MTL - Urban Demon Slayer-Chapter 1082 Tiger Fighting Brothers

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At the same time, a roar came from the woods not far away, followed by a long trunk that was rolled up high, and a figure visible to the naked eye was lifted into the air. Clearly, it's not Song Epee!

It's too late to tell if it's a blindfold.

Even if it is a trick, this battle must be fought!

Wang Qianchen rushed up first, followed by Chen Wanhe, Wei Zihua, Song Anping and Ta Jiuzhou, each holding an artifact and frantically attacking the people in black robes around.

Wang Qianchen opened the map of mountains and rivers, and the towering mountains, fierce birds of prey, and the vast sea roared out; Chen Wanhe pulled out the Tiangang sword, and countless raindrops circled in front of him; Wei Zihua cut out the Qingyun sword, the sword The air was wrapped in black wind and raging fire madly; Song Anping showed off the Sword of Immortal Slaying, and the dazzling streamer was dazzling; stepping on Jiuzhou raised the talisman of Hunyuan Yiqi Taiqing, and the dense runes like tadpoles suddenly turned into countless swords.

Of course, the other party is not a vegetarian. Fourteen divine envoys started working together, fourteen golden cicada lamps were lit together, and countless golden lights suddenly illuminated the forest and the sky!

The sounds of "Boom boom boom" and "rumble boom" were heard all of a sudden, so many top-level peaks went to war together, all the trees and rocks were shattered, and the water was mixed with mud, strong wind, flame, golden light, sword energy, The sword gang... reverberates over the forest on this side, this is the real end of the world!

There are too few people on Wang Qianchen's side, only five.

Opposite, there are fourteen.

Just like what they had planned before, each person can deal with at most two, and Ta Kyushu has two divine weapons, and can barely deal with three-everyone has a very clear and clear understanding of their own combat power.

Because they were obviously inferior to the other party in terms of numbers, Wang Qianchen's side was clearly at a disadvantage from the very beginning.

"Evacuate first! Evacuate first! Come and save Commander Song later!" Wei Zihua yelled.

As soon as several people heard it, they understood what his idea was, and then quickly flew towards the Daxia border. They thought that even if they retreated, they would have to go through a fierce battle. Who knew that the other party had no intention of chasing after them. When they saw that they were going to Daxia, they stopped and did not catch up.

"I'm waiting for you!" The **** envoy Zimo was standing above India and laughed.

Daxia border, Mingla Mountain.

"Are they really unable to enter Daxia?" Song Anping asked with a frown.

"Not necessarily, I always feel that they are making an idea, it seems that they want to attract more people from our side!" Wang Qianchen said solemnly.

"I know it's a trap, so I have to jump in!" Wei Zihua gritted his teeth and said, "I can't help but save Commander Song!"


Knowing that the other party had bad intentions, he had to fight with all his strength.

"I'm going to call some helpers to come here!" Wei Zihua was holding the Soul Evocation Pen and disappeared in place.

"I'm also called [Tianqi]." Chen Wanhe took out his mobile phone and called a few of his subordinates.

"Then I'll call the people from the [Wan Yaohui]." Ta Jiuzhou temporarily put aside his prejudice against the [Monster Slayer] and called Feng Jiujiu and Bai Kuanghai.

And Wang Qianchen, as the deputy commander-in-chief of [Monster Slayer], called all the mountain people, the head of the family, and the head of the clan, and ordered them to come to Mingla Mountain in the Tibetan area no matter what method they used.

Taking advantage of this time, Song Anping came to Wang Qianchen's side.

Although the two brothers look exactly the same and even dress a bit alike, after a long time, everyone can still tell them apart from their demeanor, tone and movement.

"Why do you have to get involved?" Song Anping raised his eyebrows in a very unkind tone.

"It's not big or small, so can't you call me brother first?" Wang Qianchen squinted at him.

"...Brother, why do you have to get involved?" Song Anping still raised his eyebrows.

"Because I'm the deputy commander of [Monster Slayer]!" Wang Qianchen raised his head and looked very proud.

"...Do you know why I have to keep you?" Song Anping gritted his teeth and said, "Our mother passed away early, and our father fell ill again. In ancient times, we even knew how to keep a seedling for the family, so why don't you? Do you understand this?"

"Fighting tiger brothers, fighting father and son soldiers, we try not to die, and go back to visit our father together." Wang Qianchen said seriously.

"I'm definitely not going to die. At most, I'll be sucked away by [Tian Prison]! But you, what should you do if you die? What should my father do!" Song Anping said, getting a little excited and grabbing Wang Qianchen collar.

"If I die..." Wang Qianchen looked at him: "I don't care which immortal you are in the sky, you have to remember that you have a father in the world..."

"Fuck you!" Song Anping finally couldn't help scolding: "I'm a **** queen, how can I still have time to deal with all these things! One day in the sky, one year on earth, you know, the world is nothing but a white horse for us. Not worth mentioning! You are not allowed to die, you know?"

"...Understood." Wang Qianchen didn't want to quarrel anymore, so he could only agree.