Xu at the deputy chief doctor level, Dr. Zheng, of course, is also a well-known figure in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

   Looking at the scene that quickly quieted down in front of him, Zheng Yi nodded with satisfaction, and then saw him ask the resident doctor who stopped Chen Fei, "Xiao Zhu, what's going on?"

  The resident doctor was smart all over, pointed to Chen Fei, and whispered: "Dr. Zheng, he seems to be the person recommended by Liu Changqing and Dr. Liu yesterday."

   "It was him?"

Zheng Yi heard the words, there was a vague coldness and a mocking look in his eyes, and then he saw him glance at Fade Chen indifferently, and said lightly: "Doctor Xu and I mentioned about you, he has something to do today. , I'll come back later, come to my outpatient department first. I have something to tell you."

   After he finished speaking, he didn't pay attention to anything else and walked straight to his outpatient department.


   Fade Chen looked at the back with a slight frown, because he clearly felt that the eyes of the other party looking at him were full of hostility and disdain. It seems that it is not so simple for me to successfully join the Chinese Medicine Department of this central hospital.

   However, after following him, he shook his head indifferently, a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and walked towards the other party's outpatient department.

  If it were other things, he probably wouldn't be so confident, but this Chinese medicine doctor, he really wouldn't be afraid of anyone now!

  If he can't even handle this small battle, he will be in vain for the master of the cultivation world.

   "Sit first."

When he came to Zheng Yi's outpatient room, the other party was already sitting on the rocking chair behind the table, and he saw Fade Chen with a scrutiny look, and then said lightly: "Let's talk about it first, and introduce myself. ."

   Chen Fei felt a little pressure from the scrutinizing eyes, but then he calmed down, raised his head, looked at the other party and said, "Doctor Zheng, my name is Chen Fei, I graduated from the Department of Medicine of Beishan Normal University."

   "Beishan Normal University? Then where did you learn from, but are you a famous master or national player in China?" Zheng Yi immediately frowned and said coldly. Beishan Normal University Department of Medicine, what is that? Just relying on that kind of third-rate garbage university, how could it possibly be eligible to enter my central hospital?

   "Neither, my master is just an ordinary person. As far as I know, he is not very famous." Of course, Fade Chen couldn't say anything about the inheritance of experts in the cultivation world, he said vaguely.


As soon as this remark came out, Dr. Zheng Yi immediately became angry, and said to Chen Fei in an extremely mocking and disdainful tone: "Just an ordinary person like you who graduated from a third-rate university, you still want to come to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of my Central Hospital. Official doctor? Do you know Chinese medicine, and do you know what Chinese medicine and acupuncture are? People like you treat patients. If something goes wrong, who will be responsible?"

Chen Fei frowned, although he was unhappy in his heart, he still resisted his emotions and explained: "Doctor Zheng, I have been studying Chinese medicine with my master since I was a child, and it has been more than ten years since I was a child, so I still have more confidence in Chinese medicine. !"

"To shut up!"

However, Dr. Zheng interrupted him directly and arrogantly, and sneered: "More than ten years? Do you know how long I have been practicing Chinese medicine? Forty years, even I dare not say that I have full confidence in Chinese medicine, just With a hairy boy like you, what qualifications do you have to say such a thing! Let me tell you, for a guy like you who has no real material and is self-righteous, our Chinese medicine department does not welcome!"

After a slight pause, he said coldly: "Also, let me tell you, don't think that if you find Dr. Liu as a backer, you will be able to come here in this central hospital! He Liu Changshan may be qualified to cover the sky in the cardiovascular department, but you have to be clear, This is the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, don't come to the wrong place!"

   Hearing this, Chen Fei's face became completely gloomy, because he had heard that the other party was targeting him at all, maybe it was related to the recommendation of Dr. Liu Changshan!

"Doctor Zheng, although you are a senior in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, you don't seem to be qualified to intervene in the matter of whether I am admitted to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine? And last night, Dr. Liu had already communicated with Dr. Xu about this matter. I just need to pass the level of Doctor Xu, as for you..."

   Although Chen Fei didn't finish his words, the sarcasm that was already on his lips was probably a person who could hear it completely.

   Although, the other party is a doctor at the deputy director level of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Central Hospital. No matter his seniority, background, or backing, he is probably more strict than him.

   But since the other party is already targeting him without any cover, there is no need to bow down. The big deal is that if you don’t do it, it’s fine. If you don’t keep people here, you will keep others!


"What did you say!?"

  Then Dr. Zheng Yi Zheng got angry all of a sudden. He didn't expect that Chen Fei would dare to speak to him in such a tone, and he also said that he was not qualified. This is simply, this is simply not taking him seriously.

"Get out of here! Now, get out of here! If you let me see you in this Chinese medicine department again, don't blame me for calling the security guard to shoot you out!" He roared at Fade Chen, even preparing to call Man, blow Fade Chen out!

   "Doctor Zheng is not good, something happened to Mr. Gao! Come and have a look!" However, at this moment, someone suddenly broke into Zheng Yi's outpatient room.

   "Gao Shao? Which one?"

   "It's the son of Gao Zhinan Gao of the Canghai Group! It is said that he was eating out when the wall collapsed, and he was buried in it. Although he was rescued now, the situation is very serious and he is now in the emergency room."

   Zheng Yi was shocked when he heard the words, and immediately became nervous. He quickly took out his toolbox and instructed the resident doctor: "Quick, take me there now!"

Gao Zhinan, the CEO of Canghai Group in Beishan City, under his name, the supermarket chain, restaurants and other industries are worth more than one billion yuan. He can rank among the top few in Beishan City, and he has an extraordinary background. He has donated bad medical equipment to the hospital. Zheng Yi Of course not to neglect.

   Of course, in fact, when it comes to things like landslides hurting people, generally speaking, the Western medicine department has taken over.

  However, how could he miss such a golden opportunity to please the boss of Canghai Group! ? If you can hug that kind of thigh, wouldn't it be hairy?

"Also, ask the security guard to kick him out for me. Our central hospital doesn't allow such idle people to come in and hang out!" And the guy fantasized about how he could easily cure the young master and climbed up the Canghai Group. A thigh, while not forgetting to let Fade Chen be blasted out.

   To actually dare to talk to him like this, Zheng Yi, is really asking for a dead end!

"You heard it too, young man. This is what Dr. Zheng meant, please." Hearing Dr. Zheng's words, the resident doctor immediately spoke to Fade Chen in a businesslike tone, but his eyes were full of abuse. .

   "You don't need to ask me, I'll go by myself."

   Chen Fei declined the other party's "kindness" and left the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Central Hospital with an ugly face, and went down from the fifth, sixth, and seventh floors of the treatment building.

Although, after he obtained the inheritance of the experts in the cultivation world and successfully cultivated to the first floor of "Zit and Forget Sutra", he didn't care much about whether he could work in this central hospital. After being driven out, the nature is different, making him feel very uncomfortable, even a little humiliated.

   "Bah, I'll let you know how powerful it is one day!" Fade Chen gritted his teeth and silently took this matter into his heart. That's how men are, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years!

   Suddenly, the classic Nokia bell rang in his trousers bag. Fade Chen took it out and took a look, but it was actually Liu Changshan who called him.

   "Doctor Liu..."

   Chen Fei answered the phone, and before he could say anything, he was interrupted directly by the other party, only to hear the other party eagerly say: "Xiao Fei, are you in the hospital now!?"

  Are you in the hospital? Chen Fei was stunned for a while, and then he realized that the other party was asking if he was in the central hospital.

"I am here."

"Okay, come to the door of the outpatient department building now. I'll be waiting for you here. Hurry up. There is a patient whose condition is very serious. Even I'm not sure. Come and have a look with me." That Liu The doctor spoke anxiously.

  A patient is in a serious condition?

   Chen Fei's eyes flashed slightly, thinking of the resident doctor and the 'Gao Shao' in the mouth of Zheng Yi, could it be him...

   (end of this chapter)